Nanjing, Jiangsu: Focus on the 2023 Golden Fair | After three years and thousands of miles, Qin Huai holds hands with Meituan

Not long ago, Qinhuai District and Meituan reached a cooperation intention, the two sides signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and the Meituan Jiangsu project landed in Qinhuai District. The signing of this cooperation agreement took 3 years and 1300 kilometers of time and space.


At around 8 a.m., during the morning rush hour, at Zhangfuyuan Subway Station, four members of the Chaotiangong Street Urban Management Department were busy, arranging the shared bicycles at the subway entrance neatly to ensure the smooth passage of people and vehicles at the subway entrance.

At a glance, the bright and bright yellow "Meituan" has become the "main force" of shared bicycles at the Zhangfuyuan subway entrance. Data show that Meituan’s market share in Qinhuai District accounts for about 80% of the region’s total, double that of a year ago.

The share of Meituan shared bicycles in Qinhuai District has increased significantly

There is also an investment story behind

Makes Meituan Jiangsu project and Qinhuai District "hand in hand" successful

This cooperation originated from a visit in 2020. Three years ago, when Chaotiangong Street in Qinhuai District visited the Ping An Financial Center Building located at Xinjiekou, it was found that Meituan Daojia, Meituan takeaway and other business lines had settled in the building. "At that time, we felt that this was an opportunity, so we decided to take the initiative to’break the ice ‘." The relevant person in charge of Chaotiangong Street recalled. The next day, the street came to visit, hoping that Meituan would land more business lines in Qinhuai District. "Rejected" by investment promotion personnel is "common food", and "finding a way" is a must-answer question. After more than ten visits, the Qinhuai District investment promotion team learned that Meituan was preparing to land some business sectors in Hefei, Chengdu and other places.

"We seized the opportunity, grasped the time difference, and arranged for a special person to seamlessly connect the project as soon as possible," said the relevant person in charge of Chaotiangong Street. District leaders immediately led teams to Beijing and Shanghai to visit Meituan Company, with a thick stack of materials combed overnight, to promote investment resources and business environment in both directions. In the past three years, although there was the impact of the epidemic, he alone went to Beijing and Shanghai four or five times to communicate face-to-face with Meituan, and the number of online and telephone communications was countless.

The 1,300-kilometer journey has narrowed the distance between Meituan and Qinhuai District. During the negotiation process, Meituan’s unintentional request to increase the market share of shared bicycles in Ning has been highly valued by Chaotiangong Street, Qinhuai District and even Nanjing City. It is also this opportunity that makes Meituan finally decide to keep the Jiangsu project in Qinhuai.

The maintenance and management of bicycle order in the old city is very complicated, and the backlog of bicycles is serious. How to ensure that Meituan shared bicycles increase the quota, and at the same time do a good job in operation management? Qinhuai District Urban Management Bureau, Chaotiangong Street and Meituan Company have conducted many on-the-spot surveys on the location of shared bicycles, scientifically and rationally laid out them, and strengthened operation management and dynamic management through intelligent algorithms, real-time monitoring, and increased manpower investment.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Urban Management Department of Chaotiangong Street, the Street Urban Management has implemented five measures of "designating people, fixing posts, timing, setting scope, and setting standards" for subway entrances, popular business districts, and key road sections. Congestion sections and peak periods are centrally rectified to improve the "dredging" effect of shared bicycles, effectively solve the problem of parking and management of Meituan shared bicycles in the Qinhuai area, and form a "ecosystem" of Meituan Company’s regional operation in Qinhuai.

At the same time, in Chaotiangong Street, where Meituan has settled, there are as many as 3,000 small and micro merchants, and the Meituan platform covers 100% of the merchants. In the future development, the Meituan Jiangsu project will realize the full settlement of the entire industrial sector, carry out the pilot construction of the real-time consumption system, create an online and offline convenient life circle, and continuously improve the digital operation level of merchants.

Meituan Jiangsu project settled in Qinhuai District

It is a microcosm of the continuous hard work of Qin Huai’s "investment promotion people"

Since this year

Qinhuai District will do a better job in attracting investment with greater efforts

Building a strong industrial city and empowering high-quality development

As of the end of July, Qinhuai District had achieved a total investment of 28.75 billion yuan in contracted projects, the actual total investment was 7.75 billion yuan, 52 billion yuan projects were registered, and 24 were started or operated. Won the "red flag" incentive for the success of the city’s investment promotion ratio, and the first quarter target task progress award of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau. Successfully signed 49 billion yuan projects such as the China Consumer Finance Headquarters and BBK Robot. As of the end of June, 4 large-scale projects, 3 high-quality industrial projects, and 2 headquarters projects were introduced. As of the end of August, 35 activities such as the promotion meeting of the Qinhuai District and the Southern New Town Headquarters Base (Hong Kong) in Nanjing and the promotion and exchange meeting of the jewelry industry in Qinhuai District in Nanjing were successfully held.

Editor: Li Zhuo

Proofreading: Xiong Xiangning

Review: Cang Shujun

800 people had dinner with 2,800 cooks at the annual banquet of the 1000-meter group in the ancient town (Figure)

Photographers are creating around the long street banquet.

  At noon, the rain stopped, and after the traditional sacrifice and blessing activities, the New Year’s dinner was officially opened in the sound of firecrackers for 20 minutes. 260 tables filled with dishes and thousands of tourists crowded the 1,132-meter-long old street. More than 10 ancient town specialties such as sesame balls, three-in-one mixed incense and smoked tofu have opened thousands of tourists’ eyes. Laughter, cheers, shouts of punching and drinking … turned the ancient town upside down.

  In yesterday’s old street, visitors with bowls and chopsticks could be seen everywhere. They shuttled between the tables, with a piece of pig’s head meat on this table and a piece of fish on that table. Yan Han, a photographer who rushed from the main city, simply put a pair of chopsticks in his camera bag, and when he met his favorite dish, he took out his chopsticks and took a bite. The residents of the old street are extremely hospitable. Whenever anyone passes by, they will warmly greet them: "Come, look at what you eat." They also invite guests to sit down, drink wine and chat at home. Diao Shukun, a 77-year-old resident of the ancient town, specially asked someone to write a couplet and stick it on the door, with the first couplet saying that "tea is not cold when people walk" and the second couplet saying that "the host and guest are always hot" and the second couplet saying "fragrant tea is good for water".

"Group-based" medical assistance allows the masses to have "medical support"

Dong Zhichao, deputy chief physician of the Third Department of Coronary Heart Disease, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, is operating on patients.

Xihai all-media reporter Lu Jinwu correspondent Shi Yanshou Wen/map

"On May 20th, the interventional catheter room of Minhe County People’s Hospital was opened with the help of the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University. On May 26th, the interventional catheter room of Minhe County People’s Hospital successfully performed the first coronary angiography and coronary stent implantation for cardiovascular patients, which filled the gap in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Minhe County medical institutions. Among them, the intervention of acute myocardial infarction without implant surgery and right heart catheterization was the first case in Haidong City … "On the subscription number of Haidong Citizen and Hui and Tu Autonomous County People’s Hospital, the successful cases obtained by the hospital in" group-type "assistance were recorded.

Since 2016, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, and the Ninth People’s Hospital of Wuxi City have dispatched business backbones and department experts to Minhe County to carry out "group-style" health assistance work, so that the masses can enjoy high-quality and efficient medical and health services.

In the past, many patients in Minhe County could only be treated for cardiovascular diseases in Qinghai provincial hospitals. Li Wanfeng, president of Minhe County People’s Hospital, told the reporter that in 2010, Minhe County People’s Hospital added the Department of Cardiology. In 2011, 10 outstanding medical backbones were sent to anzhen hospital to receive a one-year training in cardiovascular disease treatment technology. After the training, due to the lack of coronary intervention treatment equipment, cardiovascular disease treatment only stayed on simple diagnosis and thrombolysis technology.

And this "stay" lasted for nearly 10 years.

The management of Minhe County People’s Hospital began to think about the solution.

Li Wanfeng said that with the strong support of the Minhe County Party Committee and the county government and the matchmaking of the temporary leaders in Binhu District of Wuxi City, Minhe County People’s Hospital won more than 6 million yuan from the east and the west, purchased medical equipment such as digital subtraction angiography, and prepared an interventional catheter room, equipped with domestic advanced ceiling-mounted large flat-panel C-arm machine, multifunctional ECG pressure monitor, defibrillator, high-pressure syringe and other medical equipment.

The establishment and operation of interventional catheter room in Minhe County People’s Hospital brings hope to patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Dong Zhichao, deputy chief physician of the Third Department of Coronary Heart Disease in the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, said that on May 20th, he came to Minhe County People’s Hospital from the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University to carry out medical assistance. On the 6th day of his arrival, he completed the first case of coronary angiography+coronary stent implantation in Minhe County People’s Hospital. On the 14th day of arrival, the first emergency coronary intervention was completed. With the support of the Department of Cardiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian Cardiology Society donated a surgical teaching and remote consultation system worth 1 million yuan to Minhe County People’s Hospital, which provided a platform for patients to seek medical treatment efficiently and quickly. The hospital has carried out surgical trial teaching, special lectures, remote consultation, etc. by using the platform, which has improved the diagnosis and treatment ability of common cardiovascular diseases of medical staff.

Li Wanfeng said that since 2016, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University has sent 47 experts to help, and has carried out assistance work for departments such as cardiovascular medicine, general surgery, urology, gastroenterology, and critical care medicine.

Especially since the beginning of this year, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University has sent seven high-quality, competent, professional and hard-working help experts, bringing new ideas and new technologies to Minhe County People’s Hospital, and cultivating a group of local talents for the hospital by mentoring. Since the interventional catheter room was put into use, Minhe County People’s Hospital has treated nearly 140 patients with cardiovascular diseases, reducing the medical burden of local people.