Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin underwater lingering, wet body battle quite like a mermaid

Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin poster

Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin underwater lingering

Fan Bingbing Wet Hot Shot MV

    On the afternoon of the 12th, Fan Bingbing and Chen Bolin filmed the theme song MV for the film "Guanyin Mountain" that will be released on March 4th. In order to create the shocking beauty and emotional torn effect of the water MV, the two have been practicing nervously until the media visit. "Fan Ye", who has always been atmospheric, still seems very nervous. The two who are soaked all over the body bluntly said in an interview with the media that the water is not good, and they are not in the mood to talk about love. They just want to seize all the time to practice nervously. Fan Bingbing is doing enough insurance work for underwater shooting, chest stickers, swimwear and light gauze. In the next two or three days, Fan Bingbing will also challenge the high difficulty of singing in the water. The help of Han Han and Fan Xiaoxuan makes her confident. As for the song title director Li Yuhe and the producer Fang Li refused to disclose, and his blunt words were still being kept secret.
Fan Bingbing, Chen Bolin underwater lingering MV stills beautiful psychedelic 

    The help of Han Han and Fan Xiaoxuan makes the theme song of "Guanyin Mountain" full of mystery. In the latest set of underwater stills, the mermaid-like Fan Bingbing is dressed in pink tulle and lingers underwater with the male lead Chen Bolin. The picture is beautiful and romantic, full of psychedelic atmosphere. Due to the strict requirements of director Li Yu, the two can only dive into the water repeatedly to hold hands and move forward. The difficulty is too high, which causes the two to surface repeatedly for great ventilation, soaking in water for 10 hours. In order to have a super stunning MV for this work that has won him the award of the Tokyo Film Festival, and to thank his friends for their support, Fan Bingbing admits that hardship and fatigue are not the main problems. He hopes that the theme song and film can be recognized by young people.

    On the afternoon of February 12, Fan Bingbing secretly appeared in a studio in the suburbs of Beijing and went wet with Chen Bolin, the male star of the movie "Guanyin Mountain", to shoot the MV for the theme song of the film. Fan Bingbing’s later work "Guanyin Mountain" has been confirmed to be officially released in the mainland on March 4. The theme song of the film was also specially invited to Fan Xiaoxuan to compose the music, Han Han wrote the lyrics, and Fan Bingbing sang. At the filming scene of the MV, Fan Bingbing and Chen Bolin played in the artificially built ultra-deep swimming pool, fulfilling the requirements of director Li Yu. Fan Bingbing, who tried to shoot in the pool for the first time and had poor swimming skills, was unable to enter the play because of insecurity. However, in order for this work that won him the award of the Tokyo Film Festival to have a super stunning MV, Fan Bingbing can be said to have spared no effort, even if the skills are not good, even if the exhaustion of swimming is completely ignored. However, after entering the state, Fan Bingbing is quite like a mermaid, showing the noble and pure beauty of the movie queen.

Han Han and Fan Xiaoxuan dedicated songs to "Guanyin Mountain"

    As Fan Bingbing’s post-title work, "Guanyin Mountain" has given Fan Bingbing a deeper affection than previous films. This time, for the theme song of the film, he and director Li Yu jointly recruited friends Fan Xiaoxuan and Han Han to help out. The two shared the lyrics and songs, while Fan Bingbing sang. Fan Bingbing played a wild and rebellious bar singer-in-residence in the film "Guanyin Mountain", challenging Fan Xiaoxuan’s song in the film. In the process of discussing the creation of the theme song with director Li Yu, he once again thought of inviting Fan Xiaoxuan to help out. As for Han Han’s help process, the crew said it would not be disclosed for the time being.

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Jackie Chan, China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador, talks about the star’s drug-related heart is very painful

Special Topic: June 26 International Day Against Drugs

International movie star Jackie Chan today became China’s anti-drug propaganda image ambassador, talking about the star’s drug-related heart is very painful

  On June 26, the International Anti-Drug Day, the National Narcotics Control Commission held a ceremony to hire international movie star Jackie Chan as China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador.

  Yang Fengrui, executive deputy director of the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission and director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, presented Jackie Chan with a letter of appointment and wore a ribbon. He hoped that Jackie Chan would actively exert his strong influence as a social celebrity, continue to care for and support the cause of drug control, and guide the public, especially young people, to resist drug abuse. International movie star Jackie Chan said that he would do his best to make more contributions to anti-drug publicity and education.

  Jackie Chan became an ambassador for China’s anti-drug propaganda image. For the first time, he appeared in Studio 12 of CCTV’s Social and Law Channel. In a special program on the June 26 International Anti-Drug Day covered by the rule of law in China, he revealed his heart. The following is the program transcript:

  Jackie Chan, China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador: They are also patients

  Host: Jackie Chan came to our studio today because he just received an appointment letter from China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador in the morning. This appointment letter should be said to be quite precious. I think you have many ambassadorial titles. What is the difference between this ambassador and others?

  Jackie Chan, China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador: Although I have a lot of ambassadors on my back, in fact, you don’t give me any ambassadorship, and I do the same job. Now give me this title to see you alone, I can’t do things, I really can’t do things, I rely on some officials below, some police officers, and the public to do it together, to report drug traffickers and help those who take drugs, because they are also patients.

  Three years after the start of the People’s War on Drugs, the proportion of young people infected with drugs has been greatly reduced

  Host: Well said, patient, this is a change in perspective and concept for the overall social cognition. Director Yang Fengrui, you awarded the letter of appointment this morning. Why did you choose Jackie Chan as the anti-drug image publicity ambassador?

  Yang Fengrui, executive deputy director of the National Drug Control Commission and director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security: Now the drug problem is relatively harmful, and the country is deploying the whole country to launch a war on drugs, which requires the extensive participation of the whole society. So it is very necessary for public figures and some celebrities to come out to participate in the public welfare cause of drug control and offer a love, so our National Drug Control Commission has specially selected some celebrities to be image ambassadors for drug control publicity

  Host: Just now I noticed that Bureau Yang mentioned a term called people’s war, which can be said to be a very strict and demanding attitude of the Chinese government towards drug control. Do you have any specific goals and arrangements for the next step to continue to deepen this people’s war?

  Yang Fengrui, Executive Deputy Director of the National Drug Control Commission and Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security: The people’s war on drugs has been going on for three years. In 2004, General Secretary Hu Jintao instructed that we should attach great importance to the harm of drugs and organize a people’s war on drug control and AIDS prevention to solve the drug problem. In this way, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have made arrangements to launch a people’s war on drugs across the country. After three years of efforts, we have achieved remarkable results in terms of prevention and education, drug rehabilitation, combating drug crimes, management of drug-producing substances, and international drug control cooperation. Now we are facing the drug problem, which is still not optimistic. There are five aspects that are relatively prominent. First, the problem of overseas drug inflow is still a very prominent problem. Second, the problem of making and selling methamphetamine and ecstasy pills in some areas of China Third, it is difficult to consolidate the withdrawal of traditional drugs from heroin. Fourth, the spread and development of new drugs has brought us some new problems. Fifth, chemicals, the rationing of raw materials for drug production, are still very prominent in the illegal flow.

  Related links:

  • National Drug Control Commission appoints Jackie Chan as China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador 2009-06-26
  • Seven small fortune 50 years together "premiere", Zhang Yishan and Jackie Chan play 2009-06-26
  • Zhou Xun and new boyfriend double night double flight? Once appeared at Jackie Chan’s birthday party together 2009-06-26