The starting price may exceed 120,000 BYD Qin L will appear at the Beijing Auto Show.

A few days ago, Chezhi. com obtained more information about BYD Qin L from relevant channels. The new car will officially meet with consumers at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, which opened on April 25. The starting price of the new car in the future may be more than 120,000 yuan.

In terms of appearance, Qin L adopts the design concept of "New Country Tide and Beauty Aesthetics", and the interior of the large grille on the front face is decorated with chrome-plated lattice, which looks very delicate. The headlights of the new car are sharp in shape, and the internal matrix light source layout further highlights the three-dimensional sense of the front face. The shape of the car side is simple and smooth, and the straight waistline of the car body and the chrome trim of the glass window frame bring a good sense of strength to the car side. In addition, the new car also adopts a slip-back design, and the overall visual effect is very young.

In terms of interior, it is still a familiar family style. There are almost no physical function keys in the center console area, and most of the functions are integrated in the central control screen. At the same time, it is equipped with a full LCD instrument and a floating central control screen, which is very good for the creation of a sense of science and technology.

In terms of power, according to the previous application information, Qin L will be equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and an electric motor. Among them, the maximum power of the engine is 74kW, and the maximum power of the motor is 120kW and 160kW according to the vehicle configuration. In terms of batteries, 15.874kWh and 10.08kWh batteries with different capacities are available for selection, and the corresponding pure electric cruising range is 90km and 60km respectively. For more information about new cars, car quality network

The "family" is amazing! You must have never seen the Wuxi version of Animal World …


For the first time, the activity trace of the Chinese gazelle, a national second-class key protected animal, was found in Zhuhai, Yixing. The fragile snake lizard, which requires extremely high living environment, has a stable breeding small population in Yixing. The bryophyte survey was carried out to fill in the gap and 11 new records were found in Wuxi …


Satellite map of Wuxi administrative region

The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning

Investigation on wildlife resources in our city

And the survey of wild plant resources achieved interim results.

Through a year’s field investigation and research analysis, it is shown that


There are 1409 species of higher plants in our city, and Wuxi is one of the areas with the most concentrated plant resources in Jiangsu. A total of 285 species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians were found in the city, accounting for 47.2% of the total number of Jiangsu Province, of which 235 species of birds were investigated, accounting for 52.5% of the total number of bird species in the province, and the biodiversity richness can be said to be in the forefront of the province.

Good habitat environment

Crispy snake lizard has a stable breeding small population.

Most wild animals are hidden in deep forests and rivers and springs wetlands, and some of them are not easy to be found by people, but they are important indicators of biodiversity. "The latest survey of terrestrial wildlife resources in Wuxi was conducted in 2011, and it has been more than ten years since then." Feng Yao, who is in charge of wildlife protection in the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning, said that this survey is particularly meaningful from the perspective of finding out the "family background" of wildlife resources.

Bird survey

It is particularly worth mentioning that the survey covers not only mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and terrestrial vertebrates, but also insects, with a wider coverage.

Insect investigation

"There are many kinds of insects in the world. Although it is small, it is the species that best reflects biodiversity. Bird migration season and breeding season need to prey and accumulate energy, and the existence of insects plays an important role in the integrity of the biological chain. " Feng Yao introduced that the insect specimens collected in this survey identified 185 species in 12 orders. Among them, a species endemic to China and a national second-class protected animal, Cynomorium songaricum, was found in Yixing Forest Farm, which was recorded for the first time in Wuxi.

The beetle (left) and the tiger-spotted butterfly (right) discovered by insect investigation

At the same time, 40 species of butterflies belonging to 5 families were recorded, among which 4 species were newly recorded in Wuxi.

"The reptiles have extremely high requirements on water quality and habitat environment. The discovery of the brittle snake lizard has excited us for a long time." According to the investigators, 8 species of amphibians in 1 order, 3 families and 16 species of reptiles in 2 orders and 7 families were recorded, including 4 species of national second-class protected animals, namely tiger frog, turtle, flat-breasted turtle and brittle snake lizard.

In particular, the brittle snake lizard is a rare species in the mountain forest area of East China, its behavior is hidden and rarely known to the public, and its distribution and population number are relatively rare in East China. This survey found that there are stable small populations near Zhuhai and surrounding Yixing Forest Farm in Yixing City, indicating that the protection of local habitats is effective.

Infrared camera monitoring photos of some mammal species investigated.

There are also many new discoveries in mammals, including 6 orders, 14 families and 26 species. Among these animals, raccoon, leopard cat and Chinese gazelle are the second-class national key protected animals. Field infrared camera monitoring results show that Apodemus chinensis, Mus musculus, South China rabbit, wild boar, pig badger and Yellow weasel are common mammals in Wuxi.

Surprisingly, through fecal DNA identification technology, the investigators confirmed the existence of Chinese gazelle in Zhuhai, Yixing. Chinese gazelle is a large herbivore of Artiodactyla and Bovidae. "The appearance of this species shows that the environmental quality in Yixing mountain area has improved obviously in recent years, and the protection should be further strengthened to provide favorable conditions for the rejuvenation of the medium-sized carnivore population in the later period." Investigators said.

There are a group of regular birdwatchers in Wuxi, where the sky is blue and the water is clear. What is the "bird situation" in Wuxi? It is reported that a total of 235 species of birds were recorded in last year’s survey, including 6 species of national first-class protected animals such as oriental stork and Chinese merganser duck, and 42 species of national second-class protected animals such as white pelican.

"From the perspective of bird residence type, there are 86 species of winter migratory birds, accounting for 36.6%, followed by resident birds, summer migratory birds and tourist birds, accounting for 32.8%, 26.4% and 4.3% respectively." Feng Yao said that over the past 10 years, birdwatchers in our city have recorded about 370 species of birds, and the specific data need to be further verified and supplemented in the next investigation, so as to "draw a clear picture" of birds as much as possible and build a good database.

Fill the gap in plant investigation

There are more than 220 species of moss alone.

A Newly Recorded Species, Lepidoptera spinosa, in Wuxi City

"Moss is a primitive higher plant group that is extremely sensitive to environmental changes. It is a large plant category in East China. It is the home for insects, microorganisms and so on, and it is of great significance to the study of biodiversity." Feng Yao introduced that in order to reflect the biodiversity of our city more comprehensively, a special survey was conducted on bryophytes, which also filled the gap in the field of wild plant survey in Wuxi.

According to the consulting data and field survey, there are 221 species of bryophytes belonging to 94 genera and 44 families in our city, among which 11 species of bryophytes such as deciduous feather moss, spiny leaf feather moss and dense leaf calyx moss were discovered for the first time in Wuxi.

In terms of vascular plants, gratifying achievements have been made in the protection of biodiversity. A total of 1188 species of vascular plants belonging to 567 genera in 155 families have been investigated, including 47 species of pteridophytes belonging to 28 genera in 19 families, 11 species of gymnosperms belonging to 10 genera in 6 families and 1130 species of angiosperms belonging to 529 genera in 130 families.

Specimens of wax leaves of some plants

"Through the analysis of the geographical elements of plants, it can be seen that the flora of Wuxi has certain antiquity, such as Lycopodium, Selaginella and Equisetum of ferns, Dictyophora of gymnosperms, Magnoliaceae and Hamamelidaceae of angiosperms." According to the researchers, 11 kinds of national protected plants (above Grade II) have been found in Wuxi, namely, Plum, Ginkgo biloba, Dictyophora bungeana, Pistacia crassipes, Zelkova schneideriana, Tenjikukatsura, wild soybean, wild water chestnut, fragrant fruit tree and buckwheat, and many of them are "longevity stars" in the plant kingdom.

The national protected plant Anemone spicata.

Wild soybean, a national protected plant.

For example, in addition to the plum, gingko and money pine that Wuxi people are familiar with, the fragrant fruit tree also has an "ancient" temperament. It is an ancient relict plant, a deciduous tree with a height of 25 meters and a DBH of 1 meter. It is mainly distributed in Xiaoheigou, Longchi Mountain and other places in Yixing in Wuxi. Investigators also found more than ten wild species of rare and endangered plant Cabernet Sauvignon in Xiangyang broad-leaved forest at an altitude of 300-600 meters in Yixing, which shows that the protection of the germplasm resources of Cabernet Sauvignon in our city has achieved initial results.

Torreya grandis, a national protected plant.

Finding out the "family background" is for more targeted protection. On the basis of a comprehensive investigation of the status quo of wildlife resources and habitats, experts put forward suggestions on biodiversity protection. For example, in the Zhuhai area of Yixing, some rare plants such as torreya grandis and Pinus bungeana grow in the Phyllostachys pubescens forest. Because of the extremely fast propagation speed of Phyllostachys pubescens, interspecific competition and interference pose some threats to the habitats of these rare trees. We can create forest gaps and protect the living environment of rare plants by means of appropriate logging.

Yixing National Forest Park is the mountain with the richest wildlife resources and the best natural forest protection in Wuxi at present. However, in the core area of the reserve, it is found that there are signs of collective mountaineering and hiking hanging by donkey friends. It is suggested that mountaineering and hiking activities should be eliminated in the core area to create a better environment for wildlife survival.

Evergreen broad-leaved forest (Xiaoheigou, Yixing)

It is reported that this year, the city will complete the survey of wildlife resources, and will establish a resource database based on the survey results, strengthen dynamic monitoring, and at the same time increase the supervision and protection of nature reserves, forest parks, wetland parks and other nature reserves to protect wildlife resources to the maximum extent.

Original title: "The family is amazing! You must have never seen the Wuxi version of "Animal World".

Who officials confirmed that COVID-19 could be infected twice and 150 million full-time jobs around the world would be lost?

  BEIJING, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) According to the latest statistics of Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 8: 28 on the 27th, Beijing time, there were more than 24.03 million confirmed cases and more than 822,000 deaths in COVID-19. According to WHO, there will be secondary infection in Covid-19, but it does not necessarily happen frequently; After the US "started school with an epidemic", there were confirmed cases in universities in at least 24 states. In view of the current situation, Germany, Ukraine and Nepal have extended epidemic prevention measures again; The global economy continued to slump, and the gross domestic product (GDP) of OECD members recorded the largest decline in the second quarter.

Data map: World Health Organization logo.

  WHO official: There will be a secondary infection in COVID-19.

  The intensity and duration of human immune response have not yet been determined.

  Recently, many places reported cases of secondary infection in rehabilitation patients in COVID-19. On 26th local time, Kokhov, technical director of WHO’s health emergency project, said that both asymptomatic infected patients and severe patients will have immune response after being infected with Covid-19, but the intensity and duration are not fully understood.

  It pointed out that, based on the research experience of other human coronaviruses, it is indeed possible to infect Covid-19 for the second time, and there may be other undiscovered cases of secondary infection, but it does not necessarily happen frequently.

  Kokhov stressed that the existing tools can avoid infecting Covid-19, such as keeping your body at a distance and wearing a mask. Even if you have been infected with Covid-19, you should still take these measures. This is a new normal life and will continue for some time.

Data map: the United States under the epidemic. China News Service reporter Liao Panshe

  Outbreaks occurred in colleges and universities in at least 24 States after the start of school in the United States.

  Cdc downplays the importance of virus detection, which leads to dissatisfaction.

  In the United States, where the epidemic is the most serious, the cumulative number of confirmed cases has exceeded 5.82 million and the number of deaths has reached nearly 180,000. At present, many universities in the United States have started school, and the spread of the epidemic on campus is not optimistic.

  As of the 25th local time, since students returned to school, colleges and universities in at least 24 states in the United States have reported relevant cases, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases of college students and faculty has exceeded 3,300, which has brought no small challenge to the resumption of classes and epidemic prevention and control in the United States.

  Among them, the University of Alabama has reported more than 500 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since 19th, and school officials said that the growth rate of confirmed cases in the university has reached an "unacceptable level". At present, the university has announced that social gatherings are prohibited inside and outside the school, and those who violate relevant regulations will be punished.

  In addition, the University of Southern California said that just after the first week of school in autumn, there was an "amazing increase" in the number of infected people in our school. Since the 10th, 90 students and 10 faculty members have been infected with Covid-19. Only one week after the opening of Iowa State University, 130 people tested positive for the virus. Texas A&M University also reported more than 400 confirmed cases.

  With the outbreak in many universities in the United States, many universities have been forced to resume online teaching. However, when the epidemic situation is so severe, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revised its COVID-19 guidelines on 26th local time, and the revised guidelines played down the importance of Covid-19 testing for people without symptoms.

  In this regard, New York Governor Cuomo said that "the latest guidelines of CDC are essentially self-contradictory, which is completely contrary to what he said before". He also said that "updating the guidelines is for political purposes" and that New York State will not follow the latest guidelines. New York State Health Commissioner Zach also revealed, "I have talked with CDC scientists, and they said that this change is related to politics."

The busiest Tegel airport in Berlin, Germany, is now deserted, and many shops in the business district of the terminal have closed down. China News Service reporter Peng Dawei photo

  German travel warning extended to mid-September

  Ukraine will ban foreigners from entering the country in the next month.

  At present, the epidemic situation in many countries around the world has not improved. In this regard, some countries and regions have decided to extend epidemic prevention measures.

  On the 26th, the German government announced that it would extend the travel warning to more than 160 countries and regions except most EU member countries and Britain, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein until September 14th, and residents should cancel all unnecessary travel to these countries and regions.

  The Ukrainian Cabinet recently decided to ban foreigners from entering the country from August 29th to September 28th. Ukrainian Prime Minister megal said that the resolution will be officially released on August 27th.

  The official of Kathmandu Valley in Nepal decided on 26th to extend the existing blockade policy to midnight on September 2nd in order to continue to prevent and control the epidemic. During the blockade, all personnel and vehicles are not allowed to go out and general shops are not allowed to open unless there is an urgent need.

  Kenyan President Kenyatta made his 11th televised speech since the outbreak of the epidemic on 26th. At the meeting, he announced that the current national curfew from 9 pm to 4 am the next day would be extended for another 30 days.

Data Map: Davos Forum venue in 2019. China News Service reporter Yu Haiyang photo

  The GDP of OECD members fell the most in the second quarter.

  The 2021 annual meeting of Davos Forum was forced to be postponed for half a year.

  The "cloud" of the epidemic has been lingering for a long time, and the global economic situation is hard to see.

  The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) issued a press release on the 26th, saying that according to a preliminary assessment, its members’ real GDP in the second quarter fell by 9.8% month-on-month, the largest decline on record.

  On the same day, the International Labour Organization also said that due to the epidemic, 150 million full-time jobs were lost in the first quarter of 2020, and millions of people will lose their livelihoods in the coming months.

  At a time when the world economic situation is in urgent need of a "prescription", the World Economic Forum was also forced to postpone due to the epidemic. The organization announced on the 26th that it decided to postpone the 2021 annual meeting scheduled to be held in Davos, Switzerland in January 2021 to the early summer of 2021.

  The World Economic Forum said on the same day that it was not easy to make a decision to postpone the meeting, because "we urgently need global leader Qi Xin to work together to discuss the road to revitalization and realize the world’s rejuvenation in the post-epidemic era".