Read a good book for you and read with filmmakers such as Huang Xiaoming and Elaine Zhong.

Special feature of 1905 film network April 23rd is World Reading Day.

Talking about the significance of reading, Gorky once said: The more books I read, the closer I get to the world, the more I understand the meaning of life, and the more important I feel about life.

Helen Keller once wrote: "A book is like a ship, which leads us from a narrow place to the infinite ocean of life."


Reading enlightens the mind, and so does movies. In the school, the sea of books is the source of childhood happiness. "I read this text as if I were lying on a boat."



In school, reading carries the mission of saving the nation from extinction. In the arduous The National SouthWest Associated University, there are "masters" instead of "buildings".

In school, reading is the way to protect our thoughts. "We must learn to read in order to resist ignorance."

In the world, the power of words is also the brilliance of human nature. "The difference between us and the soil is words." 

Reading is the cheapest "luxury". No matter young or old, male or female, poor or rich, people can draw strength from books, enrich themselves and nourish their souls.


On the occasion of World Reading Day, China Film Report also launched the theme planning — — The special program "Reading Good Books for You" takes you into the spiritual world of filmmakers through a good book and a sentence.


"World Book Day, let’s read a good book together."

Acting predecessors: reading to be clear-cut

Xie Fang: Write a Song of Youth.


"Is this selling musical instruments? Passengers pay attention to the owner of this luggage. Not a businessman, but a girl student of seventeen or eighteen years old, guarding these elegant things lonely. This female student is wearing a white cheongsam, white socks and white sneakers, holding a plain white handkerchief in her hand, — — Everything is white. "— —Yang MoSong of youth

This girl, as pure as snow, is a writer Yang Mo and Lin Daojing created by Xie Fang in Youth Like a Song.


Xie Fang recalled that in 1958, on the train from Wuhan to Beijing, she was reading two books along the way, one was the novel Song of Youth written by Yang Mogang, and the other was the movie story board.


"There is a saying in reading novels that Lin Daojing is a pale and handsome girl. I thought at that time, am I that handsome? I don’t think I am handsome, and I am not a person who likes to look in the mirror. "In this way, Xie Fang, who doesn’t like looking in the mirror by studying the original works and trying to figure out the characters, makes Lin Daojing, a beautiful, quiet, independent and progressive woman, extraordinarily vivid and becomes a classic in film history.


Red Rock has established my world view.


"There is a heavy iron chain at your feet, and you can hold the whip high; I don’t need any confession, even if my chest is facing a bloody bayonet! People can’t lower their noble heads, but only beg for "freedom" for fear of death; What is torture? Death can’t make me speak! I laughed at death, and the devil’s palace shook in laughter; This is me — — Confessions of a Communist party member, singing a song of triumph to bury the Chiang family dynasty. "— — Luo Guangbin and Yang Yiyan’s Red Rock

The famous actor Lu Qi created one great man image after another in Armageddon. In 1988, he also won the Best Actor Award in the 10th Golden Rooster Award for his vivid interpretation of Deng Xiaoping in the baise uprising.

Lu Qi believes that "in addition to being close in appearance, it is more important to grasp the spirit of the characters, that is, their origins, knowledge, experiences, thoughts, demeanor and ideological connotations."By repeatedly reading classic books such as Red Rock, Lu Qi constantly improved his spiritual realm. "It is a lifelong thing to read wisely and remember your heart."


: Never too old to read.


"The vice squad leader said that after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the superior asked me to stay in the army, so I took a vacation and took her back. She is very capable and she can plant seedlings and grass."— —ShiyanThe Story of Liubao

In the movie, the second sister who sang "Sunny Days in 1999" while working became an enduring screen classic.

Outside the play, 86-year-old Tao Yuling bluntly said that his favorite is reading: reading stanislav’s "Self-cultivation of Actors" is the perfection of acting skills; Reading the classic works such as Sunrise and Thunderstorm, you will be amazed at the fate of the characters in the book."I really want to play our country’s famous works. The four phoenixes and fanyi in Thunderstorm are really classics." 

Zhang Yongshou:Full of revolutionary romance


"Wan Ma Jun is a little girl, and her face looks like a dew."— —Quboimmense forestSnowfield

Zhang Yongshou is well known to the audience for his role as chief of staff Shao Jianbo in the film "Lin Hai Xue Yuan". In the process of shaping the role, the original novel is an important source of inspiration for him.


Qu Bo’s "Lin Hai Xue Yuan" depicts the arduous fighting life of the PLA scouts with colorful pen and ink, and also shapes a series of heroic images such as Yang Zirong and Shao Jianbo. The hazy love between Shao Jianbo and "Little White Dove" is more permeated with revolutionary romanticism.Zhang Yongshou said that in order to make the characters full and three-dimensional, he read the novel more than three times. "Comrade Qu Bo wrote the love story into the bandits."ChengzhiHow difficult it is! Love and friendship forged in hard struggle are inseparable for life. "

: Favorite "Mao Zedong Poetry"


"The rain falls deep and remote Yan, whitewater monstrous, fishing boat outside Qinhuangdao. We can’t see a piece of Wang Yang, so who can we turn to? The past more than one thousand years, Wei Wu brandished a whip, and Jieshi left a legacy in the east. The autumn wind is blowing again today, and it has changed the world. "— — Mao Zedong’s Langtaosha Beidaihe

In founding ceremony, Armageddon and A Mao Zedong in China, Liu Zhibing played Mao Anying, the son of Chairman Mao, for many times, which won wide acclaim from all walks of life.Liu Zhibing, 58, still keeps the habit of reading more than a dozen books a year, and knows Chairman Mao’s poems by heart.I tried to read Chairman Mao’s majestic poem from the perspective of Mao Anying, which is like a spiritual dialogue between their father and son. "


The younger generation: reading enriches themselves.


Celina Jade:Psychology books make me understand roles better.


"Life has never been such a simple dream and tribulation. It is not a simple so-called ideal and conspiracy. Life is not such a simple concept. What real life is like is what we complete and answer ourselves."— —Cai Chongda’s Skin

"I hope this sentence can bring you free souls and the power to pursue your dreams." This is the reason why Celina Jade recommended Skin.


In life, Celina Jade loves psychology books. These good books can not only help her understand her cognitive self, but also be part of the actor’s self-cultivation. "We can understand the role only by understanding psychology, so as to better interpret the role."Performance is the process of the integration of the actor’s self and the role psychology, just as she is inWolf Warriors 2.The aid doctor played in, inGhost Blowing the Lantern’s Star ArtShirley Yang, portrayed in the novel, "Only by putting in your concepts and ideas on the basis of the original work will this role become’ your own’."

: favoriteoriginal work

"Nothing is more painful than loneliness in my heart."— — Anne babyT.a. 

"The literary imagination and the interpretation of human nature in the novel words touched me the most." For Elaine Zhong, who was born after 1990s, Anne Baby’s novels bear the feelings of her schooldays, and they are in harmony with the soul of Weiyang, which made her decide to star in the film t.a.


Although the overall reputation of the film is not good, Elaine Zhong’s interpretation of Weiyang has won the recognition of Anne Baby. She wrote: "The shape and temperament of Weiyang played by Elaine Zhong are currently the most in line with the prototype of women in the book. Several opposite plays between Elaine Zhong and show a rare and delicate expression of emotion in domestic films. "


Apart from youth literature, Elaine Zhong, who was crazy about reading when he was a child, was once a "small library" among his classmates. He is very familiar with world famous works such as Gorky Trilogy, Childhood, My University, On Earth, The Count of Monte Cristo, Gone with the Wind and Jane Eyre.

"Little Ear" loves suspense reasoning.  


"As God is my witness, I am a good girl, I have excellent grades, I am helpful, hardworking and respectful to my elders, and I am willing to live day after day."— —Rao Xuemanthe left ear

Rao Xueman’s novel is obviously of special significance to Chen Douling because she starred in the youth film Left Ear and entered the entertainment circle. Gentle but stubborn "small ears" have many similarities with Chen Douling in appearance and personality.But in daily life, what Chen Douling likes to read most isKeio DongyeWaiting for the writer’s suspense and reasoning novels, "When reading such novels, I will bring myself, and I also hope to be able to appear in film and television works adapted from such novels, such as the policewoman in detective films."


Huang Xiaoming: Excellent works are read repeatedly.


"Recently, I will turn over the books I have read before and read them again. For example, kazuo inamori’s Living Method, Dry Method and Heart Method, and Amway gave them to all my colleagues, and one person bought them a set."

Argentine writer Bill Hess once said: If there is a heaven, it should be like a library.To enjoy reading, "World Book Day" is just the beginning.Go and read the book you want to read, while the breeze blows gently, the spring is just right.

Silver hair economy, financial "window"?

On January 5th, the executive meeting of the State Council was held to study the policy measures to develop the silver-haired economy and enhance the well-being of the elderly. The meeting emphasized that developing the silver-haired economy is an important measure to actively cope with the aging population and promote high-quality development, which is beneficial to both the present and the long-term.

The central financial work conference held at the end of October last year mentioned doing five major articles well, and pension finance is one of them.
The Central Economic Work Conference held in December last year proposed to develop the silver-haired economy, "speeding up the improvement of the birth support policy system, developing the silver-haired economy and promoting the high-quality development of the population."
A series of policies all point to the silver-haired economy. Is there any reason for financiers not to act?

The central bank bears the brunt of its efforts.

Recently, when reviewing the work in 2023, the central bank said that in 2023, the People’s Bank of China continued to increase financial support for the aged.
There are three specific contents:Guide banks to make good use of special refinancing loans for inclusive old-age care and strengthen financial support for old-age care services. The data shows that by the end of the third quarter of 2023, banking financial institutions have been supported to provide preferential interest rate loans to 66 inclusive pension service institutions in five pilot provinces such as Hebei.
It is understood that the special re-loan for inclusive old-age care is a special re-loan set up by the People’s Bank of China, and the supporting field of the special re-loan for inclusive old-age care is qualified inclusive old-age care institutions. On April 29th, 2022, the People’s Bank of China and the National Development and Reform Commission decided to carry out pilot projects in some areas.
Strengthen the guidance of credit policy and promote the credit supply of pension industry. According to the data, by the end of the third quarter of 2023, the loan balance of seven big banks, namely China Development Bank, Agricultural Development Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Bank of Communications, was about 101.2 billion yuan, up 31% year-on-year.
Encourage the upgrading of financial aging services and enhance the inclusiveness of pension finance.. Promote the transformation of bank outlets and mobile clients.
Now, do you often see blood pressure monitors, first aid kits, wheelchairs, reading glasses and other equipment at bank outlets or counters? Among them, there is a little attention from "Yang Ma"!

goldMelting machineConstruct and increase supply

At present, financial institutions continue to introduce financial products for the aged, such as savings, wealth management, trust and Public Offering of Fund.
In terms of personal pension products, according to the catalogue of personal pension products of the national social insurance public service platform, as of January 9, 2024, the total number of personal pension products reached 753. Among them, the number of savings products reached 465, which is the largest number of personal pension products at present; The number of funds is 162, ranking second in total; There are 107 insurance and 19 wealth management respectively.
Here are a few types of pension financial products for you:
Specific old-age savingsThe savings category specially set up for the old-age goal is actually a longer-term fixed deposit, which is divided into different files according to the savings years, and the interest rate is slightly higher than the five-year fixed deposit rate of large banks.
Financial products for the aged, mainly adopts the strategy of multi-asset allocation based on fixed-income assets, which is relatively stable.
Endowment insurance productsThere are many types, and the common types include traditional endowment insurance, dividend endowment insurance, universal life insurance and investment-linked insurance.
Pension trust productsThrough customized services and overlapping trust system design and legal relationship arrangement such as family trust, charitable trust and heritage trust, we will provide all-round and comprehensive services for customers with pension needs.

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Member Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Vice President of south university of science and technology of china Jin Li:
When the age of longevity comes, finance can play an important supporting role in coping with the aging population. It should be noted that the elderly are mostly dependent on property income, and their finances are fragile and sensitive, so they need better financial planning. In addition, with the extension of life expectancy, some elderly people may face the risk of disability and dementia in the future, and further aging transformation of financial services is needed. Furthermore, some private nursing homes run away after misappropriation of funds or even losses, and some financial products related to the elderly are misleading or even fraudulent, which seriously threatens the wealth security of the elderly. Some elderly people have low education level, poor ability to resist financial fraud, and sometimes excessive pursuit of high returns, misleading, leading to heavy losses.
In this regard, we must first strengthen investor education and financial planning for the elderly to help them enhance their risk awareness; Secondly, according to the characteristics of pension finance, products with low and medium risks, stable returns, long term and both savings and insurance functions should be created in a targeted manner, and the state provides tax incentives and minimum return insurance. Thirdly, in view of the problem that some elderly people’s children with mental deterioration or mental disabilities lack financial decision-making ability, we can learn from international experience, establish and improve the financial service entrustment system and the major contract review system, and create a stable long-term plan for them. Finally, it is suggested to regulate the use of funds through bank custody accounts to ensure the safety of pension investment.
Dong Ximiao, Principal Investigator of Zhaolian:
To implement the spirit of the State Council executive meeting and other related meetings and develop the silver-haired economy, both policies and markets are essential. On the one hand, the government should protect the basics and take the bottom line, and strengthen the basic guarantee; On the other hand, by making good use of the market mechanism, all kinds of business entities, including financial institutions, should give full play to their respective advantages to meet the diversified needs of silver-haired groups.
For financial institutions, they should focus on the long-term development of the pension market, optimize the allocation of financial resources, accelerate the innovation of products and services, strive to seize business opportunities such as asset management, custody, deposit and insurance, and tap indirect business opportunities such as account, card issuance and settlement. From the perspective of organizational structure, qualified financial institutions can set up a pension finance department, or set up a franchise institution for pension financial services, such as setting up a pension management company, to enhance the professional service ability of finance in the pension field. At the same time, we should constantly strengthen and improve the education of financial consumers, popularize financial knowledge in an appropriate way, strive to improve the financial literacy of silver-haired people, and enhance their awareness and ability of risk prevention.
Xiaobian Tip: Each type of pension financial products has its own unique advantages and disadvantages and suitable investment groups. For details, please consult professional financial institutions!
In addition, what other pension financial products do you know? Welcome to share them with you in the message area!

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Source: Financial Times client

Reporter:Hu ping

Editor: Yunyang

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