"Embroidery Spring Knife · Shura Battlefield" released a poster, revealing all four highlights

1905 movie network news The film directed by Lu Yang and produced by Ning Hao was officially released on July 19. After three years of polishing and upgrading, the audience finally ushered in the latest chapter of this word-of-mouth series. On the day of the release, the film released a new artistic poster, and announced the four ultimate highlights of "Wind, Lin, Fire and Mountain". The collective praise of Feng Xiaogang, Xu Zheng, Jiao Xiongping and other big names in the industry; the collective praise of film critics and audiences, but also from different sides, sketched a fuller "new martial arts universe".


Three years of tempering "The Wind Masterpiece" was upgraded for 23 days to cast a new legend in Chinese film history

The fighting spirit of "Fenglin Volcano" comes from "Sun Tzu’s Art of War", and it is also the best interpretation of the movie "Embroidery Spring Knife · Shura Battlefield". Three years ago, the first dark horse appeared "The Wind Masterpiece", which achieved a word-of-mouth counterattack at the end of the summer season. Golden Horse has five nominations and a grand prize, which has aroused thousands of waves of discussion in the film industry. In the past three years, "Embroidery Spring Knife" has undergone repeated reviews by countless audiences, two-dimensional elements, detail parties, and even weapon fans. It still maintains a good reputation and still maintains a good score of 7.4 on the always harsh Douban platform. At the same time, the voice of movie fans for the continuation of "Embroidery Spring Knife" is also growing louder.


Three years later, director Lu Yang returned with the original behind-the-scenes and a new lineup to present the latest installment in the "Embroidery Blade" series, "Embroidery Blade · Shura Battlefield". Regarding the timeline and story of this installment, Lu Yang made no secret: "The whole is brand new, only two characters are retained, and the rest are new characters. We also found a good historical node to cut in, so that this installment is related to the previous one. You can say it is a prequel, but it is also an independent chapter, similar to a new possibility of Shen Lian in a parallel universe."


In "Embroidered Spring Knife · Shura Battlefield", Lu Yang comprehensively upgraded the lineup, technology, and story, and created a "Ming Dynasty version" with Ling’s passionate action design. Cruelty and romance, passion and softness are symbiotic, interpreting the "Embroidered Spring Knife Aesthetics". After the film’s advance screening at the Shanghai International Film Festival in June, it has gained an excellent reputation. Then even the domineering announcement: from the original release on August 11, a total of 23 skies will be raised for three weeks and it will be fully released on July 19. This massive upgrade also created a new record in the history of Chinese film. Such an aura that "he is as fast as the wind" meets the audience can be said to be someone else. After the film premiered on July 16, a large number of tap water praise exploded Weibo Moments, and the audience Uncle Cai said: "Compared with the two, I prefer 2, which is very beautiful! Most of the martial arts movies in recent years can only see Wu, while" Embroidery Spring Blade · Shura Battlefield "can see a big man!"


In front of the stage and behind the scenes "Master Like Lin" Ning Hao supervised the production of the golden horse team to break through the previous work

The lineup of "Master Rulin" in "Embroidery Spring Sword Asura Battlefield" includes the best actor Zhang Zhen, the first-line flower Dan Yang Mi, Shidi Zhang Yi, the powerful actor Lei Jiayin, and the old drama bone Jin Shijie; the golden horse team, the soundtrack god Kenji Kawai, and the theme song singers Tan Weiwei and Zhou Shen. There is also director Ning Hao’s blessing and supervision, and Lu Yang has achieved "two swords". Regarding this heavy joining of Ning Hao, Lu Yang said: "Director Ning Hao will directly say whether this thing is good or not, and he will let me not immerse myself in my own perspective. The investment and matching, the introduction of resources are controlled by Director Ning Hao, but he is very assured and gives us absolute freedom. I am grateful to have him as the supervisor."


The collision of the new star cast also sparked a different kind of spark. Zhang Zhen, who was called by Lu Yang as "for me, it is equivalent to Matt Damon’s" The Bourne Shadow ", once again dedicated his usual high-level performance. Shen Lian’s" torn, suppressed, and forbearing "was naturally revealed. And the new addition, Yang Mi," received "with a" pink, sweet, romantic "character aura, presenting an unprecedented sense of CP. In addition, Zhang Yi’s wily calculation, Lei Jiayin’s funny role, Xin Zhilei’s silent waiting, and Jin Shijie’s calm atmosphere all impressed the audience who walked out of the screening venue in advance. Especially after the premiere on July 16, more supporting actors who performed at a super level also "surfaced": Liu Duanduan, Wu Qiang and other actors who participated in the film for the first time all began to attract fans. Phoenix, a media person, wrote: "The story is connected one by one, not giving people a chance to breathe. Especially in the performance, everyone is acting online! Zhang Zhen and Shen Lian have achieved each other’s achievements, and the outstanding performance of several supporting actors Lei Jiayin, Xin Zhilei, and Liu Duanduan is surprising." Some audience members directly asked Lu Yang after the screening: "Where did you find so many low-key actors with explosive acting skills?" There were also a large number of audience members who praised: "Lei Jiayin has a lot of highlights, Liu Duanduan’s facial expressions are too rich, it is simply an expression textbook."


Emotional blazing "forbearance is like fire" One thought Shura burns through summer for sincerity

The fire of "Embroidery Chun Dao Shura Battlefield" is not the "aggression like fire" in "Sun Tzu’s Art of War". In addition to the more complex and exciting plot of suspense, there is also the determination to burn the summer season to the hottest. After the premiere viewing, the film’s solid narrative and in-place details have convinced a large number of professional media people. Film critic "Immortal Aunt Growing Up" wrote: "Very solid ancient costumes + martial arts + suspense films. Speaking of suspense, the script is solid, factional struggles, organizational chases, siblings betray, lovers betray, and various black situations unfold in the interlocking plot. Speaking of martial arts, there is a small climax every 3 minutes, a big climax every 5 minutes, and the exposure of human nature is also a layered bloom."


The art poster released on the day of the film’s release shows the highlight of the film’s "boat interrogation" in an impressionistic style, showing the depression of the male and female protagonists in the emotional Asura field and the upcoming fiery outbreak. In the film, whether it is the forbearance of Zhang Zhen and Yang Mi’s mutual abuse and worship; or the alternative brotherhood of Zhang Zhen, Zhang Yi and Lei Jiayin; and the troubled feelings of Zhang Yi and Xin Zhilei, Xin Zhilei and Li Yuan’s mentoring and apprenticeship will move the audience. In this regard, director Lu Yang said: "Everyone in the story has a desire to break free, and they don’t want to be in hell endlessly. But maybe everyone’s way of breaking free is different. Shen Lian may be more romantic and more thorough. His breaking free itself is a very tragic move. "And this emotional expression that makes the audience" good to see and cry "is naturally full of praise. After watching the movie, the fan Wang Xiaoye’er wrote an article with emotion:" See you for the first time in the rain, but you can’t help it with a smile. In this world – how can you allow any mutual support and talk to Zicheng? Some roads never come to an end and never want to look back. Some love is not about life and death, and cannot be seen through. "


On the night of the film’s premiere, Lin Yuxian, the Taiwanese director who was invited to watch the film, also gave a succinct praise for the troubled times in the film: "In that era, it was worth it to stick to the love and get your name!" Zhang Ji, the screenwriter of the film, wrote: "In fact, the rivers and lakes are not beautiful, and the world is dark. But when I saw Zhang Zhen struggling to resist, I was still moved – no matter how low the dust is flying, it will not be the end of the era."


The reputation is strong and "not moving like a mountain" Feng Xiaogang Xu Zheng Jiaoxiongping collectively praised

After setting a new record in Chinese film history two months ahead of schedule and raising the file for three weeks for a total of 23 days, "Embroidery Spring Knife · Shura Battlefield" opened a thousand screenings nationwide on July 15 and 16, and won the domineering results of "No. 1 in attendance, No. 1 in average attendance, and No. 1 in praise rate". It ranked first in the professional rating of a ticketing platform with 8.3 points, and also got a 7.6 audience score in the always harsh Douban. Its word-of-mouth continued with the first film, maintaining the trend of "not moving like a mountain". Some media posted early after watching the film: "I hope the box office this time can be directly proportional to the word-of-mouth." And released the slogan – "Don’t miss’Embroidery Spring Knife ‘again". Lu Yang, the director, said: "I think this schedule is very suitable for this film, and I hope it can take a long time. This time I did it in my own way and made a costume action movie, and we like this movie!"

At the premiere on the evening of July 16, "Embroidery Spring Sword Shura Battlefield" conquered audiences inside and outside the industry with the spirit of "Fenglin Volcano" and its full charm, even big names in the film industry. On the same day, the famous director Feng Xiaogang appeared in surprise, and after watching the movie, he spoke with praise: "I like the last one very much, this one must be watched. No disappointment, it’s very good, and it’s very Lu Yang’s style, congratulations!" Xu Zheng, director of the Billion Club, teased: "I think it’s very good, it will make many so-called big IPs ashamed. It’s obviously original, but it’s very exciting. Zhang Zhen is so handsome, I was about to be bent by Zhang Zhen, and then I saw Yang Mi Zhang Yi come back straight. If there is a third installment, you can also consider letting me play it. "Dapeng also" invited "the third installment. He said:" I am also an actor, and I am willing to be in the same frame as Xu Zheng in’Embroidery Spring Blade 3 ‘. "

On the night of the premiere, Jiao Xiongping, the godmother of Taiwanese films, also appeared in surprise. She said: "Congratulations to Lu Yang, congratulations to Zhang Zhen, Yang Mi, I am very happy to see your huge leap." Director Zhang Yibai praised: "Director Lu Yang is so young, but his insight into human nature, his disappointment, despair and hope for human nature, is what surprised me about this film. This is a movie worth studying!"

The movie "Embroidery Chun Dao · Shura Battlefield" is the first work of Bad Monkey Film’s "72 Change Film Plan". It is written by Chen Shu, Lu Yang, and Yu Yang. Lu Yang and Ning Hao "combine two knives", and it also brings together Zhang Zhen, Yang Mi, Zhang Yi, Lei Jiayin, Xin Zhilei, Jin Shijie, Liu Duanduan, Li Yuan, Wu Qiang, Yang Yi, Wu Xiaoliang, Li Hongtao, Liu Fengchao, Yuan Wenkang, Ma He, Liu Tingzuo, Wang Renjun and other powerful lineups.

Who will save Xu Jiayin? Zhao Changlong "overwhelmed" has left office, and his successors are helpless

All-powerful and crazy all his life, but he didn’t expect that in the end Huang…

Who can save Xu Jiayin?

He must be too eager for freedom and the fresh air of this colorful world, but in the face of the truth, he had to pay a heavy price for his past savagery.

After Xu Jiayin was arrested, Zhao Changlong became the chairperson of Evergrande Real Estate Group. Many people had guessed the outcome and were betting on Zhao Changlong’s timely delivery. Unfortunately, as expected, Zhao Changlong came and went in a hurry.

On November 30, Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. changed its industrial and commercial information. Zhao Changlong stepped down as chairperson and was replaced by Liang Weikang!

What medicine is sold in the gourd?

I think you understand very well,

Today’s Evergrande, wanting to make a comeback against the wind, requires not loud slogans and beliefs, but financial support. If slogans and beliefs can bring Evergrande back to life, how could Xu Jiayin be reduced to imprisonment?

To put it more bluntly, the things that Xu Jiayin couldn’t solve, Zhao Changlong took office and moved forward with a heavy load. If he could hold on for a while, if he couldn’t hold on, this scene would naturally appear. Xu Jiayin became a lesson from the past, and no one in the future could do anything because of powerlessness. Eventually, he was sent to the bars.

Xu Jiayin has shouted all the inspiring slogans, and has also lent all the banks that can lend money. Of course, the down payment delivered by the people is also used by him to make up for the west wall. At this time, no matter who is appointed as the leader of Evergrande, it seems to be in a state of helplessness, because no one can believe it anymore. Real money, even if thrown in, is like sinking into the sea….

Unless there is a possibility, that is

"The power of capital!"

At this time, if the blood of capital is channeled, Hengda Real Estate Group may still be able to thrive, but it should be noted that the capital channeling of small funds is of no avail. A few capitalists are willing to bet on Hengda’s hand. I think no one dares to gamble easily.

Three or two billion yuan of funds is just the tip of the iceberg for trillion debts. No one can risk their lives to push themselves into the abyss. At the moment when Zhao Changlong became the new chairperson, he knew in his heart how capable he was

His departure was not sudden, but had long been fixed.

If there is no strong backing, no matter who takes over Evergrande now, they dare not swear

"It’s inevitable",

I can only put it mildly

"We strive, we will work hard, we believe…"

No one dared to say what DingTalk said on the board. After all, no one is Xu Jiayin, and there is no courage that Xu Jiayin once had.

In the year before Xu Jiayin was arrested, knowing that Evergrande, which was heavily indebted to foreign countries, was still overwhelmed, he still filled thousands of home buyers with ecstasy soup. The slogans of guaranteeing the building turned into a big lie again and again, just like feeding the home buyers with reassurance. In fact, it is a cure for the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Zhao Changlong has been the new chairperson of Evergrande Real Estate Group for several months, and he has never dared to say too much. He has thought about his retreat, and some things are seen by the masses.

It is the key to make a comeback with what, not who will lay it out….

Since Zhao Changlong has stepped down, who will be the most disappointed person? I think everyone has already guessed, that is Xu Jiayin, who can save him? If Evergrande goes against the wind and turns everything around, if Evergrande continues to change generals, it will only let thousands of people see the crisis and test that Evergrande is facing, and Xu Jiayin’s return to the rivers and lakes is even more distant.

As for Liang Weikang, the new chairperson of Evergrande Real Estate Group, I don’t know how long he can stay in this position. The most worrying thing is that the buyers have transferred their trust in Xu Jiayin to Zhao Changlong, and from Zhao Changlong to Liang Weikang!

Responsible editor:

The first special of the movie "Embroidery Spring Knife", Zhang Zhen said with a smile that Jinyi Wei is like a chengguan

    Directed by outstanding young director Lu Yang, the romantic martial arts masterpiece will be released nationwide in August. The film has not been released due to the collection of Zhang Zhen, Liu Shishi, Wang Qianyuan, Li Dongxue, Nie Yuan, Zhu Dan, Zhou Yiwei, Jin Shijie, Ye Qing and many other stars. Recently, the film’s first production special "Hard Journey" has been exposed, revealing the film’s laborious shooting process and excellent production. Director Lu Yang revealed that the film "Embroidery Spring Blade" has more than 5,000 shots, which is nearly double that of ordinary action movies. Regarding the group of Jinyiwei that is focused on in the film, the actors all gave their own opinions. Zhang Zhen laughed and said that Jinyiwei is very similar to chengguan.

    "Embroidered Sword of Spring" tells a story about the Jinyiwei. In the first production special, "Hard Journey," a large number of action scenes of the three Jinyiwei brothers played by Zhang Zhen, Wang Qianyuan and Li Dongxue were exposed, including their galloping horses in the night rain and the passage of being surrounded and killed. In particular, the handsome and cool looks of the three brothers are worthy of the title "Jinyiwei Tiantuan" given to them by fans.

    Zhang Zhen, Wang Qianyuan and Li Dongxue each offered their own views on the mysterious group of Jinyiwei that is the focus of the film. Wang Qianyuan thinks they are "people from the Public Security Bureau," Zhang Zhen laughs and says they look like "chengguan," while Li Dongxue believes that Jinyiwei belong to civil servants and evaluates them as a group of people with chivalrous spirit.

    In the director Lu Yang’s opinion, "Embroidery Blade of Spring" is not a traditional martial arts film. It has many romantic elements. Liu Shishi’s line "If it wasn’t for me, you might not be what you are today" exposed in the special edition has opened a corner of this romance.

    The entire cast and crew worked hard for this hard-earned production. It is reported that the filming schedule of the film is only about 70 days, which is very tight. During the filming period, it is also in time for the rainy season, and everyone can only wait when it rains most of the time. Li Dongxue, the lead actor, said that many of the fights are arranged at night, "It is necessary to fight very excitedly or in groups." Zhang Zhen, the lead actor who has played a lot in the film, said: "I will shoot a fight in three or five days, and the physical expenditure is relatively large. I rely on the time before the shooting to do exercise." Due to the fact that the filming was in July, the hottest month in Beijing, and the "struggle" with the weather was particularly difficult, the star Wang Qianyuan "complained": "Wear very thick clothes, and wear a raincoat inside, maybe you will faint." The director Lu Yang made a simple statistic: "Action movies that are more complicated will have 3,000 shots, but our movie currently has more than 5,000 shots." The star Liu Shishi also said: "Every scene is a heavy scene."

    In addition to the three brothers, Nie Yuan, Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei, who played the villains in the movie "Embroidery Spring Sword," also appeared in the production special. Everyone recommended the film to the audience. Zhou Yiwei said, "I believe this film will be a work that will make everyone feel amazing." Zhang Zhen considered it the most interesting movie he made in 2013. 

Tiggo 8 big price cuts in Dongguan! The lowest price is 89,900, and the promotion is limited.

In the preferential promotion channel in Dongguan, car home, we are pleased to announce that Chery’s flagship SUV is being promoted! As a medium-sized SUV, Tiggo 8 has always been favored by consumers because of its excellent cost performance and spacious space. Now, consumers in Dongguan can enjoy a maximum discount of 20,000 in our preferential promotion! The minimum starting price is 89,900 yuan, which will make Tiggo 8 an excellent choice for you to buy a car. If you want to know more about the discount details of Tiggo 8, please click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount!


Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with stylish and modern design. The front face adopts the Tiggo family design language, and the air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome, which looks very luxurious. The body lines are smooth, the overall style is tough, and the front of the car is full of power. Smooth lines are used on the side of the car body, which highlights the sense of movement and strength of the whole car. The tail design is simple and lively, and the popular through taillight design is adopted, which has high recognition at night. Generally speaking, the design of Tiggo 8 is excellent, with high visual impact, which leaves a deep impression on people.


Tiggo 8 is a medium-sized SUV with a body length, width and height of 4700*1860*1746mm, a wheelbase of 2710mm, a front track of 1582mm and a rear track of 1604mm respectively. The body lines are smooth, the side lines are simple and smooth, and the roof lines are tilted backwards, forming a perfect arc with the body, showing a sense of movement and strength. The front and rear tyre size are both 235/55 R18, and the rim design is fashionable, which complements the overall style of the car body. The overall shape is fashionable and elegant, and the details are exquisite. It is a very attractive model.


The interior style of Tiggo 8 is simple and generous, and the overall tone is mainly black, with silver decoration, creating a sense of luxury and technology. The steering wheel is made of leather material, which feels comfortable and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for the driver to operate. The size of the central control screen is 10.25 inches, with clear display and simple operation. The front row has two USB/Type-C interfaces, and the rear row is equipped with a USB interface to meet the charging needs of passengers. The seat is made of imitation leather, and the front and rear seats, backrest and height can be adjusted. The front seats are also equipped with heating function, so that drivers and passengers can feel warm in cold weather. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which increases the flexibility of the interior space.


The Tiggo 8 is powered by a 1.5T 156 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 115kW and a maximum torque of 230N·m, and is equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission. The engine has excellent power performance and high efficiency and energy saving, which can provide excellent driving experience for drivers. At the same time, the configuration of the 6-speed manual gearbox also enables the driver to control the vehicle more accurately and get better driving pleasure.

In the evaluation of car home car owners, we can see that the Tiggo 8 has performed quite well in appearance, space, steering and high-speed stability. In addition, the owner also mentioned the high practicality and intelligence of the electronic parking brake. These advantages will undoubtedly make the Tiggo 8 a model that has attracted much attention. It is worth mentioning that the price/performance ratio of the Tiggo 8 in the same class is also very high. If you are looking for an SUV with stable performance, rich configuration and atmospheric appearance, then Tiggo 8 will be a good choice.

The 34th China Film Golden Rooster Awards Press Conference was held in Xiamen.

  This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Golden Rooster Award for Chinese films and the 30th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, which coincides with the 40th anniversary of the construction of Xiamen Special Economic Zone. On December 28th, the China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival and the press conference of the 34th Golden Rooster Award for Chinese Film were held in the picturesque "Ludao" Xiamen. Liao Huasheng, member of the Party Group and Vice Mayor of Xiamen Municipal People’s Government of Fujian Province, Yan Shaofei, Deputy Secretary and Secretary General of the Party Group of China Film Association, and La Peikang, Vice Chairman of China Film Association, attended the meeting. The conference was hosted by La Peikang, and Liao Huasheng and Yan Shaofei delivered speeches respectively.

  From right to left: Liao Huasheng, member of the Party Group and Vice Mayor of Xiamen Municipal People’s Government of Fujian Province, Yan Shaofei, Deputy Secretary and Secretary General of the Party Group of China Film Association, and La Peikang, Vice Chairman of China Film Association.

  Founded in 1981, the Golden Rooster Award for Chinese Film is a national award-winning activity approved by Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and sponsored by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and China Film Association. Over the past 40 years, the Golden Rooster Award for Chinese films has always been based on the principle of "academic, contending and democratic", rewarding outstanding films and commending outstanding film artists, which has made positive contributions to the prosperity and development of China’s film art creation, promoting film theory and criticism, improving the overall level of China’s film art and technology, and enhancing the international status of China’s films. The Golden Rooster Award is also known as the "Expert Award" for China films because of its professional and academic criteria, authoritative composition of the jury and democratic rigor of the selection process.

  Since the Golden Rooster Award was settled in Xiamen in 2019, the China Film Association and the Xiamen Municipal Government have been actively involved in the planning and preparation of the Golden Rooster Award activities based on the principle of pragmatic innovation, striving to present a Golden Rooster Award that fully demonstrates the characteristics of the times, movies and local features for the majority of filmmakers and movie audiences. China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival in 2021 was co-sponsored by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China Film Association and Xiamen Municipal People’s Government. It was held in Xiamen from December 28 to 30, 2021 for three days.

  From December 29th to 30th, the jury of the 34th China Golden Rooster Awards made a collective observation and final evaluation on the candidate films of this year’s Golden Rooster Awards, and judged the best awards of this year’s Golden Rooster Awards, which will be announced on the spot at the award ceremony. During the film festival, there will also be 30 large-scale activities in seven categories, including film exhibitions, forum ventures, and study symposiums in the film industry.

  At 19:30 on December 28th, the opening ceremony of the film festival and the commendation ceremony for the nominees of the Golden Rooster Award will be held in the Straits Hall of Xiamen International Convention Center. At 19: 00 on December 30th, the Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony and the closing ceremony of the film festival will be held in Xiamen Strait Grand Theatre. At that time, about 3,000 people, including Golden Rooster judges, nominated crews, awarding guests, famous film artists, film festival guests, leaders at all levels and Xiamen citizens, will attend. Six CCTV movie channels are broadcast live simultaneously.

  According to the Articles of Association and Selection Rules of the Golden Rooster Award for Chinese Film, the 34th Golden Rooster Award for Chinese Film will be selected: best feature film, best small and medium-budget feature film, best children’s film, special prize of the jury, best documentary/science and education film, best art film, best opera film, best foreign language film, as well as best screenwriter, best director, best director debut, best actor, best heroine and best supporting actor. Among them, the best foreign language film award was newly added this year.

  From July 7th to the end of this year, the registration of Golden Rooster Award has received a total of 185 films, including 50 feature films, 69 medium and small budget feature films, 11 children’s films, 11 art films, 25 documentaries/science and education films, 9 opera film films and 10 foreign language films.

  This year’s feature film unit primary selection group, composed of 25 experts, scholars and first-line creators in the film field, and the foreign language film primary selection group, composed of 6 experts, spent one month observing the 185 feature films and foreign language films that entered the competition, and after careful deliberation and discussion, 41 short-listed films were finally produced and submitted to this selection committee, including 16 feature films, 12 medium and small budget feature films, 6 children’s films and 7 foreign language films.

  During the film festival, the related film festival activities undoubtedly attracted the most attention and concern of the audience and fans. This year’s domestic film festival mainly focuses on the "New Films" section, presenting China’s new achievements in film creation with masterpieces. At that time, several films including "Tales of Yong ‘an Town" will be shown to promote outstanding works to more audiences. The Golden Rooster International Film Festival is the earliest international film cultural exchange platform in China, which has been held for 30 consecutive times since the first Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival in 1992. This year’s International Film Festival will show 38 films from 35 countries and regions, including new works by newcomers from countries along the "Belt and Road", world-renowned master classics, and word-of-mouth masterpieces focusing on all aspects of the epidemic.

  What is particularly worth mentioning is that this year’s Hong Kong Classic Film Exhibition will focus on the theme of "The Story of Hong Kong City", showing 11 Hong Kong classic films. Among them, the classic film In the Mood for Love directed by Wong Kar-wai will meet the audience in mainland China for the first time with a 4K restored IMAX version, which is also the world debut of IMAX version.

It is expected that Geely Xingyue L will be listed in the third quarter.

  [car home Information] A few days ago, we photographed the real car of Geely Xingyue L model at the dealer. The new car was officially unveiled in mid-April and is expected to be officially launched in the third quarter of 2021.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

  Although it is called "(|)", the new car is obviously different from the Xingyue model in appearance. It is a standard SUV with the latest design language, and it looks very burly as a whole.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

   Specifically, the new car uses a polygonal front grille and a straight waterfall-type middle net, which brings a certain three-dimensional effect. The headlights on both sides are well-shaped, and they look calm and atmospheric when matched with the front air intake grille.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

   On the side of the car body, the new car adopts a through waistline design, with fenders slightly protruding from the front and rear to create a wide-body effect. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4770/1895/1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845 mm. It is officially positioned as a compact SUV.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

   In the rear part, the new car uses the popular through taillight design, and the internal light group adopts a three-dimensional array arrangement, which is highly recognizable after lighting. In addition, the new car also uses a hidden exhaust system to make the tail of the new car feel stronger.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

   The most striking thing about the interior of the new car is the penetrating multimedia touch screen of the center console, which extends from the central control area to the front of the co-pilot and can display many driving information and multimedia entertainment functions. In addition, the new car is also equipped with a full LCD screen and a yacht-type electronic shift lever.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0T High Power Edition

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine of Volvo Drive-E series, and two power versions will be available. The maximum power is 218 HP and 238 HP respectively, and the transmission is matched with a 7-speed wet DCT gearbox (2.0TD-T4 Evo) and an 8AT gearbox (2.0TD-T5) from Aisin. (Text/car home Ma Aijun)

The chill is getting heavier! The temperature drops the most in beginning of winter. See where to enter the winter on the national winter map.

China Weather Network News "The north wind is cold and cold, and the sparse wood is half green and yellow." Today (November 8th), China entered the beginning of winter solar term. beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means the beginning of cold winter. After beginning of winter, cold air activities became more frequent, and the winter process accelerated. China Weather Network launched the national winter map during beginning of winter all the year round to see where the cold wind is starting and winter is coming.

[National Winter Map] During the beginning of winter season, most of the north entered the winter.

At the beginning of the solar term in beginning of winter all the year round, many places in the north have entered winter, and the front of winter has reached the central part of North China, Qinling Mountains and western Sichuan Plateau. During the solar term in beginning of winter, the process of winter accelerated, and winter continued to cross south, and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, southern Shandong, most of Henan, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, and northwestern Hubei all entered the threshold of winter. Like Shijiazhuang (November 7), Xi ‘an (November 11), Jinan (November 10), Zhengzhou (November 13), Hefei (November 18), Nanjing (November 19) and other provincial capital cities, the average winter season is concentrated in beginning of winter season.

Most of the south is still in autumn at this time, and places like Hunan and Hubei are cool and full of autumn. In Hainan and the southern coastal areas of Guangdong, the summer heat still exists, and the summer is not over.

[Weather in beginning of winter] The temperature plummeted and the chill became heavier.

At the time of beginning of winter, everything was finally done. Beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means that life begins to close and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. Its climate has also changed from dry autumn to rainy and cold winter, with a sudden drop in temperature and a growing chill.

"One day in beginning of winter, water cooling is three points." Beginning of winter is the solar term with the fiercest cooling in the whole year, especially in the north. At this time, it has entered the cold season of "singing winter with the wind". China Weather Network took stock of the national temperature changes in the twenty-four solar terms, and found that the national average temperature began to decline since beginning of autumn, and beginning of winter had the largest decline, with the temperature in first frost dropping by 3.77℃ compared with the previous solar term.

The forms of precipitation after beginning of winter are more diverse, such as rain, snow, sleet and hail. The first snow often appears in North China, and it is already a scene of heavy snow in Northeast and Northwest China.

During the cold air intermission, the temperature difference between day and night in North China, Huanghuai and other places is large, and the humidity increases, which is prone to fog and haze weather, especially the visibility is low in the morning and evening, which will have a great impact on people’s life and travel.

Beginning of winter is not equal to winter. After beginning of winter, the cold air is stronger and the activities are more frequent. The front of winter begins to cross the Qinling Huaihe River, and most of the north has entered winter, while most of the south is still in autumn.

[beginning of winter Phenology] Water begins to freeze when it is frozen.

Beginning of winter is divided into three stages: the first stage is when the water begins to freeze, the second stage is when the ground begins to freeze, and the third stage is when the pheasant enters the flood. It is said that this solar term, water can already form ice; The land also began to freeze; After beginning of winter, big birds such as pheasants are rare, but giant clams with similar lines and colors can be seen on the seashore.

"beginning of winter is sunny and has a good harvest." In beginning of winter season, the land in Northeast China is frozen, and agricultural and forestry crops enter the wintering period; Jiangnan and South China should make full use of fine weather to harvest, sun and air late rice.

[beginning of winter custom] It is necessary to make up for the winter and avoid making up for the cold.

As the saying goes, "beginning of winter fills the winter and fills the mouth." In order to resist the cold, there is a folk custom of "beginning of winter food tonic". In the north, jiaozi is eaten, while in the south, radish stewed mutton, ginger duck, crucian bean curd soup and other tonic dishes are usually eaten. However, winter tonic should be moderate, and blind "big tonic" should be avoided.

The weather is getting colder after beginning of winter, so friends should prepare down jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and other cold-proof equipment in advance, and add clothes in time to prevent colds.

When the north wind rises, everything hides, and beginning of winter is brushing away the restlessness of the season with the most peaceful attitude, so that everything can be calm. We might as well enjoy the warm sunshine in winter and feel the good time on earth quietly after our daily busyness. (Text/Liu Wei Design/Liu Hongxin Data Support/Shi Yan Part of the Image Source/vision china)

(Source: China Weather Network)

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Exercise and no exercise, the original difference is so big!

Academician Zhong Nanshan said in the online open class: Since he was young, he has always insisted on physical exercise, taking physical exercise as a part of his life like eating and sleeping, so that he can undertake his daily work normally, and the growth of his age is only a number.

The picture comes from the National Healthy Lifestyle Action.

Is there really such a big difference between exercising and not exercising?


Long-term exercise leads to slow aging.

A mouse study conducted in 2020 found that aerobic exercise improved the muscle repair ability of old mice and improved muscle stem cells. The study published in Nature Metabolism mentioned that the exercised mice did not produce more muscle stem cells, but the "old cells" recovered their vitality. In this way, exercise is the most reliable way of "reverse growth".


Exercise can fight against vascular aging

Studies have found that running for six months can make blood vessels 4 years younger. This foreign study has trained people who have no previous running experience for six months and participated in the marathon. After such a process, it was found that six months of exercise significantly reduced their blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, which was equivalent to aging blood vessels.


Exercise "brakes" skin aging.

It is said that exercise is the best skin care product. Domestic studies have found that exercise can promote microcirculation and increase the ability of skin to inhale oxygen. At the same time, with the secretion of sweat during exercise, it will help the waste in the skin to be discharged, which can clean the skin and make the skin smoother.


Long-term exercise can slow down muscle loss.

In the research progress of muscle attenuation syndrome published in the international journal of gerontology in 2012, it is mentioned that after 30 years old, muscles lose 1% ~ 5% every year; After the age of 60, the muscle strength decreases by 3 ~ 5% every year; After 70 years old, the muscle strength of elderly women will drop by 50%~70%. The loss of 30% muscle will affect normal function, and the loss of 40% will be life-threatening. Muscles decrease with age, but exercise can delay this process.


Exercise can slow down heart and lung aging.

Breathless climbing stairs? It’s time to add some exercises to improve heart and lung function. Cardiopulmonary endurance is a person’s ability to continue physical activities. A lot of aerobic exercise can help us exercise cardiopulmonary function and slow down cardiopulmonary aging. The easiest exercise: brisk walking, jogging, cycling and so on.


People who exercise will be in a better mood

A study published in The Lancet Psychiatry found that the average person always has a few unhappy days every month, and those who actively exercise have 1.5 fewer depressed days than those who don’t participate in any exercise. It can be seen that exercise is good for people with mild depression and a history of depression, and depressed days are much less.


It’s better to keep exercising and sleeping.

For people who often suffer from insomnia, exercise is one of the effective ways to regulate sleep. Insomnia people can play a certain role in regulating the excitement and inhibition of the nervous system if they take physical exercise for a period of time, and establish a good cycle for sleep.


People who exercise are less sick.

Most people still stay in exercise to lose weight. In fact, when the weight is controlled, it will promote the regulation of blood pressure and blood lipid, so as to better control diabetes, improve physical condition and reduce the probability of disease.


Exercise makes people digest well.

It feels comfortable to take a walk after dinner. This is because exercise shortens the time of intestinal transmission, is conducive to defecation, and also helps to promote digestion and absorption. Sticking to long-term regular exercise is more beneficial to digestion. For example, when walking, our internal organs tremble slightly, and the diaphragm will move up and down during breathing, which will massage the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis and promote digestion and absorption.


It is better to insist on exercising bones.

Does exercise harm bone health? Improper exercise will affect bone health, but proper exercise will also stimulate the secretion of cytokines and mobilize bone reconstruction units. Especially in sports, under the proper stress, the bones are deformed, and the "bone reconstruction project" of the body begins to start!


Exercise makes people smarter.

Studies have found that even low-intensity exercise can have a significant impact on expanding brain capacity and delaying brain aging. Compared with those who walk less than 5,000 steps a day, it reaches 5,000 ~ 7,499 steps, 7,500 ~ 9,999 steps, 10,000 steps or more, which is equivalent to delaying brain aging for 0.45 years, 1.45 years and 1.75 years respectively.

The text is synthesized from Health Times.


Transfer from: Healthy Yunnan Action

Source: Traffic Police Brigade of Wenshan Public Security Bureau

I’ll give you all the technical points of badminton entry!

Little friends who can’t play badminton or those who can’t play badminton around, forward them at will, pick up the racket quickly, and learn how to get started badminton correctly with Xiaobian!

Grip mode

To learn badminton, of course, we should start with the racket. Without weapons, how can we "fight"!

Forehand grip: The tiger’s mouth faces the small edge of the narrow face of the racket handle, and the thumb and forefinger are attached to the two wide faces of the racket handle. The forefinger and middle finger are slightly separated, and the middle finger, ring finger and little finger are close together to hold the racket handle, and the palms are not close together. The end of the racket handle is flat with the thenar muscle near the wrist, and the racket face is basically vertical to the ground.

Backhand grip: On the basis of forehand grip, the thumb and forefinger turn the grip slightly outward, with the thumb vertex on the wide surface or the inner edge of the grip, the middle finger, ring finger and little finger close together to hold the grip, and the grip end is close to the root of the little finger, leaving a gap in the palm. The racket leans to the left of the body, and the racket face leans back later.

Serve technique

After learning the grip, let’s see how to serve. A good serve is the premise of winning, because a bad serve will directly make you miss the opponent’s return.

Serve techniques can be divided into forehand and backhand techniques. Generally speaking, forehand serve can be used for serve before serve, serve flat, serve flat high, serve flat and serve before serve net.

Serve a high ball: The so-called high ball is to serve the ball high and far, so that the ball flies above the opponent’s backcourt. The flight path of the ball forms an angle with the ground, which is greater than 45 degrees, so that the ball falls vertically near the bottom line of the opponent’s court.

Forehand serve: The forehand serve is to serve the ball near the foreserve line in the opponent’s service area. When the racket touches the ball, it hits the ball obliquely from right to left, so that the ball just crosses the net and falls near the opponent’s foreserve line.

Backhand low serve: Backhand serve is characterized by fast serve speed and tricky landing. In particular, if the skill is mastered, try to hit the ball against the net when serving, fast, low, far and wide, that is, it falls near the boundary, leaving the opponent helpless. When hitting the ball, the racket face forms a small inclination angle (acute angle) with the badminton, which is just the opposite of the flat high ball, so that the ball hit is a low flat ball with faster speed.

Power technology

When it comes to badminton technology, we have to talk about the core "power" technology. If you want to crush an egg with your hand, you should use the strength of your thumb, forefinger and middle finger, not the strength of your whole hand. In the same way, for badminton, if you hold the racket tightly and use the strength of the whole palm to hit the badminton, it will be difficult to control the ball delicately and make the force concentrate on one point.


Before playing ball, the body must relax and be in a state of readiness. In this relaxation, the most important thing is to relax the wrist, then the fingers will naturally relax, the racket will not be tightly held, and the swing action will not be stiff. In addition to the relaxation of the wrist, the waist and legs should be relaxed, and it is difficult to make strength when it is tightened. The body should also relax, so that the swing action can be achieved. Remember, the subtle differences in grip will also affect the force and swing speed.

Accelerated swing

The swing action must be a sudden action, and the swing process is an accelerated swing process, which must be explosive. The faster you swing out, the greater the impact on the ball. The process of playing the ball should be calm, the action should have a sense of rhythm, and the moment of hitting the ball suddenly accelerates.

Wrist flashing

This is the essence of badminton action, and it is also the most critical part of exerting strength. The so-called "flashing wrist" means that after throwing it out like a whip, the wrist should suddenly stop, instead of continuing to swing in the direction of the swing. This pause will make the initial speed of the ball extremely fast, but after passing the opponent, it will slow down and fall without going out of bounds.

As long as you can master these three points, you can play a quality ball even if the pace is not in place, the swing is not sufficient, the hitting point is not high enough, and so on.

Ball killing technique

Killing the ball is one of the most offensive ways in badminton, which includes jumping, forehand and backhand. When killing the ball, there should be light and heavy, slow and urgent.

Jump kill: the location of the jump kill is about three-quarters of the site. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your body at a 45-degree angle with the net, and your grip foot back. When preparing to jump, you should move backwards. After jumping up, the racket has its head raised above its head, and the racket is held in the forehand to hit the ball quickly and forcefully.

Forehand kill: generally, you should stand back, but don’t exceed the back sideline, sideways to the net, with your feet shoulder-width apart, your right arm bent upward to spread your chest and your left arm straight to keep your body balanced. Hit the ball simply and quickly. When killing the ball on the top of your head, lean back and contract your abdominal muscles to balance your body and return quickly.

Backhand killing: Choose the backhand killing position to be three-quarters of the court. When you are ready to hit the ball, turn your body to the left from the middle of the court, and turn your shoulders at the same time so that your elbow points downwards. Take the racket arm on the right side to make a good stroke, and swing your left arm backwards to keep your body balanced. When killing the ball reversely, turn your body to the right, push down the ground to increase your strength, shrink your back at the same time, turn your upper body and shoulders, turn your elbow upside down, and then stretch your elbow and forearm to hit the ball quickly. If you want to kill a straight ball, your shoulders should point to the center line at the moment of hitting the ball. After hitting the ball, quickly reverse your body and prepare for defense.

In badminton, the combination of killing the ball and controlling before the net will produce greater effect. It feels good to kill your opponent with one beat, but never think about killing your opponent with one beat. You should regard killing the ball as a means to attack your opponent and create better opportunities.

If you want to practice killing the ball well, you must first keep up with your wrist strength.

The position of the force should be correct, and it depends on the strength of the wrist "shaking" and "throwing".

You can find a rope to tie the ball to a high place and practice fixed click and smash. Experience the point of grabbing when killing the ball, and the point of shooting should be before the center of gravity.

Adjustment of landing point of killing ball

Try to straighten your arm to kill the ball, and the hitting point is slightly ahead, which can help you to exert enough force and make the angle sharper. Try to take off and kill the ball if possible, so that the hitting point is higher and the psychological threat to the opponent is greater.

Kill the ball with variety.

More changes make it easier to score goals without blindly pursuing the speed of killing the ball. Try not to kill if the opponent returns the ball in place.

Be good at finding each other’s killing habits.  

For an opponent who likes to catch and kill with his right hand all the time, he often subconsciously gives up a position to the left before catching and killing. At this time, it is necessary to kill the ball in advance and directly kill it under his left shoulder, which can be exactly what he wants.

Ball picking technique

Pick the ball must be in place, so that defense can achieve "twice the result with half the effort." So what should we do?

Forehand pick: Hold the racket in the forehand and hold it on your chest. Take a big step forward with your right foot, backward with your left foot, sideways with your center of gravity on your right foot. At the same time, the right arm swings backwards, naturally stretching the wrist to make the racket pull back. Then, take the elbow joint as the axis, bend your arm and rotate inward, hold the racket tightly, and hit the ball forward and upward with the strength of your index finger and wrist.

Backhand pick: Hold the racket on your chest with your backhand. Take a big step forward to the left with your right foot, and focus on your right foot. At the same time, the right shoulder is facing the net, and the elbow is flexed to lead the racket to the left shoulder. Then, with the elbow as the axis, hold the racket warp from bottom to top, press the wide surface of the racket handle with the first knuckle of the thumb, and hit the ball hard.

(Source: Badminton Teaching)