Ning Hao praised "Tropical Past" Peng Yuyan and Zhang Aijia as a hidden witness

1905 movie network news The official announcement of the film starring in,,, and starring in, has been raised to June 12, 2021 for the national public release, opening the summer season ahead of schedule with the trend of heat waves. At the same time, the film also exposed the "Hidden Witness" version of the character poster. The promotional word "6.12 is first to dry" to fill the heat value. The poster style conveys a retro summer atmosphere. All the main characters appear and go to a summer night mystery.


"Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" "Versailles" lineup debuted, Peng Yuyan, Zhang Aijia and Wang Yanhui joined hands to "peek at the truth"

After the movie "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" released the "High Temperature Warning" set poster and the "Exposing the True Killer" set trailer at the beginning of summer, the film became the top choice for audiences to watch in June, saying: "After waiting for a few years, it’s finally here"; "This lineup is too advanced"; "The trailer is so hot, the summer file is locked". Recently, "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" has revealed the character poster again, and the official announcement has been raised for a week. It will be released nationwide on June 12, 2021. Not only will it officially enter the Dragon Boat Festival file, but it will also start the heat of the summer file in advance. The character poster released by "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" this time, the starring actors will appear as "secret witnesses" for the first time.

Peng Yuyan’s Wang Xueming wears a dark blue hoodie with a gloomy expression that seems to have a heavy heart; Zhang Aijia’s Liang Ma has curled hair and a wistful expression, as if looking back at the past; Wang Yanhui’s Chen police officer, hidden in the hazy foreground in the dense green leaves, eyes looking forward to explore the truth; Zhang Yu’s singer, wearing sunglasses and holding a microphone, whose mysterious identity plays an unknown role in the plot; Jiang Pei Yao’s Xueming girlfriend, wearing a plain plaid blouse, with a refreshing ponytail that sets off her face more clearly. Where her relationship with Wang Xueming will go remains to be revealed.

The film "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" gathers together a group of outstanding actors, which can be called an annual "Versailles "-style cast, including both Chinese-language film actors and the best of the new generation of actors. In the poster of the upgraded characters, everyone shows the status of the characters in the way of" staring at the camera ", as if everyone is trying to peek into the truth of the summer night mystery. In addition, the poster is more full of strong retro atmosphere. The overall tone is reminiscent of the midsummer twilight in the old South, and the yellow-green tone of the film reflects a sense of nostalgia. It is worth mentioning that the English title of the film" Are You Lonesome Tonight? "is taken from the classic song of" Elvis Presley ". The nostalgic and tender style of the original song is closely in line with the tropical aesthetic that the director Wen Shipei wants to present.

It is reported that this song has also appeared in Chinese classic movies. The same summer lost, the same feelings of the past, "Tropical Past" pays tribute to the classic, what kind of story is about to present, it is worth the audience’s expectation.


Ning Haozan’s "Tropical Past" "Like Old Tea" is worth tasting, and director Wen Shipei pursues the creation of "a sense of flaw"

As early as 2017, "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" was shortlisted for the venture capital project of the Shanghai International Film Festival and won the "Bad Monkey 72 Change Film Project Special Attention Project". After four years of polishing, the film will officially meet the audience this summer. Referring to the unique style and charm of the film, Ning Hao, the executive producer of "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics", said: "Director Wen Shipei controls a very modest aesthetic. He doesn’t mean that we tear something apart for you to see, but it has a kind of roundness and a kind of luster, which makes you feel that he has undergone some precipitation and is not ostentatious. You can’t see anything at a glance, this movie is very like some kind of old tea, you have to taste it in it."

Regarding the tropical texture that the film wants to capture, the director Wen Shipei said: "There is no way to recreate a past, but to find a breath in the process. The feeling of heat is an imagination, and we try to get closer and refine that feeling audiovisually. But contemporary video shooting tools have become very sharp, but they lose some sense of flaw, so we are instead pursuing a sense of destruction and flaw throughout the creative process."

Huawei Yunhong Fangming: A small step for enterprises to go to the cloud, a major leap for industrial clusters

2021 is the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Facing the topic of "adhering to innovation-driven development, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern of a modern industrial system, improving the quality of economic development, and maintaining sustainable and healthy economic development", how can new infrastructure service providers represented by cloud computing better play the role of technology platforms, empower industrial economic innovation, and promote regional sustainable development? How to improve enterprise efficiency, promote regional enterprise cooperation, and consolidate the elements of enterprise development and innovation? Hong Fangming, president of Huawei Cloud China, expressed his views on the above issues in an interview with China Business News.

From a manufacturing power to a "smart" manufacturing power

After a year of unparalleled changes in a century, how enterprises can cope with difficulties and how to transform and upgrade has become an urgent proposition to be solved. The state has launched new infrastructure, and enterprises have accelerated their digital transformation. In the past year, we have seen a phenomenon. Those companies that can actively embrace digitalization and actively invest in online have shown a good development trend as a whole. On the contrary, those companies that use traditional methods and do not change the offline model, whether in sales or supply chain, are facing huge challenges as a whole. As people say, the SARS epidemic in 2003 accelerated the development of the consumer Internet, and the sudden COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 will accelerate the process of enterprises going to the cloud.

Today, our country is transforming from a manufacturing power to a "smart" manufacturing power. Enterprises need to transform and upgrade through digital means and digital empowerment in all aspects, such as research and development, production and manufacturing, supply chain, marketing, and service. This is also the key to how to change the current situation and how to take the next step under the current economic development situation. By visiting more than 30 provinces and cities across the country in 2020, we found that the technology gathered on the cloud is bringing great changes to the industry and society.

Urban industrial clusters need to move from small, scattered, and low-energy to high, refined, and cutting-edge

The development stage and state of a local industrial cluster determine the active level of a region’s economic development, and also reflect the situation of people’s livelihood and employment. It can be said that the regional industrial cluster determines the development, people’s livelihood and employment of a region, which is a very important development indicator.

In a conference held by Huawei Cloud in early January 2020, the director of the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of a certain place said that although the local area has been ranked among the top 100 industrial zones in the country, the internal and external challenges in the past year have made him deeply feel the difficulties of the entire manufacturing industry: the cost of factory labor and land has been rising, the export situation has changed, the industrial structure is in urgent need of reorganization, and entrepreneurs have also expressed their urgent desire for transformation and upgrading.

Due to the limitations of formation conditions, industrial clusters in our country mostly focus on traditional processing fields, developing in the form of small workshops, and lack scientific and technological innovation. At present, traditional industrial clusters are facing challenges such as increasing labor costs, increasing social costs, and shortage of talents. Relying on simple replication for scale expansion, the form of spreading big cakes cannot achieve sustainable development. Industrial clusters need to move from small, scattered, and low-energy to high, refined, and cutting-edge development. How to complement R & D, market, supply chain, and service capabilities, realize supply chain elongation, and integrate upstream and downstream supply chains to obtain higher profits is the core appeal of industrial cluster development.

It is undeniable that there are many excellent enterprises in our industrial clusters that are doing very well and have reached a very top position in the world, but there are still a considerable number of small and medium-sized enterprises that have not reached this level. To evaluate the active level of an economy, it is not to have a few large enterprises, but more importantly to look at the activity of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises. It is a key response for the country to solve employment and improve the overall economic active level. And the cloud platform that brings together various technologies and ecosystems just provides the technical business means needed for change.

Moving from simple connections to deeply empowering

Huawei has amassed a wealth of experience in the field of electronic information manufacturing over the past 30 years, whether it is from supply chain research and development, marketing, service, or in the industry precipitation of technology and marketing capabilities, Huawei hopes to use the cloud to bring its accumulated experience to empower various industries, empower society, and realize the company’s vision of bringing the digital world into everyone, every family, and every organization to build a smart world connected to all things.

In the process of business expansion, Huawei Cloud has learned about the characteristics of China’s economy itself and the characteristics of industrial clusters, and put forward the concept of "industrial cloud". Based on cloud infrastructure, an urban industry empowering platform that integrates industrial ecological resources to provide technologies, solutions, and industrial practice services provides a core driving force for promoting the integration of urban production and number, industrial innovation and upgrading, and reshaping the new industrial pattern. In essence, the demand for informatization and digitalization in today’s economic development has given birth to the concept and model of industrial cloud. At the same time, industrial cloud also responds to the question of where and how to transform and upgrade the industry in the process of supply, marketing, and service.

Different from the industrial Internet, which focuses on connecting various data and production materials of enterprises, so as to provide enterprises with the kinetic energy for transformation and upgrading; in addition to the connection function, the industrial cloud also provides enterprises with industrial empowerment and rich offline services, including the best experience of the industry, while combining a variety of advanced technical means.

Manufacturing cannot be simply defined by the production process. R & D and sales are actually key links in serving the manufacturing industry. Only with an enterprise system that completes research, sales, supply, production, and service can it be a true modern manufacturing industry. However, born out of domestic manufacturing enterprises such as processing with incoming materials, it is urgent to transform to modern manufacturing. Take the United States as an example. The proportion of manufacturing in the United States is relatively low, but if you look at the entire GDP of the United States, you will find that a very large part of the industry serves the manufacturing industry. This kind of manufacturing service industry accounts for about 50% of the overall manufacturing industry. If our country wants to move from a manufacturing power to a smart manufacturing power, it must work hard on this. In the face of the unclear concept of China’s industrial upgrading, the current situation of "hard" and "soft" is not simply to provide a cold technology to solve, but also to empower, to have a team to serve the industry, to teach these original traditional manufacturing industries how to achieve the next jump.

Huawei’s own industry is relatively wide, from the original service to operators, to government and enterprises, and then to consumer BG, you can think of Huawei as a traditional manufacturing industry, a high-tech enterprise, and a retail enterprise. Therefore, Huawei Cloud has rich accumulation in the above fields, including technology, marketing, supply chain, service and other aspects. Huawei Cloud will export these capabilities through the form of industrial cloud to empower the industry, which is also the biggest value point and difference point of Huawei Cloud.

A small step for enterprises to go to the cloud, a major leap for industrial clusters

At present, Huawei Cloud has landed in more than 120 innovation centers and industrial cluster bases across the country, and has joined more than 300 partners including MES, CAD, supply chain management, production management, software suppliers, etc., to provide digital transformation services for 17,000 enterprises.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, an electronic information enterprise in Dongguan, based on Huawei Cloud Industrial Internet, the big data platform created by the platform FusionPlant helped it to achieve an orderly resumption of work and production, ensuring the occurrence of 0 epidemic cases. At the same time, the efficient and convenient management brought by the visualization of the big data platform has also solved the remote control problem that many foreign employees cannot resume work in many process production links, and manages the production quality control of the entire production line. This is what we think is a very typical use case of an enterprise.

Facing the characteristics of China’s industrial economy and the key nodes facing the industry, how can its next jump be realized? For each industry, where is the future going and where is the next jump? This is the most concerned issue in the upstream and downstream industrial chains of urban industrial clusters.

The automotive industry, ICT industry, medical apparatus and pharmaceutical industry are the three pillar industries of the global economy. In the automotive industry, Huawei Car BU proposes to help car companies "build and sell good cars", use its own capabilities in research and development, manufacturing, marketing, etc., to drive the development of the upstream and downstream industrial chain of intelligent networked vehicles, and do some exploration and innovation work around automobile companies to help car companies transform and upgrade from the traditional fuel vehicle industry to the electric vehicle industry; in the electronic information industry, which is facing the pressure from low-end to high-end, Huawei helps the electronic information industry to achieve the next leap through its own practice; in the materials and pharmaceutical industries, many studies currently rely on a lot of laboratory experimental work, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Huawei Cloud makes use of its vast computing and IOT capabilities, combined with previous research and development achievements, to enhance the entire process of drug and material research and development.

With the industrial cloud empowering transformation and upgrading, through the continuous progress of technology, the continuous development of industry, and the continuous improvement of partner capabilities, we will provide the kinetic energy for the industry to upgrade and leap, and consolidate the "black land" of the intelligent world. We must embrace talents and continue to move forward, drive Chinese enterprises to take a small step in the cloud, lead industrial upgrading, and realize a big step in the leap of China’s industrial clusters, and truly realize a leap in the industry!

Scan the code to watch the topic to learn the details of Mr. Hong Fangming's speech and the full video of the program.

China Evergrande and Hengda Properties announced today that they will resume trading

On the evening of the 2nd, China Evergrande and Hengda Properties announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company has applied to the Stock Exchange to resume trading at 9:00 am on October 3.

On September 28, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company had received a notice from relevant departments that Mr. Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, had been taken compulsory measures according to law on suspicion of illegal crimes.

On the morning of September 28, Hengda’s listed companies China Evergrande, Hengda Automobile, and Hengda Property collectively suspended trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

On the afternoon of September 27, Hengda’s listed platform stock price suddenly fell. As of the close, China Hengda fell 19%, with a total market value of 4.20 billion Hong Kong dollars; Hengda Automobile fell 20%, with a total market value of 6.10 billion Hong Kong dollars; Hengda Property fell 14.5%, with a total market value of 6.40 billion Hong Kong dollars. The total market value of the three major platforms is only 16.70 billion Hong Kong dollars.

A criminal law expert said in an interview with reporters at the time that according to Evergrande Group’s announcement, the company should have received a precise notice, and the notice classified Xu Jiayin as "suspected of illegal crimes" and was subject to coercive measures. It is common sense to guess that in the case of notification by relevant departments, the coercive measures taken are likely to be different from the "residential surveillance" misreported by foreign media.

The above-mentioned criminal legal experts said that in the context of the early investigation of Hengda Real Estate by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the criminal coercive measures taken by the public security department against Hengda Fortune Du and other suspected criminals, the result of Xu Jiayin’s suspected illegal crime should not surprise too many people. Public opinion has paid more attention to "when" to take action. Judging from the current public information, the issues involved in him are likely to be related to multiple crimes, which are very complicated and may take quite some time to clarify.

It is worth noting that Hengda Automobile, which was suspended at the same time as China Hengda and Hengda Property, did not resume trading at the same time. On the last trading day before the suspension of Hengda Automobile, the share price was HK $0.56/share, and the total market value was HK $6.073 billion.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News ? Yangchengpai Comprehensive Securities Times, 21st Century Economic Report, etc
Editor in Charge | Zheng Zongmin

What surprises will the four brands of Chery bring to Chengdu Auto Show?

  Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition 2023 will officially kick off on August 25th in West China International Expo City. As the most important international auto show in Southwest China, it has always been a stage for major auto brands to "show their muscles". As the representative of China’s own brand, Chery Group is also ready to go. Four brands, Chery, Xingtu, Jietu and iCAR, will jointly participate in the exhibition with more than 30 heavy models, showing strong brand upward potential.

  As of August 20th, Chery’s cumulative sales volume has exceeded 1 million vehicles this year, running out of the "acceleration" again, two months ahead of last year’s million sales volume. Chery Group has achieved "double growth" from the same period of last month under the background of "double decline" from the same period of last month, continuing the strong trend of sprinting sales to new highs for months since this year. What surprises will Chery bring us at this Chengdu Auto Show? Let’s take the lead and have a quick look!

What surprises will the four brands of Chery bring to Chengdu Auto Show? _fororder_image001

Chery Group landed at Chengdu Auto Show with four major brands.

  The ultimate price of oil and electricity is higher than that of the new Tiggo 7 PLUS.

  At this year’s auto show, Chery brand will bring its three major series and new energy heavy models to the show. In addition to the Tiggo 9, Arrizo 8 high-energy version and the newly-launched Exploration 06, the Tiggo 7 family will also welcome new models to market, and consolidate the new benchmark of A-class SUV value with its advanced scientific and technological strength. As the most successful model sequence of Chery brand, the Tiggo series quickly responds to iterations. At this auto show, two models, the Tiggo 7 PLUS Champion Edition and the Tiggo 7 New Energy Champion Edition, will be launched, with fuel+hybrid two-line force.

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Tiggo 8 New Energy Champion Edition+Tiggo 7 New Energy Champion Edition

  The Tiggo 7 New Energy Champion Edition, which will be listed at this Chengdu Auto Show, has three core advantages: super electric hybrid, super safety and super smart enjoyment. At the same time, it expands the vehicle lineup, and creates a super high price-to-performance ratio with the same-level leading electric hybrid technology, the same-level leading intelligent cockpit, the same-level super-high active and passive safety standards, and the only vehicle in the industry and the three-power lifetime warranty, which brings users more diversified new energy car purchase options. With the launch of the Chery Tiggo 8 New Energy Champion Edition and the Tiggo 7 New Energy Champion Edition, Chery Automobile will formally form a Chery hybrid Gemini layout consisting of the Tiggo 8 New Energy Champion Edition and the Tiggo 7 New Energy Champion Edition, covering the mainstream electric hybrid market within 150,000 in an all-round way, and satisfying users’ travel with a diversified vehicle lineup.

  The new generation of Tiggo 7 PLUS Champion Edition is positioned as "the value benchmark of 100,000-class SUV", which is specially designed for "Lohas Youth". It continues the "three highs" product gene with high value, high value and high safety of the Tiggo 7 PLUS model, and is equipped with the fourth-generation 1.5TGDI engine of Chery Kunpeng Power for the first time, and it has the only super start in its class, with an acceleration of 0-60km/h of only 3.8s and a fuel consumption of only 6.58L per 100 km. With the launch of the Champion Edition, the new generation of Tiggo 7 PLUS Champion Edition family will refresh the industry value benchmark with the brand-new "the strongest Kunpeng dual-power combination of the same class", further high price-performance ratio and richer product lineup, and become a must-have item for users to travel. Not only can it provide more choices for users to travel, but it will also help more young users to easily start a beautiful car life with Chery’s fourth-generation ACTECO engine and the ultra-high price-performance ratio of "increasing the quantity without increasing the price".

What surprises will the four brands of Chery bring to Chengdu Auto Show? _fororder_image003

A new generation of Tiggo 7 PLUS Champion Edition

  Leading high-end travel, Star Road, Eta Ursae Majoris Flying Fish Edition and Star Era ET to open "Super Comfort, New Experience"

  As the "spire" of Chery Pyramid, Xingtu is committed to bringing intelligent, luxurious and energetic high-end travel experience to the new middle class in the city. In 2023, Starway, which entered the era of 2.0, ran hard in an all-round way and accelerated the drawing of the future "445" product matrix blueprint. At the Chengdu Auto Show, the launch of Eta Ursae Majoris Flying Fish Edition and the launch of Star Era ET interior will be the two most important star attractions of Star Road booth. In addition, Star Era ES, which will be launched in the fourth quarter, as well as a new generation of moon-hunting, a new generation of Lingyun and wind-chasing PHEV, will all debut, and a super comfortable and new experience journey will soon set sail happily.

  Since its listing in February, Eta Ursae Majoris has launched a "luxury affirmative action" campaign in the 200,000-yuan SUV market with a user value twice the retail price. Among many highly competitive functions, Flying Fish Super Chassis accounts for 67% of car purchases, which has won unanimous praise from users. Eta Ursae Majoris Feiyu Edition will continue to decentralize this function, and at the same time, it will add a new powertrain equipped with 2.0T+ Aisin 8AT to carry out luxury equality to the end.

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Eta Ursae Majoris Flying Fish Edition

  As the first high-end electric SUV in Star Age, Star Age ET adheres to the aesthetic concept of "super comfortable home", takes "warmth, comfort, luxury and elegance" as the design theme, adopts indoor home design techniques, and creates a modern sense of luxury and luxury through the collision of lights, real wood and real aluminum. Create a super comfortable 6A healthy cockpit that leads the industry for users, and make the car a cockpit and a second home.

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Xingjiyuan ET

  Focus on the travel scene and shake it. Jietu travelers will start pre-sale

  Jietu Automobile focuses on the "Travel+"market segment, builds products with the concepts of scene, ecology and platform, and also builds a more perfect travel ecology and product matrix. It is understood that Jietu Automobile will open the pre-sale of Jietu travelers at Chengdu Auto Show. The pre-sale models include 1.5T and 2.0T power models. Jietu travelers adopt the design language of "the way of vertical and horizontal", showing the beauty of toughness. The posture of the whole vehicle is powerful, the suspended roof is equipped with luggage rack, and the generous black broken-line wheel arch and large-size rim are extremely off-road temperament. The small schoolbag at the tail is a classic design of off-road SUV. The rear taillights set vertically on both sides are wrapped in a black frame, and the shape of the rear bumper echoes the front face.

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Jietu traveler

  Of course, Jetway travelers are not only domineering in appearance, but also unambiguous in lining. The new car is equipped with the industry’s first XWD fully automatic intelligent four-wheel drive system, which brings very strong grip, high passability and ability to get out of trouble. With the empowerment of Borgwarner’s sixth-generation torque manager and intelligent differential lock, TA can win both urban roads and outdoor cross-country.

  Intellectual fun playmates make a stunning appearance in iCAR 03 and join hands with millions of users to "dare to be fun"

  Since the official release of "New Power" brand iCAR, Chery’s layout on the new energy track has been further accelerated, and at the same time, it has constantly challenged its own limits, innovated its marketing methods, and launched a number of user co-creation activities including appearance co-creation and i-VA virtual people, so as to establish a deeper emotional and value resonance with users and realize mutual two-way travel. At this auto show, iCAR will join hands with its vanguard iCAR 03 to make a stunning appearance, and the interior of the "intellectual playmate" SUV will usher in the first real car exposure! It is worth looking forward to that iCAR 03 will also join hands with a number of heavyweight big coffees to launch "iCAR 03′ s first China car crowdfunding early-adopter activity — — Millions of users and millions of kilometers long test ceremony, dare to play in the wild, specially for chasing new young people! There is also a mysterious modified car of "landing on Mars", which is worth finding out!

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iCAR 03

  At this Chengdu Auto Show, eQ7, which was popular before it went on the market, will also make a heavy debut. As the first home pure electric SUV built by China’s first aluminum-based lightweight platform, eQ7 was born for real travel scenes of home users, bringing a new definition of home pure electric SUV. At the same time, the familiar QQ ice cream, small ants and other models will also be renewed, Q moving Rongcheng.

  Enjoy Rongcheng intelligently and see the future! From August 25th to September 3rd, four brands, Chery, Xingtu, Jietu and iCAR, will bring more than 30 heavy-duty models to Chengdu West China International Expo City, and come to Hall 5, H501 Chery booth to experience brand-new models, explore pioneering technology, and have many interesting ways to play. (Photo: provided by Chery Automobile)

The picture of "sad grandpa with unsalable fruit" was abused, and the official accused it of inaccurate marketing.

  Recently, a statement issued by Linyi County Government of Shanxi Province on the improper marketing method of "Linyi Apple is unsalable" has aroused concern. According to the statement, a number of e-commerce companies released the marketing plan of "Linyi Apple is unsalable" and used the "sad card" to market Linyi Apple, which had a serious impact on the brand image of the local fruit industry, and the marketing content was exaggerated and inaccurate.

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter saw that in WeChat official account and e-commerce platforms, there are still merchants who sell apples by slow sales as a marketing propaganda method. In addition to Linyi apples, there are also many businesses selling goods on the grounds of "apples are unsalable", "fresh bamboo shoots are unsalable" and "pineapples are unsalable", all of which use photos of the same old man as propaganda maps. In this regard, e-commerce customer service said that merchants may be suspected of infringing portrait rights, and the platform will also supervise the sales behavior of merchants.


  "Linyi apples are unsalable"? Local claims exaggerate the facts.

  On May 7th, Linyi County Government of Yuncheng, Shanxi Province issued a statement on the improper marketing method of "Linyi Apple is unsalable". According to the statement, recently, several e-commerce platforms released the marketing plan of "Linyi Apple is unsalable", and used the "sad card" to market Linyi Apple, which had a serious impact on the overall brand image of Yuncheng Fruit Industry. After comprehensive and in-depth verification, there are many exaggerations and inaccuracies in this information.

  According to the investigation of Linyi county government, the videos and pictures selected for the report were all taken before 2016, and some of them also used the "posing" method to deliberately create a poor image of fruit farmers. In addition, in order to win the sympathy of consumers to the greatest extent, e-commerce deliberately creates the ugly characteristics of Linyi apples, and the apples presented are all inferior fruits with rust scars, pockmarks, black spots and cracks. These apples are the residual apples left after merchants screen and purchase high-quality apples, accounting for only a small proportion.

  Linyi county government also said in the statement that some platforms have obtained materials with official seals of local townships, villages and fruit industry departments by improper means, and the contents of the statement are seriously inconsistent with the facts; Most platforms deliberately exaggerate the severity of slow sales of fruits, resulting in unreasonable fluctuations in apple prices.

  According to the survey, the main sad brand is a common marketing method, and agricultural products such as pineapple in Xuwen, Guangdong Province and tangerine in Anhui Province have also been marketed in this way. The purpose is to attract people’s attention and gain consumers’ sympathy, which is convenient for fruit farmers to sell their fruits in a short-term and partial way, but it will damage the overall brand image and the overall interests of all fruit farmers in the long run.

  Yesterday, the reporter of Beiqing Daily searched on an e-commerce platform and found that there are still many businesses selling Linyi apples in the name of "caring for farmers" and "40 million kilograms of apples are unsalable in Shanxi". One of the merchants who claimed to sell unsalable apples in Linyi sold 8.5 kg of apples at a price of 28.7 yuan, while the place of delivery was Shenzhen, Guangdong. On its publicity page, an old man wiped his eyes with his arm, holding several banknotes from 10 yuan and 5 yuan in his hand. In other pictures, there are a lot of moldy or damaged apples piled on the ground, and some elderly farmers are standing in the village with apples in their hands. There are many words in the propaganda, such as "fruit farmers are in a hurry" and "want to cry without tears". Commodity reviews show that many buyers are buying for the promotion of helping farmers. The seller admitted to the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the store address was in Shenzhen, but claimed that the photo was taken by "friends who arranged for employees to go to the place of origin".


  Abused "slow-moving grandfather"

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that in addition to "Linyi apples are unsalable", there are many businesses selling goods by "promoting unsalable", including pineapple, fresh bamboo shoots and other foods, as well as blankets and other supplies. Surprisingly, many businesses use photos of the same old man, and this old man is also named "unsalable grandfather" on the Internet.

  In one of the shops selling apples, the publicity picture shows the old man on the left, a large number of apples on the right and the words "Apples for sale, love and help" in the lower right corner. The price of apples is 27.9 yuan for 10 Jin, and the freight is 20 yuan.

  Merchants said in the propaganda, "The local natural environment is only suitable for growing apples, and the economic income is very limited. The blocked traffic makes the fruit harvested every year rotten and can’t be sold. " Merchants are also equipped with photos of local fruit farmers, simple houses and a large number of apples.

  In the publicity, the merchant said that the unsalable apples were produced in Yucheng County, Shangqiu, Henan Province, and the delivery place was Dashahe Town, Fengxian County, Xuzhou.

  In this regard, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted the Yucheng county government. The government staff said that there are indeed many apples planted in the local area, but this year I have not heard of slow sales. "This is a marketing method, which exaggerates marketing." The staff of Dashahe Town Government said that there was unsalable agricultural products last year, but the inventory should have been processed by now. Even if there are still apples left, it is not recommended to buy them. At the same time, there is no traffic jam in Dashahe Town.

  Another store selling "wild bamboo shoots" also used photos of "slow-moving grandfathers". The image of the old man in the propaganda picture remains the same, except that the picture on the right side is replaced by bamboo shoots, which are also accompanied by the words "seeking help".

  The store told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that bamboo shoots came from Lingui District, Guilin, and he didn’t know the "slow-moving grandfather". He used this photo only because "he is good at pulling business", and many different businesses are also using the photos of the grandfather to attract customers. The store also said that because this kind of "wild bamboo shoots" only has a one-month listing period, it really helps the sales after using the photos of "slow-moving grandfather". "Fruits and rice noodles are used a lot, and we are not a family."

  Later, the reporter of Beiqing Daily called the Lingui District Government of Guilin City. A staff member said that it was past the bamboo shoot digging season and had never heard of unsalable agricultural products. "Bamboo shoots are generally dug around Qingming, and now they are very old, and the local planting bases are not so large. Most of them are wild and it is impossible to produce unsalable products."

  Through the image recognition search, after the reporter of Beiqing Daily entered the head photo of "slow-moving grandfather", he identified more than ten kinds of goods, and the types and origins of goods were different. In addition to apples and bamboo shoots, there were lemons, melons, loquats and other foods, even including rose seedlings, lamps and other commodities. The words "seek help" or "help us" were written on the lower right of the publicity map.


  The platform called "slow-moving grandfather" photos or suspected infringement.

  Yesterday, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted the customer service of the online e-commerce platform. For the merchants to sell goods in the name of "slow sales", the customer service said that users can make complaints if they find that the situation is inconsistent, and the staff will handle it.

  In addition, the company also has a large database, which will supervise the merchants. In addition, after seeing the photo of "slow-moving grandfather", the customer service staff said that many shops have used the photo of this grandfather as propaganda, which has been suspected of infringing on the right to portrait. "The shop owner has the right to protect his rights and interests if he finds it. The platform will definitely be responsible for him."


  Shops should bear corresponding administrative responsibilities for false propaganda.

  Lawyer Han Xiao of Beijing Kangda Law Firm said that the store sells Linyi apples and other commodities in the name of unsalable sales, and the statement is seriously inconsistent with the facts, deliberately exaggerating the severity of unsalable fruit, which has been suspected of false propaganda as stipulated in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Anti-Unfair Competition Law. According to relevant regulations, the operator may be fined more than 200,000 yuan and less than 1 million yuan; If the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 1 million yuan but not more than 2 million yuan may be imposed, and the business license may be revoked.

  Regarding the issue of consumer rights protection, Han Xiao introduced that the false propaganda behavior of online stores violated consumers’ right to know. Apple and other commodities do not belong to the category of "seven days without reason to return", but consumers and stores can ask for a refund after consultation.

  In addition, based on the intention of fraud, the store has carried out fraudulent acts of false propaganda, which has caused consumers to have a wrong understanding and bought their fruits based on the wrong understanding. If it has caused losses to consumers’ property (for example, consumers spend a high price to buy back inferior fruits with scars, pits and cracks), their actions are suspected of fraud.

  Text/reporter Guo Linlin Intern Zhang Yaolin

Topic | China volleyball set off the "tide of studying abroad" by relying on real skills, reputation and achievements.

On February 11th, the Gdansk Club of Polish Men’s Volleyball announced that Zhang Jingyin, a player from China, will play in the Polish Men’s Volleyball League wearing the same No.22 jersey as the national team. Zhang Jingyin has also become another China player to join a high-level overseas league after Jiangchuan and Zhu Ting. China players are being recognized by overseas clubs and awarded overseas league contracts by virtue of their outstanding performance in the national team and league. Zhang Jingyin hopes that she can play abroad and bring back good experience, so that China volleyball can make progress.

The local team of the Association recommended overseas league recognition.

Recently, China’s men’s and women’s volleyball national teams have assembled in Fujian and Zhejiang training bases to start a new year’s training. Different from previous years, many main players did not appear in the training base. Under the recommendation and operation of China Volleyball Association and local teams, men’s volleyball team captain Jiang Chuan, women’s volleyball team captain Zhu Ting, men’s volleyball league popular king Zhang Jingyin and other players have landed in overseas leagues.

This is a gratifying step for China Volleyball to improve its volleyball level by sending high-level athletes to join high-level leagues. On the other hand, the level of men’s and women’s volleyball in China has also been recognized by overseas leagues. Zhu Ting, the captain of China Women’s Volleyball Team, won an annual salary of one million euros in the Turkish Women’s Volleyball League. Zhu Ting’s performance in the previous national team conquered the top overseas leagues. At the beginning of this year, Yao Di, a setter who just won the China Women’s Volleyball Super League championship on behalf of Tianjin Women’s Volleyball Team, also got a contract with Scandi odd team in Serie A and became a teammate with Zhu Ting.

Zhang Jingyin, a Zhejiang player who performed well in the China Men’s Volleyball Super League, arrived in Gdansk, Poland on the 11th with his coaching team, and will soon join the Polish Men’s Volleyball Super League. Zhang Jingyin’s jersey number in the club is still the number 22 of the national team. The Polish Men’s Volleyball Super League is one of the three top men’s volleyball leagues in the world. As the first China player to play in Bochao, Zhang Jingyin is facing a lot of challenges. First of all, the number of foreign aid players in Bo Chao League is limited to three, and secondly, Zhang Jingyin will also face the test of strong blocking in Europe. In this regard, Zhang Jingyin said that she is going to participate in the competition with a learning attitude.

Serie A welcomed the third foreign aid from China this season. Born in 2000, she served as the main attack and response of Sichuan women’s volleyball team in the past two seasons. As the absolute core of the team, Miao Yiwen averaged 6.59 and 5.86 in the current China Women’s Volleyball League, ranking first in both rankings. In the ranking of effective scoring index of main attack players, Miao Yiwen’s effective scoring index reached 4.37. Second only to Li Yingying. It can be said that Miao Yiwen is a Serie A team impressed by the excellent performance of the League.

There is bitterness and sweetness in studying abroad, and fame and position are played out.

Playing in overseas leagues is both an opportunity and a challenge for China players. Overseas club leagues gather masters from all over the world and various styles of play. On the one hand, China players need to compete with opponents across the net, but also compete with teammates for playing opportunities. Just like Zhu Ting, her fame and position are based on competition and achievements.

With the active operation and recommendation of China Volleyball Association and local teams, China men’s volleyball players set off a climax of "studying abroad". Before the start of the Chinese Men’s Volleyball League, Beijing Auto Men’s Volleyball Team has sent many players, including captain Jiang Chuan, Wang Dongchen and Zhang Binglong, to compete overseas and other teams. At present, Peng Shikun, Yu Yuantai and Yu Yaochen have joined Japanese and Qatari Asian clubs to play. At present, Jiangchuan stands firm in Japan Men’s Volleyball League with his skill and hard work. He won the title of scoring champion in a single game in the Japanese league for many times, and was also selected for the All-Star team. On the other hand, in addition to training and playing ball in Hiroshima Club, Jiangchuan is only responsible for two meals a day on training day and competition day. Other necessities of life must be purchased by yourself. Jiangchuan needs to do it personally in diet and daily life to ensure that his body is in the best condition.

When the China Women’s Volleyball Super League came to an end, Beijing Auto Women’s Volleyball Team helped Jin Ye go through the formalities and joined the Jakarta BIN team of Indonesian League together with Chen Peiyan of Guangdong Women’s Volleyball Team. This shows that Beijing Women’s Volleyball Team supports players to play abroad. In the debut of Jin Ye and Chen Peiyan joining the Indonesian League, they helped the team beat the six-time champion national electric women’s volleyball team in the Indonesian League. Unfortunately, after that, the team terminated the contract with Jin Ye, and the national player failed to play the complete Indonesian league.

Training+Studying in China Volleyball requires walking on two legs.

In the 2023 season, both men’s and women’s volleyball teams in China will face the test of competition. In addition to the World League and the Asian Championship, the China Men’s Volleyball Team also has the Asian Games and the Paris Olympic Qualifiers. The three-month training of China Men’s Volleyball Team hopes to strengthen basic skills, further polish skills and tactics, and prepare for the qualification of the Paris Olympic Games. China women’s volleyball team shouted the slogan that the Asian Games must win the championship. At that time, the players who will fight overseas are bound to become an important part of the national team. From training to studying abroad, China volleyball began to walk on two legs.

In late May this year, China women’s volleyball team will soon go to the World Women’s Volleyball League. The 2024 Paris Olympic Qualifying Tournament held from September 16th to 24th and the Hangzhou Asian Games held from September 28th to October 7th are the most important. Head coach Cai Bin said that the goal of China women’s volleyball team in the Asian Games must be a gold medal. In addition, China women’s volleyball team should get tickets for the Paris Olympic Games in the qualifying round at the first time.

China men’s volleyball training, because many players such as Jiang Chuan and Zhang Jingyin participated in overseas leagues, the number of China men’s volleyball players participating in the training was reduced from 25 to 18. Zhang Jingyin said: "We can broaden our horizons and recognize a different level of league. In high-level clubs, learn how others train and compete. I hope that we can play abroad and bring back their good things, and then we can study together and make progress together. "

The number of women’s volleyball training in China was also reduced from 23 to 18 because Ding Xia, Zhu Ting and others did not participate in the training. At present, Zhu Ting and Yao Di are fighting fiercely in the Italian Women’s Volleyball League. Zhu Ting’s performance is stable, maintaining a success rate of about 50% in many competitions. Yao Di also began to enter the starting list and found his place in the team.

Overseas leagues also give young players a chance to attack the position of China women’s volleyball team in the future. Sun Jie, an assistant from Shandong, has joined Maccabi Club in Haifa, Israel League until the end of the 23rd season. She is the first player from China in the history of Israel Women’s Volleyball League. Sichuan meets Miao Yiwen and becomes the third China player to land in Serie A this season after Zhu Ting and Yao Di. If these players perform well in overseas leagues, they may be able to impress China women’s volleyball coach Cai Bin.

Since she was promoted to the adult group, Miao Yiwen has not had many opportunities to represent China women’s volleyball team in international competitions. Last year, she was selected for the China Women’s Volleyball Team by virtue of her outstanding performance in the League, and participated in the World Women’s Volleyball League sub-competition. Unfortunately, Miao Yiwen only appeared as a substitute in the match with the Thai women’s volleyball team. Since then, she has failed to be selected for the China Women’s Volleyball World Championships. This time, Miao Yiwen impressed Serie A clubs through league performance, and Miao Yiwen also got another chance to prove herself.

Whether these players studying abroad can become the main force of China volleyball national team in the future depends on their own abilities and the needs of the team. Since the pace of volleyball training+studying abroad in China has been taken, we should boldly move forward. As Zhang Jingyin said when talking about his communication with Wu Sheng, head coach of China Men’s Volleyball Team, "Coach Wu also hopes that I can have a good exercise when I go abroad this time, make a major breakthrough in serving and bring back good experience. In the future, I will play well in the national team competition. "

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Yan Peng

Editor/Wang Haozhou


"Print+Music" Suzhou people’s nightlife has a new way to open.

  Zhongxin. com, Jiangsu News, December 30 (Zhou Jianlin) On the evening of the 29 th, Suzhou Art Museum was full of youthful atmosphere. When the lights gradually dim, musicians slowly step onto the stage and pluck the strings, and an encounter between printmaking and music opens a beautiful journey.

The concert scene. Zhang Jian photo
The concert scene. Zhang Jian photo

  Recently, the first China Youth Printmaking Biennale is on display in Suzhou Art Museum. More than 230 prints with different styles and different themes fully reflect the diversity and diversity of contemporary youth printmaking art and their enthusiasm and pursuit of artistic creation. In the night, printmaking has become a dazzling stage background for the concert.

  This "Parallel Universe-Classical Chamber Music and Jazz Cross-border Fusion Concert" was specially invited by composer and jazz guitarist Xu Zhihan, jazz pianist and composer, and percussion player Rong Chenchu played in the daytime. This is a young jazz group active on the world stage.

The concert scene. Zhang Jian photo
The concert scene. Zhang Jian photo

  A song "Into To Rivers" brings people peace and reverie. With the progress of the concert, songs such as "Last day All Day", "Journey of Blessing" and "Dust" are constantly touching everyone’s heartstrings.

  "China ancient prints have a long history and reached its peak in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Regardless of printmaking or music, art is often connected. With the changes of the times, art will change from one style to multiple elements, thus making cross-border creation. " Xu Zhihan said that the print works on the spot also added a lot of inspiration to their creation.

  Yuan Xin, who listened to the concert in the art museum for the second time, is a "post-90 s", and Suzhou Art Museum has become her new punching place. "Whether it’s music or painting, it’s all about expressing young people’s truest self-feelings in the present life. It can resonate and cause the greatest interaction. " Yuan Xinxiao said that musical resonance is a new standard for young people to choose a spouse.

  "Art has no boundaries. The Voice-over Series of Philharmonic is an attempt to cross-border and integrate art in Suzhou Art Museum this year. This year, different kinds of concerts such as folk music and western music have been planned one after another." Yang Yi, deputy director of Suzhou Public Cultural Center and deputy director of Suzhou Art Museum, said that it is expected that more and more visitors will enter the art museum to watch art exhibitions and experience concerts, and feel the beautiful life in Suzhou, which will become a new way for them to open up Suzhou nightlife. (End)

It’s enough to read this article, which is a quick cheat sheet for World Cup fans.

At 0: 00 Beijing time on November 21st, 2022, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 will officially kick off in 2022. As a large-scale sports event in the world every four years, the World Cup always attracts many people’s attention.

However, most netizens may not always pay attention to football matches, watching people around them talk about the World Cup in full swing, but they don’t know how to join the topic. What should I do? Don’t panic,CCTV News World Cup series feature "Come and watch the ball! 》Take you for 10 minutes to learn something about football.

A few things you need to know about football and the World Cup.

one There are 11 players from each side in the football match, and these 11 players also bear different responsibilities. The goalkeeper is mainly responsible for guarding the goal; The defender is mainly responsible for the team’s defense; The midfielder is mainly responsible for organizing and dispatching, intercepting the ball and making offensive; The striker is mainly responsible for attacking the city and pulling out the village for the team.

2 The regular time of a football match is 90 minutes, and the first half is 45 minutes each.

three If the two sides are tied in the regular time and the winner must be decided, it will take 30 minutes of overtime.

four After the overtime, if the two sides are still tied, a penalty shootout is needed. The players on both sides decided the outcome of the game by shooting penalties at each other.

△ Penalty shootout-one of the most exciting links in football match

five In FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, each team can change five players in a game at regular time. In the knockout stage, if you enter overtime, each team can get an extra substitution quota.

six However, the replaced players can no longer play, which is different from basketball and volleyball. So, if you see a player playing badly, don’t angrily accuse him: "Why don’t someone else go up quickly?" After all, substitution is a technical job, and the head coach of the team may be more worried than you.

seven There are no players such as Ronaldinho, Kaka, Beckham and Rooney in this World Cup. They used to be the stars of the shining World Cup, but now they have hung up their boots and retired.

eight There are no Jordan, James, Curry and Durant on the American team. They are all basketball players. Don’t confuse them.

nine There are no clubs such as Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United and Bayern in the World Cup. Players only represent the associations of their countries or regions.

10 In addition to Italy’s regret, teams familiar to everyone, such as Brazil, Argentina, France, Germany, Spain and England, all came to Qatar. Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Neymar and Mbappé are not absent. The group list of the World Cup finals is listed by Xiaobian for you:

Do you still use "staying up late to explode your liver" in this World Cup?

A bad news and a good news.The bad news is that there are still many wonderful games in this World Cup that kick off at 3:00 am Beijing time. The strong dialogue in the group stage (for example, Spain VS Germany) and almost half of the competitions in the knockout stage are arranged at this time. The good news is that the kick-off time of the final is 23: 00 on December 18th, Beijing time, and the finish time is about 1: 00 on December 19th. In this final, you don’t need to set an alarm clock at two or three o’clock at night to watch the whole game with sleepiness.

I wonder which one to watch. Xiaobian helps you with your ideas.

France is the defending champion of the World Cup, with many stars, while Denmark ranks 10th in the world. In last year’s European Cup, it also reached the top four, with strong strength. It is worth mentioning that in the last three encounters between the two sides, the Danish team remained unbeaten against France with 2 wins and 1 draw. This game is a strong dialogue worth looking forward to.

Two traditional strong teams, both of which have won the World Cup, will stage a "Mars hit the earth"-like confrontation in the group stage. Although the two teams are close in world ranking and paper strength, Spain beat Germany 6-0 in the last European League match. In this World Cup, there is no shortage of highlights in the contest between the two teams.

Both teams are led by the world’s top strikers. Who can lead the team to victory, lewandowski of the Polish team or Messi of the Argentine team, deserves attention.

In the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, the two teams competed for qualifying in the final round of the group stage. In that game, two players of Portugal were sent off by red cards, while South Korea scored a goal in the dominant position, which knocked Portugal out of the group. Now, 20 years later, what will be the result of the second match between the two sides in the history of the World Cup? The game is worth watching.

For many people, when watching a football match, if you don’t know any of the 22 players on the field, you may be sleepy before you see half of the 90-minute game. How to choose when you don’t watch the ball and face 32 strange teams and players?

If you only know Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo …

For those who rarely watch football and only know Ronaldo and Messi when it comes to football, choose to watch.Portugal, ArgentinaThe match between the two teams is a good choice. Of course, in addition to these two core players, the two teams also have many world-class stars in other positions.

Portugal has a luxurious lineup, with midfielder Fernandez and defender Diaz having great strength in their respective positions. Cristiano Ronaldo, who is 37 years old, has not been in a satisfactory state recently. This World Cup is also the last chance for the star who has been playing for Portugal for nearly 20 years to realize his dream of winning the World Cup.

Similar to Cristiano Ronaldo, this tournament is also likely to be the 35-year-old Messi’s last World Cup. Unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi has been in relatively good shape recently. In addition to Messi, lautaro Martinez is a stable attack point for Argentina, while Romero and other players can provide Argentina with defense protection.

If you are keen on enjoying the feeling of victory …

Brazil and France, the two favourites to win the World Cup, can pay attention.

Brazil has a team that can hit the championship. In many positions, there are excellent players in the team, even substitutes, who can reach world-class standards. The only fly in the ointment is the position of full-back, and the relatively short talent pool may become Brazil’s weakness.

The French team has the world’s top player Mbappé, the young midfield star Chuameni, and the defensive line with a talent blowout. However, the football match has never been a competition of paper strength. In this year’s European League, France lost to Denmark twice, and it is hard to win in the face of Croatia. The strength of the players in the French team can be said to be the top 32, but how to arrange a suitable starting lineup and let the players exert their greatest strength is also a problem that coach Deschamps needs to consider.

If you want to chase an unpopular team …

If you don’t like conformity, then Xiaobian recommends it to you.Senegal, DenmarkTwo teams that are expected to make great achievements in this World Cup.

Senegalese, the African champion, has world-class stars such as coulibaly and Eduardo Mendi in the team, and the team members basically play in the five major leagues in Europe, so their strength cannot be underestimated. The withdrawal of the top star, Mane, due to injury will affect the strength of the team to some extent, but in the group stage, Senegal still has strong competitiveness.

Denmark ranks 10th in the FIFA world rankings. In last year’s European Cup, the team reached the top four without Eriksson, the core of the team. Today, Eriksson has recovered from injury, and players such as Heibel are in the prime of their careers, which makes Denmark a team worth looking forward to in this tournament.

If you pay more attention to face value …

For fans who are concerned about players’ face value, Xiaobian recommends several "drop-dead gorgeous" in their respective teams.

Of course, the judgment of face value varies from person to person. In the one-month competition, I believe you will also find your own football star.

As a true fan, if you see beautiful passes and goals, you can only say "this ball is awesome!" " It would be unprofessional. Xiaobian has prepared a set of necessary terms for you to watch the ball, turning the commentator’s "heavenly book" into an easy-to-understand language and chatting happily with friends.


In a game, we often hear commentators mention 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 4-2-3-1, 3-5-2 and other formations. In most cases, the number at the top of the formation name represents the number of guards, the number at the bottom represents the number of strikers, and the number in the middle is the number of midfielders, excluding the goalkeeper. As shown in the figure below

According to the team’s staffing, tactics and opponents’ situation, the head coach may arrange various formations. "Changing the array" can often become a magic weapon for a team to defeat the enemy.

"Forbidden area", bottom line and sideline

Look at the picture ↓↓↓↓


The defender kicked (touched) the ball out of his own baseline and the attacker got a corner kick.

△ Corner kick should be taken from a specific corner kick area (data map)

penalty kick

The defender fouls or intentionally handballs in his own restricted area, and the attacker gets a penalty.

wave of the world

It means a wonderful goal. If you see a shocking and unforgettable goal in the game, you can say, "This is a world wave!" "

"Score twice", "hat trick" and "Big Four Happiness"

A player who scores two goals in a game is called "scoring twice", scoring three goals is called "hat trick" and scoring four goals is called "big four happiness".

own goal

Our players kick (throw) the ball into their own goal to help their opponents score.

△ There is no doubt that this is indeed an own goal that has appeared in the official competition.


Video Assistant Referee (video assistant referee). Through video playback technology, they help the referee to correct mistakes and omissions and improve the accuracy of the penalty.

△ In the last World Cup, VAR already appeared in the competition.

yellow card

When a player commits a relatively serious foul, the referee will show a yellow card to warn him. Some commentators also call it the "Golden God of War Card".

red card

If a player commits a serious foul or gets two yellow cards in total, the referee will show a red card. Players who get a red card must leave the stadium, which some commentators also call "the Ruby God of War Card".


Offside is one of the most complicated rules in football. To put it simply, the commentator said that the ball was offside, so nine times out of ten it was offside …

Seeing this, you must have known something about football and this World Cup. Tomorrow at 0: 00 am, prepare fried chicken for drinks, or put a hot pot on the shelf, and watch and talk about the ball together!

Source of this article: CCTV News WeChat WeChat official account

Producer/Li Zhe

Editor/Jiang Anqi

Cartography/Meng Xianglong Huang Xutian Gao Mengru

Proofreading/Gao Shaozhuo