Takeaway brother upgrade: from "bronze" to "king" to send orders against the clock

  Lane 41, Sanyuan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai, is a commercial and residential building where the blue-and-white "Ele.me" logo hangs. He Shengsheng, 28, is the webmaster of the food delivery platform Ele.me in Shanghai.

  "In December 2014, I came to Shanghai to work hard and saw that Ele.me was recruiting a large number of riders, and the salary was not bad, so I came here." He Shengsheng told First Financial Reporter that in May 2015, due to his outstanding work performance, he was promoted to become a stationmaster, mainly responsible for helping riders solve problems encountered in daily work and life.

  Ele.me Hummingbird Delivery released the "2018 Takeaway Riders Group Insight Report" shows that there are more than 3 million registered riders in Hummingbird Delivery, of which 77% of Hummingbird riders are from rural areas, the average age is about 29 years old, and the proportion of post-95s has exceeded 20%. Riders deliver 48 orders per day on average, and travel nearly 150 kilometers.

  With the accelerated pace of life, people are increasingly concerned about the value of time, and instant delivery has come into being. Nowadays, instant logistics distribution platforms have entered the field of intra-city, small-scale, and takeaway, and gradually expanded to the field of fresh food, supermarket delivery, and even a wider range of express terminal areas.


  As a young man who came to Shanghai from Lu’an, Anhui Province to work hard, making money is He Shengsheng’s top priority.

  "Joined Ele.me as a rider on December 22, 2014. At that time, the order volume was not very large. The overtime salary was more than 8,000 yuan, and the unit helped pay five insurances and one housing fund." He Shengsheng told reporters that there are now 65 riders (full-time + part-time) under his own management. Every month, the company will settle the salary according to its own control of the site and performance. Generally, if you do a good job, the monthly salary is more than 10,000 yuan; if you do a little worse, 6,000 to 8,000 yuan.

  The reporter learned that almost all the instant delivery fields such as Ele.me, Meituan, and Dada use the agent model. Take Ele.me as an example. Ele.me has dozens of agents in Shanghai, each agent has multiple sites, and the maintenance of the site is jointly managed by the channel manager dispatched by Ele.me and the area manager dispatched by the agent. And He Shengsheng’s site belongs to Jiangxi Hummingbird Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.

  When He Shengsheng first took over the position of stationmaster, most of his time was occupied by manual orders, such as the same rider arranging several orders in the same direction for him. "At that time, it was still manual, and there was no intelligent order like now."

  The intelligent dispatching system He Shengsheng mentioned is the "Ark" of Ele.me intelligent dispatching system, which is the core link in the field of instant delivery of takeout. The system replaces most of the work of webmasters, reduces the degree of human intervention, and realizes automated and intelligent dispatching.

  The first financial reporter saw in the computer background of the Ele.me site that the Ark system can display the intelligent scheduling order link: user order, merchant order, intelligent scheduling (rider order/robot order), delivery to users, etc. Through big data and machine learning, user orders are matched with the optimal path under the optimal decision to ensure delivery efficiency.

  In addition, the system can also display the location of the rider in real time, as well as the number of orders in his hand and the number of orders to be completed. "The location is mainly based on the rider’s exclusive app loaded in the rider’s mobile phone. Generally, the rider who completes the order delivery task will return to the business district where he is located, which is convenient for the system to send orders. The longest straight line distance from the food pickup point to the customer is 3.5 kilometers." The business district He Shengsheng is in charge of is the Centennial Central Shopping Plaza and 118 Square in Putuo District. How far is 3.5 kilometers? If you use a 1 yuan coin (25mm diameter) to spread in a straight line, you need 140,000 pieces.

  In the current situation of intelligent ordering, He Shengsheng no longer dispatches orders manually, but also needs to manage the riders, such as the problems encountered by the riders need to be dealt with in a timely manner; in terms of orders, there are merchants who need to be solved, and riders who need to come to him to solve. In addition, it depends on whether the distribution of system orders is reasonable.

He Shengsheng is checking the working status of the rider.

  "The factors to judge whether an order is reasonable are based on a rider’s ability to carry orders in the past period of time, the timeliness of orders, the timeliness of riders’ delivery, etc. Only in this way can we determine the amount of riders’ orders and the shortest time he can deliver orders to customers." He Shengsheng revealed that under normal circumstances, riders with strong ability have no problem going out to receive 12 to 15 orders at a time. If they encounter peak delivery periods, such as going to the same office building for food delivery, they can also reach 18 orders at a time.

  The Ark system will combine nearby orders from the same street and the same building, and deliver them to one rider in a unified manner, which is called "chasing orders" in the industry. He Shengsheng said: "Although it doesn’t matter if the pickup point is different, as long as the customer is in the same building, the delivery efficiency is quite high. This is why so many orders are sent to capable riders, because he knows which restaurant is fast and which is slow, and he will go to the restaurant with the fast meal first."

  From "bronze" to "king"

  This is an industry where every second counts, and riders need to consider two factors: the speed of the restaurant’s delivery, and whether the customer is in the same location. They need a path plan.

  For a rider who has been in the job for a long time and has strong ability, after he receives the order, he has a plan, such as which restaurant to drop by, where to pick up the meal, the speed of the restaurant’s delivery, etc., and then deliver it to the customer. Which orders are delivered first or some customers urge orders to be delivered first, there is a reasonable plan.

  He Shengsheng said: "For a new rider, he doesn’t know where the restaurant is, so the Ele.me platform will tell him where the food pickup point is and where the delivery point is, and he can follow the prompts given to him by the system. In this case, it is more suitable for him to give one or two orders at a time."

  Ark learns the rider’s food delivery data, delineates the rider’s level, and ladders the rider’s target order quantity at all levels, so as to make a ability portrait for each rider, and assigns the waybill to the most suitable rider.

  During the midday and evening peaks of takeout, Ark will prioritize orders to high-level riders during peak periods based on waybill efficiency to improve delivery efficiency. According to data provided by Ele.me, the Ark system can process orders at a peak of more than 80 orders per second. During the peak period of takeout, Ark will emphasize fairness on the basis of considering efficiency. Through big data analytics, the order volume of riders is balanced to ensure that the order volume allocated by riders of the same level and team is roughly the same within a certain time span.

  The Ele.me platform divided Hummingbird’s riders into different levels, and the Honor of Kings game was divided into 6 levels, followed by bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and king. "The more orders a rider gives, the better, the higher the level will be."

  "Different agents may pay riders different salaries in different cities. The salary of riders on our site consists of three parts: 1. Performance commission, the standard is less than 600 orders, according to 7 yuan/order; more than 600 orders, according to 8 yuan/order. 2. Subsidies are made according to the weight, distance, weather, rider level, etc. of each order. 3. There are praise rewards and rush orders rewards every month." He Shengsheng said that the average monthly income of full-time riders at his site is 7,000-9,000 yuan, and the KPI assessment indicators for riders are similar, basically changing once a month. At present, the main assessment is the cancellation of riders’ delivery and T12 timeout.

  T12 timeout refers to a timeout of 12 minutes. For example, the assessment time of the rider’s order T is 10:30. If the rider arrives after 10:42, it has exceeded the time value of the rider’s order assessment.

  How to determine what time is the expectation of the booking customer? He Shengsheng said that under normal circumstances, it is divided into pre-orders and instant orders, and pre-orders can be booked to a certain time period; for instant orders, the system will determine the time expected by the customer of the order according to the timeliness of the restaurant, order memory and other factors, and then give a time.

  Not only Ele.me, but also its competitors Meituan and Dada have long integrated AI and big data into their business development.

  The reporter learned that there are many entrants in the field of instant delivery at present, mainly divided into three categories: one is established in 2014, flash delivery, Dada, UU errands and other established intra-city courier companies, the other is the instant delivery originating from the takeaway model, such as Ele.me’s Hummingbird delivery, Meituan’s Meituan special delivery team, Dada-JD Daojia’s new Dada, etc.; the third is SF Express, Yuantong, Yunda and other traditional logistics companies, SF Express’s instant delivery business, Yuantong’s timing, Yunda’s cloud delivery. The players on the track are gathered, all intending to get a share of this emerging market.

  For the future, He Shengsheng expressed the hope that he can seize the opportunity and grow with the takeaway platform. (Wang Hai)

A series of press conferences on the theme of "Jiangxi this decade" (comprehensive deepening reform topic) recorded by the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province were held in Nanchang.

Press conference site (photo by Li Sui)

On September 27th, the Propaganda Department of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office jointly held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Jiangxi this decade" (comprehensive deepening reform topic). Li Jizhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, released and introduced relevant information. Chen Qiang, full-time deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, Zhang Xiaoyong, full-time deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, Zhong Shifu, deputy secretary of Xinyu Municipal Committee, and Sun Min, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of Ganzhou Municipal Committee, attended the press conference and answered questions from reporters. Wang Yihua, the second inspector of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the press conference.

Wang Yihua, the second inspector of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee (photo by Li Sui)


Dear journalists and friends,

Good morning everyone! Welcome to the press conference on the theme of "This Decade in Jiangxi".

Now, the 29th series of press conferences will be held. The theme of the press conference is: deepening reform, breaking new paths, striving to overcome difficulties and strive for the first place. We are very pleased to invite Mr. Li Jizhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, Mr. Chen Qiang, Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office, Mr. Zhang Xiaoyong, Deputy Secretary of Xinyu Municipal Committee, Mr. Zhong Shifu, and Mr. Sun Min, Member of the Standing Committee of Ganzhou Municipal Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and ask them to introduce our province’s achievements in comprehensively deepening reform since the 18th CPC National Congress and to answer your questions.

Next, please introduce Mr. Li Jizhong first.

Li Jizhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office (photo by Li Sui)


Ladies and gentlemen, friends of the news media,

Good morning everyone!

On the occasion of the celebration of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I am very happy to participate in the press conference on the theme of "Jiangxi this decade" organized by the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and introduce the comprehensive deepening of reform in Jiangxi around "deepening reform, breaking new trails, and striving for the first place". First of all, on behalf of the Reform Office of the Provincial Party Committee, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect to all news media friends who have long cared for and supported Jiangxi’s comprehensive deepening of reform!



这十年,全面深化改革为江西推动高质量发展注入了强劲动力。我们牢记习近平总书记关于“推动经济高质量发展”的殷殷嘱托,坚持发挥经济体制改革的牵引作用,聚焦进一步解放和发展社会生产力,系统推进基础性、关键性改革,为推动高质量跨越式发展聚势赋能。深入推进“五型政府”建设,大力实施营商环境优化升级“一号改革工程”,在全国率先开启“一网选中介”新模式,推行“一照通办”改革,推广“一件事一次办”集成审批改革,“赣服通、掌上办”“政务服务365天不打烊”等改革获得广大市场主体和人民群众高度赞誉,“江西办事不用求人、江西办事依法依规、江西办事便捷高效、江西办事暖心爽心”的营商环境品牌全面打响。加快推进市场体系改革,深化要素市场化配置、市场准入负面清单、公平竞争审查制度改革,着力打造国企改革“江西样板”,全面落实支持非公有制经济发展改革措施,各类市场主体活力持续迸发。创新实施产业链“链长制”,推行重大科研项目“揭榜挂帅”和“赛马争先”制度,推进重点产业链科技创新联合体改革,全省综合科技创新水平指数实现“七连进”。扎实推进江西内陆开放型经济试验区建设,深化开发区体制机制创新,Copy and promote the pilot experience of the reform of the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and make new breakthroughs in cross-border trade reform. We will steadily push forward the reform of the fiscal and taxation financial system, improve the budget management and financial transfer payment systems, and the comprehensive index of green financial development ranks fourth in the country. Take the lead in basically completing the registration and certification of rural land contractual management right, pilot the reform of rural collective property right system in the whole province, prudently promote the pilot reform and standardized management of rural homestead system, actively explore the market entry system of rural collective management construction land, and continue to deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, water conservancy project management system and agricultural water price. "yujiang county House Reform" has become a national model, and Shangrao’s reforms of standardizing the management of farmers’ houses and changing customs in Shicheng have been affirmed by the Central Reform Office. The surging momentum of reform has promoted Jiangxi’s economic strength and innovation ability to leap sharply, and social productivity, core competitiveness and development influence have reached a new level.








人民网记者(黎穗 摄)






Fourth, adhere to a sound mechanism and pay close attention to reform and implementation. The provincial party committee strengthened its leadership in comprehensively deepening the reform, set up the Committee for Deep Reform of the provincial party committee, and coordinated the comprehensive deepening of the reform in the whole province. Since 2014, the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform has held 47 meetings in a normal and high-quality manner, deliberated 325 topics, and formulated a "four beams and eight pillars" reform plan in major areas. Establish a system of leading major reform projects by members of the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform, and lead the implementation of 120 major reform tasks, forming a demonstration effect of grasping reform at the above rate. Give full play to the role of the "headquarters" of the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform, the "main force" of the reform leading department, the reform special group and the "general staff" of the reform office, build a pragmatic and efficient reform decision-making mechanism, a coordinated mechanism linked from top to bottom, and a strong and orderly supervision implementation mechanism, so as to form a reform implementation pattern with clear responsibilities, separate troops and full tracking, and promote Jiangxi’s comprehensive deepening reform to go deep and practical.

China News Service reporter (photo by Li Sui)

China News Service reporter: The 15th Provincial Party Congress proposed that we should vigorously implement comprehensive and deepening reform and tackling key problems. What progress has the province made in comprehensively deepening the reform and tackling key problems? What are you going to do next?

Chen Qiang, full-time deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Reform Office (photo by Li Sui)

Chen Qiang:Vigorously implementing the action of comprehensively deepening the reform is a major decision-making arrangement made by the provincial party Committee to profoundly grasp the need of comprehensively deepening the reform into a new stage of systematic, holistic and reconstructive reform, and to promote the deepening of the reform. It is the "main grasp" of the reform work in our province at present and in the future. Since the beginning of this year, under the strong leadership of the provincial party Committee, this work has been fully launched and is being vigorously and orderly promoted.

The first is to benchmark the central government and make overall plans. Accurately benchmark the requirements of the Central Committee for Deep Reform on "increasing breakthroughs in reforms in important areas and key links", formulate and issue the "Action Plan for Comprehensively Deepening Reform in Jiangxi Province (2022-2024)", and clearly put forward the overall goal of "one-year comprehensive roll-out, two-year key breakthroughs and three-year overall improvement". We studied and introduced ten implementation plans for tackling key problems such as optimizing the business environment reform, deepening the reform of science and technology system and mechanism, deepening the reform and innovation of state-owned and state-owned enterprises, deepening the reform of rural revitalization system and mechanism, creating a beautiful "Jiangxi model" reform in China, improving and perfecting the reform of people’s livelihood security system, deepening the modernization reform of municipal social governance, deepening the reform of talent development system and mechanism, deepening the reform of cultural system, and deepening the reform of "three noes" system and mechanism, and refined the specific targets, measures and measures for each action.

The second is careful organization and coordinated promotion. All the top ten reforms will be included in the list of major reform projects led by the members of the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform in 2022, and will be included as the core content in the Work Points of the Provincial Committee for Deep Reform in 2022, and a work account will be established. Every time the liaison meeting of the provincial party Committee reform special group will be specially scheduled and accurately guided. Up to now, a number of key reform projects, such as the "No.1 Reform Project" to optimize and upgrade the business environment, the reform of the scientific and technological innovation consortium of key industrial chains, the pilot reform of rural residential land in the province and standardized management actions, the deepening of the reform of ecological protection compensation system, the reform of provincial cultural enterprises, the "three mechanisms" reform of provincial talent policy, and the reform of home community pension services, have been vigorously promoted, progressed in an orderly manner, and achieved remarkable results.

The third is to improve the mechanism and pay close attention to landing. The "special supervision on comprehensively deepening the reform and tackling key problems" will be included in the supervision work plan of the provincial party Committee in 2022, and the completion of the top ten reform and tackling key problems will be taken as an important assessment content, which will be included in the newly revised "Assessment Measures for Comprehensively Deepening the Reform in Jiangxi Province". The Reform Office of the Provincial Party Committee has established a counterpart liaison service mechanism, with full docking, full tracking and comprehensive service to ensure the orderly progress of comprehensively deepening the reform and tackling key problems. According to the actual situation, all cities and counties have introduced the local overall plan and sub-item implementation plan for "tackling difficulties through reform", explored and implemented many pragmatic and effective promotion mechanisms, and formed a good situation and work pattern of linkage from top to bottom and joint efforts to tackle difficulties.

In the next step, we will carry forward the reform spirit of daring to be the first, try first, anchor "be the first to demonstrate", adhere to "dare to encounter difficulties and make breakthroughs", step up efforts to promote the comprehensive deepening of the reform and take effect, focus on solving a number of pain points, blocking points and difficult development problems, focus on forming a number of institutional, mechanism and institutional innovations, and focus on creating a number of original, fresh and distinctive reform experiences.

Jiangxi Daily reporter (photo by Li Sui)

Jiangxi Daily reporter:It is an important method of reform to grasp the typical examples of reform and promote the reform from point to area. What innovative measures does Jiangxi province have to play a leading role in the typical demonstration of reform? What results have been achieved?

省委改革办专职副主任张晓勇(黎穗 摄)



The second is to vigorously promote the reform of the brand. Intensify the propaganda of reform, create a strong atmosphere of striving for Excellence and catching up with learning in the whole province, and continuously expand the radiation and influence of reform. Improve the media publicity mechanism, tell the story of Jiangxi’s reform well, and publicize and report a number of "standing and screaming" reform models in the central and provincial major media every year. We will improve the information exchange mechanism, rely on the internal magazine of Jiangxi Reform Trends and the WeChat WeChat official account of Jiangxi Reform, publish new experiences and practices of reform exploration in various localities and departments in a timely manner, and create a platform of "learning from each other" to enlarge the coordinate system and identify the reference objects. A number of typical experiences and practices of reform in our province have been affirmed by the Central Reform Office and promoted to the whole country. Improve the case selection mechanism, and successively organize the selection of "40 typical cases of Jiangxi’s reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee" and "Top Ten Cases of Comprehensive Deepening Reform in 2021", showing a number of influential reform brands. The practice of selecting reform cases in our province has been fully affirmed by the Central Reform Office.

The third is to vigorously promote the reform experience. Constantly improve the replication and promotion mechanism of reform experience, and promote the expansion of typical reform experience from "one place and one domain" to "starting a prairie fire". Since the beginning of this year, combined with the implementation of the comprehensive deepening of the reform and tackling key problems, the provincial party Committee has clearly requested that each city, county (city, district) should explore a reform experience that can be used for reference by other cities and counties every year, and each provincial lead unit of the reform and tackling key problems should promote a reform practice that has been tested by practice and is worthy of promotion throughout the province every year. The Reform Office of the Provincial Party Committee has identified 112 reform exploration projects and 33 promotion projects this year, and issued a list of project implementation. We will strengthen overall planning and coordination, do a good job in supervision and implementation, strive to explore more achievements in the reform system and practice, create a number of "new business cards" and "golden business cards" for Jiangxi reform, and give better play to the typical demonstration and leading role of reform.

Phoenix Net reporter (photo by Li Sui)

Phoenix Network reporter:Improving people’s livelihood and well-being is the fundamental purpose of development and the starting point and foothold of comprehensively deepening reform. What are the explorations and achievements of Xinyu City in the system integration reform in the field of people’s livelihood? What are your plans for the next step?

Zhong Shifu, Deputy Secretary of Xinyu Municipal Committee (photo by Li Sui)

Zhong Shifu:Over the past ten years, Xinyu has resolutely implemented the decision-making and deployment requirements of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, firmly established the people-centered development thought, took the lead in proposing the goal of building a socialist modern and happy city in an all-round way in the province, insisted on systematic integration and promoted the reform in the field of people’s livelihood, and was selected as one of the top 30 most happy cities in China with the warm image of "small city and great people’s livelihood". Not long ago, we held a high-level seminar on national livelihood system integration reform and "Xinyu Practice" with china society of economic reform, which received wide attention and good response.

First, we will do whatever the masses expect. Focusing on the people’s urgent difficulties and worries, we changed the government’s "problem" into the people’s "order", integrated more than 300 reform measures, and created 40 brands of people’s livelihood reform. We pioneered the "Party Building+Home for the Aged" model in China, and built a home for the aged by using idle houses in rural areas. As long as the elderly over 70 pay 200 yuan every month and the cities and counties support 150 yuan, they can enjoy three meals a day, daily care and leisure and entertainment services. We pay attention to the relevance of reform measures. When promoting the "Xiaokang Clinic" in rural areas, the location should be as close as possible to the home for the elderly, so that the elderly can see a doctor at their doorstep. At present, the city has built 736 homes for the aged in urban and rural areas, benefiting more than 12,000 elderly people. The brand of "Party Building+Home for the Aged" was selected as one of the top ten cases of China’s reform in 2019 and an excellent case of the pilot reform of home and community care services in China.

The second is to integrate idle capital resources and do more with less money. We strengthen the integration of funds, improve the efficiency of use, increase cost control, and promote the sustainable development of livelihood projects. Ten million yuan was integrated from the special surcharge for education to promote the Xiaohe project, so that more than 50,000 rural boarders could eat nutritious meals, take hot baths and put on clean clothes, and be selected as a typical case of basic education in China in 2020. Open a lotus garden in qualified schools, and realize self-sufficiency in vegetables while children receive labor education, saving millions of yuan every year. Our "Splash Action" adopts the methods of social purchase of services and resource integration, and has enabled more than 60,000 students in the city to master swimming skills without building a new gymnasium, a new swimming pool and a new teacher.

Third, the "four-level secretary" grasps people’s livelihood and forms a joint force for people’s livelihood reform. We have established a working mechanism of unified leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, with the "four-level secretaries" in cities, counties and villages taking their respective responsibilities, grasping the first level and implementing it at different levels, transforming the party’s political advantages into governance efficiency and converging into a powerful synergy to promote people’s livelihood reform. We pay attention to activating the grassroots "peripheral nerve" of the village party secretary, so that they can make a charge and show their talents in promoting the home for the elderly, tearing down three houses and building three parks. We also pay attention to mobilizing the forces of the society and other parties, actively guide the members of the Chamber of Commerce to participate in social governance, and donate nearly 900 million yuan for the establishment of a home for the elderly, poverty alleviation, and school aid.

People’s livelihood work has no end, only a continuous new starting point. In the next step, we will further deepen the "Xinyu practice" of people’s livelihood reform and promote the people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security to be more substantial, secure and sustainable. First, adhere to the leadership of party building. Leading the reform in the field of people’s livelihood with party building, and promoting the tangible and project-oriented work of party building. The second is to adhere to integrated thinking. Adhere to the integration of policies, measures and methods, consolidate and upgrade the existing brands of people’s livelihood, speed up the filling of shortcomings and omissions in people’s livelihood, and promote the transformation and overall improvement of the reform system in the field of people’s livelihood. The third is to respect the grassroots initiative. Encourage the grassroots to try first, summarize, refine, copy and promote the good experiences and practices of people’s livelihood reform in a timely manner, and strive to provide more reform and innovation experience for the whole province and even the whole country.

江西广播电视台都市频道(黎穗 摄)


赣州市委常委、市委秘书长孙敏(黎穗 摄)



Second, vigorously implement the "No.1 Reform Project" to optimize and upgrade the business environment, and strive to build a bridgehead that will be integrated into Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Take the lead in setting up administrative examination and approval bureaus at the city and county levels in the province, and carry out reforms such as "the same power in the city and county", "the whole industry runs in one chain" and the policy of benefiting enterprises "enjoy without applying, enjoy immediately after applying"; Strive to cooperate with Shenzhen counterparts, "make something out of nothing" to build a combined port of land port and Ganshen in Ganzhou, and strive to create a business environment comparable to that of Greater Bay Area. Well-known enterprises such as Gree, Geely and Foxconn have successively settled down, and the number of listed companies has increased from 3 to 16, forming 4 industrial clusters with 100 billion yuan and 5 enterprises with revenues of over 10 billion yuan.

The third is to build a more effective regional coordinated development mechanism and focus on enhancing the radiation of provincial sub-center cities. Solidly promote the construction of the national inclusive financial reform pilot zone, the education reform and development pilot zone jointly established by the Ministry and the province, and the national logistics hub of business service, jointly establish the national regional medical center with Nanfang Hospital and Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, and vigorously build the provincial financial sub-center and the "six centers" of regional business logistics, education and medical care. Deepen the reform of fiscal, taxation, urban management and other systems in the central city, and accelerate the coordinated development of "five districts integration". The urbanization rate of the whole city reached 56.4%, which increased by 17 percentage points in ten years, and it was awarded as a national civilized city and a national health city.

The fourth is to explore and broaden the transformation channel of "two mountains" and strive to create a model area for beautiful Jiangxi construction. We made overall plans to do a good job in the pilot projects of ecological protection and restoration of lakes and grasses in landscape forests, experimental areas for soil and water conservation reform, and horizontal ecological compensation in the upper and lower reaches of Dongjiang River Basin, deepened the reform of the management system of national forest parks and key scenic spots, and innovated the mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products, such as accounting and evaluation of the value of ecological products, and trading of rights and interests of ecological resources. The comprehensive reform of collective forest rights took the lead in the country and was awarded the first batch of cities in China to create an ecological civilization.

Fifth, always adhere to the people-centered reform value orientation, and strive to improve the gold content of the comprehensive well-off society in the old areas of southern Jiangxi. Innovate and implement the "five ones" mechanism for industrial poverty alleviation, the "four guarantee lines" for health poverty alleviation, and the "precise poverty prevention insurance", and hand over excellent answers to poverty alleviation; Integratively promote the "three reforms in one" in rural areas, take the lead in carrying out the evaluation reform of professional farmers in the province, and promote the reform experience of "treating guests without accepting gifts and frugally hosting banquets" in the province. Constantly improve the social security system of employment and pension, take the lead in realizing the vertical management of medical insurance departments below the city level in the whole province, and solidly carry out the national pilot project of regional social governance modernization. It was awarded the "Demonstration City of Safe China Construction" for seven consecutive sessions and won the "Chang ‘an Cup" for five consecutive sessions.




Comments on the operation of the board of directors of Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. in 2022

() The business review of the Board of Directors in the first half of 2022 is as follows:

  I. Description of the industry and main business of the company during the reporting period.

(A) the macroeconomic situation in the first half of 2022

1. The global economic situation in the first half of 2022

In the first quarter of 2022, affected by the recurrent COVID-19 epidemic and other factors, the global imbalance between supply and demand intensified, the growth rate of goods trade slowed down, the inflation level increased significantly, and the economic recovery process slowed down. In the second quarter of 2022, both the global supply side and the global demand side faced downward pressure. The growth rate of industrial production, enterprise investment, household consumption and international trade slowed down, the economic growth rate dropped significantly, and the inflation level rose in an all-round way. The international financial market continued to be turbulent, the Federal Reserve initiated a radical interest rate hike policy, the US dollar index rose strongly, major stock markets fluctuated and fell, and commodity prices continued to weaken.

2. Domestic economic situation in the first half of 2022

In the first half of 2022, China’s economy faced unprecedented challenges, especially since March, due to the unexpected factors such as the new round of COVID-19 epidemic in China, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and its sanctions, the downward pressure on China’s economy has obviously increased, which has a certain impact on the normal growth of the macro economy. With the easing of the epidemic, combined with the comprehensive efforts of macro-policies and the repair and adjustment of market players, China’s economy rebounded, with GDP growth of 2.5% in the first half of the year, and the economy stabilized and rebounded.

(II) Changes in the US dollar index and exchange rate

From January to June, 2022, the highest dollar index was 105.7913, the lowest was 94.6269, and the average value from January to June was 99.7205, which was 9.57% higher than the average value from January to June, 2021. At the end of June 2022, the closing index was 104.7057, which was 13.36% higher than the closing price at the end of June 2021. (Source:)

From January to June, 2022, the highest value of USD against RMB was 6.8150, and the lowest value was 6.3048. The average value from January to June was 6.4829, which was 128 basis points lower than the average value from January to June, 2021, with a depreciation rate of 0.20%. The closing price at the end of June 2022 was 6.6943, which was 2,331 basis points lower than that at the end of June 2021, with a depreciation rate of 3.61%.

(III) Market situation of nonferrous metals and precious metals where the company is located

In the first half of 2022, the price of non-ferrous metals rose first and then fell. From the beginning of the year to the end of April, driven by energy worries and the supply shortage caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war, non-ferrous metals rose strongly under the influence of inflation expectations and macro-emotions; Subsequently, the American hawkish action was expected to strengthen and the global economic growth rate was lowered. Since the end of April, non-ferrous prices have been under pressure. During this period, the US dollar dominated the rhythm of its volatility and retreated all the gains in the first half of the year.

1. Prices of nonferrous metals and precious metals products.

(1) Copper

From January to June, 2022, the highest price of LME-3M copper contract was $10,845/ton, and the lowest price was $8,123/ton. The average price from January to June was $9,755/ton, which was 7.35% higher than that from January to June, 2021. From January to June, 2022, the highest price of Shanghai copper main contract of Shanghai Futures Exchange was 77,270 yuan/ton, and the lowest price was 61,620 yuan/ton. The average price in January to June, 2022 was 71,536 yuan/ton, which was 7.11% higher than that in January to June, 2021.

In the first half of 2022, the overall copper price rose and fell. In the first half of the year, there were inflation expectations in the global economy. In February, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine caused the prices of crude oil, natural gas and other energy sources to rise sharply. At the same time, the extreme long-term crowding caused by the nickel incident in March further stimulated inflation speculation, so the copper price fluctuated sharply from January to April. In late April, the Federal Reserve started to raise interest rates in response to inflation, and constantly accelerated the pace of raising interest rates, which tightened the liquidity of funds. In addition, investors expected the economic recession in Europe and the United States, and copper prices entered a rapid downward trend.

(2) Zinc

From January to June 2022, the highest price of LME-3M zinc contract was USD 4,896/ton, and the lowest price was USD 3,136/ton. The average price in January to June 2022 was USD 3,799/ton, which was 33.36% higher than that in January to June 2021. From January to June, 2022, the highest price of the main contract of Shanghai Zinc in Shanghai Futures Exchange was 28,995 yuan/ton, and the lowest price was 25,525 yuan/ton. From January to June, 2022, the average price was 25,843 yuan/ton, which was 19.74% higher than that in January and June, 2021.

In the first half of 2022, the price of zinc rose first and then fell. Among them, Shanghai zinc reached a 15-year high of 28,995 yuan/ton, and fell sharply to a new low this year. Similarly, Lunzinc broke through a record high of 4,896 US dollars/ton in March and was under pressure.

(3) Lead

From January to June 2022, the highest price of LME-3M lead contract was $2,700/ton, and the lowest price was $1,883/ton. From January to June 2022, the average price was $2,265/ton, which was 8.72% higher than that in January to June 2021. From January to June, 2022, the highest price of Shanghai lead main contract in Shanghai Futures Exchange was 16,465 yuan/ton, and the lowest price was 14,680 yuan/ton. The average price in January-June, 2022 was 15,323 yuan/ton, which was 0.70% higher than that in January-June, 2021.

In the first half of 2022, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the European energy crisis, high inflation in overseas developed economies and the China epidemic led to limited economic activities in some areas, and the global financial market fluctuated violently. The major economies were "stock and debt bears", and commodities peaked and fell back after high shocks. The drag of the big environment led to the fall of colored high levels and the shock of lead prices. In the first half of 2022, the overall lead price showed a low volatility trend.

(4) Gold

From January to June, 2022, the highest price of COMEX gold was $2,079/ounce, and the lowest price was $1,781/ounce. From January to June, 2022, the average price was $1,877/ounce, which was 4.03% higher than the average price from January to June, 2021.

From January to June 2022, the highest price of spot gold 9999 in Shanghai Gold Exchange was 416.18 yuan/gram, and the lowest price was 368.42 yuan/gram. The average price from January to June 2022 was 391.94 yuan/gram, which was 3.59% higher than that from January to June 2021.

In the first quarter of 2022, due to the sudden escalation of geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine, risk aversion rose sharply, and the sharp rise in energy prices once again ignited inflation expectations. With the double boost of safe-haven demand and inflation worries, the gold price, the US dollar index and the US bond yield rose simultaneously. Subsequently, due to the staged easing of the situation in Russia and Ukraine, the Federal Reserve started this round of interest rate hike cycle, and the price of gold fluctuated at a high level. Until mid-April, due to inflationary pressure from overseas economies, off the charts, the Federal Reserve turned completely into an eagle, and its determination to curb inflation was firm. As a result, the pace of interest rate increase by the Federal Reserve continued to exceed expectations, and the real interest rate in the United States began to rise, from negative to positive, thus suppressing the price of gold.

(5) Silver

From January to June 2022, the highest price of COMEX silver was $27/oz, and the lowest price was $20/oz. The average price from January to June 2022 was $23/oz, which was 11.79% lower than the average price from January to December 2020. From January to June 2022, the highest price of Huatong Platinum Silver 1# silver was 5313 yuan/kg, and the lowest price was 4490 yuan/kg. The average price from January to June 2022 was 4856 yuan/kg, which was 10.42% lower than that from January to June 2021. (Source: Huatong Baiyin Net)

In the first half of 2022, silver followed the trend of gold price as a whole, but the overall performance of silver was weaker than that of gold because of the double negative effects of financial and commodity attributes.

2. Output of nonferrous metals and precious metals products

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of 2022, the industrial added value of non-ferrous metals industry increased by 5% year-on-year. The output of ten kinds of non-ferrous metals was 32.83 million tons, up by 1% year-on-year. Among them, the output of copper, aluminum and lead increased by 2.5%, 0.7% and 3.1% respectively, and the output of zinc decreased by 1.7%.

According to the latest statistics of () Association, in the first half of 2022, the domestic raw material gold output was 174.69 tons, an increase of 21.93 tons compared with the first half of 2021, and a year-on-year increase of 14.36%. Among them, 139.15 tons of gold minerals and 35.53 tons of non-ferrous by-product gold were completed.

3. Profits of non-ferrous metal mining, smelting and rolling processing industries

According to the data of National Bureau of Statistics, from January to May, 2022, the mining industry realized a total profit of 708.27 billion yuan, up 130.9% year-on-year, and the non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry realized a total profit of 29.77 billion yuan, up 54.2% year-on-year.

4. Investment in non-ferrous metals industry

From January to May 2022, investment in mining industry increased by 17.3% year-on-year, and investment in nonferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by 14.1% year-on-year. Overall, the revenue of industrial enterprises rebounded in 2022. Driven by the gradual recovery of production logistics and the smooth supply chain of industrial chain, the sales situation of industrial enterprises has improved. (Source: National Bureau of Statistics)

(4) Main business of the company

The company’s main business is the mining, smelting, processing and trade of copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver and other non-ferrous metals and precious metals. Its business covers the whole industrial chain of non-ferrous metal exploration, mining, mineral processing, smelting and processing, involving domestic and foreign regions. It is a large-scale non-ferrous metal and precious metal enterprise with deep industry accumulation and initially formed an international layout.

(five) the company’s main products and their uses

The cathode copper produced by the company is widely used in various fields such as electricity, light industry, machinery manufacturing, construction industry, etc. The downstream customers and enterprises further process the cathode copper to form deep-processed products such as copper rods, copper wires, copper plates, wires and cables. Electric lead is mainly used to manufacture lead storage batteries and anti-corrosion equipment. Zinc is mainly used for electroplating zinc, alloy manufacturing, casting of precision castings and zinc compounds and salts; Precious metal gold and silver are widely used in daily necessities plating and jewelry industries except for some exports.

In 2021, the company ranked 333rd among the top 500 enterprises in China, 22nd among non-ferrous industries and 97th among the top 100 multinational companies in China.

(VI) Business model of the company

During the reporting period, the company’s main business model has not changed significantly.

1. Production mode

In the first half of 2022, the company mainly produced copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver, and comprehensively recovered copper, zinc, lead, gold, silver, nickel, tellurium, selenium, platinum, palladium, indium, rhenium, bismuth and other rare precious metals and sulfuric acid. The company’s main products were organized and produced by international standards.

In copper smelting, the company adopts the smelting process of "flash furnace system flash smelting furnace" which has reached the world advanced level.

In the field of lead and zinc, the company adopts low-pollution jarosite wet zinc smelting process and ISP zinc smelting process, with advanced technology and obvious complementary advantages.

In production management, the company relies on the continuous and effective operation of the three systems of GB/T19001-2016 quality management, GB/T24001-2016 environmental management and GB/T45001-2020 occupational health and safety management to ensure that the product quality is strictly controlled, and the main economic and technical indicators have reached the domestic advanced level.

Adhering to the development path of innovative economies of scale, the company continued to vigorously carry out technological innovation, made new breakthroughs in independent innovation of core technologies, steadily advanced the upgrading of production technologies, comprehensively improved the level of comprehensive utilization of resources, gradually formed a new format of circular economy, made new progress in green sustainable development, made solid progress in industrial upgrading, integrated development of resources and international operation, and continuously improved the company’s profitability and competitiveness.

2. Purchasing mode

The company’s procurement mode is mainly divided into domestic raw materials and imported raw materials procurement.

Domestic raw material procurement is divided into two modes: mine direct procurement and trader procurement. According to geographical advantages, mine direct supply is preferred, followed by traders with stable supply and large supply, and the mode of combining long orders with spot procurement is adopted.

The procurement of imported raw materials is mainly based on land transportation concentrate procurement, supplemented by sea transportation concentrate procurement, and sea transportation ore is mainly used for winter raw material reserve.

In the process of purchasing raw materials, the company gives full play to the advantages of production technology, purchases raw materials with price advantages and high added value, and avoids price risks through raw material hedging.

3. Sales model

There are two main ways to sell company products.

First, the local sales of silver are mainly aimed at the local sales of sulfuric acid, slag materials and waste materials.

Second, through the centralized trading of Silver Headquarters, Shanghai Honglu International Trading Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, is used as a platform to realize the sales of main products of copper, lead and zinc, form a sales network in different places, and set up a warehouse in different places according to market demand.

The sales network can not only directly face the market, grasp the local market demand, but also know the customer information in time and provide good after-sales service. The company adjusts the sales price and sales strategy daily according to market conditions at any time to effectively cope with market changes.

Second, the discussion and analysis of the business situation

(1) Production situation

In the first half of 2022, the company’s mining and dressing system produced 123,500 tons of copper, lead, zinc and molybdenum concentrate, an increase of 3,200 tons, or 2.66%, compared with the same period of last year, of which 30,800 tons of concentrate contained copper, or an increase of 6,300 tons, or 25.71%. The concentrate contains 80,100 tons of zinc, which is 5,500 tons less than that of the same period of last year, with a range of 6.43%. The concentrate contains 12,500 tons of lead, an increase of 24,000 tons over the same period of last year, with a range of 23.76%; The concentrate contains 92 tons of molybdenum, an increase of 15 tons over the same period of last year, with a range of 19.48%. The main reasons for the increase of copper, lead and zinc metal in the concentrate produced by the company’s mining and dressing system compared with the same period of last year are: the change of ore grade of Peru tailings and the improvement of mineral processing technology.

The smelting system produced 125,900 tons of cathode copper, an increase of 24,100 tons over the same period of last year, with a range of 23.67%; The production of electrical lead was 0.83 million tons, a decrease of 0.23 million tons compared with the same period of last year, with a range of 21.7%; The production of zinc products was 200,900 tons, an increase of 24,900 tons over the same period of last year, with a range of 14.15%; It produced 4,843 kilograms of gold (including 1,272 kilograms of gold produced by the first gold), an increase of 1,317 kilograms over the same period of last year, with a range of 37.35%; The production of silver was 96.1 tons, an increase of 9.6 tons or 11.1% over the same period of last year; The production of sulfuric acid was 737,800 tons, an increase of 53,500 tons or 7.82% over the same period of last year. The year-on-year increase of non-ferrous metal cathode copper and by-products of gold, silver and sulfuric acid was mainly due to the adjustment of production mode of copper smelting and electrolysis process, and the output of non-ferrous metal products and by-products increased compared with the same period of last year; The main reason for the year-on-year decrease of electric lead is that the production of electric lead decreased year-on-year due to the maintenance of production system; The main reason for the year-on-year increase of zinc products is that the effective production time in the first half of the year of Chengzhou Zinc Smelter under the company increased compared with the same period of last year, and the output increased year-on-year.

(II) Construction of key projects

The 6.8 million tons/year tailings comprehensive utilization expansion project of Shouxin Peru Company is implementing civil engineering and steel structure engineering, and the overall project progress is 82%; The green mineral processing reagent project started construction at the end of April 2022; The upgrading and transformation project of copper smelting technology was completed; Baiyin furnace’s technological innovation and upgrading project is undergoing the main civil engineering construction, and some long-term equipment has been ordered; The comprehensive recovery and harmless treatment project of zinc hydrometallurgy slag has been completed and is currently in the trial production stage; The ultra-fine wire rod capacity improvement project for intelligent equipment is under process equipment installation and is expected to be put into production at the end of the year; Xinjiang Company’s 3# open pit infrastructure stripping project started construction in May 2022.

(III) Technological innovation

The company vigorously expanded external collaborative innovation and deepened the cooperation of "Industry-University-Research", and completed three provincial-level science and technology plan projects in the first half of the year; The company and china environmental science Research Institute jointly declared the "Tenth Five-Year Plan"-the key project of "Key Technologies and Equipment of Circular Economy"-"Real-time Monitoring of the Whole Process of Wet Smelting and Control Technology for Reducing the Source of Anode Mud Hazardous Waste"; Jointly declare the 2022 provincial science and technology major project "R&D and industrialization of high-purity rhenium for aero-engine turbine blades" with the Research Institute of Resources and Environment Technology; Together with Lanzhou University and Lanshi Zhongke, we jointly declared the 2022 provincial science and technology major project "High-value Utilization of Lead-zinc Smelting Tailings"; In close contact with the research and development institutions of "One Institute and Three Institutes" of Chinese Academy of Sciences, we have successfully undertaken the project of "Key Technology Research and Industrialization Experiment of Electrolytic Copper Quality Improvement" funded by the central government to guide local scientific and technological development in 2022 with Lanzhou Institute of Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and are currently carrying out preliminary research.

Focusing on the newly promulgated "Measures for the Management of Scientific Research Projects of Revealing the List and Leading the Team", a number of "stuck-neck" technical key projects that can significantly improve indicators and reduce costs in the process of production and operation are condensed. The 173 technical key projects that were signed for docking were all implemented as planned, and nearly 40′ stuck’ technical problems, such as’ research on comprehensive utilization technology of complex lead and zinc resources’ and’ tackling key problems of improving Fe/SiO2 _ 2 technology of flash furnace slag’, have made key breakthroughs, gradually opened up production processes and carried out on-site industrial production. The company gives full play to the role of innovation platform and cultivates leading talents in scientific and technological innovation, in order to create an innovative atmosphere within the company, stimulate the innovation vitality of the company, and ensure that under the guidance of high-quality development, the innovative atmosphere is continuously enhanced and the scientific and technological innovation ability is steadily improved. Up to now, relying on the national enterprise technology center, the company has set up an academician expert workstation and 17 technological innovation platforms, including 2 national, 11 provincial, 4 enterprise-level and 7 subordinate high-tech enterprises.

(IV) Construction of internal control

In the first half of 2022, we will continue to optimize and improve the internal control system based on the company’s articles of association in combination with the relevant requirements of the company’s three-year reform and the construction of the internal control system, so as to effectively improve the company’s governance level, management efficiency and risk prevention and control capabilities. Formulated the Work Arrangement for Improving the Two-level Internal Control System in 2022, and compiled the Internal Control System (Revision) Plan; We revised and improved the Articles of Association and related systems for regulating the construction of the company’s board of directors, and comprehensively completed the phased work of combing and integrating internal control systems that meet the operational requirements of state-owned assets supervision and listing norms in business areas such as scientific and technological development, budget and marketing. Up to now, 29 internal control systems have been newly built, 40 internal control systems have been revised, 73 internal control systems have been abolished, and 401 internal control systems covering 198 key business management processes in 10 categories covering all businesses and management have been established and improved.







The company gives full play to the advantages of party building, ideology and politics, innovation and creation, organization and management of large state-owned enterprises, and actively carries out consumer assistance. In the first half of 2022, it invested 1.48 million yuan in helping Huining County and Chengxian County, mainly for rural revitalization and enriching people’s industries; The company organized to invest 3,819,200 yuan in consumer assistance funds to help solve the problem of difficult sales of agricultural products in poverty-stricken areas; The company strives for 150,000 yuan from send warm, Gansu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and helps 124 people in difficulty; Strive for the Baiyin City Federation of Trade Unions to help fund 687,650 yuan and help 99 employees with difficulties. During the period of epidemic prevention and control, the company organized more than 1,000 employees to donate blood for free in stages and batches, and 192 employees have actively participated in voluntary blood donation. At the same time, the company sent anti-epidemic materials and food to the frontline workers at the grassroots level to convey positive energy, establish a new fashion, and fulfill corporate political and social responsibilities with high pattern, high standards and high goals.

Major changes in the company’s operation during the reporting period, as well as matters that have a significant impact on the company’s operation during the reporting period and are expected to have a significant impact in the future.

Third, possible risks

1. Market environmental risks. Non-ferrous metal industry is a basic raw material industry in the fields of national economy, people’s daily life and national defense industry. It belongs to a typical cyclical industry and is closely related to the macroeconomic operation. Macroeconomic fluctuations have a great impact on the prices of non-ferrous metal products. By strengthening the research and analysis of macro-economy, government policies and industry development, the company makes timely countermeasures for possible risks.

2. Industrial policy risks. With the deepening of domestic supply-side reform and the rising competition threshold, head enterprises will accelerate the integration of factor resources, focus on solving the key challenges faced by the industry in terms of resources, energy and technology, and store energy for future industrial development, which will accelerate the reorganization and integration of superior resources, promote the improvement of industry concentration and promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. The company will take advantage of the great opportunity of the state to promote the reform of state-owned capital, actively strive for the policy support of the state and Gansu Province, continuously optimize the industrial layout and improve the conditions for industrial development.

3. Political risks. South Africa and Peru, the main investment places of the company, have good political relations with the government of China, and both countries are countries with low political risks. With the deepening of economic cooperation between China and the two countries, the investment risks are controllable. At the same time, the company’s local management personnel actively pay attention to political trends and maintain a high degree of contact with the embassy, and report the relevant situation to the company in time to ensure that the risks are controllable.

4. Domestic and foreign legal risks. The legal risks faced by the company are mainly litigation and arbitration risks, and the laws of the countries where overseas investment is made are different, so it is necessary to face a large number of legal contracts and related legal issues cautiously. The company will do a good job in relevant legal work, continue to improve the legal risk prevention system at home and abroad, establish and improve the legal risk prevention system at home and abroad, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company to the maximum extent, provide professional services and legal advice by hiring a professional team of lawyers, and participate in the transaction process, thus providing a strong guarantee for controlling legal risks.

5. Environmental risks. With the continuous improvement of environmental protection requirements for comprehensive management of ecological environment in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and the goal and vision of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality put forward by the state, it has become an important task for mining and metallurgy enterprises to carry out green manufacturing at present. Facing the increasingly severe environmental pressure, the company will strengthen the analysis of industry policies, formulate reasonable production and management strategies, strengthen environmental protection, promote the application of energy-saving and environmental protection technologies, and realize green development.

6. Product price risk. The prices of the company’s main products such as copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver are mainly determined with reference to domestic and international market prices. The domestic and international market prices of these metals are not only affected by changes in supply and demand, but also closely related to the development of macroeconomics and downstream related industries. Great changes in the global economic environment, market supply and demand, industry development policies, tariffs and exchange rates will have a great impact on product prices and aggravate the fluctuation range and frequency of non-ferrous product prices. By making full use of risk hedging means, the company standardizes hedging to minimize the adverse impact on the company’s operations.

7. Raw material procurement risk. The price of raw materials is closely related to the prices of basic metals such as copper, zinc and lead. The price of base metals is not only affected by changes in supply and demand, but also by the development of macro-economy and downstream related industries. In addition, the epidemic situation will also have an impact on the supply of non-ferrous materials and the price of non-ferrous metals. In the first half of 2022, the epidemic situation occurred repeatedly at home and abroad, which affected the procurement of raw materials at home and abroad to varying degrees. The transportation was blocked and the planned arrival was delayed, which had a certain impact on the production of enterprises. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine led to an increase in oil prices and freight rates, which led to an increase in procurement costs and production costs of enterprises. If the above factors lead to the continuous decline in the price of basic metals, it will reduce the selling price of the company’s products, which will adversely affect the company’s operating performance.

Measures to deal with the risk of raw material procurement: keep a close eye on the changing factors such as market price, exchange rate, demand, processing fee and supply, keep abreast of the production situation of smelters and mines at home and abroad, and formulate procurement strategies and modes according to market information, inventory situation and production situation; Increase the proportion of mine procurement at home and abroad, and sign long-term strategic cooperation agreements with mining enterprises to ensure long-term stable supply. Dig deep into the market potential, graft the trading platform of subsidiaries, give full play to the channels and advantages of subsidiaries, increase the market share, and enhance the market control ability and raw material guarantee ability. Fine management, standardize the procurement process, optimize the management mode of procurement funds, speed up capital turnover, and improve the level of risk prevention and control.

8. Trading risks of financial derivatives. The financial derivatives transactions conducted by the company are mainly hedging business. Hedging can help enterprises to transfer and avoid price risks, but at the same time, they have to face various risks brought by hedging transactions. The main risks are divided into compliance risk, market risk, cash flow risk, liquidity risk, basis risk, credit risk, operational risk and agreement legal risk. The company will strictly implement the business rules of the futures exchange and the relevant systems of the company’s hedging business to effectively prevent trading risks.

Iv. analysis of core competitiveness during the reporting period

(A) scientific and technological innovation

The company leads technological innovation and management innovation with concept innovation, and continues to carry out technological research and development and tackle key problems, and its technical support role is increasing day by day. In the first half of 2022, the company applied for 154 patents, including 60 invention patents; 64 patents were authorized, including 22 invention patents; Completed 3 patents in Gansu Province and published 33 scientific papers; 198 technical research and R&D projects were carried out, 4 national provincial science and technology projects were declared, and 2 Baiyin science and technology projects were declared.

(2) Information on domestic and overseas resources

Domestic resources: The company has mine resources, with 7,983,300 tons of copper, lead and zinc, including 248,200 tons of copper, 1,578,000 tons of lead and 6,157,100 tons of zinc. The amount of gold metal is 14.56 tons, the amount of silver metal is 1,817.35 tons and the amount of molybdenum metal is 14,500 tons.

Overseas resources: Shouxin Peru Company, a holding subsidiary established by the company in Peru, has achieved a production capacity of 6.8 million tons/year for copper, iron, gold, silver and other polymetallic ores.

As of June 30, 2022, the gold resources of First Gold, a wholly-owned company of the company, were 29.03 million ounces, about 902.9 tons, and the gold reserves were 556,000 ounces, about 17.3 tons; Don Giza Company, a wholly-owned company of the company, controls+infers the amount of gold and metal of 1.5317 tons (about 4.9245 million ounces), including 1.2166 tons (about 3.9116 million ounces) of gold and metal of control level and 31.51 tons (about 1.0131 million ounces) of gold and metal of inferred level.

(C) Circular economy

The company has the key technology of comprehensive utilization of complex and refractory copper smelting slag resources in baiyin furnace, and comprehensively recovered valuable elements such as copper, gold and silver from copper smelting slag.

It has a production line with an annual processing capacity of 1.4 million tons of copper smelting slag, with an annual comprehensive recovery capacity of 22,000 tons of copper, and the comprehensive recovery of copper metal is equivalent to a medium-sized mine.

With the smelting technology of low-sulfur and high-lead secondary copper materials, the efficient separation of copper, lead, zinc, precious metals and impurities has been realized.

Has the key technology of multi-source solid waste collaborative utilization in copper, lead and zinc smelting.

It has a new technology of efficient separation and comprehensive recovery of copper, cadmium and cobalt from zinc smelting purification slag.

It has the technology of efficient and controllable recovery of copper and rhenium from copper smelting acid system.

It has the technology of separating zinc and lead from hard zinc and extracting indium to enrich precious metals.

It has a complete set of technology and production line for treating 140,000 tons of zinc hydrometallurgy slag every year.

(D) A variety of complementary processes

The company is a comprehensive production base of various non-ferrous metals in China, with an annual production capacity of 200,000 tons of copper, 400,000 tons of lead and zinc, 15 tons of gold and 500 tons of silver. It has the unique advantages of comprehensive development of copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver, and the industrial chain is connected and matched, with obvious complementary and synergistic advantages.

In the field of copper smelting, the company’s "Silver Copper Smelting Method" smelting process is the only copper smelting technology with independent intellectual property rights in China. Through years of technical research and development, the overall process and supporting technology of "New Silver Copper Melting Tank Melting Furnace" have been innovated and won the second prize of national invention and the first prize of national scientific and technological progress, with strong applicability of raw materials and unique advantages of technology. At present, the flash furnace system of the upgrading and transformation project of copper smelting technology has reached the production standard, which indicates that the flash furnace will realize a strong alliance with the only new baiyin furnace with independent intellectual property rights in China, and the comprehensive competitiveness of silver nonferrous copper smelting will be greatly enhanced through the substantial improvement of raw material applicability and the complementarity of process comparative advantages.

In the field of lead and zinc, the company adopts the new jarosite wet zinc smelting process and the improved ISP fire zinc smelting process. The 152㎡ fluidized roaster is the first roaster with the largest hearth area in the world, forming a new generation of zinc metallurgical technology with independent intellectual property rights in China, and its energy consumption and environmental protection level have reached the highest requirements of the industry, creating a low-cost green and low-carbon development road for the industry. ISP pyrometallurgical zinc smelting process is the only smelting process in the industry that can realize the mixing of copper, lead and zinc, and has outstanding advantages in comprehensive utilization of resources. It can treat all kinds of low-grade lead and zinc mixed ores, lean ores, refractory ores and secondary oxidized materials containing lead and zinc, and maximize the enrichment and recovery of the associated valuable metals in raw materials. The pyrometallurgical zinc smelting and wet contact process have obvious complementary advantages.

Precious metal treatment system, the Caldo furnace process introduced by OutotecAB, has the production capacity of comprehensively processing 4000 tons of copper-lead anode slime, recovering 15 tons of gold and 500 tons of silver, and producing refined selenium, platinum, palladium, tellurium and other products.

By giving full play to the complementary and synergistic advantages of the process, the associated valuable metals and rare elements in the concentrate can pass through the corresponding smelting process, and the comprehensive utilization of resources can be realized to the greatest extent. It has the annual comprehensive recovery capacity of 6,500 tons of copper metal and about 750 tons of associated and rare metals such as selenium, cadmium, rhenium, tellurium, bismuth, antimony, indium, platinum, palladium, cobalt and nickel.

(E) Extension of high-end industrial chain

The company has a production capacity of 200,000 tons of copper smelting, which has laid a solid foundation for further extending the downstream processing and manufacturing industry chain of the copper industry, optimizing the industrial structure and enhancing the systematic competitiveness of the whole value chain of the company’s copper industry sector.

Changtong company, a subsidiary of the company, is a key high-tech enterprise in the national torch plan. The leading products are high and low temperature superconducting cables; Fine and ultra-fine electromagnetic wire; Power cable; Cables, overhead conductors and special cables for electrical equipment. The products are used in major projects at home and abroad, such as Jiuquan Satellite Launch Base, Tiangong-1, Shenzhou series, State Grid Project, large-scale hydropower, wind power, photovoltaic power generation project, high and low temperature superconducting cables for national science projects and international cooperation projects, and many other fields. 40 superconducting cables with a total length of 30 kilometers have been provided for the international thermonuclear fusion experimental reactor and the China fusion experimental reactor project. Up to now, Changtong Company has built a production base of 16,000 square meters of micro electromagnetic wires, forming a production capacity of 10,000 tons of micro electromagnetic wires of various models and specifications, realizing the extreme manufacturing of ultra-micro electromagnetic wires (0.012mm), and the technical level has reached the leading position in China. Simultaneously carry out the capacity expansion project of micro electromagnetic wire, further improve the production capacity of micro electromagnetic wire to 20 thousand tons/year, and lay a good foundation for deepening the development of micro electromagnetic wire market and exerting scale effect.

The Silk Road Big Data Co., Ltd., in which the company shares, further relies on the advantages of shareholders, based on the new platform, and creates new breakthrough points and growth points; Gansu Defu New Materials Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of battery-grade high-grade copper foil. Electrolytic copper foil for high-grade lithium batteries is a key component of lithium-ion batteries, which is at the front end of the new energy industry chain, and is the basis for the development of end products in the fields of information communication, consumer electronics, household appliances, automotive electronics, energy-saving lighting, industrial control, aerospace, military industry and so on. The construction of electrolytic copper foil project for high-grade lithium batteries is a powerful measure for the company to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, extend the industrial chain, optimize the industrial layout and improve the market competitiveness. By the end of June, 2022, Gansu Defu New Materials Co., Ltd. has formed a production capacity of 30,000 tons, and is accelerating the implementation of the third phase of 40,000 tons and subsequent capacity expansion projects. After the overall project is completed, it will further exert the scale effect and enhance economic benefits.

(6) Procurement of raw materials

The main competitiveness of the company’s domestic mine procurement is reflected in its regional advantages. Through the nearby procurement in Gansu, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places, the price advantage is obvious.

The procurement of imported minerals is mainly based on signing long-term contracts with foreign mining enterprises to ensure stable supply and reduce logistics costs; At the same time, constantly standardize the contract terms, improve the performance service ability and reduce the procurement risk.

Make full use of the rich mineral resources in Central Asia and the advantages of the national "Belt and Road" strategic policy, strive for national policy support, strengthen project cooperation with foreign mines, logistics groups and border ports along the route, maximize import efficiency, improve customs clearance timeliness and convenience, and reduce import costs.

(VII) Product sales

The company’s main products, copper and zinc, are sold at the spot price of copper and zinc in the month of Shanghai Futures Exchange plus the daily premium. The pricing method is advanced, flexible, closer to the market and highly transparent, and the customer’s purchase intention is enhanced by agreeing on the spot price period.

The company’s sales network covers areas and provinces and cities with rapid economic development in China, which can effectively cope with market changes and ensure that products are produced and sold immediately.

The company hedges products and raw materials to effectively prevent and control price risks.

The company’s domestic market share of copper, lead and zinc is currently 2.5%, 0.4% and 4.2%, and the product quality has also been widely recognized by customers in the market, with high credibility and competitiveness.

(8) Investment and trade business

According to the company’s development strategy, we will continue to accelerate the layout of investment and trade business, gather international high-end talents, and promote transformation and leapfrog development. Focusing on resource development, the company implemented the strategy of "going out" overseas to ensure resources, and successively set up platforms for capital operation, investment management and trade business in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Peru, forming a marketing and trade network at home and abroad, and the pace of the company’s international operation has been accelerating.

The company continues to expand and innovate traditional trading business, accelerate the construction of market-oriented marketing system, serve the company’s main business, fully tap the industrial value and financial value of raw materials and products in the whole value chain of the main business by building a financial trading platform and rationally using hedging tools, increase the trade income of enterprises and enhance the ability to control resources through trade.

(9) Talent team

After years of professional production accumulation, we have cultivated a team of industrial workers who cover all sectors and products of non-ferrous metals, have rich production experience and operational skills, and love their jobs and are dedicated. Forging has trained a group of professionals including geology, surveying, mining, mineral processing, smelting, processing, chemical engineering, futures trading and international and domestic trade expertise; With well-known experts and academic leaders in relevant academic fields in China, a talent echelon construction management system has been established, which includes talent introduction, selection, training, use and dynamic operation of incentive mechanism. By the end of June 2022, the company had 7,456 talents of all kinds, accounting for 50.5% of the total number of employees. Among them, 3,261 professionals (including 1,956 engineers) accounted for 43.7% of the total talents, and 4,195 skilled talents accounted for 56.3% of the total talents. Among professional and technical personnel, there are 40 senior titles, 421 deputy senior titles, 1,241 intermediate titles and 1,463 junior titles; Among skilled personnel, there are 233 senior technicians, 878 technicians, 2211 senior workers, 610 intermediate workers and 263 junior workers. Among all kinds of talents in the company, there are 26 experts who enjoy the special allowance of the State Council, innovative talents in Gansu Province, leading talents in Gansu Province, young innovative talents in Longyuan, and chief experts in Baiyin City, and 55 winners of the nonferrous metals industry, Gansu Province’s "technical experts" and skills awards in nonferrous metals industry.

(X) Corporate culture

Focusing on the characteristics of the company’s strategy and transition, it has enriched the new connotation of the times with "hard struggle" as the core value concept, further studied and refined the company’s core cultural concept, and completed the interpretation of the sub-cultural concepts such as gratitude, contract, ecology, leadership, execution, innovation, competence, safety, quality and customers.

The "family" is amazing! You must have never seen the Wuxi version of Animal World …


For the first time, the activity trace of the Chinese gazelle, a national second-class key protected animal, was found in Zhuhai, Yixing. The fragile snake lizard, which requires extremely high living environment, has a stable breeding small population in Yixing. The bryophyte survey was carried out to fill in the gap and 11 new records were found in Wuxi …


Satellite map of Wuxi administrative region

The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning

Investigation on wildlife resources in our city

And the survey of wild plant resources achieved interim results.

Through a year’s field investigation and research analysis, it is shown that


There are 1409 species of higher plants in our city, and Wuxi is one of the areas with the most concentrated plant resources in Jiangsu. A total of 285 species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians were found in the city, accounting for 47.2% of the total number of Jiangsu Province, of which 235 species of birds were investigated, accounting for 52.5% of the total number of bird species in the province, and the biodiversity richness can be said to be in the forefront of the province.

Good habitat environment

Crispy snake lizard has a stable breeding small population.

Most wild animals are hidden in deep forests and rivers and springs wetlands, and some of them are not easy to be found by people, but they are important indicators of biodiversity. "The latest survey of terrestrial wildlife resources in Wuxi was conducted in 2011, and it has been more than ten years since then." Feng Yao, who is in charge of wildlife protection in the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning, said that this survey is particularly meaningful from the perspective of finding out the "family background" of wildlife resources.

Bird survey

It is particularly worth mentioning that the survey covers not only mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and terrestrial vertebrates, but also insects, with a wider coverage.

Insect investigation

"There are many kinds of insects in the world. Although it is small, it is the species that best reflects biodiversity. Bird migration season and breeding season need to prey and accumulate energy, and the existence of insects plays an important role in the integrity of the biological chain. " Feng Yao introduced that the insect specimens collected in this survey identified 185 species in 12 orders. Among them, a species endemic to China and a national second-class protected animal, Cynomorium songaricum, was found in Yixing Forest Farm, which was recorded for the first time in Wuxi.

The beetle (left) and the tiger-spotted butterfly (right) discovered by insect investigation

At the same time, 40 species of butterflies belonging to 5 families were recorded, among which 4 species were newly recorded in Wuxi.

"The reptiles have extremely high requirements on water quality and habitat environment. The discovery of the brittle snake lizard has excited us for a long time." According to the investigators, 8 species of amphibians in 1 order, 3 families and 16 species of reptiles in 2 orders and 7 families were recorded, including 4 species of national second-class protected animals, namely tiger frog, turtle, flat-breasted turtle and brittle snake lizard.

In particular, the brittle snake lizard is a rare species in the mountain forest area of East China, its behavior is hidden and rarely known to the public, and its distribution and population number are relatively rare in East China. This survey found that there are stable small populations near Zhuhai and surrounding Yixing Forest Farm in Yixing City, indicating that the protection of local habitats is effective.

Infrared camera monitoring photos of some mammal species investigated.

There are also many new discoveries in mammals, including 6 orders, 14 families and 26 species. Among these animals, raccoon, leopard cat and Chinese gazelle are the second-class national key protected animals. Field infrared camera monitoring results show that Apodemus chinensis, Mus musculus, South China rabbit, wild boar, pig badger and Yellow weasel are common mammals in Wuxi.

Surprisingly, through fecal DNA identification technology, the investigators confirmed the existence of Chinese gazelle in Zhuhai, Yixing. Chinese gazelle is a large herbivore of Artiodactyla and Bovidae. "The appearance of this species shows that the environmental quality in Yixing mountain area has improved obviously in recent years, and the protection should be further strengthened to provide favorable conditions for the rejuvenation of the medium-sized carnivore population in the later period." Investigators said.

There are a group of regular birdwatchers in Wuxi, where the sky is blue and the water is clear. What is the "bird situation" in Wuxi? It is reported that a total of 235 species of birds were recorded in last year’s survey, including 6 species of national first-class protected animals such as oriental stork and Chinese merganser duck, and 42 species of national second-class protected animals such as white pelican.

"From the perspective of bird residence type, there are 86 species of winter migratory birds, accounting for 36.6%, followed by resident birds, summer migratory birds and tourist birds, accounting for 32.8%, 26.4% and 4.3% respectively." Feng Yao said that over the past 10 years, birdwatchers in our city have recorded about 370 species of birds, and the specific data need to be further verified and supplemented in the next investigation, so as to "draw a clear picture" of birds as much as possible and build a good database.

Fill the gap in plant investigation

There are more than 220 species of moss alone.

A Newly Recorded Species, Lepidoptera spinosa, in Wuxi City

"Moss is a primitive higher plant group that is extremely sensitive to environmental changes. It is a large plant category in East China. It is the home for insects, microorganisms and so on, and it is of great significance to the study of biodiversity." Feng Yao introduced that in order to reflect the biodiversity of our city more comprehensively, a special survey was conducted on bryophytes, which also filled the gap in the field of wild plant survey in Wuxi.

According to the consulting data and field survey, there are 221 species of bryophytes belonging to 94 genera and 44 families in our city, among which 11 species of bryophytes such as deciduous feather moss, spiny leaf feather moss and dense leaf calyx moss were discovered for the first time in Wuxi.

In terms of vascular plants, gratifying achievements have been made in the protection of biodiversity. A total of 1188 species of vascular plants belonging to 567 genera in 155 families have been investigated, including 47 species of pteridophytes belonging to 28 genera in 19 families, 11 species of gymnosperms belonging to 10 genera in 6 families and 1130 species of angiosperms belonging to 529 genera in 130 families.

Specimens of wax leaves of some plants

"Through the analysis of the geographical elements of plants, it can be seen that the flora of Wuxi has certain antiquity, such as Lycopodium, Selaginella and Equisetum of ferns, Dictyophora of gymnosperms, Magnoliaceae and Hamamelidaceae of angiosperms." According to the researchers, 11 kinds of national protected plants (above Grade II) have been found in Wuxi, namely, Plum, Ginkgo biloba, Dictyophora bungeana, Pistacia crassipes, Zelkova schneideriana, Tenjikukatsura, wild soybean, wild water chestnut, fragrant fruit tree and buckwheat, and many of them are "longevity stars" in the plant kingdom.

The national protected plant Anemone spicata.

Wild soybean, a national protected plant.

For example, in addition to the plum, gingko and money pine that Wuxi people are familiar with, the fragrant fruit tree also has an "ancient" temperament. It is an ancient relict plant, a deciduous tree with a height of 25 meters and a DBH of 1 meter. It is mainly distributed in Xiaoheigou, Longchi Mountain and other places in Yixing in Wuxi. Investigators also found more than ten wild species of rare and endangered plant Cabernet Sauvignon in Xiangyang broad-leaved forest at an altitude of 300-600 meters in Yixing, which shows that the protection of the germplasm resources of Cabernet Sauvignon in our city has achieved initial results.

Torreya grandis, a national protected plant.

Finding out the "family background" is for more targeted protection. On the basis of a comprehensive investigation of the status quo of wildlife resources and habitats, experts put forward suggestions on biodiversity protection. For example, in the Zhuhai area of Yixing, some rare plants such as torreya grandis and Pinus bungeana grow in the Phyllostachys pubescens forest. Because of the extremely fast propagation speed of Phyllostachys pubescens, interspecific competition and interference pose some threats to the habitats of these rare trees. We can create forest gaps and protect the living environment of rare plants by means of appropriate logging.

Yixing National Forest Park is the mountain with the richest wildlife resources and the best natural forest protection in Wuxi at present. However, in the core area of the reserve, it is found that there are signs of collective mountaineering and hiking hanging by donkey friends. It is suggested that mountaineering and hiking activities should be eliminated in the core area to create a better environment for wildlife survival.

Evergreen broad-leaved forest (Xiaoheigou, Yixing)

It is reported that this year, the city will complete the survey of wildlife resources, and will establish a resource database based on the survey results, strengthen dynamic monitoring, and at the same time increase the supervision and protection of nature reserves, forest parks, wetland parks and other nature reserves to protect wildlife resources to the maximum extent.

Original title: "The family is amazing! You must have never seen the Wuxi version of "Animal World".

Beijing: The retail price of fireworks and firecrackers in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox is the same as in previous years.

On the 6th, it was the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, and fireworks and firecrackers were officially put on sale in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox. This year, there are 10 retail outlets of fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing, which will be sold from February 6 to 16 (from the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month to the 5th day of the first lunar month). Buyers need to register their real names with their ID cards. This year, Shijingshan District and Shunyi District were added to be banned in the whole region.
This year, the number of retail outlets for fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing has been reduced to 10, with a total stock of 20,000 boxes.
There are no sales outlets in ten urban areas.
As in previous years, the sale time of fireworks and firecrackers in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox is still 11 days, from February 6 (the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month) to February 16 (the fifth day of the first lunar month).
According to the Beijing Fireworks Office, compared with last year, the number of retail outlets in the city has been reduced from 23 to 10 this year, with a total of 20,000 boxes stocked, which is 25.9% lower than last year’s 27,000 boxes.
The 10 outlets are located in six districts: Tongzhou District, Changping District, Pinggu District, Huairou District, Miyun District and Yanqing District. There are no outlets in Dongcheng District, Xicheng District, Chaoyang District, Haidian District, Fengtai District, Shijingshan District, Mentougou District, Fangshan District, Shunyi District and Daxing District.
The forbidden area in the city accounts for 32.4% of the total area.
The reporter learned from the Municipal Fireworks Office that the forbidden area in the city has been further expanded this year, about 5,318 square kilometers, accounting for 32.4% of the city’s total area, an increase of 22% year-on-year.
The Fifth Ring Road (including the Fifth Ring Road) is still a year-round forbidden area, and Dongcheng District, Xicheng District and Daxing District continue to implement the whole district ban. Shijingshan District, Shunyi District, Yanqing District and Pinggu District have added forbidden areas. The administrative areas of Shijingshan District and Shunyi District are completely banned, Yanqing District has added four townships as forbidden areas, and Pinggu District has added 64 square kilometers of forbidden areas.
This year, the city’s restricted release area is about 4,107 square kilometers, accounting for 25% of the city’s total area, and there is no obvious change compared with last year.
The Municipal Fireworks Office reminds that fireworks and firecrackers should not be set off in the no-go zone in the Fifth Ring Road and the no-go zone delineated by each district; In restricted areas, fireworks and firecrackers can be set off from 7: 00 to 24: 00 every day from Lunar New Year’s Eve to the first day of the first month, and from the second day of the first month to the fifteenth day of the first month, and fireworks and firecrackers may not be set off at other times; Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited in 16 prohibited places throughout the year; When the city issued an orange and red warning of heavy air pollution, fireworks and firecrackers were prohibited in the administrative area of the city.
■ attention
All deliveries and purchases must be registered in real-name registration system.
Since the Spring Festival the year before last, real-name registration system has been adopted in the sale of fireworks in Beijing, and consumers need to swipe their ID cards to buy fireworks. During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox, the registration system of fireworks and firecrackers was upgraded in an all-round way. For the first time, the escort held the real-name registration system system to scan the code and grab the delivery.
Yesterday morning, the reporter saw in the fireworks sales outlets in Tongzhou District that during the unloading process, the escort not only had paper documents, but also held a real-name registration system system scanning gun, and every box of products unloaded was scanned and registered. When people buy fireworks, they must also register in real-name registration system with their ID cards before they can settle their accounts.
It is understood that there are two fireworks wholesale enterprises in Beijing, but at present only one Panda Fireworks Company is operating normally. According to the relevant person in charge of Beijing Panda Fireworks Co., Ltd., in order to effectively crack down on crimes and illegal fireworks and firecrackers, the registration system of fireworks flow was upgraded in an all-round way during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox. Not only the outer packaging of each box of fireworks, but also every single fireworks item in the box was labeled with real-name registration system. In other words, real-name registration system has covered the smallest packaging unit of fireworks, thus truly realizing the traceability of the whole process covering the whole process of production, delivery, shipment, warehousing, warehousing, distribution and sales.
Fireworks and firecrackers are "slimming" and more environmentally friendly.
The reporter learned that in order to meet the new demand, the types of fireworks and firecrackers have also been adjusted this year. The relevant person in charge of Beijing Panda Fireworks Co., Ltd. said that since last year, both fireworks manufacturers and Beijing citizens have changed their requirements for fireworks and firecrackers. Small and medium-sized products such as modeling, flower spraying, thread fragrance and small fireworks are the mainstream, which is more popular among the people in Beijing. Therefore, fireworks and firecrackers have been "slimmed down" this year.
According to reports, there are more than 300 kinds of fireworks and firecrackers this year, of which "Year of the Ox Theme" is more than 20%. "All new products of the Year of the Ox supplied to the Beijing market must meet the environmental protection indicators of sulfur-free light smoke and less residue."
The person in charge said that due to the "upgrade" of environmental protection standards and other reasons, the production cost of fireworks after "slimming" has not decreased, and the production cost of some products has increased after "slimming". "However, if the cost rises, there will be no price increase, and the suggested retail price of all products will be the same as in previous years."
It is understood that WeChat official account’s WeChat "Beijing Panda Fireworks" of Beijing Panda Fireworks Co., Ltd. has updated the map navigation of 10 fireworks outlets, so that citizens can check the "finding the fireworks spot" in WeChat official account and watch the discharge effect of all fireworks products.
■ On site
On the first day of fireworks sale, citizens lined up two hours in advance.
Yesterday was the first day of the sale of fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing during the Spring Festival of 2021. The reporter visited several sales outlets.
At 8: 30 yesterday morning, many people came to buy fireworks in front of the fireworks retail outlet in Songzhuang, Tongzhou District.
The reporter noticed that the most popular choice for people who buy fireworks and firecrackers is a thousand whips. It is understood that this year’s thousand-ring whip price has not risen.
"We buy a few thousand whips every year, which shows a festive atmosphere." Mr. Jin, a citizen, brought his grandson to buy fireworks and firecrackers. In addition to buying a few small fireworks for his children, he only bought three thousand whips, and planned to put one on New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day and New Year’s Day.
In the sales outlets in Yangfang Town, Changping District, the reporter visited and learned that although the sales started at 8 o’clock, there were already people waiting in line at 6 o’clock.
A staff member of the sales point introduced that the unified sales time in the city is 8: 00 in the morning and the end time is 8: 00 in the evening. However, at 6 o’clock in the morning, citizens came to wait, and the official pre-sale team has exceeded 100 meters. Outside the team, the staff kept reminding everyone to keep their distance and wear masks with horns.
At 11 o’clock in the morning yesterday, a father and son came out from the point of sale with bought fireworks. According to reports, the two started from the vicinity of Beichen Bridge at 7 am and drove 50 kilometers to the scene. The queue started at 8 o’clock, and it took three hours to buy it.
On-site staff and police told reporters that the fireworks and firecrackers at the point of sale will be replenished according to the sales situation. Everyone’s buying together is related to the weekend, and it is expected to be reduced today and tomorrow. In addition, in response to yesterday’s sales situation, the retail outlets in Yangfang Town will advance the sales time to 7: 30 in the morning from now on. (Pei Jianfei, Zhang Jingshu)