The price of "the most beautiful B-class hunting SUV" landing in Ice City is only 189,800 yuan.

  On December 25th, the launch conference of "Yue Xiang Pioneer" BYD "Song L" was held in Yintai City in Harbin. Dozens of mainstream media in the circle and many fans gathered at the scene to witness the "B-class pioneer hunting SUV"-"Song L" leading the tide in the ice city. The new car has launched four rear-drive models and one four-wheel drive model, with an official guide price of 189,800 yuan-249,800 yuan. In addition, there are six listed pet powder rights including the enjoyment of financial gifts and the enjoyment of new gifts!

  At the beginning of the conference, "Song L" came on stage with its unique avant-garde aesthetics. The unique hunting posture became the focus of the audience as soon as it appeared, which contributed a visual feast to the guests. At the press conference, Ren Jianjun, deputy director of the North Theater of BYD Dynasty Network, said in his speech: "As a high-end model of the Song family, the’ Song L’ is fully equipped at the beginning, and its face value, control, space, safety and intelligence are all full, plus the competitive listing price, the strength leads the new standard of the value of B-class pure electric SUV."

  In addition, in this release ceremony, Mr. An Yuning, the producer of Heilongjiang Metropolitan Channel, took the stage as a media representative to testify, which not only talked about the pioneering driving and control feelings brought by "Song L" from many angles, but also praised the pioneer of "Song L", saying that it lived up to the name of "the most beautiful B-class hunting SUV". At the same time, at the press conference, the first batch of car owners in Harbin also came to the scene at the request, and witnessed by all the staff, successfully concluded the delivery ceremony and officially became the pioneer partner of "Song L".

  With a full face value, you can enjoy the most beautiful hunting SUV.

  Yan value is justice! "Song L" won the reputation of "the most beautiful hunting SUV" as soon as it appeared. The moderately advanced style accurately hits the aesthetics of mainstream quality families.

  You want a low dive posture, yes! The dragon face design you want, there is! You have all the frameless doors, adaptive electric tail fins and wide tires! It is a visual feast!

  Too high a face value often makes people ignore the strength, but "Song L" perfectly combines pioneering design and functionality to truly achieve "beauty" and "material": the frameless door adopts double-layered laminated glass, and Fuyao’s top-grade steel glass technology brings better tightness and quietness; The adaptive electric tail can rise and fall with the speed, effectively reducing the drag coefficient, which is of great significance for improving endurance and handling performance; The standard tires with narrow front and wide back make it difficult for "Song L" to swing its tail when changing lanes at high speed, ensuring the safety of emergency avoidance.

  It is both a Yan value school and a strength school. Wherever "Song L" goes, it must be the focus of the audience!

  controlFull match,The three stars are full of "bottom" technology.?

  Song L "is based on E platform 3.0, with a maximum output power of 380kW, a peak torque of 670N·m, and a zero acceleration of 4.3 seconds; The efficient eight-in-one electric powertrain makes the energy consumption of "Song L" 100 kilometers as low as 12.8kW·h, and the longest cruising range can reach 662 kilometers, which not only drives fast, but also saves energy.

  What leaves the same class model far behind is its ultimate control. CTB battery body integration technology makes the body torsional stiffness reach 40,400 N m/,which is comparable to a million-level luxury SUV;; Yunqi -C breaks the long-standing monopoly of luxury brands on active body control system technology, allowing drivers and passengers to enjoy driving while taking into account comfort; Together with iTAC intelligent torque distribution system, it helps the upper limit of "Song L" to be further improved.

  Song L "meets the strict requirements of users" both want, want and want "with hard-core power, high efficiency and energy saving, and extreme control.

  Full space, luxury, width and five seats.

  Comfort is the "hard currency" of B-class cars, and "Song L" is also the ultimate.

  You want the big five seats, there are! The long wheelbase you want, there is! You want the soft interior, fragrance, massage chair, panoramic canopy, HiFi-class Dana audio, all of which are available!

  What is the concept of "Song L" 2930mm wheelbase? Better than the popular player Model Y, the vertical size can be called a B-class ceiling. The spacious and comfortable five-seat space supports 4:6 leveling in the back row, and the volume of the front trunk and trunk can be expanded to 1101L, which can hold the happiness of a quality family.

  Not only the space is large, but also the materials are sufficient. Electronic unlock door button, double-layer silver-plated panoramic canopy, ventilation and heating of front seats become standard, which is easy to get started and full of advanced feeling; The leather steering wheel is equipped with heating function, the main and co-pilot seats are integrated with electric adjustment and massage function, and the intelligent interactive atmosphere lights can change colors according to different scenes, creating a unique riding experience; In addition, high-end configurations such as dual-temperature zone automatic air conditioning, co-pilot boss key, active fragrance system, 12-speaker HiFi-class customized Dana audio and 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging have also reshaped consumers’ expectations and cognition of this price segment.Safe and fully equipped, protection goes deep into the "bone"

  "Safety is the greatest luxury of electric vehicles". When the industry is still addicted to simple stacking and rolling, "Song L" not only does a good job of active and passive safety, but also starts from the structure and engraves safety into the "bone" to provide a real all-round protection.

  Blade battery, yes! CTB, yes! High-strength materials, yes! DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system, too!

  CTB technology combines the blade battery with the body floor, and the battery is both an energy body and a structural part, which provides natural "structural safety" and gives the underlying logic of "Song L" structural safety; "Song L" is built according to the global five-star safety standards, with ultra-safe cage-type passenger cabin structure, three-stage body design, 11 airbags and 83.5% of "high-strength steel, high-strength aluminum and composite materials" to ensure the safety of the passenger cabin to the greatest extent; The active safety of "Song L" is also online. DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system has up to 24 sensors in the whole vehicle, and has more than 30 safety assistance functions such as DMS driver monitoring assistance to prevent problems before they happen.

  Enjoy full intelligence, and the whole department is equipped with an intelligent cockpit.

  In the digital age, technology is a must for pioneers to travel. "Song L" is equipped with three intelligent systems: DiLink intelligent cockpit, DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system and intelligent entry system. With mature technology and pragmatic functions, it creates a more mature and convenient intelligent travel experience for users.

  The advanced chip you want, there is! You want to rotate the big screen and head-up display, there is! You have all the continuous voice calls, automatic parking and UWB keys you want!

  "Song L" adopts the industry-leading 6nm process chip and integrates 5G baseband technology, with a running score of over 550,000, and its comprehensive performance is far ahead, allowing the car to experience "longitudinal silky"; 15.6-inch high-definition central control panel, 10.25-inch full LCD instrument, 50-inch head-up display and 5.8-inch rear air conditioning control panel form a "2+1+1" smart multi-screen, allowing users to enjoy intellectual convenience; Full-scene intelligent voice integrates more than 1000 vehicle control functions, which can be said as soon as it is visible, and the wake-up response time is as fast as 400 milliseconds, which can realize accurate recognition of four-tone zone and continuous multi-command recognition, greatly improving driving convenience; Automatic parking, so that the "dilemma" of narrow parking spaces and the "dilemma" of crowded alleys can be removed with one button; Equipped with UWB digital key, it realizes non-inductive entry and completely liberates hands. FACE ID facial recognition, 3D holographic transparent images and other functions have also enabled "Song L" to gain the scientific and technological charm of the digital age.

  As a high-end model of "Song Family", "Song L" has beautiful appearance, large space, strong technology, stable control and excellent intelligence. With its excellent quality and outstanding performance, it has handed in an impeccable answer sheet, allowing users to get a high-value pioneer experience from 189,800 yuan.

  China brand leads Pioneer Technology, BYD has taken the shot, and the deep-water bomb has been dropped. What kind of reshuffle will the B-class SUV market usher in? Let’s wait and see!

The movie "Dragon Horse Spirit" broke 100 million! 69-year-old Jackie Chan can still play

1905 movie network feature "If you didn’t say I’m sixty-nine, I forgot about me sixty-nine." On April 7th, he celebrated his 69th birthday. This day is also the release day of his new starring film.

"I always thought I was still young, but sometimes I really couldn’t do it," such as jumping from a high place and realizing that two injured knees would hurt. Jackie Chan said, "My habit is to keep forgetting my age."

This time, in order to shoot "The Spirit of Dragon Horse", he decided to postpone the knee surgery and perform nine injections to close it. Every action scene was really hard to beat. After half a year of pain relief, it was exhausted in 20 days.

Age doesn’t stop Jackie Chan from continuing to dare to fight. He doesn’t think that at this age, he can’t fight anymore. In this movie, he still brings a lot of thrills to the audience, such as the dangerous move of sliding down the stairs, and he still plays it himself. "I have a good foundation to do things that a normal 69-year-old can’t do."

Entering the industry at the age of 8, he has brought nearly 200 works to audiences in 60 years. Six days after its release, "The Spirit of Dragon Horse" has broken the billion-dollar box office. Jackie Chan’s action movies have spanned generations and continue to maintain their appeal and attractiveness. Going in both directions with the audience, Jackie Chan admitted that "action movies are my life".

PART.01 Jackie Chan and the Red Rabbit

In "Dragon Horse Spirit", Jackie Chan plays the Dragon Tiger martial artist Lao Luo, whose story of being close to his beloved horse, Red Rabbit, is warm and touching.

Lao Luo took care of the defective Red Rabbit and grew up, and the Red Rabbit also accompanied Lao Luo on the set to challenge various difficult action scenes. They had the same heart, but they were once forced to break up, separated through pain, and finally reunited, poking the audience in tears.

This is not the first time Jackie Chan has filmed with horses, he spent three months in Canada learning to ride horses. "You ride, he rides, and the horse doesn’t know who to listen to. Everyone rides differently. So I have to stand next to it every day, give it a smell of me, hold it, and talk to it."

Talking about getting along with the pony Red Rabbit, Jackie Chan revealed that he had a set of strategies for cultivating feelings. From the beginning of contact, he asked that only he could touch the Red Rabbit, "I can only feed it, only I can ride it." Jackie Chan knew very well that if they did not establish a close relationship in advance, "If you grab it suddenly, the Red Rabbit may pick you. Its nose is very hard, and if you pick it, you will have a nosebleed."

"The director picked a good horse for me." Jackie Chan praised the pony, Chi Rabbit, whose eyes were very smart, and he didn’t need to lead him when walking, so he would follow him naturally. Inside and outside the play, "one dragon and one horse" cooperated tacitly, and Chi Rabbit’s spiritual performance also brought great surprises to the audience.

PART.02 Jackie Chan and the action

"Do you regret making an action movie?" Looking back at the life of an action man forged with blood and sweat, Jackie Chan said frankly, "I regret it for a moment, but I forget it."

When shooting, his foot was injured in the morning, and he continued to shoot in the afternoon; when his hand was "broken", he continued to shoot on the spot. Whenever he didn’t want to shoot a thrilling action, he wanted to give up for a while, and when he heard that the movie was about to start, Jackie Chan still had his eyes shining and immediately took the initiative to go to the "battlefield".

"We’re used to it, this is how we do martial arts. Whether it’s me, or our Dragon Tiger martial artist, is there something wrong? It’s okay. One kick, it’s okay. Come again? OK. If you have something to go back and have something to do, there will be nothing at all at the scene. Go out happily, go home sad and hurt, this is martial arts, this is our fate."

Once Jackie Chan was injured while filming and had an operation on his head. "Seven days after the operation, I called home and told my family that I was in the hospital. What’s the matter? It’s alright, the operation is over. I’m still going to lie to my mother."

For so many years, Jackie Chan’s mother has not finished watching one of his movies in its entirety. "She feels uncomfortable when I hit someone, and she feels even more uncomfortable when someone hits me. She only watches it when she is in a literary drama."

"The Spirit of Dragon Horse" takes the audience back to the classic scenes of Jackie Chan fighting for his life again and again. Jackie Chan made the world appreciate the brilliance and brilliance of Chinese action movies, but at the same time, he also carried a series of injuries.

"I can live to this day and still be lively here. I don’t know when I will be in a wheelchair and pedal on crutches." Jackie Chan lamented that it was really not easy to rely on movements all the way. "The doctor said I can’t fight anymore, (I think) let’s hit it first, and hit it lightly. Rest, don’t shoot, it’s impossible, I’d rather not be able to shoot!"

In the dialogue between Lao Luo and his daughter in the film, Jackie Chan says that it is like what he said to his family: "Don’t ask me where I am going, go out to work, and come back after work. If I don’t come back, come to the hospital to see me."

"I’ve been making action movies all my life, but I also know that one day, I will definitely come down." Even if Jackie Chan will not accept the kung fu now, he knows that some changes need to be made. "Let the audience slowly accept that watching Jackie Chan’s play does not have to be a fight."

Jackie Chan also performed a lot of literary dramas in other films. His grasp of various emotional dramas in "Spirit of Dragon Horse", especially the delicate interpretation of the crying scene, is also commendable. Jackie Chan wants audiences to know that he is not only good at kung fu, but also a good actor in all aspects.

PART.03 Jackie Chan and his fans

"How far have you traveled to meet this time, and the vow of youth will be settled after decades." At the end of "Dragon Horse Spirit", Jackie Chan sang the song "Youth Story" affectionately, which is not only Lao Luo’s look back on his career as a martial artist, but also his portrayal of the story of 60 years of hard work in the film.

The song was sung during the fourth annual Jackie Chan International Action Film Week in 2018, and Jackie Chan dedicated it to the "family class" who worked together. Talking about the meaning behind the song, Jackie Chan felt a lot. "When I sang this song, they cried profusely. Everyone is a strong man, crying profusely."

"Plan A"… These classic screen masterpieces of Jackie Chan’s past are buried in "Dragon Horse Spirit" in the form of Lao Luo’s appearance, movements and other easter eggs. Jackie Chan’s screen youth story is also the youth memory of countless "dragon fans".

"Dragon Horse Spirit" embodies Jackie Chan’s "Never say No" spirit, and this film is also his gift to the stuntmen of Dragon Tiger martial artists around the world.

"I hope that when I can still fight, move, act and dance, I will make a movie every year for all audiences," Mr. Chan said.

The first in the custom home furnishing industry! Shangpin Home Delivery was selected as MIIT’s "Third Batch of Service-oriented Manufacturing Demonstration Platforms"

  On November 16, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially announced the third batch of service-oriented manufacturing demonstration lists, and () was successfully selected as the "Third Batch of Service-oriented Manufacturing Demonstration Platforms" (48 in total) with "Service Platforms for Custom Furniture and Home Furnishing Solutions". This is also the first demonstration platform selected in the custom home furnishing industry.

  O2O pioneers build a home furnishing industry chain service platform

  Shangpin Home Delivery took the lead in entering the O2O field in 2009 and is a successful pioneer in the domestic mass customization home e-commerce field. Shangpin Home Delivery Service Platform has established a "solution library" of "room type library", "product library" and "home overall solution" based on the Internet real-time transaction and interactive design system, and improves consumers’ purchasing experience through cloud design, big data analytics and CRM. Consumers book designers’ door-to-door measuring rulers through the platform, and visit offline brick and mortar stores for visiting experiences to tailor home solutions. At the same time, combined with mobile Internet marketing, O2O sales and e-commerce platforms for home accessories, and the "large-scale furniture customization" system of Industry 4.0 intelligent manufacturing factories, seamless connection and full-process informatization have created a new business model of "C2B + O2O".

  This platform has established the first truly integrated public service platform for the home furnishing industry chain and value chain, with the aim of enhancing consumer experience and providing a full range of services to consumers, sales enterprises, and home furnishing product suppliers. It emphasizes the personalized needs of consumers, realizes the integration of product users, manufacturing enterprises, and sales enterprises, and promotes the agglomeration of the home furnishing industry.

  BIM technology revolutionizes the packaging model and consumer experience

  In the consumer business field, Shangpin Home Delivery has launched BIM decoration technology to digitize each customer’s home space, and realize one-stop matching of all home categories through "what you see is what you get" design. Using BIM technology to preview the whole process of decoration in advance, avoid risks and improve efficiency, accurately count usage, and reduce material waste. Through the central tower desktop plan scheduling system and 5G digital construction site, large-scale and multi-link construction can be carried out in an orderly manner, thus effectively ensuring delivery time and delivery quality.

  Digital intelligence capacity enhancement design value, build "design island" ecosystem

  In the field of design services, Shangpin Home Delivery’s cloud design service platform integrates a large number of home designer resources, room type libraries, product libraries, and space solutions, greatly improving the designer’s work efficiency, and realizes intelligent design through a variety of iterative design software. It comprehensively promotes first-line acquisition of inspiration, online negotiation, mid-term follow-up, offline transactions, and construction delivery.

  Based on the "new management" thinking of the Internet, Shangpin Homestead has also established a "design island" platform to create a novel and fun Internet office scene for tens of thousands of designers. Each designer has a design rank, and there are different points according to customer praise, performance, work attitude, etc. Points can be exchanged for different prizes, and at the same time, it also gives them spiritual motivation and value orientation. Designers are encouraged to study customer space solutions in depth, and use points to conduct transactions internally. Use the power of games to unite many designers scattered across the country, and use a new generation of favorite gamification systems to inspire creativity and a sense of belonging.

  Deeply empower small and medium-sized home improvement enterprises to achieve a new business model of mutual win-win and symbiosis

  In the field of industrial Internet, Shangpin Home Delivery launched "HOMKOO Decoration Cloud" to empower the home improvement industry and create a new business model of mutual win-win and symbiosis in the home improvement industry. Integrate the resources of the whole house decoration industry, through data intelligence, service integration, common quality assurance, centralized procurement of resources and SaaS tools, etc., to help small and medium-sized home improvement enterprises expand the whole house decoration business capacity, realize service model upgrade, reconstruct the industrial chain and value chain of the home improvement industry, improve industry efficiency, and help traditional home improvement enterprises transform and upgrade into innovative home improvement enterprises.

  Shangpin home delivery also uses BIM installation technology to deeply enhance the management level of installation enterprises and project synergy capabilities, empower small and medium-sized home improvement enterprises, promote industrial chain integration, and build an industrial high-quality ecosystem.

  After reaching a strategic cooperation with in June this year, through in-depth cooperation with in brand, traffic, supply chain, technology research and development, Shangpin Home Delivery will also strive to become a high-quality platform and service provider for consumers’ () shopping and home experience, and create higher customer value for consumers.

  In addition, on November 1, Shangpin Homestead was also awarded the "2021 Guangzhou Private Leading Enterprise" by the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology.

  Service-oriented manufacturing is a new manufacturing model and industrial form that integrates manufacturing and service development, and is an important direction for the deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries. As a service-oriented manufacturing demonstration platform, Shangpin Home Delivery will continue to accelerate the development of new business models and models of service-oriented manufacturing, effectively extend the industrial chain, enhance the value chain, and promote the improvement of manufacturing quality and efficiency and transformation and upgrading!

  (The picture is authorized by Shangpin Home Delivery.)Use)

  (Editor in charge: Zhu He)

The 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week opened on October 14

1905 movie network news Recently, the main poster of the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week was announced. The poster was designed by Lin Cunzhen, deputy dean of the School of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and director of image landscape art of the cultural activity department of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games Organizing Committee. It is composed of the number 6 representing the 6th session and the big gong being sounded.

Among them, the combination of the number 6 and the film shape highlights the theme of kung fu and technology in the form of technology and light sense; and as a classic musical instrument in traditional Chinese opera and action drama, the gong interprets the phonetic synesthesia of action movies. Whether the name of the "big gong" or the action of "playing the gong" is cleverly homophonic with the host city Datong, fully setting off the festive atmosphere of the film week.

It is reported that the activities of the sixth Jackie Chan International Action Film Week include "city entry ceremony" and "theme forum".The festival will be held from October 14 to 16 in Datong, Shanxi.

Takeaway brother upgrade: from "bronze" to "king" to send orders against the clock

  Lane 41, Sanyuan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai, is a commercial and residential building where the blue-and-white "" logo hangs. He Shengsheng, 28, is the webmaster of the food delivery platform in Shanghai.

  "In December 2014, I came to Shanghai to work hard and saw that was recruiting a large number of riders, and the salary was not bad, so I came here." He Shengsheng told First Financial Reporter that in May 2015, due to his outstanding work performance, he was promoted to become a stationmaster, mainly responsible for helping riders solve problems encountered in daily work and life. Hummingbird Delivery released the "2018 Takeaway Riders Group Insight Report" shows that there are more than 3 million registered riders in Hummingbird Delivery, of which 77% of Hummingbird riders are from rural areas, the average age is about 29 years old, and the proportion of post-95s has exceeded 20%. Riders deliver 48 orders per day on average, and travel nearly 150 kilometers.

  With the accelerated pace of life, people are increasingly concerned about the value of time, and instant delivery has come into being. Nowadays, instant logistics distribution platforms have entered the field of intra-city, small-scale, and takeaway, and gradually expanded to the field of fresh food, supermarket delivery, and even a wider range of express terminal areas.


  As a young man who came to Shanghai from Lu’an, Anhui Province to work hard, making money is He Shengsheng’s top priority.

  "Joined as a rider on December 22, 2014. At that time, the order volume was not very large. The overtime salary was more than 8,000 yuan, and the unit helped pay five insurances and one housing fund." He Shengsheng told reporters that there are now 65 riders (full-time + part-time) under his own management. Every month, the company will settle the salary according to its own control of the site and performance. Generally, if you do a good job, the monthly salary is more than 10,000 yuan; if you do a little worse, 6,000 to 8,000 yuan.

  The reporter learned that almost all the instant delivery fields such as, Meituan, and Dada use the agent model. Take as an example. has dozens of agents in Shanghai, each agent has multiple sites, and the maintenance of the site is jointly managed by the channel manager dispatched by and the area manager dispatched by the agent. And He Shengsheng’s site belongs to Jiangxi Hummingbird Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

  When He Shengsheng first took over the position of stationmaster, most of his time was occupied by manual orders, such as the same rider arranging several orders in the same direction for him. "At that time, it was still manual, and there was no intelligent order like now."

  The intelligent dispatching system He Shengsheng mentioned is the "Ark" of intelligent dispatching system, which is the core link in the field of instant delivery of takeout. The system replaces most of the work of webmasters, reduces the degree of human intervention, and realizes automated and intelligent dispatching.

  The first financial reporter saw in the computer background of the site that the Ark system can display the intelligent scheduling order link: user order, merchant order, intelligent scheduling (rider order/robot order), delivery to users, etc. Through big data and machine learning, user orders are matched with the optimal path under the optimal decision to ensure delivery efficiency.

  In addition, the system can also display the location of the rider in real time, as well as the number of orders in his hand and the number of orders to be completed. "The location is mainly based on the rider’s exclusive app loaded in the rider’s mobile phone. Generally, the rider who completes the order delivery task will return to the business district where he is located, which is convenient for the system to send orders. The longest straight line distance from the food pickup point to the customer is 3.5 kilometers." The business district He Shengsheng is in charge of is the Centennial Central Shopping Plaza and 118 Square in Putuo District. How far is 3.5 kilometers? If you use a 1 yuan coin (25mm diameter) to spread in a straight line, you need 140,000 pieces.

  In the current situation of intelligent ordering, He Shengsheng no longer dispatches orders manually, but also needs to manage the riders, such as the problems encountered by the riders need to be dealt with in a timely manner; in terms of orders, there are merchants who need to be solved, and riders who need to come to him to solve. In addition, it depends on whether the distribution of system orders is reasonable.

He Shengsheng is checking the working status of the rider.

  "The factors to judge whether an order is reasonable are based on a rider’s ability to carry orders in the past period of time, the timeliness of orders, the timeliness of riders’ delivery, etc. Only in this way can we determine the amount of riders’ orders and the shortest time he can deliver orders to customers." He Shengsheng revealed that under normal circumstances, riders with strong ability have no problem going out to receive 12 to 15 orders at a time. If they encounter peak delivery periods, such as going to the same office building for food delivery, they can also reach 18 orders at a time.

  The Ark system will combine nearby orders from the same street and the same building, and deliver them to one rider in a unified manner, which is called "chasing orders" in the industry. He Shengsheng said: "Although it doesn’t matter if the pickup point is different, as long as the customer is in the same building, the delivery efficiency is quite high. This is why so many orders are sent to capable riders, because he knows which restaurant is fast and which is slow, and he will go to the restaurant with the fast meal first."

  From "bronze" to "king"

  This is an industry where every second counts, and riders need to consider two factors: the speed of the restaurant’s delivery, and whether the customer is in the same location. They need a path plan.

  For a rider who has been in the job for a long time and has strong ability, after he receives the order, he has a plan, such as which restaurant to drop by, where to pick up the meal, the speed of the restaurant’s delivery, etc., and then deliver it to the customer. Which orders are delivered first or some customers urge orders to be delivered first, there is a reasonable plan.

  He Shengsheng said: "For a new rider, he doesn’t know where the restaurant is, so the platform will tell him where the food pickup point is and where the delivery point is, and he can follow the prompts given to him by the system. In this case, it is more suitable for him to give one or two orders at a time."

  Ark learns the rider’s food delivery data, delineates the rider’s level, and ladders the rider’s target order quantity at all levels, so as to make a ability portrait for each rider, and assigns the waybill to the most suitable rider.

  During the midday and evening peaks of takeout, Ark will prioritize orders to high-level riders during peak periods based on waybill efficiency to improve delivery efficiency. According to data provided by, the Ark system can process orders at a peak of more than 80 orders per second. During the peak period of takeout, Ark will emphasize fairness on the basis of considering efficiency. Through big data analytics, the order volume of riders is balanced to ensure that the order volume allocated by riders of the same level and team is roughly the same within a certain time span.

  The platform divided Hummingbird’s riders into different levels, and the Honor of Kings game was divided into 6 levels, followed by bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and king. "The more orders a rider gives, the better, the higher the level will be."

  "Different agents may pay riders different salaries in different cities. The salary of riders on our site consists of three parts: 1. Performance commission, the standard is less than 600 orders, according to 7 yuan/order; more than 600 orders, according to 8 yuan/order. 2. Subsidies are made according to the weight, distance, weather, rider level, etc. of each order. 3. There are praise rewards and rush orders rewards every month." He Shengsheng said that the average monthly income of full-time riders at his site is 7,000-9,000 yuan, and the KPI assessment indicators for riders are similar, basically changing once a month. At present, the main assessment is the cancellation of riders’ delivery and T12 timeout.

  T12 timeout refers to a timeout of 12 minutes. For example, the assessment time of the rider’s order T is 10:30. If the rider arrives after 10:42, it has exceeded the time value of the rider’s order assessment.

  How to determine what time is the expectation of the booking customer? He Shengsheng said that under normal circumstances, it is divided into pre-orders and instant orders, and pre-orders can be booked to a certain time period; for instant orders, the system will determine the time expected by the customer of the order according to the timeliness of the restaurant, order memory and other factors, and then give a time.

  Not only, but also its competitors Meituan and Dada have long integrated AI and big data into their business development.

  The reporter learned that there are many entrants in the field of instant delivery at present, mainly divided into three categories: one is established in 2014, flash delivery, Dada, UU errands and other established intra-city courier companies, the other is the instant delivery originating from the takeaway model, such as’s Hummingbird delivery, Meituan’s Meituan special delivery team, Dada-JD Daojia’s new Dada, etc.; the third is SF Express, Yuantong, Yunda and other traditional logistics companies, SF Express’s instant delivery business, Yuantong’s timing, Yunda’s cloud delivery. The players on the track are gathered, all intending to get a share of this emerging market.

  For the future, He Shengsheng expressed the hope that he can seize the opportunity and grow with the takeaway platform. (Wang Hai)

Shared power bank: price increase is the first step, the second step has not been thought of yet

A shared power bank placed on the basement floor of a shopping mall in Beijing. Photo: Chen Ke, reporter of China Reporter

It’s getting less and less useful. 

"33 minutes of use, the amount payable is 5 yuan." After returning the shared power bank in a shopping mall in Beijing, Yang Hui (a pseudonym) stared at the payment page on his mobile phone and sighed again. 

When the bubble of sharing economy such as shared bicycles, shared cars, and shared umbrellas burst, only shared power banks came all the way to the end. At present, the market pattern of "three electricity and one beast" dominated by street electricity, small electricity, incoming calls and monster charging has been formed. On May 19, "Shared Charging First Share" Monster Charging released its first financial report since listing. Data show that its 2021 Quarter 1 operating income was 846.90 million yuan, an increase of 162.5% year-on-year. 

Head-sharing charging operators seem to have survived well, but they have been criticized for gradually raising rental prices. What is the logic behind the price increase? Is the price increase a normal market behavior, or is it a new round of "cutting leeks" after the operator’s "horse race"?

Why have prices risen?

The payment information shown to reporters by Yang Hui shows that using a brand of shared power bank for 33 minutes requires a payment of 5 yuan. 

The increase in the price of shared power banks has attracted the attention of consumers as early as 2019. Recently, with the surge in user scale and landing scenarios, prices have risen again. Consumers have felt strongly about this, which has further promoted the topic.

At present, the billing system of shared power banks is mainly divided into free time, billing standard, billing unit, daily cap price, and total cap price. After sorting out the adjustments made by operators to several of the standards in recent years, the reporter found that any change in the standard will affect the rental price accordingly.

Taking incoming calls as an example, in 2019, users can charge for free for 2 hours in a single consumption, while the free time in 2020 and 2021 has been cancelled; in terms of billing standards, it will cost 1 yuan per 30 minutes in 2019 and 2 yuan per 30 minutes in 2020; in terms of billing units, it will be charged every 30 minutes in 2019 and 2020, less than 30 minutes will be charged for 30 minutes, and in 2021 it will be charged per hour, and less than 1 hour will be charged for 1 hour.

"Maybe the two-hour free time is about the same. Now not only has the free time been shortened or cancelled, but the billing standard has also been changed, and it is obvious that more money is spent." Yang Hui said. It is worth noting that even if the billing standard has not changed on some platforms, the adjustment of the billing unit will make consumers pay more for the same time. For example, under the premise of the same 1 hour and 15 minutes of use, the user will pay 1.5 yuan more for a billing unit that charges 3 yuan per hour than a billing unit that charges 1.5 yuan per 30 minutes.

The adjustment of the billing system, coupled with the different landing scenarios, has further caused the rental price to rise. After visiting several business districts in Beijing, the reporter found that the rental price of shared power banks is basically stable at 2 to 3 yuan per hour, and KTV, bars, Internet celebrity stores, popular scenic spots and other places with high traffic will reach 4 to 5 yuan per hour.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu Think Tank, told the China Reporter that the core purpose of the price increase is to seek more financing. "When the sharing economy became a trend, it may be possible to raise enough funds with a PPT, and now the market has passed the’burning money ‘period. Most consumers driven by electricity anxiety will not choose to abandon it because of price issues, which is why operators dare to risk user churn to rashly increase prices when they are short of money." Chen Liteng, a life service e-commerce analyst at the Internet Economic and Social Research Center, also told reporters that shared power banks used to be "horse racing" at a low price, without considering income. Now the market is mature, users have formed usage habits, and platforms are more concerned about sustainable development.

From the perspective of the profit model, it may be more revealing the logic behind the price increase. Experts say that the way for shared power bank operators to make money is to continuously pave the way. When there are more and more entrants, in order to seize market share, operators can only accept high admission fees and give merchants certain bargaining rights. The prospectus from Monster Charging shows that its commission rate has risen from 42.7% in 2019 to 44.1% in 2020, and the entrance fee has increased by as much as 260%.

The reporter learned that there are currently two types of merchants laying shared power banks: buyout type and franchise type. Under the buyout type, after purchasing from the operator, the merchant takes all the proceeds of the user’s rental and has the right to adjust the unit price of the rental; under the franchise type, the merchant and the platform share the proceeds. It is worth noting that the sharing ratio between the two parties is gradually imbalanced. "At present, the merchant will take 70% of the profits and withdraw cash from the Mini Program every month." A ground marketing staff of the small electric power bank told the China Report reporter that for stores that want to increase prices, the small electric does not specify the price increase range, but will give suggestions according to market conditions, "It is too outrageous and will damage our image, and users will not accept it."

Under multiple factors, price increases seem inevitable, and operators are becoming more and more cautious. The ground marketer revealed that whether it is new points or old contract renewal points, the net profit that merchants can eventually bring to operators has become a new standard for measuring performance. "This is completely different from the more you shop, the more money you get."

What are the key factors for future competition in the industry?

On April 1 this year, Monster Charging was listed on Nasdaq. (The picture comes from the Internet)

Will the price of shared power banks continue to rise?

"Changes in prices will inevitably affect the number of users. This is a dynamic process. As long as there is market demand, appropriate price adjustments will help maximise the platform’s revenue, while the retention of users will inhibit price fluctuations and gradually form a suitable price system," Chen Liteng said. Jiang Han believes that with the monopoly in the regional scope, operators can have a certain amount of room for price increases. If it exceeds the tolerance limit of consumers, it may lead to a crisis of trust.

In fact, it is not only the price issue, but also the overlord clause, difficult return, slow charging speed and other issues of shared power banks, as well as factors such as smart phone battery life capacity enhancement and low price of online power banks, which also make the profit model The development of a single shared power bank industry is increasingly limited.

On April 1 this year, Monster Charging became the "first share of shared power banks" in China, and Jiedian and Sodian also announced the completion of the merger on the same day. Subsequently, Xiaodian Technology sprinted to Hong Kong stocks. As early as May last year, Meituan announced its re-entry into the field of shared power banks. Industry insiders speculate that with the high stickiness between consumers, Meituan’s entry may change the industry landscape.

"Increasing prices is not the ultimate solution to the problem, and the merger of Street Power and Soupower is also normal. Now it is either a group to keep warm or to speed up the listing, which is an inevitable development outcome." Jiang Han analyzed that in addition to renting the majority of the income of shared power bank operators, there is also a small amount of advertising business and power bank sales. If you want to achieve long-term sustainable development, you must find profitable business models. "From the current point of view, these models are not profitable."

Shared power banks are also seeking to make great progress. "Bamang Technology", established after the merger of Jiedian and Soudian, will create innovative consumer scenes, and has launched smart end points such as mask machines and body temperature monitors; Monster Charging also positions itself as a "technology consumer company" and crosses the Baijiu business.

"What should we do? Or what is the right thing to do? No one can give a clear answer now, but from a diverse perspective, is there any other way to get more revenue? Or like Meituan, there are other businesses that can be used as support, and sharing power banks is just a means to improve user stickiness, or to improve service levels." Jiang Han said.

Written by China Reporter Chen Ke

Report of Mianyang Municipal Transportation Bureau on the construction of a government ruled by law in 2018 (Mianjiao [2018] No.191)

  Municipal government:

In 2018, the city’s transportation system will be guided by the Supreme Leader’s Socialism with Chinese characteristics Thought in the New Era, with the implementation of the Implementation Plan for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law in Sichuan Province (2016-2020) and the Implementation Plan for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law in Mianyang City (2016-2020) as the main line, closely focusing on the overall situation of the work of "attacking the battle for transportation construction" and the decision-making arrangements of the municipal party committee on comprehensively promoting high-quality development. We will fully perform government functions in accordance with the law, further strengthen the construction of law enforcement team, establish and improve the law enforcement system, standardize administrative law enforcement procedures, and continuously improve the ability of law enforcement in a civilized and efficient manner, and all work has achieved good results. The relevant work is now reported as follows:

First, the implementation of the decision-making legality review and normative document management system.

Fully implement the government legal adviser system. The Municipal Transportation Bureau hired Daorong Minzhou Law Firm as the legal consultant, and the law firm provided professional legal services for the whole process of traffic management activities, including legal design, legal norms, legal control and legal relief. The units affiliated to the system also hired their own legal advisers. The legal adviser of our bureau participates in the discussion of important issues such as the presentation of the law at the executive meeting, the research and formulation of taxi reform documents, the review of important contracts, and the review of administrative reconsideration cases.

This year, our bureau has not formulated normative documents. Normative documents related to the transportation industry were cleaned up in time, and the cleaning results and dynamic management list were submitted as required. The Contract Review and Signing Process of Mianyang Municipal Transportation Bureau was formulated and promulgated, which clarified the responsibilities of all departments when signing contracts, improved the contract review procedures, standardized the contract signing procedures, and effectively minimized the contract risks.

Established the legality review mechanism and expert argumentation system of major decisions within Mianyang Transportation Bureau. In 2017, the Bureau and the Economic and Information Committee and other seven departments jointly issued the "Implementation Rules for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Service in Mianyang City". In the process of drafting documents, our bureau strictly implements the drafting and filing regulations of normative documents: while deeply understanding the taxi policies of the state and seven ministries and commissions, we seriously carry out a thorough investigation of Mianyang taxi industry and solicit opinions from all walks of life, and hire experts from Chengdu Administration College and Municipal Social Science Association as third-party institutions to carry out social stability risk assessment and expert argumentation on the draft text, and solicit opinions from the public and legal advisers, and finally submit them to the leading group for taxi reform for review and release.

In 2017, the bus fare adjustment led by our bureau was successfully completed without negative social benefits. Municipal Bureau of major administrative decision-making work information is complete, public participation in discussion, expert argumentation, risk assessment, legal advice, meeting discussion information collection standard and complete.

Two, perform the duties of administrative supervision according to law, and promote the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform.

First, do your duty according to law. In 2018, our bureau insisted that the law was not authorized, no rights were created outside the law, illegal decisions were made to derogate from the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations or increase their obligations, administrative inspections and punishments were carried out beyond the scope of laws, regulations and rules, and no administrative acts were revoked or changed, and no administrative response was made.

The second is to formulate three systems: the publicity system of administrative law enforcement, the detailed rules for the implementation of the whole process record of administrative law enforcement, and the detailed rules for the implementation of the legal review of major administrative law enforcement decisions. All law enforcement units of the system are required to carry out the implementation of the three systems according to the deployment and requirements of the relevant work of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, province and city, and in combination with the actual situation.

The third is to forward the "Sichuan Provincial Transportation Administrative Punishment Discretion Standard" by the Provincial Department of Transportation, requiring all units of the system to strictly follow the requirements of the superior documents.

The fourth is to strengthen the training and education of administrative law enforcement personnel. Nearly 600 people in the city’s transportation administrative law enforcement personnel were organized. From May to June, traffic law enforcement knowledge training was concentrated, and the unified examination was held on June 23, and all those who failed the first examination were made up. Zhang Zhuting, a well-known law professor from the Ministry of Transport, was invited to lecture on traffic administrative law enforcement and safety management regulations, and nearly 200 law enforcement officers from the system participated. The bureau specially organized more than 50 people in the system to carry out the training of the Administrative Licensing Law and the Administrative Punishment Law; Actively organize and participate in the rule of law training organized by the Ministry of Transport, provincial offices and departments directly, and the system has sent more than 80 people to participate in the training. Using the form of cross-evaluation of administrative law enforcement by the Municipal Bureau, we will carry out vivid and intuitive exchange activities between counties and districts, such as case presentation and case interpretation, and summarize and improve the level of handling cases from the perspective of the industry’s own functions and the reality of front-line law enforcement work.

Fifth, adhere to the combination of punishment and education. There was no violent law enforcement in the city’s transportation system in 2018. Improve the interface mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, log on to the interface platform of administrative law enforcement and criminal justice in Sichuan Province in time, contact the responsible comrades of the Municipal Procuratorate, and report relevant work. Combined with the work of "eliminating evils", the illegal clues found in the law enforcement of highway transportation, such as headquarters, dispatching and suspected illegal operation of gangs, were handed over to the public security department in time.

The sixth is to promote decentralization, integration of decentralization and management, optimize services, accelerate the transformation of the government, and further promote the comprehensive efficiency of administrative examination and approval. Conscientiously implement the reform of the commercial system, fully cooperate with the industrial and commercial departments to fulfill the requirements of "double notification", submit the "double publicity" report of administrative license and administrative punishment on time every month, and publicize the administrative punishment cases closed last week on the portal website of our bureau every week.

Seventh, vigorously promote random spot checks, standardize regulatory behavior, strengthen market self-discipline and social supervision, and improve regulatory efficiency. Adhere to supervision according to law, strictly implement relevant laws and regulations, standardize post-event supervision, implement regulatory responsibilities, ensure that post-event supervision is carried out in an orderly manner according to law, and promote the institutionalization and standardization of random sampling. Adhere to fairness and efficiency, standardize the operation of administrative power, strictly standardize fair and civilized law enforcement, improve supervision efficiency, reduce the burden on market players, and optimize the market environment. Adhere to openness and transparency, open random spot checks, open procedures and open results, and implement "sunshine law enforcement" to ensure equal rights, opportunities and rules of market participants. Adhere to coordinated promotion, establish and improve a random sampling mechanism in the field of post-event supervision, form a unified market supervision information platform, and explore and promote cross-departmental and cross-industry joint random sampling.

Third, carry out hierarchical supervision, handle administrative reconsideration cases, execute effective judgments and rulings of courts, and respond to judicial suggestions.

The first is to carry out the evaluation and investigation of administrative law enforcement files of lower departments and the administrative compulsory filing system of major administrative penalties. In 2018, the Municipal Bureau evaluated the law enforcement files of the law enforcement units directly under the Bureau, and put forward rectification opinions on the problems found in the file evaluation. Strictly implement the administrative compulsory filing system for major administrative punishments, and require law enforcement units directly under the bureau to report the administrative compulsory files of major administrative punishments involving their own units to the Municipal Bureau of Law and Regulation for the record.

The second is to improve the trial mechanism of administrative reconsideration cases. According to the work requirements of the Administrative Reconsideration Law, accept the application for administrative reconsideration in time, review the administrative punishment cases of subordinate units, and make a reconsideration decision according to law. In 2018, our bureau received an application for administrative reconsideration, which is currently being processed.

The third is to implement the system of administrative organs appearing in court to respond to lawsuits. The system of responding to administrative litigation cases of Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Transportation was formulated, which clarified the responsibilities and accountability principles of each department when administrative litigation cases involving our bureau occurred. In 2018, there were no administrative litigation cases in our bureau and no judicial advice was received.

Four, the implementation of the main responsible person to promote the construction of a government ruled by law, the first responsible person and the main responsibility.

First, the "List of Responsibilities of the Principal Responsible Person of Mianyang Municipal Transportation Bureau to Fulfill the First Responsibility for Promoting the Construction of the Rule of Law" was formulated, and 13 responsibilities of the Principal Responsible Person to promote the construction of the rule of law were clarified. At the same time, we will strengthen the supervision of the principal responsible persons of subordinate departments to implement the first responsible person for the rule of law. Those who do not conscientiously perform the duties of the first responsible person for promoting the rule of law, and major illegal administrative cases occur during the year, causing serious consequences, shall be investigated for the principal responsible person’s responsibility according to law. In 2018, the Party Committee of the Bureau organized more than 20 meetings to study and solve major issues related to the construction of government departments ruled by law in a timely manner.

Second, combined with the actual situation of this department, the "Key Points for the Construction of Government Departments under the Rule of Law in Transportation in 2018" was issued, which made arrangements for the construction of government departments under the rule of law in our bureau in 2018, put forward work requirements, and clarified work objectives.

Third, combined with the mid-term supervision of the construction of a government ruled by law, we will effectively carry out administrative appraisal according to law. The Notice of Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Transportation on Printing and Distributing the Work Plan for the Evaluation of Transportation Administration by Law in 2018 (Mianjiaofa [2018] No.38) was formulated and issued, which made arrangements for the evaluation of transportation system by law in 2018. The evaluation was completed on October 15, 2018, and the evaluation results were notified on October 17.

The fourth is to fully implement the annual report system of the government under the rule of law, submit the work report on the construction of the government under the rule of law in the previous year to the municipal government and the provincial department of transportation on time, and publish it publicly on the portal website in time.

Fifth, continue to implement the system of collective study of law by leading bodies and the system of study of law by government functionaries. The Key Points of Publicity and Education on the Rule of Law in Traffic and Transportation in the City in 2018 were issued, and the leading cadres headed by the Party Committee of the Bureau were paid close attention to studying the law. At the beginning of each year, the annual pre-conference study plan was formulated and issued, and the lecturers were arranged to implement the study. Every time the Party Committee and the Bureau Council studied at least one law and regulation, the cadres had study notes, and the study files were established, and the study of the law was taken as an important part of the annual assessment of leading cadres. Full implementation of the annual law system, the implementation of the rule of law construction responsibilities will be included in the year-end debriefing of the members of the bureau’s leading group. Organize all cadres to participate in the online rule of law study exam for civil servants and public officials organized by the Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau, and all the personnel participated in the exam and passed the exam; The rule of law education was carried out through the traffic lecture hall, and four traffic lecture halls involving the rule of law education were organized in the past year.

In the next step, we will continue to take the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee as the guide, fully implement the spirit of the important speech delivered by the Supreme Leader General Secretary at the first meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Governing the Country by Law, persist in focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, and closely focus on the goal of building a government under the rule of law, constantly improve the construction of an administrative system according to law, continue to carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law, solidly promote governance according to law, and continue to focus on promoting the creation of the rule of law. Efforts should be made to improve the thinking ability of systematic cadres and workers under the rule of law, comprehensively improve the concept and legal quality of systematic cadres and workers, and create a better traffic environment under the rule of law for building a modern western city.

I hereby report.

  Mianyang bureau of communications

November 16, 2018

(Contact: Yin Le, Tel: 13696271909)

Information disclosure option: active disclosure

CC: Municipal Legislative Affairs Office.

Issued by Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Transportation on November 19, 2018

Patients with advanced cancer insist on driving online car-hailing just to save more money for their mothers

  "Goodbye, take your time." Wang Jun, the driver of the online taxi, stopped the car steadily and turned around to greet the passengers in the back seat politely. His face was slightly pale. After delivering a passenger, he stuffed a pill into his mouth and took it with boiling water in a thermos cup. Then he drove to the next destination according to the voice prompt of his mobile phone.

  This is a scene that took place last week. No one could have imagined that the driver was a terminal cancer patient.

  Wang Jun only wanted to drive for one more day when he was confident that his body could still support it. He didn’t dare to stop because his mother, who was dependent on him, had uremia and mild Alzheimer’s disease. The monthly treatment fee of several thousand yuan was a fixed expenditure, and he wanted to save a little more for his mother’s living expenses and medical expenses.

  Son with cholangiocarcinoma who still insists on using online car-hailing

  Wang Jun, a native of Yuzhong District, Chongqing, was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in early July.

  The scariest thing about the disease is the insidious nature of the disease. Patients often have no symptoms in the early stage, and once detected, they are advanced. Doctors say that patients with the disease can usually survive for six months to a year, and if treated well, it may last for two years. But so far, no case has been found in the world that has survived for five years.

  Wang Jun is only 37 years old. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to any family. But Wang Jun didn’t fall, he didn’t even stop getting out of the car. Because he knew there were more important things to do.

  It turned out that my mother had been diagnosed with uremia. Uremia usually doesn’t kill people all at once, but dialysis must be adhered to. Since then, dialysis three times a week has been unstoppable. Each dialysis costs 200 yuan, and the monthly dialysis fee is at least 2,400 yuan. Wang Jun’s mother, Xie Zaigui, has a pension of only 2,600 yuan.

  In order to take care of his mother and increase family income, in 2015, Wang Jun resigned from the bus company and started to drive an online car. The car was purchased with a loan and operated by an online car-hailing unit. Nearly 140,000 yuan for the car, a monthly payment of 3,200 yuan, and now there are still 3 years of loans, about 88,000 yuan that have not been paid off.

  After being diagnosed with cancer, Wang Jun felt that his physical strength could still support him. Under the condition of ensuring the safety of driving, he continued to drive every day. If he could earn a little more, he could earn a little more. He calculated the account and drove an online car, and he could earn three or four hundred yuan a day. For every extra day of running, he could save an extra one or two times to do dialysis for his mother.

  Wang Jun kept a lot of photos of his mother in his phone. When he was resting, he took them out to take a look. This is the source of support for him.

  A mother with uremia and fading memory

  Wang Jun’s mother and son have always had a very good relationship. Wang Jun’s father died of illness when he was 4, and it was his mother who raised him. His stepfather also died a few years ago. After Wang Jun divorced in 2016, he and his mother depended on each other for life.

  Since Wang Jun had to drive, most of the time Xie Zaigui went to the hospital for dialysis by himself. Last year, Wang Jun vaguely felt that something was wrong. One day, the dialysis was supposed to end at 11 am, but his mother didn’t come home until 1 pm. It turned out that she suddenly didn’t know where she was going and took the wrong car. Another time, eating at home, his mother suddenly looked up and said to him: "You and your father will go out later, and you need to come back early."

  He took his mother for a checkup, and it turned out that her mother had mild Alzheimer’s disease. Memory declines, and if left unchecked, severe cognitive impairment can occur.

  Mom now often sits at home watching TV or watching the neighbors play cards. She used to like to keep the house spotless, but now she doesn’t like to clean it, and sometimes she doesn’t even care about the rice in the pot.

  Wang Jun checked the Internet and found that becoming lazy and not moving were all symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. He had seen the movie "Eraser in My Memory" and knew that Alzheimer’s disease would erase his memory bit by bit like an eraser until he couldn’t remember anything.

  Seeing that his mother’s memory was fading day by day, Wang Jun was very anxious. He heard that practicing calligraphy can exercise his brain power, so he bought a copybook and asked his mother to write it, just like coaxing a child. After writing it, he gave her his favorite dessert. Wang Jun also coaxed his mother to cook, but the effect was minimal, and his mother remained the same.

  In order to take care of his mother, his son has not traveled far for many years

  Huang Lu, a friend who has played together since childhood, said that in the past, Wang Jun would actively participate in friends’ gatherings and outings. But after his mother fell ill, he never went out again. Wang Jun is very much looking forward to taking his mother for more walks. Because of dialysis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, he can’t go out for more than two days.

  This spring, he drove his mother and aunt to the Fuling Great Wood Flower Valley. Xie Zaigui was as happy as a child, wearing his favorite clothes, wearing a silk scarf, and taking many pictures in the sea of flowers. Seeing his mother so happy, Wang Jun decided to take her out as much as possible before her memory deteriorated. If you can’t go far away, you can go nearby. Let her memory leave the best look in this world.

  Earlier this year, in order to make it easier for their mother to receive dialysis treatment three times a week, the mother and son sold the old house they had lived in for decades and bought a second-hand house near the hospital. The new home is only one stop away from the hospital. Xie Zaigui can take the bus and walk back.

  The new home of only 50 square meters made the mother and son very satisfied. Wang Jun thought that this was a new beginning, and he wanted to drive well and let his mother live a good life. But he didn’t expect that fate would play such a joke on him again.

  The son was hospitalized, and his mother gave him a sick meal

  After learning that her son was sick, her mother was obviously more "obedient" than before. She may not be completely clear about the severity of Wang Jun’s condition. But her temper is not as stubborn as before, and she is much more obedient.

  After finding out his condition and driving for more than ten days, Wang Jun felt that his physical strength was gradually running out. He knew that driving while sick was also a safety hazard. Due to the blockage of the bile duct and the need for stent drainage surgery, Wang Jun reluctantly admitted to the hospital. He told his mother that the weather was hot, so he stayed at home and did not come to see him. But his mother still insisted on taking the car to the hospital, guarding Wang Jun’s bedside, holding his hand tightly, and did not want to leave. Wang Jun had to ask his classmates to help build a small bed next to him, and his mother accompanied him during the day and slept here at night. The mother and son took care of each other. He combed his mother’s hair, and her mother gave him a sick meal, and then accompanied him to the hospital downstairs in the evening.

  Xie Zaigui held her son in her thin, shriveled hands, just like when she was a child, holding hands to send him to school. Xie Zaigui would forget what she had done five minutes ago, but her son’s childhood was clearly remembered. She muttered silently, "I have been very obedient since I was a child, and I am not naughty. I am safe and orderly, and I have never fought…" (from "Chongqing Morning News")

Notice of the Office of the State Intellectual Property Office on Strengthening Patent Navigation

Guozhi Ban Shiyun Zi [2021] No. 30

All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Intellectual Property Offices, Sichuan Intellectual Property Service Promotion Center, Guangdong Intellectual Property Protection Center:

Strengthening patent navigation by industrial sector is an important part of the promotion of the application of intellectual property rights, and is of great significance for improving innovation efficiency, saving innovation costs, and strengthening patent protection. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech made by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader at the 25th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, study and implement differentiated industrial and regional intellectual property policies, and promote the decision-making mechanism of industrial patent navigation based on industrial data and patent data, so as to provide effective support for scientific and technological innovation, the relevant matters related to further strengthening patent navigation work are hereby notified as follows:

I. Background and significance

In April 2013, the State Intellectual Property Office issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the Patent Navigation Pilot Project", formally proposing for the first time that patent navigation is based on the utilization of patent information resources and patent analysis, embedding patent application into industrial technological innovation, product innovation, organizational innovation and business model innovation, and guiding and supporting the industry to achieve independent, controllable and scientific development. Subsequently, the national patent navigation pilot project was fully rolled out for enterprises, industries and regions, and the concept of patent navigation was extended to intellectual property analysis and evaluation, regional layout and other work, and achieved remarkable results. In 2018, in deepening the reform of party and state institutions, patent navigation was identified as the job responsibility of the State Intellectual Property Office after the reorganization, and the pilot project of patent navigation, the pilot work of intellectual property analysis and evaluation of major economic and technological activities, and the pilot work of intellectual property regional layout were fully integrated. In June 2021, the "Patent Navigation Guidelines" (GB/T39551-2020) series of national standards for guiding and standardizing patent navigation work were officially implemented.

Carrying out patent navigation work can promote the establishment of a working mechanism that deeply integrates patent information analysis and industrial operation decision-making, highly matches patent creation and industrial innovation capabilities, effectively guarantees the competitive position of the industry through patent layout, and effectively supports the efficiency of industrial operation through the realization of patent value. This will help to promote the optimal allocation of innovation resources, enhance the creation and reserve of independent intellectual property rights in key areas, and help to achieve high-level technological self-reliance and self-reliance, ensuring the stability and security of the industrial chain and supply chain.

II. Overall requirements and main objectives

(I) Overall requirements.We will closely adhere to the needs of industrial innovation and development, adhere to the problem-oriented, goal-oriented, and result-oriented, implement the series of national standards of the Patent Navigation Guide, strengthen the patent navigation work support system, promote the application of patent navigation results and services, and improve the quality and efficiency of the development of the patent navigation industry. We will further deepen the patent navigation work, help improve the intellectual property governance capacity and governance level, and effectively support the construction of an intellectual property power.

(2) Main objectives.By 2025, the planning and design of patent navigation projects, resource protection, and application of results will be further strengthened, financial investment in patent navigation project management systems and measures will be more perfect, and a number of relatively mature patent navigation service bases will be established in various regions. A unique, standardized, and effective patent navigation service system will be established, and the important role of patent navigation industry innovation and development will be effectively played.

III. Improve the efficiency of patent navigation organizations and help make breakthroughs in key core technologies

(1) Establish a docking mechanism for patent navigation in key industries.Focusing on the implementation of local economic and social development plans, we will connect with the innovative development needs of local governments, industrial agglomeration areas, and leading enterprises, sort out the bottlenecks and key core technologies restricting industrial development, and establish and improve the patent navigation work docking mechanism between the intellectual property department and the competent departments of economy and industry.

(2) Implementing patent navigation projects for key industries.In response to local key core technology research needs, formulate patent navigation work plans, organize the implementation of key industry patent navigation projects, strengthen the analysis of industrial development direction, industrial development positioning and industrial development path, and guide market players to adjust market layout, products and other business strategies according to the analysis results, so as to achieve an effective patent layout around key core technology research.

(III) Launching expert consultation activities in key industries.Based on the industrial promotion and application of patent navigation achievements, we will rationally introduce industrial expert resources in the work links of patent navigation project demand analysis, information fusion analysis, achievement application, and performance evaluation, explore and innovate various practical and effective service forms, and provide business guidance for patent navigation in key core technology areas.

IV. Build a solid foundation for patent navigation and strengthen the supply of resources

(1) Strengthen the construction of patent navigation service bases.All regions should, in light of local conditions, rely on enterprises, colleges and universities, service institutions and other units to build or improve patent navigation service bases that are urgently needed locally, and gradually form the normalization and marketization of patent navigation services. It is necessary to guide public welfare institutions such as patent agencies, intellectual property protection centers, and intellectual property information centers. The main responsibilities are to support government departments in organizing and implementing patent navigation special project policies, supporting government departments in planning and implementing patent navigation projects, and undertaking the daily work of the patent navigation business linkage mechanism of government departments.

(2) Promote the series of national standards of the Patent Navigation Guide.To publicize and popularize the concept of patent navigation in the whole society, promote the organization and implementation methods of regional planning and industrial planning patent navigation projects, and the application methods of results to relevant government departments, and guide enterprises and institutions to apply national standards in innovative activities such as business operation, R & D activities, and talent management. Guide various entities to expand the application scenarios of patent navigation and innovate patent navigation analysis methods.

(III) Strengthen the training of patent navigation personnel.In line with the actual economic development of the region and the needs of patent navigation work, formulate a patent navigation talent training plan, organize online and offline patent navigation work training, and meet the personalized skills training needs of various subjects, so as to promote the construction of a local patent navigation talent team.

(Iv) Provide patented navigation service products.Combined with the requirements of patent navigation application scenarios, integrate data, talents and other patent navigation work resources, guide institutions with public welfare attributes, develop public welfare patent navigation tool products, and innovate the working mode to promote the improvement of patent navigation service efficiency, so as to meet the work needs of patent navigation service customization, facilitation and effectiveness.

V. Enhance the efficiency of patent navigation services and strengthen the application of project results

(1) Establish a patent navigation achievement sharing mechanism.Make full use of the patent navigation comprehensive service platform, organize the warehousing, filing and evaluation of the results of the patent navigation project in the region, regularly submit the results of the patent navigation project including analysis and research reports and application materials to the State Intellectual Property Office, and promptly push the patent navigation results information to the relevant departments of the region’s economy and industry to support innovation decision-making.

(2) Establish a patent navigation achievement release mechanism.Excavate and summarize typical cases of patent navigation work in the region, build a patent navigation results release mechanism, and issue patent navigation reports to key industrial chain-related enterprises to promote the wide use of patent navigation results.

(III) Establish a patent navigation achievement application resource docking mechanism.In response to the application needs of patent navigation results such as patent layout, high-value patent cultivation, and intellectual property operation, the docking channels of various resources such as priority review, centralized review, fast committal hearing, fast rights protection, and patent rights transfer and transformation required for the smooth application of patent navigation results will accelerate the landing and application of patent navigation results.

VI. Organizational guarantee

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership.All provincial-level intellectual property management departments should fully understand the importance of strengthening patent navigation work, focus on local economic and social development planning and industrial innovation and development needs, improve the industrial patent navigation policy mechanism, organize the implementation of patent navigation special projects, guide the construction of patent navigation service bases, and improve the patent navigation work system.

(2) Increase investment in resources.The State Intellectual Property Office will strengthen the horizontal coordination and vertical connection of policy resources with various ministries and regions, and promote the deep integration of patent navigation with economy, industry and other related work. Provincial-level intellectual property management departments should strengthen communication and coordination with relevant functional areas of business in their respective regions, strive for supporting support from relevant policies and funds, and provide resource protection for patent navigation work.

(III) Strengthen tracking services and assessments.In order to facilitate the guidance of the development of patent navigation work, the intellectual property management departments at the provincial level shall recommend a patent navigation service base with good work as a working contact point. Each contact point shall submit a work summary to the Department of Application Promotion of our bureau before the end of each year, and hold contact point meetings as needed to exchange work experience, listen to work suggestions, and provide necessary support and guidance. The intellectual property management departments at the provincial level shall submit the results of patent navigation work in their respective regions every year, regularly submit the work results of patent navigation projects, and file the relevant situation of patent navigation service base construction in a timely manner. Our bureau will regard the tasks and results of patent navigation work as an important assessment and evaluation index for the pilot demonstration work of provincial, municipal, park and other intellectual property power construction, and as a must-do task to support the construction of key cities in the construction of the national intellectual property operation service system.

VII. Relevant requirements

(1) Intellectual property management departments at the provincial level should take the construction of patent navigation service bases as an important breakthrough point for strengthening local patent navigation work, and make layout plans. Please file the first batch of local patent navigation service bases with the Department of Application Promotion of our bureau before the end of 2021, and recommend a contact point.

(2) All provincial-level intellectual property management departments shall submit their provincial patent navigation work contacts (branch level) and contact information by the end of July 2021.

Hereby inform.

Office of the State Intellectual Property Office

July 6, 2021

(Contact and Tel: Application Promotion Department, Pang Zhipeng, Ji Xiang 010-62085371 62086705 Email:

Nanjing, Jiangsu: Focus on the 2023 Golden Fair | After three years and thousands of miles, Qin Huai holds hands with Meituan

Not long ago, Qinhuai District and Meituan reached a cooperation intention, the two sides signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and the Meituan Jiangsu project landed in Qinhuai District. The signing of this cooperation agreement took 3 years and 1300 kilometers of time and space.


At around 8 a.m., during the morning rush hour, at Zhangfuyuan Subway Station, four members of the Chaotiangong Street Urban Management Department were busy, arranging the shared bicycles at the subway entrance neatly to ensure the smooth passage of people and vehicles at the subway entrance.

At a glance, the bright and bright yellow "Meituan" has become the "main force" of shared bicycles at the Zhangfuyuan subway entrance. Data show that Meituan’s market share in Qinhuai District accounts for about 80% of the region’s total, double that of a year ago.

The share of Meituan shared bicycles in Qinhuai District has increased significantly

There is also an investment story behind

Makes Meituan Jiangsu project and Qinhuai District "hand in hand" successful

This cooperation originated from a visit in 2020. Three years ago, when Chaotiangong Street in Qinhuai District visited the Ping An Financial Center Building located at Xinjiekou, it was found that Meituan Daojia, Meituan takeaway and other business lines had settled in the building. "At that time, we felt that this was an opportunity, so we decided to take the initiative to’break the ice ‘." The relevant person in charge of Chaotiangong Street recalled. The next day, the street came to visit, hoping that Meituan would land more business lines in Qinhuai District. "Rejected" by investment promotion personnel is "common food", and "finding a way" is a must-answer question. After more than ten visits, the Qinhuai District investment promotion team learned that Meituan was preparing to land some business sectors in Hefei, Chengdu and other places.

"We seized the opportunity, grasped the time difference, and arranged for a special person to seamlessly connect the project as soon as possible," said the relevant person in charge of Chaotiangong Street. District leaders immediately led teams to Beijing and Shanghai to visit Meituan Company, with a thick stack of materials combed overnight, to promote investment resources and business environment in both directions. In the past three years, although there was the impact of the epidemic, he alone went to Beijing and Shanghai four or five times to communicate face-to-face with Meituan, and the number of online and telephone communications was countless.

The 1,300-kilometer journey has narrowed the distance between Meituan and Qinhuai District. During the negotiation process, Meituan’s unintentional request to increase the market share of shared bicycles in Ning has been highly valued by Chaotiangong Street, Qinhuai District and even Nanjing City. It is also this opportunity that makes Meituan finally decide to keep the Jiangsu project in Qinhuai.

The maintenance and management of bicycle order in the old city is very complicated, and the backlog of bicycles is serious. How to ensure that Meituan shared bicycles increase the quota, and at the same time do a good job in operation management? Qinhuai District Urban Management Bureau, Chaotiangong Street and Meituan Company have conducted many on-the-spot surveys on the location of shared bicycles, scientifically and rationally laid out them, and strengthened operation management and dynamic management through intelligent algorithms, real-time monitoring, and increased manpower investment.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Urban Management Department of Chaotiangong Street, the Street Urban Management has implemented five measures of "designating people, fixing posts, timing, setting scope, and setting standards" for subway entrances, popular business districts, and key road sections. Congestion sections and peak periods are centrally rectified to improve the "dredging" effect of shared bicycles, effectively solve the problem of parking and management of Meituan shared bicycles in the Qinhuai area, and form a "ecosystem" of Meituan Company’s regional operation in Qinhuai.

At the same time, in Chaotiangong Street, where Meituan has settled, there are as many as 3,000 small and micro merchants, and the Meituan platform covers 100% of the merchants. In the future development, the Meituan Jiangsu project will realize the full settlement of the entire industrial sector, carry out the pilot construction of the real-time consumption system, create an online and offline convenient life circle, and continuously improve the digital operation level of merchants.

Meituan Jiangsu project settled in Qinhuai District

It is a microcosm of the continuous hard work of Qin Huai’s "investment promotion people"

Since this year

Qinhuai District will do a better job in attracting investment with greater efforts

Building a strong industrial city and empowering high-quality development

As of the end of July, Qinhuai District had achieved a total investment of 28.75 billion yuan in contracted projects, the actual total investment was 7.75 billion yuan, 52 billion yuan projects were registered, and 24 were started or operated. Won the "red flag" incentive for the success of the city’s investment promotion ratio, and the first quarter target task progress award of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau. Successfully signed 49 billion yuan projects such as the China Consumer Finance Headquarters and BBK Robot. As of the end of June, 4 large-scale projects, 3 high-quality industrial projects, and 2 headquarters projects were introduced. As of the end of August, 35 activities such as the promotion meeting of the Qinhuai District and the Southern New Town Headquarters Base (Hong Kong) in Nanjing and the promotion and exchange meeting of the jewelry industry in Qinhuai District in Nanjing were successfully held.

Editor: Li Zhuo

Proofreading: Xiong Xiangning

Review: Cang Shujun