Ning Hao praised "Tropical Past" Peng Yuyan and Zhang Aijia as a hidden witness

1905 movie network news The official announcement of the film starring in,,, and starring in, has been raised to June 12, 2021 for the national public release, opening the summer season ahead of schedule with the trend of heat waves. At the same time, the film also exposed the "Hidden Witness" version of the character poster. The promotional word "6.12 is first to dry" to fill the heat value. The poster style conveys a retro summer atmosphere. All the main characters appear and go to a summer night mystery.


"Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" "Versailles" lineup debuted, Peng Yuyan, Zhang Aijia and Wang Yanhui joined hands to "peek at the truth"

After the movie "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" released the "High Temperature Warning" set poster and the "Exposing the True Killer" set trailer at the beginning of summer, the film became the top choice for audiences to watch in June, saying: "After waiting for a few years, it’s finally here"; "This lineup is too advanced"; "The trailer is so hot, the summer file is locked". Recently, "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" has revealed the character poster again, and the official announcement has been raised for a week. It will be released nationwide on June 12, 2021. Not only will it officially enter the Dragon Boat Festival file, but it will also start the heat of the summer file in advance. The character poster released by "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" this time, the starring actors will appear as "secret witnesses" for the first time.

Peng Yuyan’s Wang Xueming wears a dark blue hoodie with a gloomy expression that seems to have a heavy heart; Zhang Aijia’s Liang Ma has curled hair and a wistful expression, as if looking back at the past; Wang Yanhui’s Chen police officer, hidden in the hazy foreground in the dense green leaves, eyes looking forward to explore the truth; Zhang Yu’s singer, wearing sunglasses and holding a microphone, whose mysterious identity plays an unknown role in the plot; Jiang Pei Yao’s Xueming girlfriend, wearing a plain plaid blouse, with a refreshing ponytail that sets off her face more clearly. Where her relationship with Wang Xueming will go remains to be revealed.

The film "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" gathers together a group of outstanding actors, which can be called an annual "Versailles "-style cast, including both Chinese-language film actors and the best of the new generation of actors. In the poster of the upgraded characters, everyone shows the status of the characters in the way of" staring at the camera ", as if everyone is trying to peek into the truth of the summer night mystery. In addition, the poster is more full of strong retro atmosphere. The overall tone is reminiscent of the midsummer twilight in the old South, and the yellow-green tone of the film reflects a sense of nostalgia. It is worth mentioning that the English title of the film" Are You Lonesome Tonight? "is taken from the classic song of" Elvis Presley ". The nostalgic and tender style of the original song is closely in line with the tropical aesthetic that the director Wen Shipei wants to present.

It is reported that this song has also appeared in Chinese classic movies. The same summer lost, the same feelings of the past, "Tropical Past" pays tribute to the classic, what kind of story is about to present, it is worth the audience’s expectation.


Ning Haozan’s "Tropical Past" "Like Old Tea" is worth tasting, and director Wen Shipei pursues the creation of "a sense of flaw"

As early as 2017, "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" was shortlisted for the venture capital project of the Shanghai International Film Festival and won the "Bad Monkey 72 Change Film Project Special Attention Project". After four years of polishing, the film will officially meet the audience this summer. Referring to the unique style and charm of the film, Ning Hao, the executive producer of "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics", said: "Director Wen Shipei controls a very modest aesthetic. He doesn’t mean that we tear something apart for you to see, but it has a kind of roundness and a kind of luster, which makes you feel that he has undergone some precipitation and is not ostentatious. You can’t see anything at a glance, this movie is very like some kind of old tea, you have to taste it in it."

Regarding the tropical texture that the film wants to capture, the director Wen Shipei said: "There is no way to recreate a past, but to find a breath in the process. The feeling of heat is an imagination, and we try to get closer and refine that feeling audiovisually. But contemporary video shooting tools have become very sharp, but they lose some sense of flaw, so we are instead pursuing a sense of destruction and flaw throughout the creative process."

Report of Mianyang Municipal Transportation Bureau on the construction of a government ruled by law in 2018 (Mianjiao [2018] No.191)

  Municipal government:

In 2018, the city’s transportation system will be guided by the Supreme Leader’s Socialism with Chinese characteristics Thought in the New Era, with the implementation of the Implementation Plan for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law in Sichuan Province (2016-2020) and the Implementation Plan for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law in Mianyang City (2016-2020) as the main line, closely focusing on the overall situation of the work of "attacking the battle for transportation construction" and the decision-making arrangements of the municipal party committee on comprehensively promoting high-quality development. We will fully perform government functions in accordance with the law, further strengthen the construction of law enforcement team, establish and improve the law enforcement system, standardize administrative law enforcement procedures, and continuously improve the ability of law enforcement in a civilized and efficient manner, and all work has achieved good results. The relevant work is now reported as follows:

First, the implementation of the decision-making legality review and normative document management system.

Fully implement the government legal adviser system. The Municipal Transportation Bureau hired Daorong Minzhou Law Firm as the legal consultant, and the law firm provided professional legal services for the whole process of traffic management activities, including legal design, legal norms, legal control and legal relief. The units affiliated to the system also hired their own legal advisers. The legal adviser of our bureau participates in the discussion of important issues such as the presentation of the law at the executive meeting, the research and formulation of taxi reform documents, the review of important contracts, and the review of administrative reconsideration cases.

This year, our bureau has not formulated normative documents. Normative documents related to the transportation industry were cleaned up in time, and the cleaning results and dynamic management list were submitted as required. The Contract Review and Signing Process of Mianyang Municipal Transportation Bureau was formulated and promulgated, which clarified the responsibilities of all departments when signing contracts, improved the contract review procedures, standardized the contract signing procedures, and effectively minimized the contract risks.

Established the legality review mechanism and expert argumentation system of major decisions within Mianyang Transportation Bureau. In 2017, the Bureau and the Economic and Information Committee and other seven departments jointly issued the "Implementation Rules for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Service in Mianyang City". In the process of drafting documents, our bureau strictly implements the drafting and filing regulations of normative documents: while deeply understanding the taxi policies of the state and seven ministries and commissions, we seriously carry out a thorough investigation of Mianyang taxi industry and solicit opinions from all walks of life, and hire experts from Chengdu Administration College and Municipal Social Science Association as third-party institutions to carry out social stability risk assessment and expert argumentation on the draft text, and solicit opinions from the public and legal advisers, and finally submit them to the leading group for taxi reform for review and release.

In 2017, the bus fare adjustment led by our bureau was successfully completed without negative social benefits. Municipal Bureau of major administrative decision-making work information is complete, public participation in discussion, expert argumentation, risk assessment, legal advice, meeting discussion information collection standard and complete.

Two, perform the duties of administrative supervision according to law, and promote the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform.

First, do your duty according to law. In 2018, our bureau insisted that the law was not authorized, no rights were created outside the law, illegal decisions were made to derogate from the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations or increase their obligations, administrative inspections and punishments were carried out beyond the scope of laws, regulations and rules, and no administrative acts were revoked or changed, and no administrative response was made.

The second is to formulate three systems: the publicity system of administrative law enforcement, the detailed rules for the implementation of the whole process record of administrative law enforcement, and the detailed rules for the implementation of the legal review of major administrative law enforcement decisions. All law enforcement units of the system are required to carry out the implementation of the three systems according to the deployment and requirements of the relevant work of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, province and city, and in combination with the actual situation.

The third is to forward the "Sichuan Provincial Transportation Administrative Punishment Discretion Standard" by the Provincial Department of Transportation, requiring all units of the system to strictly follow the requirements of the superior documents.

The fourth is to strengthen the training and education of administrative law enforcement personnel. Nearly 600 people in the city’s transportation administrative law enforcement personnel were organized. From May to June, traffic law enforcement knowledge training was concentrated, and the unified examination was held on June 23, and all those who failed the first examination were made up. Zhang Zhuting, a well-known law professor from the Ministry of Transport, was invited to lecture on traffic administrative law enforcement and safety management regulations, and nearly 200 law enforcement officers from the system participated. The bureau specially organized more than 50 people in the system to carry out the training of the Administrative Licensing Law and the Administrative Punishment Law; Actively organize and participate in the rule of law training organized by the Ministry of Transport, provincial offices and departments directly, and the system has sent more than 80 people to participate in the training. Using the form of cross-evaluation of administrative law enforcement by the Municipal Bureau, we will carry out vivid and intuitive exchange activities between counties and districts, such as case presentation and case interpretation, and summarize and improve the level of handling cases from the perspective of the industry’s own functions and the reality of front-line law enforcement work.

Fifth, adhere to the combination of punishment and education. There was no violent law enforcement in the city’s transportation system in 2018. Improve the interface mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, log on to the interface platform of administrative law enforcement and criminal justice in Sichuan Province in time, contact the responsible comrades of the Municipal Procuratorate, and report relevant work. Combined with the work of "eliminating evils", the illegal clues found in the law enforcement of highway transportation, such as headquarters, dispatching and suspected illegal operation of gangs, were handed over to the public security department in time.

The sixth is to promote decentralization, integration of decentralization and management, optimize services, accelerate the transformation of the government, and further promote the comprehensive efficiency of administrative examination and approval. Conscientiously implement the reform of the commercial system, fully cooperate with the industrial and commercial departments to fulfill the requirements of "double notification", submit the "double publicity" report of administrative license and administrative punishment on time every month, and publicize the administrative punishment cases closed last week on the portal website of our bureau every week.

Seventh, vigorously promote random spot checks, standardize regulatory behavior, strengthen market self-discipline and social supervision, and improve regulatory efficiency. Adhere to supervision according to law, strictly implement relevant laws and regulations, standardize post-event supervision, implement regulatory responsibilities, ensure that post-event supervision is carried out in an orderly manner according to law, and promote the institutionalization and standardization of random sampling. Adhere to fairness and efficiency, standardize the operation of administrative power, strictly standardize fair and civilized law enforcement, improve supervision efficiency, reduce the burden on market players, and optimize the market environment. Adhere to openness and transparency, open random spot checks, open procedures and open results, and implement "sunshine law enforcement" to ensure equal rights, opportunities and rules of market participants. Adhere to coordinated promotion, establish and improve a random sampling mechanism in the field of post-event supervision, form a unified market supervision information platform, and explore and promote cross-departmental and cross-industry joint random sampling.

Third, carry out hierarchical supervision, handle administrative reconsideration cases, execute effective judgments and rulings of courts, and respond to judicial suggestions.

The first is to carry out the evaluation and investigation of administrative law enforcement files of lower departments and the administrative compulsory filing system of major administrative penalties. In 2018, the Municipal Bureau evaluated the law enforcement files of the law enforcement units directly under the Bureau, and put forward rectification opinions on the problems found in the file evaluation. Strictly implement the administrative compulsory filing system for major administrative punishments, and require law enforcement units directly under the bureau to report the administrative compulsory files of major administrative punishments involving their own units to the Municipal Bureau of Law and Regulation for the record.

The second is to improve the trial mechanism of administrative reconsideration cases. According to the work requirements of the Administrative Reconsideration Law, accept the application for administrative reconsideration in time, review the administrative punishment cases of subordinate units, and make a reconsideration decision according to law. In 2018, our bureau received an application for administrative reconsideration, which is currently being processed.

The third is to implement the system of administrative organs appearing in court to respond to lawsuits. The system of responding to administrative litigation cases of Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Transportation was formulated, which clarified the responsibilities and accountability principles of each department when administrative litigation cases involving our bureau occurred. In 2018, there were no administrative litigation cases in our bureau and no judicial advice was received.

Four, the implementation of the main responsible person to promote the construction of a government ruled by law, the first responsible person and the main responsibility.

First, the "List of Responsibilities of the Principal Responsible Person of Mianyang Municipal Transportation Bureau to Fulfill the First Responsibility for Promoting the Construction of the Rule of Law" was formulated, and 13 responsibilities of the Principal Responsible Person to promote the construction of the rule of law were clarified. At the same time, we will strengthen the supervision of the principal responsible persons of subordinate departments to implement the first responsible person for the rule of law. Those who do not conscientiously perform the duties of the first responsible person for promoting the rule of law, and major illegal administrative cases occur during the year, causing serious consequences, shall be investigated for the principal responsible person’s responsibility according to law. In 2018, the Party Committee of the Bureau organized more than 20 meetings to study and solve major issues related to the construction of government departments ruled by law in a timely manner.

Second, combined with the actual situation of this department, the "Key Points for the Construction of Government Departments under the Rule of Law in Transportation in 2018" was issued, which made arrangements for the construction of government departments under the rule of law in our bureau in 2018, put forward work requirements, and clarified work objectives.

Third, combined with the mid-term supervision of the construction of a government ruled by law, we will effectively carry out administrative appraisal according to law. The Notice of Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Transportation on Printing and Distributing the Work Plan for the Evaluation of Transportation Administration by Law in 2018 (Mianjiaofa [2018] No.38) was formulated and issued, which made arrangements for the evaluation of transportation system by law in 2018. The evaluation was completed on October 15, 2018, and the evaluation results were notified on October 17.

The fourth is to fully implement the annual report system of the government under the rule of law, submit the work report on the construction of the government under the rule of law in the previous year to the municipal government and the provincial department of transportation on time, and publish it publicly on the portal website in time.

Fifth, continue to implement the system of collective study of law by leading bodies and the system of study of law by government functionaries. The Key Points of Publicity and Education on the Rule of Law in Traffic and Transportation in the City in 2018 were issued, and the leading cadres headed by the Party Committee of the Bureau were paid close attention to studying the law. At the beginning of each year, the annual pre-conference study plan was formulated and issued, and the lecturers were arranged to implement the study. Every time the Party Committee and the Bureau Council studied at least one law and regulation, the cadres had study notes, and the study files were established, and the study of the law was taken as an important part of the annual assessment of leading cadres. Full implementation of the annual law system, the implementation of the rule of law construction responsibilities will be included in the year-end debriefing of the members of the bureau’s leading group. Organize all cadres to participate in the online rule of law study exam for civil servants and public officials organized by the Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau, and all the personnel participated in the exam and passed the exam; The rule of law education was carried out through the traffic lecture hall, and four traffic lecture halls involving the rule of law education were organized in the past year.

In the next step, we will continue to take the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee as the guide, fully implement the spirit of the important speech delivered by the Supreme Leader General Secretary at the first meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Governing the Country by Law, persist in focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, and closely focus on the goal of building a government under the rule of law, constantly improve the construction of an administrative system according to law, continue to carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law, solidly promote governance according to law, and continue to focus on promoting the creation of the rule of law. Efforts should be made to improve the thinking ability of systematic cadres and workers under the rule of law, comprehensively improve the concept and legal quality of systematic cadres and workers, and create a better traffic environment under the rule of law for building a modern western city.

I hereby report.

  Mianyang bureau of communications

November 16, 2018

(Contact: Yin Le, Tel: 13696271909)

Information disclosure option: active disclosure

CC: Municipal Legislative Affairs Office.

Issued by Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Transportation on November 19, 2018

Meizu 20 series is equipped with Flyme magic storage master: smooth reading and writing for more than 36 months

On February 23rd, Meizu Technology brought the latest warm-up information of the Meizu 20 series this morning, saying thatThe new machine is equipped with Flyme Magic Storage Master, support AI intelligent sorting of space debris,Fluent reading and writing for more than 36 months, to achieve "the space is well-organized, and the mobile phone is used for a long time".

At present, the Meizu 20 series has opened the "1 yuan advance booking" activity.After booking, you can enjoy 7 benefits such as 36 months long quality assuranceThe event will be held from February 21 to March 14.

The official data of Meizu shows that the Meizu 20 series is unbounded26 hours in advance to break through the 150,000 reservationAt the same time, the Meizu 20 series 1 yuan advance booking activity also landed on the Lynk & Co Tmall flagship store yesterday, and the two sides are closely linked

According to previous information, the Meizu 20 series mobile phone will be first equipped with a new generation of unbounded ecosystem Flyme 10, using the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip, the intelligent thinking engine has been upgraded from "OneMind 888 +" to "OneMind 10.0", and it is equipped with 13 high-energy antennas, all of which use flexible straight screens.

IT Home has reported that the Meizu mobile phone with model number meizu m2392 has appeared on Geekbench, which should be the "Meizu 20" series model. The machine has a core solo running score of 1409, a multi-core running score of 4199, and a large core frequency of 3.19GHz. It is equipped with 12GB of memory and an operating system.

Making money while playing games? What kind of "immortal profession" is an e-sports sparring teacher?

  Data Map: On December 3, 2019, the 2019WUCG Sanya E-sports Festival opened in the sailing port of Sanya Mid-Levels Peninsula, Hainan. E-sports teams from 16 countries including China, the United States, South Korea, Malaysia and Spain gathered together and will be launched to the global champions of League of Legends, DOTA2, the glory of the king, Hearthstone and the king of fighters 14. The picture shows the team of Jimei University in China playing League of Legends. China News Service reporter Luo Yunfei photo

  BEIJING, April 24th (Xing Rui) The topic "Wang Sicong spends 666 yuan an hour as a sparring partner in the game" has recently caused a heated discussion among netizens in Weibo. While watching "eating melons", many people are also curious about the profession of "game sparring".

  With the rapid development of e-sports industry, many new occupations have been born. E-sports anchors and professional players have gradually entered the public’s field of vision and are no longer unfamiliar. In the past two years, the e-sports sparring teacher, which has gradually emerged, seems to be "mysterious" a lot.

  Spend 3 million to find a sparring partner

  "E-sports sparring instructor", as its name implies, is paid to accompany others to play games. In terms of industry terminology, the customers served by sparring instructors are called "bosses". If you are willing to spend 666 yuan to find Wang Sicong as a sparring partner, then you will become his "boss".

  Open the game sparring platform where Wang Sicong is located. The price of sparring on it ranges from ten yuan to tens of yuan per hour. It is not difficult to see that Wang Sicong’s fee of 666 yuan is far higher than the general price of game sparring on this platform.

  Wang Sicong entered a platform as a "game sparring teacher".

  As the saying goes, "there will be a market if there is demand", and the part-time game sparring of "national husband" actually reflects the demand of many young people for "finding someone to play games with me".

  According to an industry data previously released by the game sparring website, in 2019, more than 27 million players searched for "Great God" to accompany them to play games, and about 68% of them were "post-95 s".

  There is no doubt that "finding game sparring" has become a trend of entertainment for this year’s e-sports youth. For their favorite video games, many users have shown amazing spending power. Take the above-mentioned platform as an example. Last year, the "Golden Master Dad" with the highest order consumption spent a total of 3.08 million yuan to find someone to play games with him. During the period from January 24th to February 29th this year, a 22-year-old boy from Shanghai spent more than 1500 yuan a day on average, and found 12 "great gods" to accompany him to play 1850 games.

  Data Map: On December 3, 2019, in the e-sports education center of Changchun Health Vocational College, students practiced the popular e-sports games in the classroom, while teachers taught the skills of game operation. The major of e-sports and management opened in September 2018 requires students to study more than 20 courses in three years, and e-sports training is one of them. China News Service reporter Zhang Yao photo

  Millions of people’s "new rice bowls"

  The blowout consumer demand naturally attracted a large number of e-sports enthusiasts to start the career of sparring. According to statistics, a game sparring APP attracted 2.9 million game sparring players last year, and 1.29 million of them made money by sharing game skills. The average monthly income of full-time sparring is as high as 7857 yuan, and the average monthly income of part-time sparring is 2929 yuan.

  In the e-sports industry, it has become a consensus that e-sports game sparring instructors can earn money, and some sparring instructors at the top of the pyramid can even make a fortune through this profession. Earlier, some media reported that a senior game sparring teacher in his early 20 s earned millions of dollars by playing games with others and paid off his mortgage.

  Age distribution of game gods released by a platform.

  Although not every e-sports sparring instructor can achieve the "small goal" of earning 100,000 yuan a month, realistically speaking, this profession has at least become a personalized profession with the opportunity to get a high salary.

  In addition, game sparring may also become the longest career in the e-sports circle. On the platform of game sparring in Wang Sicong, the average age of game gods is 23.27, and the oldest is 39. Compared with the trend of younger e-sports anchors, it seems that the age requirements of players for e-sports sparring instructors are not too harsh.

  "Game sparring" also has official certification.

  In 2019, the E-sports Branch of China Communication Industry Association issued the "Standards for E-sports Trainers in China" after the profession of game sparring was sought after by more and more people. This means that "e-sports sparring instructor" has been officially recognized as a professional skill, and game sparring has officially become a nationally recognized and controlled profession.

  In this document, e-sports sparring instructors are divided into three levels: primary, intermediate and advanced. In order to obtain vocational skill certification, they need to pass theoretical knowledge examination and skill assessment, and both of them are qualified with a score of 60 (100%) or above.

  E-sports sparring instructor certification platform.

  Although e-sports sparring teachers have the qualification certification standards, some game sparring platforms do not require their sparring gods to pass the skill certification assessment. It’s just that the price of certified game play is higher than that of ordinary play.

  It is reported that the total number of registered e-sports sparring instructors (including the names predicted by various channels) is about 50,000, and the number of people who have passed the examination is about 2,500-3,000. Although the above data has not been confirmed by official channels, it can at least help people to establish a basic judgment, that is, it may not be as easy as expected to get a paper certificate, and excellent game sparring is only a few people.

  The sadness behind glamour

  It is undeniable that there are "big coffees" in this industry that can earn 100,000 yuan a month by playing games with people, but these people are only rare in the circle. In contrast, many ordinary game sparring partners are far less capital and confidence than Wang Sicong’s asking price of 666 yuan an hour.

  On a game sparring platform, a large number of sparring instructors have never received a single business since they settled in. In the highly competitive industry, an excellent sparring instructor not only has superb game skills, but also shows good comprehensive quality in emotional intelligence and communication skills. As a full-time sparring instructor, playing games may soon become a repetitive, boring and mechanical labor.

  Data Map: On August 23, 2019, the 2019 Hong Kong Computer Communication Festival opened at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. The theme of this year’s Computer Festival is "Technology improves life and creates infinite possibilities", and many well-known brands in the information industry participated. The picture shows many e-sports players participating in the e-sports competition. China News Service reporter Zhang Yushe

  In the face of mixed players, some game sparring will also encounter "bosses" with impure purposes and bad luck. In the final analysis, e-sports sparring instructor is also a kind of service industry, and the demand for social interaction has been running through it. When the appearance and voice have also become factors for players to consider when placing orders, higher requirements have been put forward for the supervision of the industry.

  As a brand-new profession, the development of "e-sports sparring instructor" is undoubtedly still in its infancy. Behind it, it is not as glamorous as imagined. Some people earn millions a year, while others get nothing. Even if you are full of love for e-sports, the way of a sparring teacher is by no means that you can go.

Receive relief, be homeless

The United States is not only the largest economy in the world, but also a western country with the most serious polarization between the rich and the poor. For a long time, it can’t get out of the dilemma that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Christmas bells and homeless people
A few days before Christmas, it was cold in new york, USA. On the morning of 23rd, residents went to St. michaels’s Episcopal Church on the west side of Central Park in northern Manhattan. Instead of worshipping, they gathered outside the back door of the church with bags in their hands or shopping carts, waiting for free food and warm gloves, shoes and clothes taken out of the church. Whenever the staff took out some items, the people present rushed to get them into their hands, and the staff had to say loudly, "Learn to share".
The picture shows that on December 24th, in new york, USA, the staff of "new york Public Food Storage Room" distributed free food to the public. Xinhua news agency
On the east side of Central Park, new york Public Food Store, a non-governmental organization there, did not arrange to distribute free food that day, but "regular customers" still came to find out from time to time. After hearing the disappointing news, some people left disappointed, while others kept ringing the doorbell and expected a response.
On the afternoon of 23rd, Jose Aristeo, who was about sixty years old, came here with an empty shopping cart. He told reporters that he had been here once this morning.
The picture shows that on December 24th, in new york, USA, people lined up in the "new york Public Food Storage Room" to receive free food. Xinhua news agency
"I’ve been here twice, I’m tired, and I have asthma." Aristeo showed reporters the medicines he carried with him, and he still kept a certificate in his hand that he could get vegetables from this NGO. On the same day, Aristeo was told that vegetables would not be distributed on this day.
Jose gonzalez, a staff member of new york Public Food Storage Room, told reporters,The number of people who come to receive free food has increased sharply this year, and a new shelter has been opened nearby.Stephen grimaldi, executive director of the organization, said earlier that before the epidemic, the "new york Public Food Storage Room" provided about 6.3 million meals a year, and the supply is expected to exceed 11 million this year.
According to the 2023 annual report released by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development this month,At present, the number of homeless people in the United States exceeds 650 thousand.The year-on-year growth rate was 12%, a record high since statistics began in 2007.
The picture shows that on December 24th, in new york, USA, the staff of "new york Public Food Storage Room" distributed free food to the public. Xinhua news agency
Multiple factors boost the polarization between the rich and the poor in the United States
This is not the first time that such a scene has appeared. In the past 100 years, the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States has shown a "positive U-shaped" trend of change.
The polarization between the rich and the poor in the United States is caused by many factors, including capital monopoly, electoral politics, government policies, the weakening of trade unions and racial discrimination.
A camp for the homeless in San Francisco, USA. Source: China Newsweek
Polarization and unfair distribution of wealth are the normal and inevitable trend of capitalism., leading to the accumulation of wealth and poverty in the United States at the same time. Since the 1970s, American conservatism and liberalism have risen, and the concepts of marketization and internationalization have replaced the values of equality. The American economic system has turned to advocating privatization, giving up imposing progressive taxes, weakening trade unions and relaxing financial control. These policy choices have made the problem of polarization between the rich and the poor even more hopeless.
The weak strength of trade unions intensifies the polarization between the rich and the poor.In the 1950s, about one-third of American workers belonged to trade unions. In 1978, the membership rate of trade unions was still 23.8%, which dropped to 11.3% in 2011 and 10.3% in 2021. The proportion of black workers joining trade unions is higher than that of other races, and the decline of unionization has a particularly serious impact on black workers, aggravating the poverty of black ethnic groups.
The gap between the rich and the poor is closely related to race.The average income of American black, Hispanic or Latino families is about half that of white families, and their net wealth is only 15% to 20% of that of white families. Federal Reserve data show that this gap has widened significantly in the past few decades. Since 1989, the median wealth of white families has tripled, while the wealth of black, Hispanic and Latino families has hardly increased. According to a survey conducted by the Federal Reserve in 2019, the net assets of the median white family in the United States are 10 times that of the median black family, and the total wealth of the 400 richest American billionaires exceeds the total wealth of 10 million black American families.
Racial discrimination in the job market is serious.For a long time, the unemployment rate of blacks in the United States is about twice that of whites. Before the COVID-19 outbreak, the unemployment rate in the United States reached a historical low of 3.5%, but the unemployment rate of black and Hispanic workers was still much higher than this. Black Americans are poorly represented in high-paying positions in enterprises. In 2020, there were only four black CEOs in Fortune 500 companies.
The adverse consequences of the widening gap between rich and poor in the United States
More and more evidence shows that high wealth inequality is not conducive to economic and social development.
First of all, with the widening gap between the rich and the poor, demonstrations broke out in the United States in recent years.From the "Occupy Wall Street Movement" that originated in the United States in 2011 to the "Black Lives Matters" parade that opposed the violent law enforcement by American police in 2020, some demonstrations even turned into violent incidents. Behind the large-scale demonstrations are the dissatisfaction and struggle of the bottom people in the United States against racial discrimination, class solidification and wealth differentiation. In the case of constant social conflicts, the economic and social development of the United States will be affected to varying degrees.
Secondly,The polarization between the rich and the poor intensifies social injustice in the United States.In the United States, higher education resources are always disproportionately inclined to the rich, and low-income people lose equal opportunities for education. According to a statistic, among the 38 elite American universities, the number of students from the top 1% American families is more than that from the bottom 60% American families. According to a research report in Journal of American Medical Association, the average life expectancy gap between the poorest class and the richest class in California has widened to 15.51 years due to the COVID-19 epidemic. The deepening of racial conflicts, frequent urban riots and serious violent crimes … The chaos in American society is closely related to the widening gap between the rich and the poor.
Finally, high wealth inequality will breed more rent-seeking behaviors and bring social injustice.Joseph stiglitz, an economist, defines rent-seeking as "the act of trying to get more share of the cake without making a big cake". In American society, politicians generally need private financial support to carry out election campaigns. Moreover, compared with the poor, the rich often have more social influence and discourse power, and economic inequality will aggravate political inequality at this time. On the one hand, the rich tend to support tax relief policies, resist public welfare expenditure items and redistribution policies; On the other hand, the rich will persuade the government to deregulate their interest groups, thus gaining monopoly market and excess income. When the rich have more dominance in political decision-making, while the political participation of low-income people or the working class continues to decline, the division and opposition of American society will become more serious.
Source: China Newsweek
Xiong Yihan, a professor at Fudan University, once said:The measure of a society’s material civilization depends on how its poor people live; A measure of a society’s spiritual civilization depends on how well its rich people do.When the United States moves forward as the world’s number one capitalist country, it may be time to lift the glamorous veil and face up to the cold reality of its polarization between the rich and the poor.
Source: Comprehensive from Xinhua News Agency, Xinhuanet, China News Weekly and People’s Daily International Report.Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City Editor: Liu Chengyu