What are the advantages of the cloud -Z technology released by BYD at the Beijing Auto Show?

This year’s auto show can be said to be very lively. Many brand bosses came to the scene in person, which not only brought traffic to their own brands, but also showed the importance that brands attached to this auto show. However, as an insider, I care more about the models and technologies released/unveiled at this auto show than the traffic. Among many brands, the brand and its first revolutionary technology, Cloud Web -Z, are undoubtedly the most interesting.


Let’s look at the model first, and look up at U7′ s positioning as a large car. Its overall shape adopts similar designs, such as the exaggerated C-shaped headlight group and the bump on the hood, which makes it very visually impactful. The lines on the side of the car are very smooth, and the sense of movement is particularly prominent. The overall flat design of the tail also fits the positioning of its movement.

In terms of power that everyone cares about, the new car is equipped with an easy Sifang platform and four motors. Under this combination, the comprehensive power of the system has reached an astonishing 1306 horsepower. Of course, the biggest attraction of looking up at U7 is that it is the first to build a ceiling-level cloud -Z technology.

In fact, I believe everyone is familiar with the cloud technology. At present, BYD has launched Cloud -C, Cloud -A and Cloud-P. So, what’s the bright spot of Yunqi -Z, which is carried on the U7?


The special feature of Yunqi -Z is that it is a complete set of electric suspension technology, because its suspension mechanism is driven by an independent motor and adopts a highly integrated suspension motor. The benefits of this suspension are also obvious. For example, when crossing some bad roads, because its stroke is much shorter than that of the traditional suspension, the motor and the shock absorber can almost achieve real-time shock absorption, so the vehicle can pass directly without shaking and bouncing. According to the official data given by BYD, it can make 50 adjustments in 10 milliseconds, which is why it can make almost no jitter when the vehicle passes through the bumpy road quickly.

In addition, this suspension has a particularly powerful place, that is, Yunxiao -Z has energy recovery function. Different from the traditional suspension, Yunqi -Z is originally electromagnetic power, so it can convert kinetic energy into electric energy during operation and charge the battery. In addition, it does not have traditional oil as the medium, so the energy transmission loss is smaller, so the advantage of this technology is that it can increase battery life.

At this Beijing Auto Show, Wangwang also released a video. At the beginning of the video, there is a water cup almost filled with water. As the camera zooms out, it is found that the water cup is in the middle of the constantly vibrating car body, and the four wheels are focused on four different upper and lower planes. However, even so, the water in the cup is not spilled at all, which shows the power of this technology.

Write it at the end

Although the traffic of BYD, Wangwang and other brands seems to be low at this Beijing Auto Show, what I want to say is that for automobile products, traffic is important, but technology is more important. After all, traffic is only temporary, and technology is the key to determining the brand. Finally, I hope that both U7 and Yunqi -Z will be listed in the second half of this year, and everyone can look forward to it.

Huawei Yunhong Fangming: A small step for enterprises to go to the cloud, a major leap for industrial clusters

2021 is the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Facing the topic of "adhering to innovation-driven development, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern of a modern industrial system, improving the quality of economic development, and maintaining sustainable and healthy economic development", how can new infrastructure service providers represented by cloud computing better play the role of technology platforms, empower industrial economic innovation, and promote regional sustainable development? How to improve enterprise efficiency, promote regional enterprise cooperation, and consolidate the elements of enterprise development and innovation? Hong Fangming, president of Huawei Cloud China, expressed his views on the above issues in an interview with China Business News.

From a manufacturing power to a "smart" manufacturing power

After a year of unparalleled changes in a century, how enterprises can cope with difficulties and how to transform and upgrade has become an urgent proposition to be solved. The state has launched new infrastructure, and enterprises have accelerated their digital transformation. In the past year, we have seen a phenomenon. Those companies that can actively embrace digitalization and actively invest in online have shown a good development trend as a whole. On the contrary, those companies that use traditional methods and do not change the offline model, whether in sales or supply chain, are facing huge challenges as a whole. As people say, the SARS epidemic in 2003 accelerated the development of the consumer Internet, and the sudden COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 will accelerate the process of enterprises going to the cloud.

Today, our country is transforming from a manufacturing power to a "smart" manufacturing power. Enterprises need to transform and upgrade through digital means and digital empowerment in all aspects, such as research and development, production and manufacturing, supply chain, marketing, and service. This is also the key to how to change the current situation and how to take the next step under the current economic development situation. By visiting more than 30 provinces and cities across the country in 2020, we found that the technology gathered on the cloud is bringing great changes to the industry and society.

Urban industrial clusters need to move from small, scattered, and low-energy to high, refined, and cutting-edge

The development stage and state of a local industrial cluster determine the active level of a region’s economic development, and also reflect the situation of people’s livelihood and employment. It can be said that the regional industrial cluster determines the development, people’s livelihood and employment of a region, which is a very important development indicator.

In a conference held by Huawei Cloud in early January 2020, the director of the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of a certain place said that although the local area has been ranked among the top 100 industrial zones in the country, the internal and external challenges in the past year have made him deeply feel the difficulties of the entire manufacturing industry: the cost of factory labor and land has been rising, the export situation has changed, the industrial structure is in urgent need of reorganization, and entrepreneurs have also expressed their urgent desire for transformation and upgrading.

Due to the limitations of formation conditions, industrial clusters in our country mostly focus on traditional processing fields, developing in the form of small workshops, and lack scientific and technological innovation. At present, traditional industrial clusters are facing challenges such as increasing labor costs, increasing social costs, and shortage of talents. Relying on simple replication for scale expansion, the form of spreading big cakes cannot achieve sustainable development. Industrial clusters need to move from small, scattered, and low-energy to high, refined, and cutting-edge development. How to complement R & D, market, supply chain, and service capabilities, realize supply chain elongation, and integrate upstream and downstream supply chains to obtain higher profits is the core appeal of industrial cluster development.

It is undeniable that there are many excellent enterprises in our industrial clusters that are doing very well and have reached a very top position in the world, but there are still a considerable number of small and medium-sized enterprises that have not reached this level. To evaluate the active level of an economy, it is not to have a few large enterprises, but more importantly to look at the activity of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises. It is a key response for the country to solve employment and improve the overall economic active level. And the cloud platform that brings together various technologies and ecosystems just provides the technical business means needed for change.

Moving from simple connections to deeply empowering

Huawei has amassed a wealth of experience in the field of electronic information manufacturing over the past 30 years, whether it is from supply chain research and development, marketing, service, or in the industry precipitation of technology and marketing capabilities, Huawei hopes to use the cloud to bring its accumulated experience to empower various industries, empower society, and realize the company’s vision of bringing the digital world into everyone, every family, and every organization to build a smart world connected to all things.

In the process of business expansion, Huawei Cloud has learned about the characteristics of China’s economy itself and the characteristics of industrial clusters, and put forward the concept of "industrial cloud". Based on cloud infrastructure, an urban industry empowering platform that integrates industrial ecological resources to provide technologies, solutions, and industrial practice services provides a core driving force for promoting the integration of urban production and number, industrial innovation and upgrading, and reshaping the new industrial pattern. In essence, the demand for informatization and digitalization in today’s economic development has given birth to the concept and model of industrial cloud. At the same time, industrial cloud also responds to the question of where and how to transform and upgrade the industry in the process of supply, marketing, and service.

Different from the industrial Internet, which focuses on connecting various data and production materials of enterprises, so as to provide enterprises with the kinetic energy for transformation and upgrading; in addition to the connection function, the industrial cloud also provides enterprises with industrial empowerment and rich offline services, including the best experience of the industry, while combining a variety of advanced technical means.

Manufacturing cannot be simply defined by the production process. R & D and sales are actually key links in serving the manufacturing industry. Only with an enterprise system that completes research, sales, supply, production, and service can it be a true modern manufacturing industry. However, born out of domestic manufacturing enterprises such as processing with incoming materials, it is urgent to transform to modern manufacturing. Take the United States as an example. The proportion of manufacturing in the United States is relatively low, but if you look at the entire GDP of the United States, you will find that a very large part of the industry serves the manufacturing industry. This kind of manufacturing service industry accounts for about 50% of the overall manufacturing industry. If our country wants to move from a manufacturing power to a smart manufacturing power, it must work hard on this. In the face of the unclear concept of China’s industrial upgrading, the current situation of "hard" and "soft" is not simply to provide a cold technology to solve, but also to empower, to have a team to serve the industry, to teach these original traditional manufacturing industries how to achieve the next jump.

Huawei’s own industry is relatively wide, from the original service to operators, to government and enterprises, and then to consumer BG, you can think of Huawei as a traditional manufacturing industry, a high-tech enterprise, and a retail enterprise. Therefore, Huawei Cloud has rich accumulation in the above fields, including technology, marketing, supply chain, service and other aspects. Huawei Cloud will export these capabilities through the form of industrial cloud to empower the industry, which is also the biggest value point and difference point of Huawei Cloud.

A small step for enterprises to go to the cloud, a major leap for industrial clusters

At present, Huawei Cloud has landed in more than 120 innovation centers and industrial cluster bases across the country, and has joined more than 300 partners including MES, CAD, supply chain management, production management, software suppliers, etc., to provide digital transformation services for 17,000 enterprises.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, an electronic information enterprise in Dongguan, based on Huawei Cloud Industrial Internet, the big data platform created by the platform FusionPlant helped it to achieve an orderly resumption of work and production, ensuring the occurrence of 0 epidemic cases. At the same time, the efficient and convenient management brought by the visualization of the big data platform has also solved the remote control problem that many foreign employees cannot resume work in many process production links, and manages the production quality control of the entire production line. This is what we think is a very typical use case of an enterprise.

Facing the characteristics of China’s industrial economy and the key nodes facing the industry, how can its next jump be realized? For each industry, where is the future going and where is the next jump? This is the most concerned issue in the upstream and downstream industrial chains of urban industrial clusters.

The automotive industry, ICT industry, medical apparatus and pharmaceutical industry are the three pillar industries of the global economy. In the automotive industry, Huawei Car BU proposes to help car companies "build and sell good cars", use its own capabilities in research and development, manufacturing, marketing, etc., to drive the development of the upstream and downstream industrial chain of intelligent networked vehicles, and do some exploration and innovation work around automobile companies to help car companies transform and upgrade from the traditional fuel vehicle industry to the electric vehicle industry; in the electronic information industry, which is facing the pressure from low-end to high-end, Huawei helps the electronic information industry to achieve the next leap through its own practice; in the materials and pharmaceutical industries, many studies currently rely on a lot of laboratory experimental work, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Huawei Cloud makes use of its vast computing and IOT capabilities, combined with previous research and development achievements, to enhance the entire process of drug and material research and development.

With the industrial cloud empowering transformation and upgrading, through the continuous progress of technology, the continuous development of industry, and the continuous improvement of partner capabilities, we will provide the kinetic energy for the industry to upgrade and leap, and consolidate the "black land" of the intelligent world. We must embrace talents and continue to move forward, drive Chinese enterprises to take a small step in the cloud, lead industrial upgrading, and realize a big step in the leap of China’s industrial clusters, and truly realize a leap in the industry!

Scan the code to watch the topic to learn the details of Mr. Hong Fangming's speech and the full video of the program.

One car gives consideration to multi-dimensional safety, which is the reason for choosing the M5 Smart Driving Edition!

  "It costs money to buy an oil car, but it costs life to buy a tram". After witnessing the news that many batteries caught fire, collided and fell apart, and the intelligent driving failed, many users love and fear electric cars. Want to experience its performance and economy, but worry about its security. In fact, we don’t have to give up eating because of choking. Whether an electric car is safe or not depends not on whether it is an "electric car", but on the safety strength of the vehicle itself. So, what kind of car is "safe" in the current new energy market? The answer to this question can be given to you by asking the M5 version.

  Active and safe, high-level intelligent driving covers more scenes.

  Examples of smart driving failures of some brands are not uncommon, which is also the key reason why many users are uneasy about smart electric vehicles. In this regard, I am very cautious about asking the M5 Smart Driving Edition. The HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system equipped with this car is a leading presence in the industry. It is equipped with 1 overhead lidar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 high-definition cameras for lateral and backward visual perception and 12 ultrasonic radars, which can accurately perceive both static targets and dynamic objects. It has laid a solid foundation for every safe trip.

  The excellent hardware configuration determines the active safety performance of the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition in practical vehicles. Previously, some media have tested the pilot assistance function of this car together with Tucki G6 and Ideal L7MAX. In the urban ground road scene, for the intersection passing success rate test project, the crossing passing success rate of Zhijie M5 version reached 98.86%, while that of Tucki G6 was only 96.43%, which shows the superiority of the former in active avoidance. This also means that when we pass through intersections and traffic lights, it can effectively identify and ensure our safe passage. If there are pedestrians on the zebra crossing, they will also recognize courtesy to avoid the risk of accidents due to occasional distraction when driving and failure to pay attention to the pedestrians and vehicles in front.

  In the same scene, the coverage mileage of pilot-assisted driving in Wenjie M5 version is better than Xiaopeng G6, with the former reaching 93.86% and the latter only 82.86%. Obviously, the former has more time to free the driver’s hands and travel more easily. In the test project of the success rate of ramp import and export in the urban elevated road scene, the success rate of Wujie M5 version is as high as 100%, and the ideal L7Max is only 35.71%. Coincidentally, in the MPI (Average Takeover Mileage) of inter-city expressway, the intelligent driving version of the M5 is 270.67km, and the ideal L7Max is only 41.31km. It can be seen that, as far as reliability is concerned, the M5 version of Zhijia has the strength of "real money and silver". No matter the complex road conditions in the urban area, or the road conditions such as urban elevated roads and intercity highways, this car can easily help us cope with it, and it is a close-fitting "old driver".

  At the same time, Wujie M5 Smart Driving Edition also has four MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) antennas for mobile communication, with higher signal strength, wider coverage and smoother smart driving experience. In addition, it has a strong ability to recognize and process objects by integrating the sensing bird’s eye view network (BEV) and the general obstacle detection (GOD) network. This is not to brag about the M5 version, but to have facts and basis. In the AEB (Automatic Emergency Braking) test safety response speed boundary test held by Autolab, the performance of many test items set by the media with the M5 intelligent driving version directly surpassed Tesla Model Y, Ideal L9 and other models.

  Specifically, in the mixed scene of stationary cars and pedestrians at the front and rear, the complex environment and changeable factors will test the driver’s concentration and driving ability, and a collision will occur if he is not careful, which is also an important scene to test smart driving. In the test in this scenario, the response performance of Jiejie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition at the speed of 90kph far exceeds the response capability of Tesla Model Y at the speed of 60kph, and the former has faster response and higher safety.

  In addition, "adult ghost probe", as a high-incidence cause of accidents in urban areas, makes many drivers call it "headache". In the actual measurement, when the response speed of Tucki P7i and ideal L9 is 35kph and 65kph respectively, the intelligent driving version of Wenjie M5 is one step ahead with a score of 75kph, not to mention the "side dummy" which is difficult to recognize by other models.

  In fact, people’s living boundaries are constantly being broken, and people are looking forward to exploring the diversity and richness of life. Cars that can meet the needs of multi-scene travel are precious, especially with the label "high safety in smart driving", it is difficult not to become consumers’ hearts. Obviously, among the above-mentioned models, the intelligent driving version of the M5 is obviously more worthy of choice.

  Passive safety is excellent, and multi-dimensional protection eliminates security risks

  The battery safety of electric vehicles has always attracted much attention, and the M5 Smart Driving Edition has adopted many "black technologies" to break everyone’s doubts. This car battery comes from a top supplier, and each battery cell adopts diaphragm fire-proof coating technology to avoid safety risks from the root. At the same time, the advanced BMS battery management system can provide early warning and protection in time after the thermal runaway signal appears, and further kill the safety risks such as fire in the cradle.

  For body safety, this car uses a cage-type safety body with higher safety. More than 60% of the body is made of high-strength steel, and the proportion of thermoformed steel is 19%. This also means that asking for the M5 version is equivalent to protecting every passenger in the car in the "safety net", which greatly reduces the possible casualties after the collision.

  Not only that, in the cockpit, this car is designed according to the standard of "China Automobile Health Index (C-AHI)", and adopts an environmentally friendly water-based glue adhesive which can reduce odor volatilization. A good interior environment can bring health protection to every passenger in the car, and it can also ensure worry-free travel. Previously, this car had won the passenger car Health+ cockpit certification, CN95 health cockpit 5A certification and China automobile health index C-AHI all five stars.


  From the recent industry media measurement, we can intuitively understand that the M5 version of Zhijie has achieved the ultimate in active and passive safety, ahead of many competing products at the same level. An electric vehicle with excellent safety is enough to eliminate everyone’s concerns about the safety of electric vehicles. Based on this, the intelligent and safe version of the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition undoubtedly provides a better direction for everyone’s choice.

The Great Wall Gun "Fired" Shanhai Gun Performance Edition Hard Core Debuted 23 Black Bombs.

[Text/Financial Circle Society & Dao Ge said that cars are shallow] At present, China’s automobile industry is in a period of deep change. On the one hand, new energy vehicles are rising rapidly, and product categories are undergoing drastic changes. On the other hand, the domestic automobile market is undergoing a fierce price war. The more such an era, the more profound the actions of automobile brands are. As the weather vane of the central and western automobile market, the 26th Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition opened on August 25th, and major automobile brands competed with each other. In the meantime, Caiquan Society and its "Brother Daoge Talking about Cars" will provide first-hand information on new cars for the majority of car enthusiasts, so please pay attention!

There are only two kinds of pickup trucks in China, one is the Great Wall and the other is others. "The first high-end pickup truck brand in China that broke through 500,000 units" made Great Wall Gun attract the attention of the whole industry in the past week. Thanks to the glory of being the first seller at home and abroad for 25 years in a row, Great Wall has already become the leader in the pickup truck market.

At this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, the Great Wall Gun was unveiled with a full-featured family. As the leading model, Shanhai Gun Performance Edition, a large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck owned by Great Wall Gun, is the world’s first show. With the ultimate strength of "bigger, stronger and more luxurious", it has made China’s toughest off-road pickup truck, customized a total of 2023 black bombs, and launched them with an official guide price of 258,800 yuan.

At the same time, Shanhai Gun Passenger Edition, 2023 Cross-country Gun Everest Edition-500,000 commemorative editions, and Great Wall Gun "Bomb" series performance pickups-2023 Dragon Bomb and Fire Bomb Single-row E-family Limited Edition, etc., made a concentrated appearance and attracted the attention of the audience, leading the value of pickup trucks in China to rise. The managers of the five major battalions of Shanhaiying also made their debut. The Great Wall Gun joined hands with Shanhaiying Culture to create an official, continuously linked users and fans, and created a full-scene pickup truck life, which injected new impetus into the development of pickup culture in China.

Leading the value of high-end off-road pickup trucks. Advanced Shanhai Gun Performance Edition is the world’s first show.

As another masterpiece of passenger leisure category, Shanhai Gun Performance Edition is based on the tank platform, which perfectly integrates hard-core off-road and intelligent luxury, making it bigger, stronger and more luxurious. Original factory mass production, ensuring worry-free licensing, worry-free on the road, worry-free annual inspection and worry-free after-sales, and becoming a super partner for users all over the world to enjoy outdoor and vertical and horizontal worlds.

The performance version of Shanhai Gun is 5493mm long and nearly 2 meters wide, which is close to a full-size pickup truck. For the first time, the unique body color of "Golden Armor" is adopted, which symbolizes the cross-country spirit of courage to challenge and constantly break through, and reflects the courage and strength of China pickup truck to attack the world and the top three in the sword.

Thanks to the design of shortening the rear suspension, increasing the wheelbase, widening the wheel track and optimizing the shock absorption layout, the performance version of Shanhai Gun has a more harmonious body proportion and the largest driving space in its class. The elbow bandwidth in the car reaches 1.6 meters, allowing users to enjoy the first-class driving experience.

In addition to high face value and large space, the performance version of Shanhai Gun is inherently powerful. Equipped with the only and most powerful domestic 3.0T V6 engine, with 9AT, it is full of power and always online.

The whole system comes standard with Borgwarner 4A+MLOCK intelligent four-wheel drive, and comes standard with front and rear axle electronically controlled jaw differential locks, which are the real three locks, improving the ability to get out of trouble, off-road experience and high energy all the way. The original factory comes with millions of off-road equipment, 18-inch off-road AT tires, K-MAN nitrogen shock absorption and 12,500-pound T-MAX winch blessing, which is easy to conquer. The whole vehicle is raised by 1.5 inches, the minimum ground clearance is 239mm, and the wading throat is added. The maximum wading depth is 900mm, and the passability is the strongest at the same level.

In addition, Shanhai Gun Performance Edition has an open and ever-changing trunk, factory-provided C6 towing qualification, meets the certification of 3.3-ton trailer, is the first three-door canopy in China, is electrically controlled, can be detached, increases the variety of space, and plays with the life of pickup trucks in the whole scene.

Shanhai cannon performance version cockpit, leap above luxury. The interior is covered with all-black gold, with matte electroplating decoration, and adopts 12.3-inch instrument and 14.6-inch central control panel suspension design, which is bursting with science and technology.

The first electric small window on the rear windshield in China is convenient for photography and pet interaction; The pickup truck is the first electric adjustment of the rear seat, with a maximum backrest angle of 33 degrees, and a quiet and comfortable cockpit with NVH. The performance version of Shanhai Gun is the most comfortable and quiet pickup truck within one million classes. Equipped with L2-level advanced intelligent driving assistance, it supports ACC adaptive cruise, intelligent cruise and other functions, fully satisfying users to realize high-quality intelligent travel.

Born for cross-country, for the ultimate. The performance version of Shanhai Gun is expected to be officially launched in the fourth quarter of 2023, and the official price may be as low as 300,000 yuan, which is worth looking forward to.

23 black bombs are stunning, and the full-performance family lineup shines.

At this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, the 2023 Black Bomb was officially launched. Based on the genes of high value, high performance and high reliability, it realized "interior upgrade, power upgrade and intelligent safety upgrade", leading China to create a personalized pickup truck with higher quality, stronger performance and better experience.

23 black bullets are all-black with bright orange embellishment, which is full of fashion temperament. The interior is fully upgraded, with a large area of soft coating and veneto red, which is very advanced; Equipped with 12.3-inch Zhilian touch screen +7-inch color LCD instrument, laser carving process luminous decorative board, 50 watt wireless fast charging, full of science and technology.

The power of the new car is fully upgraded, equipped with a 2.0T high-power engine, and the maximum net power is increased to 160kW, and the maximum net torque is increased to 380 N m. With the help of Borgwarner part-time 4wd system and front and rear axle differential locks, it can cope with all kinds of extreme terrain calmly. In addition, the original factory of Black Bomb is equipped with K-MAN nitrogen off-road shock absorber, 12,000-pound winch, Bailuchi KO2 tire, wading throat and other fever-grade off-road equipment. The original factory comes with 2.5 tons of traction qualification to help users enjoy hard-core outdoor life.

The new car is fully upgraded in intelligence and safety. It is equipped with ESP body stabilization system, megapixel 540-degree viewing system, and new high-order intelligent driving assistance system, which covers ACC adaptive cruise, intelligent dodge, etc., and cooperates with high-strength body active and passive safety to bring all-round armor protection and ensure driving safety.

In addition to Shanhai Gun Performance Edition and 2023 Black Bomb two hard-core pickups, Great Wall Gun also brought a variety of full-performance family products on the same stage, showing the charm of pickups.

Join hands with the ultimate players to create mountain and sea culture

At this auto show, Great Wall Gun promoted the brand 2.0 strategy to continue to land with the comprehensive TO C service concept. Focusing on the concept of mountain and sea culture, Great Wall Gun constantly links people with interests such as off-road and refitting, creating a full-scene pickup truck life with users and exploring the ultimate life.

He Xudong, the top ten contemporary explorers in China, and Shao Haifeng, the founder of Cross-country Road, two extreme life players, appeared at the Great Wall Gun booth as special guests of Shanhai Culture Co-creation, bringing users the ultimate life story and unlocking the ultimate experience of infinite surprises; The five managers of Shanhaiying announced the follow-up plan for the co-creation of Shanhaiying culture, fully empowered users to cross mountains and seas, and injected new impetus into the pickup truck culture in China.

Standing under the glory of 500,000 sets, Great Wall Gun will continue to insist on category innovation and user co-creation, create high-value pickup products with technological innovation, and fight for the international mainstream brands in the global market, making China pickup trucks popular all over the world.

Ten Customs of Lantern Festival "Network China Festival Lantern Festival"

As the saying goes, "Lantern Festival is held on the fifteenth day of the first month". As another major traditional folk festival after the Spring Festival, the main theme of the Lantern Festival holiday atmosphere is the word "noisy".

Lantern Festival viewing began in the period of Emperor Han Ming in the East. When Emperor Wen was in the Han Dynasty, the government ordered the 15th day of the first month to be officially designated as the Lantern Festival. The Lantern Festival in the Han Dynasty lasted for one day, which became three days in the Tang Dynasty and five days in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the lights were lit from the eighth day until the night of the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, for ten days. In the Qing dynasty, the festival was shortened to four or five days.

During the Lantern Festival, festivals and customs all over the country are colorful and numerous. Here are 10 famous ones:

First, walk on stilts

Walking on stilts is a very old folk performance, which appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. On the Lantern Festival, this kind of folk activity of walking on stilts is popular in many places. Stilts are usually made of wood. Make a support point in the planed wooden stick to put your feet, and then tie them to your legs with ropes. Performers can not only walk freely on stilts, but also do various difficult movements such as splitting forks, jumping on benches, dancing yangko, dancing knives and making guns.


Second, the lion dance

Lion dance is an excellent folk art in China. During the Lantern Festival or other assembly ceremonies, the folk will entertain by dancing lions. This custom originated in the Three Kingdoms period and was popular in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It has a history of more than 1000 years.


Third, the flower viewing lamp

The custom of viewing lanterns on the Lantern Festival originated from the period of Emperor Han Ming. During the Yongping period, Emperor Hanming strongly advocated Buddhism and ordered "burning lamps for Buddha" in palaces and temples on the fifteenth night of the first month. Later, the custom of putting lights on Lantern Festival spread to the people in the court. Every time during the Lantern Festival, no matter the gentry or civilians, every household will hang lanterns and the streets will be brightly lit.


Fourth, playing dragon lanterns

Playing dragon lanterns, also known as "dragon dancing", has a history of more than two thousand years. Playing with dragon lanterns originated from people’s worship of dragons. In ancient times, people prayed for the blessing of dragons by dancing dragons, in order to have good weather and abundant crops in the coming year. The custom of dragon dancing has also been carried forward by overseas Chinese. Whenever China people have traditional festivals or major celebrations, they will dance lions and play dragon lanterns, showing a strong oriental atmosphere.


Five, yangko dance

In the Lantern Festival, simple northerners like to celebrate by dancing yangko. The style of yangko varies from place to place, including northern Shaanxi yangko, northeastern yangko, Hebei yangko, Shandong yangko and so on. Among them, the Northeast Yangko has the widest spread and the highest artistic level.


Sixth, solve riddles on the lanterns

"solve riddles on the lanterns", also called "playing riddles", is an activity added after the Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and solve riddles on the lanterns adds a lot of elegance to the festive day. Some people write riddles on paper, stick them on colorful lanterns for people to guess, and hang riddles with lights, so they are called "riddles".


Seven, rowing a dry boat

According to folklore, rowing a dry boat is to commemorate Dayu’s flood control. Rowing a dry boat is also called running a dry boat, which is to imitate the action of boating on land. The performers are usually girls, putting fake boats on their bodies and rowing, singing some local tunes and dancing while running. This is rowing a dry boat.

Eight, Ying Zigu

Zigu is a poor and kind girl in folklore. It is said that she is a concubine of a large family. Because the housewife was jealous, she was killed in the toilet on the fifteenth day of the first month. People sympathize with her and miss her, and in some places, the custom of "welcoming Zigu on the fifteenth day of the first month" appeared conveniently.


Nine, walking away from all diseases

In addition to celebrations, there are also some religious activities in the Lantern Festival, that is, "walking away from all diseases", also known as "dispersing all diseases", "baking all diseases" and "eliminating all diseases". The participants are mainly women, who walk together, or cross the bridge, or walk by the wall, or walk in the suburbs, with the aim of driving away diseases and disasters.

Ten, eat Yuanxiao

"Yuanxiao" is the name of northerners, while southerners call it "Tangyuan" and "Tangtuan". According to our traditional folk custom, every family eats glutinous rice balls on the 15th day of the first month every year. Because these names are similar to the pronunciation of "reunion", they go to the meaning of reunion, and hope that the whole family will be round and round, harmonious and happy on the night of the full moon in May.


Seventeen years old that hurts, why does your youth always hurt?


Special feature of 1905 film network Recently, the film "Seventeen Years Old with Pain" was released. The film tells that a troubled girl who suffered from "anodynia" broke up with a gangster "boyfriend" with the help of her classmates and a new young female teacher, fell in love with the schoolmaster, escaped from her rebellious life in the past and successfully fought back. After experiencing the death of grandma, campus fire and other changes, it grew rapidly … …

Xueba crams lessons for the hostess

Do you feel deja vu? Is it very much like a movie in the past?

Let’s take a look at the plot: a girl who is deaf in half of her ear, Li Er, wants to learn bad, and meets the unruly bad girl Li Bala. Li Er likes Xu Yi, Li Bala likes Zhang Yang, and Li Bala pursues Xu Yi at Zhang Yang’s request. Later, Li Bala died suddenly and unfortunately, Xu Yi gradually degenerated, and Li Er and Zhang Yang came together and grew rapidly … …

Lear has a crush on Xu Yi.

If you say that "Left Ear" and "Seventeen Years of Pain" are both written by Rao Xueman, the similarity is normal. Then, let’s take a look at the plot of "Looking at Heaven with Trees in Summer":

Xia Mu, a teenager, suffered from autism until Shu Yawang, a 16-year-old boy with a boyfriend, appeared to help Xia Mu get out of the haze. During her college years, Yawang was sexually assaulted by Qu Weiran, a rich second generation who fell in love with her, and Xia Mu grew up rapidly after making crazy acts in despair … …

Xia Mu rode with Shu Yawang.

The key words of the above story: illness, bad study, love triangle, crime, love in any arrangement and combination. They all have the same formula, the same taste and the same "pain" youth.

"Pain is" youth

This kind of "painful" youth film must first have a protagonist suffering from an innocuous disease, and then there will be plot conflicts due to a love triangle. Finally, due to the crime and death of some characters in the play, the life and thoughts of the protagonist will have an irreversible "arc";

They all aim at the same handsome and beautiful young actors with the same warm and soft light filters, but all of them are stiff in performance, awkward in lines, bloody in plot and rough in details. Even "Seventeen Years Old Who Will Hurt" has not been released yet, and the title of the film has been greatly vomited by netizens: "You will hurt! I have medicine! "

"seventeen years old that will hurt" caused netizens to vomit collectively.

This kind of collective ridicule is only because the "youth" they describe is a false story that is exactly the same, pale and weak, and only exists in imagination. It has nothing to do with the youth that each of us really experiences.

How did the "Pain Department" youth film come from? All this should start with the youth literature that became popular more than ten years ago.

The cover of budding magazine

At that time, the mobile phone was a non-intelligent machine that could only make phone calls and send text messages, and newspapers and magazines still occupied an important position in the media. In order to get short-term entertainment outside textbooks, campus life could only read books and magazines, so youth literature and art occupied the lives of young people.


Most of the audiences of these youth novels are teenagers in their teens, who are not only ignorant of the social reality, but also ignorant of the life they are experiencing, and shallow cultural products are more likely to be accepted by them.

Youth literature similar to Mary Su’s online novels became popular at first. Later, Jing M.Guo’s and Rao Xueman’s youth literature soon surpassed Mary Su’s because of "exposing scars", "excavating the dark side of growth" and appearing "profound". When "painful youth" is gradually typed, it quickly becomes a commodity for teenagers to consume.

The cover of the most novel

The covers of these youth pain literature are all boys and girls, who "look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, or look down at the earth with their eyebrows lowered". The sentences written on the inside page are sad and melodramatic, and they can be QQ signatures of crystal girls in minutes. The content of the story is out of line for the sake of being out of line, and it hurts for the sake of pain. In a word: work.

Look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle

"Painful youth" literature and art often adopt extreme cases in campus life in order to make their works get more amazing and more "shocking" reading experience, but the real student life is cut into pieces and simplified to the maximum in the works, and the main aspects of life become elements, while the false youth imagination becomes the main body.

Mr. Lu Xun once said that he didn’t like popular literature and art in the Republic of China, because most of the themes of those works were "beautiful and precious". Getting a few beauties and digging up any treasures are actually satisfying "psychosexuality".

Mr Lu Xun

If "getting beauty and treasure" is an adult’s fantasy, then "painful youth" is a teenager’s fantasy. It successfully captures the young people’s dissatisfaction and agitation with the boring life in reality, leaving exaggerated youth stories to the young people to "fantasize", making empty and pale characters become youth myths in the eyes of boys and girls and heroic dreams against plain life.

When did the "Pain Department" youth film begin? This should start with the release of the film directed by Zhao Weishou. In 2013, "To Youth" won a high box office of 700 million yuan at a low cost. This powerful commercial success is like a shot in the arm to stimulate the film and television industry, and the subsequent "To Youth" series came one after another and became a trend.

Box office winner "To Youth"

Although "To Youth" is full of details (for example, the "civil youth" in the film seems to live the life of a literary youth), it still maintains a certain level of plot, while the subsequent youth series generally carries forward the shortcomings of "To Youth" and has undergone major changes in creative mentality. IP and traffic stars have become the king of the market, the plot has become more absurd, and the audience has become younger and younger.

Fan movie

The environment presented by the work is more and more divorced from reality, and the setting of roles and the relationship between roles are more distorted. In order to increase the capacity of the story in a shorter time, making a movie even allows the protagonist to experience life and death in just a few days. Finally, in order to be able to mass-produce, the plot is the same. After mastering a set of winning routines for youth films, the film industry began mass production of "Pain Department" youth films.

At the beginning, three roommates of the hostess were arranged to die in a car accident

Some people may ask, are all the youth films in China like this?

The answer is no, of course. Perhaps this summer’s youth film is an anomaly in recent years. It embeds the elements of American youth film such as "club", "party", "atrix" and "inspirational" into China’s youth story, weakening the love of boys and girls to be ambiguous and ignorant, and the end result of the story is the pursuit of ideals and the realization of individual values.

"Flash Girl" composed by youth and blood

These outstanding parts may bring some inspiration to the commercial road of Chinese youth films at present.

In fact, there have been many successful youth films in China, such as Jiang Wen, Wang Xiaoshuai, etc. Among them, Sunny Days is also loved by American genius quentin tarantino.

Jiang Wen’s work Sunny Days

These excellent youth films are rooted in the background of the great era, describing the restlessness of a generation of youth, even seeing the big from the small and facing social problems directly. The rapid social changes in China over the past 100 years have made it difficult for Chinese people to have a vacuum youth that can shed social reality. Generation after generation has been involved in the torrent of the times. Even the love in adolescence has the background of the changes of the times.

Wang Xiaoshuai’s works

We criticize "painful youth", but it is paradoxical that those youth films that can be engraved in the film history are often really sad and cruel, such as Sunny Days mentioned above and Japanese director Nagisa ?shima’s youth films in the 1960s. As the Italian writer mauriac said, "Do you think youth is a good thing? Youth is like a swamp in thawing. "

In 1960, the Japanese film "The Story of Youth Cruelty"

Everyone has a different life experience and may have a different understanding of youth. For the post-80s and 90s generation, they are at the peak of birth since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and they have experienced the cruel competition and helplessness of adult society at a carefree age.

Around the college entrance examination

They were separated from their parents by the rapid development of the times, and the two generations experienced conflict, running-in and understanding; Many of them are only children, who grew up under the love and protection of their parents, and entered the society before they were young … … Facing the unbearable weight of collision reality with the unbearable lightness of youth is the collective memory of this generation and the "pain" of youth after 80′ s and 90′ s.

An indifferent father and daughter 2.

Unfortunately, the whole theater, the stage staged absurd stories, the audience broke out with disdain laughter, and the stirring youth of a generation eventually became a commodity for people to entertain, so that the song of youth, which should be romantic and wild, was abandoned in the national entertainment.

Interview with President of Peking University Examinations Institute: Furniture made like a mold

  Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute interviewed Xueba.

  What is the life direction of these "cow children"?

  Author: Qin Chunhua

  □ Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships?

  -just busy looking for what kind of school for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact they have given up their educational responsibilities as parents and teachers.

  □ Life is a journey of discovering yourself, and the road has to come out step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  In the first half of this year, I went to Shanghai to interview students. The students have made very serious preparations, one by one, just like the application materials provided by them. Without exception, every student has excellent academic performance — — At least in the top 5% of the grade; Outstanding artistic expertise — — At least one musical instrument; Won awards for scientific and technological innovation at all levels — — At least the second prize at the municipal level; Enthusiastic about public welfare — — Go to the nursing home to wash the feet of the elderly at least once; Wait a minute. While lamenting the high comprehensive quality of Shanghai students, I also have a faint regret: they look so perfect that they don’t seem to see any shortcomings; They look so alike, just like a set of "furniture" made by a mold.

  Including their performance in the interview is also very similar. One by one, sitting in danger, smiling without showing teeth; Speak clearly and cadently, as if reciting a poem affectionately. A student came up and said, "Confucius said … …” I interrupted him and asked him what his name was. After he told me, he went on to say "Zi Yue". I interrupted him again and told him that I didn’t care how to say it, but what I cared about was what you wanted to say. He blushed and couldn’t say a word. Another student sat confidently in front of me, waiting for me to ask all kinds of possible questions, as if everything was under control. I said, I don’t have any questions for you. Do you have any questions for me? She didn’t expect me to ask such a question at all, and suddenly she panicked and was tongue-tied and almost cried.

  Obviously, all the students have received some interview training before coming, and at least have seen some "treasure books" on how to deal with the interview, but perhaps no one told them that I am not interested in who they are, but who they really are.

  What surprises me most is that when I ask them what kind of person you want to be in the future, few people can answer. The students told me that they didn’t think about it at all.

  Really never thought about it? Actually, it is not. He (she) once thought about this question, but it was a long time ago, so long that he (she) even forgot it.

  When I was a child, whenever an adult asked a child, what do you want to be when you grow up? Children always answer happily: scientists, astronauts, pilots, police uncles (aunts) … … However, when the children go to school, these problems are never mentioned again, as if they never appeared. Listening to lectures in class, doing homework at home and attending remedial classes are the whole life of students. As for what children’s interests are, what kind of people they want to be when they grow up and what kind of life they live, no one seems to care, even the children themselves don’t care. Almost all teachers, parents and students only care about one thing: how many points they got in the exam and what school they can go to.

  A growth track that is recognized as a good student, or a perfect education roadmap imagined by parents, looks like this: go to the best kindergarten in the local area; I knew a lot of Chinese characters before I went to primary school, I can do complex math problems, I can recite many classic articles in large paragraphs, and I speak fluent English. Then go to the best local primary and secondary schools; Admitted to the best university in China — — Peking University, Tsinghua; Go to the best university in the world after graduation — — Harvard, wait. Of course, many people have been aiming at famous schools such as Eton and Exeter since junior high school. Not to mention that not everyone can achieve these goals, even if all of them are achieved, then what? Where is the goal of life?

  I really want to ask: what will happen after being admitted to Peking University?

  This is not my imagination. Over the years, I have seen many excellent children all over the world. They are all talented, hardworking, and have never failed. They are always among the top groups of their peers, choosing the best schools and classes, and they are the envy of others. However, few people can observe their inner pain and confusion.

  Many students from Peking University or Harvard told me that going to Peking University or Harvard was their goal since childhood, but one day when they were really in the campus that appeared in their dreams for countless times, they often fell into deep anxiety: What should they do next? Like a mountaineer’s confusion on Mount Everest: Where is the next mountain?

  Life needs goals, but society, schools and families have not taught children how to find and set their own goals. Our understanding of life and education is too simple and lacking in imagination. We always ask our children to be successful, to be better than others, and to be admitted to the best school, but we rarely tell them what success means, where the happiness of life comes from, and what is best for them. Education has been simplified into a straight line for further studies. All the processes exist only for that final result: going to Peking University or Harvard. No one told these children what to do after going to Peking University or Harvard. Since then, life has been smooth, and we will never encounter all kinds of troubles, difficulties and hardships? In 1923, Mr. Lu Xun once thought-provoking asked: "What happened after Nora left?" I also want to ask: "What happened after I was admitted to Peking University?"

  Going to school is to get a good education, but just as savings can’t be automatically converted into investment, going to school doesn’t necessarily mean getting a good education. The reason why we send our children to school is not because they have to go to school, but because they have to be fully prepared for their future lives. Going to school is a process that a person must go through in order to achieve his life goals. In this process, the most important thing is to realize what kind of person you will become in the future.

  It is not easy to do this. Everyone comes to the world with a unique mission, which is the value of independent individuals. The difference is that some people can find their mission and finally achieve great things; Some people don’t find their mission, and they end up doing nothing and living a lifetime. Just like marriage, "a radish is a pit", and everyone has their own "uniqueness". Some people find the "only" that matches them, and their marriage is happy; Some people don’t find it, and marriage is not happy, at least not happy.

  Although a person’s life is long and there seem to be many things to do, there is only one thing that can really be done. This is a person’s mission to the world. Discover that the mission cannot rely on the "apocalypse" — — Although many people do suddenly realize their mission in their dreams or flashes of light — — Education is the most important and fundamental means. The value of education lies in awakening the potential in every child’s heart and helping them find the special mission hidden in the body and the thing they are destined to do.

  This is the real challenge that every school and every family faces in education. It is more important and fundamental to know what kind of person you will become in the future than which school you go to and how many points you get. Avoiding or ignoring this problem, just being busy with what kind of school to find for children, what kind of teachers to find, what kind of conditions to provide for children, how much knowledge to teach students, and how many marks to improve students are all lazy practices, and in fact giving up the educational responsibility as parents and teachers.

  In fact, once a child realizes what kind of person he will be in the future, he will inspire endless motivation from his heart to strive to achieve his goals. Numerous research results have proved that this endogenous driving force is far greater and more effective than the externally imposed force for human growth. We should be soberly aware that life is not a game designed by others. As long as we invest time and money and configure more powerful "equipment", we can get through customs. Once the customs clearance is completed and the game is over, life will immediately face a situation where there is no way out. Life is a journey of self-discovery, and the road depends on yourself step by step. Realizing what kind of person you will become in the future is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can constantly illuminate the way forward.

  Know what you like? Make a negative list first.

  So, how can we know what kind of person we will become in the future? In other words, how can we find the special potential in our life? Everyone’s methods may be different, but the most important thing is to listen to your inner voice, find your real interest and realize why your life will come, just like Steve Jobs who was born for Apple.

  Generally speaking, an excellent person will never do anything too badly. The real difficulty is to distinguish whether it is something you really like. The way to judge whether you really like it or not is very simple, that is, whether you are obsessed with it, whether you can willingly devote time and energy to it regardless of utility and stick to it all the time. True obsession is a state of lovesickness. I think about it during the day and at night, even dreaming. I can’t help laughing when I think of him (her). I will think of him (her) when I see anything, and all I talk to others is him (her). I am excited about it, crazy about it, and even crazy about it. It is a state of immersion in happiness. "If you don’t go crazy, you won’t survive." If you don’t reach this state, you won’t be obsessed, and you won’t be really interested.

  I suggest that every student, no matter how heavy his schoolwork is, must spare some time to be alone every day, leave a little gentle space for his mind, and listen to his deep desire in a completely relaxed state. Sometimes, you can take out a blank sheet of paper and write down your thoughts. No matter how naive, ridiculous or even shocking these ideas seem, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, they are written for themselves and have nothing to do with others.

  Some people say that I just don’t feel anything, I don’t know what I like or even what I don’t like. What should I do? A good way is trial and error. Keep trying everything, and get rid of things you don’t like in the process of trying. Make yourself a negative list. Don’t be afraid of failure. For students, the cost of failure is very small. As long as they are not expelled or dropped out of school, they can return to the classroom and start all over again.

  Be patient with yourself. Not everyone can find their "the only thrill", which takes time and effort. Don’t worry when you can’t find it, take your time, but you must keep looking for it. You may not find it if you look for it, but you won’t find it if you don’t look for it. At the same time, we should have confidence in ourselves. Since you are here for this matter, no one can steal it. It doesn’t matter if you find it earlier or later. The important thing is that you like it from your heart. Remember the American Grandma Moses who picked up a paintbrush at the age of 77? Her story tells us that as long as you really like to do something, you can start at any time, even if you are 80 years old.

  Life is not only a life, but also a quality life. Judging whether a life has quality depends on whether every day is the day you really want. "If you hear the Tao, you will die in the evening." As long as you find something you really like, even for one day, it is a happy and quality life.

  (The author is Dean of Peking University Examination and Research Institute)

The Olympic record holder of the modern pentathlon men’s swimming event only ranks fifth.

  Good Luck Beijing Sports Official Website On September 15th, the world’s top modern pentathlon athletes once again gathered in Yingdong Swimming Pool to start the third event-swimming competition. Some athletes were shouldering high expectations. To the excitement of the audience, China’s Cao Zhongrong achieved the best result in the 200m freestyle in 2 minutes 0.87 seconds. Moiseev, the Olympic record holder who was considered as one of the popular swimmers before the competition, was only ranked fifth.

  In the first group competition, Sebastian Dietz of Germany, who is in the fourth lane, won the first place with a score of 2: 08.26,1264. The second place was Stefano Pecci of Italy in the eighth lane, one length behind the first one, with a score of 2 minutes, 20 seconds and 91 seconds. His teammate Federico Simonetti won the third place.

  With the whistle at the beginning of the second group, the audience’s eager eyes focused on China’s Qian Zhenhua, who also tried to give back to the audience with his best results. The speed of the second group was obviously faster than that of the first group. The French player took the lead after the final turn-back, and finally won the first place with a score of 2: 07.33,1272. To the excitement of the audience, Qian Zhenhua also achieved unexpectedly good results, ranking second with 1268 points.

  Because three Hungarian athletes hope to improve their ranking through excellent performance, the result of the third group is better than that of the first two groups. Polish Marcin Horbacz took the lead in the 100m, but Lithuanian Andrejus Zadneprovskis caught up and finished first in 2 minutes, 03.55 seconds. Horbatsch finished second in 2: 05.04, ahead of the fastest Hungarian player, Robert Nemeth (2: 06.12).

  After the ranking of the players in the first three groups was settled, the last nine players in the fourth group stood on the starting platform. This is the last chance for the athletes to break the modern pentathlon world record, that is, Egypt’s Amor El Geziry achieved a good result of 1 minute 54.44 seconds (1,428 points). Many people think that moiseev andrey, a Russian swimmer in the sixth lane, is the most likely to break the record, but China’s Cao Zhongrong kept the lead after 100 meters, which made the audience’s performance almost carnival.

  Cao Zhongrong finished the swimming competition with the fastest result of 2 minutes 0.87 seconds, and got 1352 points. Nicholas Woodbridge of Britain came in second with a time of 2: 01.45, followed by Eric Walther (2: 01.75). Moiseev, the Olympic record holder who was considered as one of the popular swimmers before the competition, was only ranked fifth. At the Athens Olympic Games, he set an Olympic record for swimming in the modern pentathlon-1 minute, 58.88 seconds, or 1,376 minutes.

Editor: Xu Guimei

Silver hair economy, financial "window"?

On January 5th, the executive meeting of the State Council was held to study the policy measures to develop the silver-haired economy and enhance the well-being of the elderly. The meeting emphasized that developing the silver-haired economy is an important measure to actively cope with the aging population and promote high-quality development, which is beneficial to both the present and the long-term.

The central financial work conference held at the end of October last year mentioned doing five major articles well, and pension finance is one of them.
The Central Economic Work Conference held in December last year proposed to develop the silver-haired economy, "speeding up the improvement of the birth support policy system, developing the silver-haired economy and promoting the high-quality development of the population."
A series of policies all point to the silver-haired economy. Is there any reason for financiers not to act?

The central bank bears the brunt of its efforts.

Recently, when reviewing the work in 2023, the central bank said that in 2023, the People’s Bank of China continued to increase financial support for the aged.
There are three specific contents:Guide banks to make good use of special refinancing loans for inclusive old-age care and strengthen financial support for old-age care services. The data shows that by the end of the third quarter of 2023, banking financial institutions have been supported to provide preferential interest rate loans to 66 inclusive pension service institutions in five pilot provinces such as Hebei.
It is understood that the special re-loan for inclusive old-age care is a special re-loan set up by the People’s Bank of China, and the supporting field of the special re-loan for inclusive old-age care is qualified inclusive old-age care institutions. On April 29th, 2022, the People’s Bank of China and the National Development and Reform Commission decided to carry out pilot projects in some areas.
Strengthen the guidance of credit policy and promote the credit supply of pension industry. According to the data, by the end of the third quarter of 2023, the loan balance of seven big banks, namely China Development Bank, Agricultural Development Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Bank of Communications, was about 101.2 billion yuan, up 31% year-on-year.
Encourage the upgrading of financial aging services and enhance the inclusiveness of pension finance.. Promote the transformation of bank outlets and mobile clients.
Now, do you often see blood pressure monitors, first aid kits, wheelchairs, reading glasses and other equipment at bank outlets or counters? Among them, there is a little attention from "Yang Ma"!

goldMelting machineConstruct and increase supply

At present, financial institutions continue to introduce financial products for the aged, such as savings, wealth management, trust and Public Offering of Fund.
In terms of personal pension products, according to the catalogue of personal pension products of the national social insurance public service platform, as of January 9, 2024, the total number of personal pension products reached 753. Among them, the number of savings products reached 465, which is the largest number of personal pension products at present; The number of funds is 162, ranking second in total; There are 107 insurance and 19 wealth management respectively.
Here are a few types of pension financial products for you:
Specific old-age savingsThe savings category specially set up for the old-age goal is actually a longer-term fixed deposit, which is divided into different files according to the savings years, and the interest rate is slightly higher than the five-year fixed deposit rate of large banks.
Financial products for the aged, mainly adopts the strategy of multi-asset allocation based on fixed-income assets, which is relatively stable.
Endowment insurance productsThere are many types, and the common types include traditional endowment insurance, dividend endowment insurance, universal life insurance and investment-linked insurance.
Pension trust productsThrough customized services and overlapping trust system design and legal relationship arrangement such as family trust, charitable trust and heritage trust, we will provide all-round and comprehensive services for customers with pension needs.

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Member Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Vice President of south university of science and technology of china Jin Li:
When the age of longevity comes, finance can play an important supporting role in coping with the aging population. It should be noted that the elderly are mostly dependent on property income, and their finances are fragile and sensitive, so they need better financial planning. In addition, with the extension of life expectancy, some elderly people may face the risk of disability and dementia in the future, and further aging transformation of financial services is needed. Furthermore, some private nursing homes run away after misappropriation of funds or even losses, and some financial products related to the elderly are misleading or even fraudulent, which seriously threatens the wealth security of the elderly. Some elderly people have low education level, poor ability to resist financial fraud, and sometimes excessive pursuit of high returns, misleading, leading to heavy losses.
In this regard, we must first strengthen investor education and financial planning for the elderly to help them enhance their risk awareness; Secondly, according to the characteristics of pension finance, products with low and medium risks, stable returns, long term and both savings and insurance functions should be created in a targeted manner, and the state provides tax incentives and minimum return insurance. Thirdly, in view of the problem that some elderly people’s children with mental deterioration or mental disabilities lack financial decision-making ability, we can learn from international experience, establish and improve the financial service entrustment system and the major contract review system, and create a stable long-term plan for them. Finally, it is suggested to regulate the use of funds through bank custody accounts to ensure the safety of pension investment.
Dong Ximiao, Principal Investigator of Zhaolian:
To implement the spirit of the State Council executive meeting and other related meetings and develop the silver-haired economy, both policies and markets are essential. On the one hand, the government should protect the basics and take the bottom line, and strengthen the basic guarantee; On the other hand, by making good use of the market mechanism, all kinds of business entities, including financial institutions, should give full play to their respective advantages to meet the diversified needs of silver-haired groups.
For financial institutions, they should focus on the long-term development of the pension market, optimize the allocation of financial resources, accelerate the innovation of products and services, strive to seize business opportunities such as asset management, custody, deposit and insurance, and tap indirect business opportunities such as account, card issuance and settlement. From the perspective of organizational structure, qualified financial institutions can set up a pension finance department, or set up a franchise institution for pension financial services, such as setting up a pension management company, to enhance the professional service ability of finance in the pension field. At the same time, we should constantly strengthen and improve the education of financial consumers, popularize financial knowledge in an appropriate way, strive to improve the financial literacy of silver-haired people, and enhance their awareness and ability of risk prevention.
Xiaobian Tip: Each type of pension financial products has its own unique advantages and disadvantages and suitable investment groups. For details, please consult professional financial institutions!
In addition, what other pension financial products do you know? Welcome to share them with you in the message area!

Everyone is watching.

This systemically important bank welcomes the new chairman!
Ma Linbo, who was prosecuted, was involved in Taiwan Province, and the Ministry of Commerce responded, and was fined 85.7 million yuan! The former chairman was banned from the market for 10 years ◆ There was another earthquake of magnitude 6.0 in Japan.
"Flowers" is a hit, and banks appear in the list of "special thanks"

Source: Financial Times client

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