Under the new cycle of 2023 cold year, how can the air-conditioning industry fight the "value upgrade war"?

On August 24, 2022, the "Windless Aerobic TAN Origin Traceability – 2022-2023 China Air Conditioning Industry Summit Forum" was held in Harbin under the guidance of China Household Appliances Association and sponsored by China Home Appliances Network.CC,Haier, Highly,Hisense, Kelon, Konka, Leader, Meibo,beautiful,Panasonic,TCLRepresentatives of mainstream household air-conditioning brands and core component manufacturers, as well as forumsexclusivechannel partnerJD.comHome appliances, data support agency GfK Zhongyikang, etc. gathered together to talk "double carbon"The innovative development and mission of the air-conditioning industry under the goal."

High temperature "heating" air conditioner market

Although autumn has begun, many places in China are still under high temperature during the "end" stage of the "dog days".How to cool the body and the heart? The air conditioner is obviouslymostA good choice. Therefore, in the "roasting" mode, refrigeration appliances represented by air conditioners ushered in a high-temperature "hot period" in July and August. According to GfK Zhongyikang monitoring data, the retail sales and retail sales of air conditioners in the online market in July increased by 41.6% and 44.6% year-on-year respectively. Entering August, the retail sales and retail sales of air conditioners in the online market in the past two weeks increased by 76.0% and 79.4% year-on-year respectively; the offline market volume and volume also achieved a year-on-year growth of over 20%. Such asbeautiful,HaierOaks,Hisense, Kelon,TCL,PanasonicMany air-conditioning companies, such as Meibo, Changhong, and Konka, have reported to China State Grid that during the peak air-conditioning season in the past two months, there are many high-temperature days and a wide range of coverage, and the sales of the company’s air-conditioning products have increased significantly compared with before. "The installation masters are running at full capacity," said the relevant person in charge of the air-conditioning company.

However, the staged bright performance of the air conditioner market is in sharp contrast to the cold industry in the first half of the year and even the entire 2022 cold year. According to GfK Zhongyikang data, in the first half of this year, the retail volume and retail sales of the household air conditioner market decreased by 20.1% and 14.1% respectively year-on-year; in the whole 2022 cold year, the retail volume and retail sales of the air conditioner market were 43.57 million units and 150.50 billion yuan, respectively, down 15.0% and 9.2% year-on-year. "The economic downturn and epidemic directly affect the income level of consumers, so the consumer confidence index decreased year-on-year." In the opinion of Peng Xiandong, general manager of GfK Zhongyikang’s large home appliance division, this directly affects consumers’ expectations for the home appliance market and the execution of purchasing power. The corresponding air conditioner is also affected and has declined significantly. In addition, air conditioners have further entered the existing market, with less new demand. Based on this, Peng Xiandong judged that the air conditioner industry will enter a low-speed era in the next two years, with incremental scarcity. The market core will shift from the pursuit of scale to the pursuit of quality.

Peng Xiandong, General Manager of GfK Zhongyikang Home Appliances Division

Wang Lei, secretary-general of the China Household Appliances Association, also believes that this is the result of multiple factors. Including the repeated regional epidemics across the country in the first half of the year, which put pressure on the industrial supply chain and had a negative impact on the demand for air conditioners; in addition, the real estate industry is also a factor strongly related to the demand for air conditioners; furthermore, the more important objective factor is that the popularity of household air conditioners has basically reached a high level. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of air conditioners owned by 100 households in China reached 117.7 units by the end of 2020, of which 149.6 were owned by 100 households in cities and towns. " At present, the social stock of air conditioners in the country has reached 540 million units, and the stock update has become the main body of current and future market consumption demand. This has a direct and long-term impact on the size of the air conditioner market. "

Wang Lei, Secretary General of China Household Appliances Association

Seeking "new" kinetic energy under the stock

When the industry enters a new development stage dominated by "stock replacement", in terms of the external operating environment, as analyzed by Wei Lai, Chief Research Officer of Zijin Tianfeng Futures, raw material prices, which account for more than 85% of the cost of air conditioners, are getting rid of the traditional cyclical framework and reshaping into a new cycle, corresponding to the reshaping of the cyclical characteristics of air conditioners at both ends of cost and consumption. Under the characteristics of the new cycle, the market prospect of air conditioners is still broad, but it needs to seek new growth momentum inward.

So, where is the new way to break the growth? Perhaps, as described by Wang Lei and various air-conditioning companies – intelligently empowered, more energy-saving, comfortable, healthy, and high-end air conditioners will bring more enthusiasm and demand from consumers, and will also bring impetus to the technological progress and product innovation of the air-conditioning industry and industry. Recent consumer street research by China Home Appliance Network also shows that price is no longer the main factor in determining consumers to buy air conditioners. When considering "replacing" air conditioners, most consumers focus on products with more energy-saving, intelligent, comfortable, healthy and other functional characteristics. Such as fresh air conditioners, global windless air conditioners, washing air conditioners, sterilization health, self-cleaning air conditioners, sleep air conditioners, etc. are all their favorite products.

The change in consumer demand is reflected in the retail end, according to GfK Zhongyikang data, 2022 cold year, the new level of energy efficiency air conditioning sales in the online channel accounted for about 67.9%, the proportion of offline reached 78.7%; fresh air air conditioning online penetration rate of about 2.3%, an increase of 283%, offline penetration rate of about 6.7%, an increase of 59.5%. JD.com platform data also shows that in the first half of the year, the turnover of JD.com platform fresh air conditioners was 5.5 times that of the same period last year, and fresh air conditioners also showed characteristics higher than the broader market by 32%; during the "618" period, the turnover of JD.com platform fresh air conditioners increased by 460% year-on-year; JD.com home appliances "815" anniversary peak period of 28 hours, the turnover of fresh air conditioners increased by more than 4 times year-on-year. " The JD.com platform always takes consumer demand as the first starting point. "Zhang Yiming, marketing director of JD.com’s home appliance air conditioner business department, said that through active market research, JD.com home appliances and various air conditioner brands work closely together, with the same perspective. They all believe that the new air conditioner in the new product may be the next growth point of the industry." Combined with the trend of purification and health, the increase in fresh air volume will be more suitable for the needs of life scenes. "

At the enterprise level, it can be seen that more air-conditioning companies are also launching products with corresponding functions or even complex functions through technological innovation to meet the diverse, personalized and quality consumer needs of consumers. Taking Casarte air conditioners as an example, at the meeting, Yan Bo, general manager of Casarte air conditioners, introduced that due to the different air pain points faced by different climates and seasons, Casarte innovatively launched the luxury version of Yunding air conditioners. "The positioning of this product is’original ecological air maintenance expert ‘, hoping to achieve the maintenance of people, the maintenance of the environment, and the maintenance of high-end lifestyles through air conditioning. Overall, what we want to do is to pass on the high-end, comfort and wisdom of Casarte air conditioners to consumers."

Midea air conditioners are also working to increase the average price of the entire industry through air conditioner products that highlight health, comfort, and intelligence. Oaks, Hisense, TCL, Konka, Panasonic and other related air conditioning brands are focusing on the fresh air track, such as Oaks launched a four-season fresh air air conditioner that can change fresh oxygen in the whole house for 1 hour, Hisense launched a high-end air environment from six dimensions such as temperature, humidity, wind feeling, purification, etc. Brilliant C200, TCL launched a small blue wing II with a large fresh air volume of 60 cubic meters per hour without secondary wall punching holes, Konka launched a smart fresh air conditioner with dual-drive hybrid fresh air system, Panasonic Anchor Health and Smart launched a series of alcohol air, etc. They all meet consumers’ needs for a healthier and more comfortable home life experience through differentiated fresh air conditioners. Kelon Air Conditioning customizes more convenient, comfortable and healthy sleep solutions for users by creating smart sleep air scenes. In addition to home split machines, Meibo Air Conditioning has found sub-sectors such as wearable air conditioners and vehicle air conditioners to seek differentiation. Changhong Air Conditioning has built a healthy living atmosphere for consumers through the creation of a fresh environment with years of accumulation of dust-free technology.

As a company specializing in thermal management and environmental control, Invik has accumulated rich technical experience in the field of precision environmental control. Wang Xiangdong, general manager of Shenzhen Invik Health and Environment Technology Co., Ltd., believes that at present, "health" should be the main breakthrough in air conditioning innovation. In this regard, EBC Yingbao advocates "safe and healthy comfort is the real comfort", and advocates fundamentally solving the comfort problem of the air environment under the premise of safety and health, and is a one-machine solution to the air environment problem. "Our air environment machine adjusts or removes the temperature, humidity, cleanliness, various pollutants, microorganisms and other indicators of the air environment dynamically, harmoniously and synchronously through multi-dimensional phase control technology, and is committed to providing customers with a safe, healthy and comfortable air environment."

It can be seen that the product evaluation dimension based on factors such as energy conservation, health, and comfort is becoming the core driving force for the reform and upgrading of China’s air-conditioning supply side. Therefore, the three major product trends in the air conditioning industry in 2023 proposed at the summit forum, namely the "energy-saving" product trend represented by Midea Xuanyao 2-horse hanging machine, Oxmos Fresh Air Pro air conditioner, Kelong Sleeping Small Ear LZ air conditioner, and Meibo Xinxinpai intelligent AI voice air conditioner; the "comfort" product trend represented by Casarte connoisseur air conditioner system, COLMO TURING household central air conditioner, Hisense Bright series fresh air conditioner, Konka smart fresh air conditioner, and Commander BIGGER air curtain air conditioner; and the "health" product trend represented by Haier washing air cabinet hanging air conditioner, EBC Yingbao pure air environment machine, Panasonic alcohol air conditioner, and Changhong guest restaurant shared air conditioner, which has been highly recognized and affirmed by the guests and industry colleagues They all anticipate that these three major product trends will become a new engine for the growth of the air conditioning industry in the upcoming 2023 new cold year.

"Double carbon" engine drives green and high-quality development

In fact, whether it is the driving effect of extreme weather on air-conditioning consumption, or the pursuit of new energy conservation, health, and comfort at the enterprise level under the leadership of stock replacement, it can be made clear that changes in the environment, market changes, and demand are forcing air-conditioning enterprises to step up innovation and development, transformation and upgrading, and also put forward new and higher requirements for the high-quality development of the air-conditioning industry, that is, the air-conditioning industry and enterprises should be socially responsible and consumer-responsible enterprises and products.

According to the IEA report, the global energy-related CO2 emissions in 2018 were about 34.20 billion tons, of which the global energy consumption of air conditioners and fans accounted for about 3.8% of CO2 emissions. It is expected that by 2050, the energy demand for space cooling will increase more than threefold. There is no doubt that the green and low-carbon transformation of the air conditioning industry is imperative.

But objectively speaking, the green and low-carbon development of the air-conditioning industry still faces no small challenges. "For the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry, under the background trend of’dual carbon ‘, the biggest challenge is that the reduction of HFCs conventional refrigerants may bring corresponding quota problems, which may directly affect the operation of an enterprise." Li Tingxun, an associate professor at Sun Yat-sen University, believes that the future control of HFCs consumption, production or quota management may directly impact the development of the air-conditioning industry. So, how can the air-conditioning industry achieve carbon emission reduction? In Li Tingxun’s opinion, on the one hand, it is necessary to improve energy efficiency. At present, the energy efficiency of air-conditioners has increased by 15%, and it may increase by another 15% in the future by 2030. On the other hand, based on the carbon emissions directly caused by refrigerants, it is necessary to choose and develop more environmentally friendly refrigerant alternatives. In this regard, the only sure opportunity is that low GWP refrigerants will have a large application in the future. In addition, materials, production, transportation, warehousing and other links will also directly or indirectly lead to carbon emissions, so air-conditioning related companies also pay attention to the carbon emission reduction of the whole life cycle of air-conditioning products.

"Compared with other manufacturing industries, I personally think the energy saving and carbon reduction of the home appliance industry has advantages." Xie Nanan, director of the environmental and dual-carbon business department of the General Technology Inspection and Testing Group, analyzed that the reason is that the home appliance industry has implemented the trade-in policy more fully, and the improvement of energy efficiency of home appliances is to reduce energy consumption from the source. In addition, the intelligence of home appliances is a systematic improvement, which is to consider the improvement of energy efficiency from an overall perspective. In addition, there is still more room for expansion in the green and low-carbon transformation of the home appliance industry, such as the control role of the supply chain, energy consumption in the production process, energy structure adjustment, and non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emission reduction of refrigerants such as HFCs, which are worthy of attention and active promotion by home appliance companies such as air conditioners.

As Li Tingxun and Xie Nanan said, energy efficiency is only one part of low carbon, and to maximize carbon reduction, it is necessary to go through the whole life cycle of air-conditioning products. In this regard, more and more air-conditioning companies, including Midea, Haier, Oaks, and Hisense, have begun to focus on promoting green and low-carbon transformation at the manufacturing level or within the whole life cycle of air-conditioning products. Take Midea as an example. In 2021, Midea Group officially released a green strategy, focusing on six pillars: green design, green procurement, green manufacturing, green logistics, green recycling, and green services, to build a whole-process green industrial chain. " Among them, green design is the leader and traction of the entire green strategy. "Li Jinbo, director of the development center of Midea’s Air Conditioning Innovation Research Institute, said that in recent years, Midea’s air conditioners have accumulated rich technical and product innovation practices in green design. In terms of green technology, it has continued to lay out in environmental protection refrigerant technology, global ultra-high energy efficiency technology, new generation refrigeration technology, and cold storage and heat storage technology." Midea’s air conditioners will continue to expand the supply of green products through technological innovation, product innovation, and standard guidance, to meet the growing needs of users for a better life, and to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the whole industry. "

Compressor companies, which are the core products of the upstream supply chain of air conditioners, are also actively promoting the green transformation of the industrial chain. For example, CMCC mentioned that building a green industrial chain and promoting the green design of parts and components, including miniaturization and low noise, are all future development directions of GMCC. Haili compressor also said that whether it is from environmentally friendly refrigerant substitution, energy efficiency improvement, including flattening and miniaturization, Haili compressor has always been serving the air conditioning industry and continues to move forward around the green and low-carbon development direction.

It is worth mentioning that at the meeting, Wang Lei and Lv Shenghua, editor-in-chief of China Home Appliances Network, led all the air-conditioning-related enterprises and industry guests to issue the "Green Energy-saving Air Conditioning Replacement Initiative" to the air-conditioning industry – actively responding to the national "double carbon" strategy and the 2022 National Home Appliance Consumption Season activities to promote the quality of green smart air conditioners, increase varieties, and create brands; industry organizations, upstream and downstream industries give full play to their respective advantages to promote a new round of "trade-in" and "home appliances to the countryside" work, promote the upgrade of air-conditioning consumption in an orderly manner, and continue to lead the trend of quality, greening, and intelligence of air-conditioning consumption. This move undoubtedly further sounded the clarion call for the green and low-carbon

Andy Lau’s Red Pavilion sings thrilling and plays lightning finger numbness (picture)


  Andy transforms into a magician and performs magic tricks on stage

  China News Service, December 23rd, according to the Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao reported that a series of 16 "Andy Lau Wonderful World Concert 2007" was grandly staged at the Red Pavilion the night before. Andy, who has always been professional and serious, put his heart and soul into designing every performance link, and did not hesitate to take risks. In addition to the desperate performance of incarnating the Flash and sending his fingertips numb, that night Andy was even more unsafe. When he sang on the high platform, the stage suddenly leaned forward, scaring Andy to clench the handrail. After that, he danced with the female dancers. Due to the heavy stage mechanism, Andy almost fell off the stage. Fortunately, everything was just a surprise, and the performance went smoothly.

  Musicals play magic tricks to coax audiences

  Under the momentum of seven million volts of lightning, Andy opened the song "The Sky is Higher". Although he had taken sufficient measures to prevent electricity, Andy was also numb from the strong electricity, but fortunately he was not seriously injured. Then Andy walked on several high platforms about 35 feet without safety protection to sing. It was very thrilling to see him only relying on the handrail to stabilize his body. When he sang "Obsessed in the Dark", the platform suddenly leaned forward. Then Andy performed flying, pulling the rings tightly with his hands and falling from the sky, performing brilliantly. When Andy sang "****** Child", he danced with the female dancer. Due to the heavy stage mechanism, Andy almost fell into the stage hole by mistake. Fortunately, he found out in time and no accident occurred, but he was also shocked. After the two of them were hugged and hung to a high place, the "Weaver Girl" was suddenly thrown to the bottom of the sta****en feet high from the sta*****he audience was stunned by the throw and shouted brilliantly.

  Andy sings dressed in white, wearing a 10 million diamond ring, during which he pulls off his coat to reveal his strong abs, and even the buttons of his suspenders burst open, almost revealing his bottom. After that, Andy appears as a clown and a magician, and asks the fans: "Should an idol have a girlfriend?" The fans in the audience shouted should. Then Andy said: "I want to introduce a woman to everyone. This girlfriend and I have been dating since we were fourteen years old. She has to change her image every time to make everyone lose sight of her." After that, Andy uses a magic show to attract the audience, singing on stage while changing the female dancers into different clothes, which is very amazing. After that, Andy shook hands with the audience, causing them to go crazy. During this period, Andy was worried about an accident, so he returned to the middle of the stage and appealed to the fans to calm down before shaking hands with them again. The first night of the concert ended at 11:15.

  Idols are people too, and they should also fall in love

  After the show, Andy was interviewed by the media in the background, talking about the thrilling performance of lightning. He said that because the effects of wind, fire and water have been done in the past, this time he innovated to play video games, and made a special trip to the United States to invite a company specializing in lightning rods to cooperate with the performance effect. The protective clothing worn by Andy will transfer the current for him, and he will also do a full check before the opening to ensure that there is no problem with the protective clothing. For the sake of safety, the concert also refused anyone to visit the backstage. Even the two dancers on the stage had to wear a hood for him. Andy admitted that after the performance, his body was basically fine, but he also felt numbness in his fingertips.

  On stage, Andy Zai blew up a girlfriend who had been dating for a long time. When pressed, he laughed and said that this was not his own voice, but was just used as an introduction performance. As for "whether idols should fall in love", Andy felt that fans were right and should be, because idols are people, not birds, so he will fall in love. Talking about the 10 million diamond ring he wore during the performance, Andy said that the ring was closely guarded and had someone to wear it for him.

Editor in charge: Wang Yuxi

Wang Jianlin’s New Direction: "Abandon the Heavy and Reduce the Light", Reconstructing the Cultural Tourism Map

Image source: ICphoto

Although there is still uncertainty about the listing at the end of the year, it has not affected the normal operations within Wanda Group.

Blue Whale Finance found through the official website of Wanda Group that since the beginning of this year, Wanda Group Chairperson Wang Jianlin has led a team to reconstruct the cultural tourism map in many places across the country, and has signed strategic cooperation with the governments of Luoyang, Henan, Deyang, Sichuan, Zhangjiajie, Shanxi Datong, Yichun, Heilongjiang, and other places to cooperate around the cultural tourism industry.

On August 3 this year, Wanda Group announced through its official website that it would rename its Wanda Cultural Group to Wanda Cultural Tourism Group. Blue Whale Finance recently learned from people close to Wanda that, unlike previous cultural tourism projects, the future Wanda Cultural Tourism will "abandon the weight and lighten the weight". Like Wanda Plaza, asset-light cultural tourism is the main direction.

Restart the cultural tourism industry

According to Wanda Group’s official website, Wanda currently includes business management groups, cultural tourism groups and investment groups. Among them, the business sectors of the cultural tourism group, in addition to film and television, sports, and baby king, there are also four cultural tourism projects and cultural tourism planning and design institutes. The four cultural tourism projects are Changbai Mountain International Resort, Wuhan Central Cultural District, Lanzhou Wanda City, and Yan’an Red Street.

The above-mentioned sources told Blue Whale Finance that Wanda Cultural Tourism is a business sector that Wang Jianlin has always wanted to do. After selling Wanda Cultural Tourism to Sunac, Wanda has not stopped expanding its cultural tourism projects.

In February this year, Wanda established a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship with Luoyang, and took the Longmen Tourist Resort project in Luoyang as the first major cooperation project. On April 10, Wanda signed a contract with Sichuan Deyang for the Sanxing Lake Wanda five-star hot spring resort hotel and international cultural tourism project. On April 12, Zhangjiajie Tourism Group announced that it signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Wanda, and the two sides will cooperate on the Dayong Ancient City project. In June, Wanda signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with the Datong Municipal Government and Datong Cultural Tourism Investment Group respectively, mainly on the cooperation of Datong Ancient City. In August, Wanda signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Yichun Municipal Government and Yichun Sengong Group to plan in-depth cooperation in the cultural tourism industry and other fields.

In addition, since the beginning of this year, Wang Jianlin has led a team to visit many places and exchanged discussions with local governments, including Pinggu District, Beijing, Changchun, Jilin, Libo County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou, and Suqian, Jiangsu. This year’s August-September is particularly concentrated.

According to the official website of the Yichun Municipal Government, on August 16 this year, Sui Hongbo, Secretary of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee, met with Wang Jianlin, Chairperson of Dalian Wanda Group, and the two sides exchanged ideas on cooperation in cultural tourism and other fields. Wang Jianlin said that Wanda will give full play to the successful experience in the development of the cultural tourism industry accumulated over the years. Relying on Yichun’s valuable resources and the upcoming high-speed rail era, it will actively plan for cooperation between the two sides, strengthen planning and design on the "ice and snow", and do a good job in innovative articles.

According to the official website of the Beijing Pinggu District Government, on August 26 this year, Pinggu District and Wanda Group held a symposium. Tang Hailong, Secretary of the Pinggu District Party Committee, hoped that Wanda would actively participate in the construction of the "Pingyu dual-use" rural revitalization Jinhai Lake core area. Wang Jianlin said that Wanda would give full play to its own advantages in cultural tourism, hotel operations, etc., and select a representative, exemplary and leading project group as soon as possible to study and formulate a planned operation plan to help the construction of the "Pinggu dual-use" core area with practical actions.

According to the official website of the Suqian Municipal Government, on September 5 this year, Chen Zhongwei, Secretary of the Suqian Municipal Party Committee, met with Wang Jianlin, Chairperson of Wanda Group, and Wang Jianlin said that Wanda Group will give full play to its own advantages, rely on Suqian’s superior ecological resources, and further increase cooperation in areas such as cultural tourism.

"Cultural tourism industry" is a common keyword mentioned by local governments and Wanda.

Wanda Tourism Industry was established in October 2013 and belongs to Wanda Culture Group. In 2014, Wanda Tourism revenue was only 7.50 billion yuan, but by 2016, Wanda Tourism revenue had reached 17.43 billion yuan, an increase of nearly 40% year-on-year.

Wanda’s tourism brand "Wanda City" has not only opened one after another across the country, but also began to enter overseas, signing two large-scale cultural tourism projects in India and Paris in 2016. Wang Jianlin said at the time that by 2025, 25 Wanda Cities will be opened worldwide, of which 5 will be opened overseas. "First, it is possible to gradually accumulate and become a leading brand in terms of business scale."

However, in 2017, due to financial problems, Wanda transferred 91% of the shares of 13 cultural and tourism projects to Sunac for 43.844 billion yuan, which was called "M & A of the Century".

It was the industry consensus at the time that Wanda would give up the cultural tourism industry, but Wanda said in a subsequent statement: "As China’s earliest pioneer in the cultural tourism industry, Wanda has always been optimistic about the development prospects of China’s cultural tourism industry. In the future, Wanda will continue to invest in the cultural tourism industry. Its cultural tourism group (including planning, construction and project management departments) will continue to be an important industrial group of Wanda for sustainable development."

Wanda said that it will continue to invest in the cultural tourism industry in the future, retain the backbone team of the cultural tourism industry, and reorganize the Cultural Tourism Planning Institute, Cultural Tourism Construction Center, and Cultural Tourism Management Company.

From the start of the Changbai Mountain cultural tourism project a decade ago, Wanda has never given up its ambition to expand the cultural tourism industry. The above-mentioned person familiar with the matter said that, unlike the previous "land acquisition-development" asset-heavy model, Wanda’s future cultural tourism industry will be mainly asset-light operation. "The land is still owned by the local government, and Wanda only manages and operates and exports brands."

It is reported that Wanda Neijiang Cultural Tourism City, located in Sichuan, is scheduled to open at the end of this year and will become an important tourist destination in Chengdu and Chongqing and a new business card for Neijiang City.

Whether it will go public at the end of the year is still up in the air

For enterprises, the asset-light model will undoubtedly greatly reduce the pressure on capital.

According to Wanda’s official website, as of December 31, 2022, 473 Wanda plazas have been opened across the country, and Blue Whale Finance has learned that half of them are asset-light projects. In addition, at the end of this month, Beijing will open two more Wanda plazas at the same time, both of which are asset-light projects.

On August 31, Wanda Commercial Management disclosed that the interim report of corporate bonds showed that the operating income in the first half of 2023 was 25.452 billion yuan, an increase of 4.30% year-on-year; the gross profit margin was 64.63%, an increase of 1.53 percentage points year-on-year.

Among them, the hotel operating business revenue rose the most significantly, up 103.84% year-on-year, with gross profit margin increasing by 17.67 percentage points. Other business revenue rose 3.05%, and gross profit margin increased by 2.1 percentage points.

Wanda Commercial Management plans to spin off the listed subsidiary Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management’s total assets are 22.886 billion yuan, net assets are 7.233 billion yuan, the operating income during the reporting period is 27.12 billion yuan, and the main business profit is 12.984 billion yuan.

The net cash flow generated by Wanda Commercial Management’s operating activities in the first half of the year was 11.852 billion yuan, an increase of 41.6% year-on-year. The balance of cash and cash equivalents as of the end of the first half of the year was 14.692 billion yuan. As of the end of the first half of the year, Wanda Commercial Management’s consolidated interest-bearing liabilities were 141.283 billion yuan, of which the interest-bearing liabilities due within one year were 29.257 billion yuan.

After experiencing a period of debt repayment pressure, Wanda also ushered in good news. On September 12, a domestic debt "200,000 01" repo bond owned by Wanda Commercial Management has been repaid. The repo payment amount is 3.79 billion yuan, which is close to the full repurchase.

According to the announcement of Wanda Commercial Management, the bond code 175119, the issuance scale is 3.80 billion yuan, the bond maturity is 5 (3 + 2) years, the coupon rate is 5.58%, the issuance start date is September 7, 2020, and the maturity date is September 9, 2025 9 (postponed in case of holidays), but in the third year, that is, when it expires in 2023, the issuer has the option to adjust the coupon rate and the investor’s right to sell back.

The person close to Wanda said that after the completion of the bond sale and payment, Wanda Commercial Management has no public overseas debt maturity risk this year. "Wanda’s business model is very clear, the return on assets is expected to further improve, and there is little pressure on public market debt in the next few years."

However, whether Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management can go public smoothly at the end of this year remains unresolved and remains the biggest hurdle facing Wanda.

Andy Lau’s old lawsuit was awarded a million dollars, and China Star will apply for an appeal.


  Andy Lau’s scene of jumping out of a helicopter in Black Gold is stylish and powerful, but he didn’t expect to get into a lawsuit.


  Making a movie 11 years ago damaged the helicopter.

  After Andy Lau filmed Black Gold in Taiwan Province in 1997, he was accused of damaging the helicopter rented for filming. De ‘an Airlines, which rented the helicopter, went to court and sued Hua Zi, Yongsheng Entertainment Production Company (predecessor of China Star Group) and producer Wang Zhongzheng, demanding compensation of about 3 million Hong Kong dollars. The case was finally decided yesterday, and Hua Zi had to compensate about 1.3 million Hong Kong dollars for helicopter maintenance expenses. China.

  According to Hong Kong media reports, Andy Lau and China Star were sued by Taiwan Province’s De ‘an Airlines for damaging the rented helicopter, demanding compensation of NT$ 12 million (about HK$ 3 million). The case was opened in the Shilin District Court of Taiwan Province in March 2004, and the lawsuit lasted for four years. The helicopter involved in the incident crashed before Penghu. During this period, the representative lawyer of De ‘an Airlines asked to summon Hua Tsai to Taiwan Province to appear in court, but the judge thought that other evidence was sufficient, so Hua Tsai never appeared in court for this purpose.

  When the captain who was in charge of flying the helicopter testified in court, he said that he had told Hua Tsai not to touch the steering rod, but Hua Tsai still accidentally touched his ass during the filming, which led to the helicopter sinking and the rotor blades hit the curtain of the ground spotlight and were damaged.

  The judge thinks that it can be concluded from the captain’s testimony that it was Andy’s negligence that caused the damage to the helicopter, so he only ruled that Andy had to pay more than NT$ 5.1 million (about HK$ 1.3 million) for the maintenance of the helicopter. However, because the helicopter was rented from Dean Airlines by Yongsheng Entertainment Production Company and Wang Zhongzheng, the agent of Johnny Mak Production Company, they did not fulfill their custody responsibilities. If they are willing to pay compensation on behalf of Andy, it is acceptable.

  Miss Li, a spokeswoman for China Star, said on the phone: "The company is puzzled by this judgment. When shooting a scene that day, I hired a helicopter rental company to give guidance. I did everything on the helicopter and there is no reason to ask me to pay for it. This matter has nothing to do with the actors. I think the verdict is unreasonable and I will appeal. " Hua Tsai said through his assistant yesterday that he would not respond to the incident.

  In addition, the new play "See the Dragon in the Three Kingdoms" starring Hua Tsai has exceeded HK$ 10 million in the box office less than a week after its release in Hong Kong, while China Mainland, China Taiwan Province and South Korea all ranked among the top three in the box office in the first weekend after the painting was opened. Director Li Rengang specially gave a banquet to celebrate the success, and Hua Tsai, VanNess Wu and Tommy Tam all attended. Hua Zai said that he had suggested to the director that he should play a number of characters from the Three Kingdoms, first playing Zhao Zilong, then Liu Bei and Guan Gong, to see how many he could play.

Editor: Zhou Zhongxiao

Leading the way, the Great Wall cross-country gun&the gun is on the market.

Transfer from: Xinmin. com

  On June 16th, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Auto Show kicked off. The innovative masterpieces of the Great Wall Gun-"Global Intelligent Luxury Off-road Pickup" 2023 off-road gun and "King of the Desert" 2023 gun were officially launched, and they continued to lead the off-road pickup track in China with championship strength.

  The 2023 off-road guns will be added without increasing the price. The official guide price of gasoline models is 169,800-179,800 yuan, and the official guide price of diesel models is 176,800-186,800 yuan. At the same time, thanks to the support and love of new and old users, the third anniversary of the launch of off-road guns, 23 limited editions of off-road guns were specially launched, with the first batch of 333 sets. The price of gasoline limited edition models was 199,800 yuan, and the price of diesel limited edition models was 206,800 yuan. Car buyers enjoy five major gifts: "financial gift, replacement gift, interconnection gift, service gift and recommendation gift", and 333 limited edition users also enjoy an outdoor camping gift package worth 3,000 yuan. The official guide price of the 2023 artillery is 182,800 yuan, and users can order it through the Great Wall Gun APP, and enjoy financial gifts and service gifts when buying a car.

  At the same time, Great Wall Gun’s first high-value pickup truck products, such as 6X6 co-creation model, Shanhai gun and 2023 passenger gun, were unveiled, and it was announced that it would join hands with China’s top desert cross-country players to set up a desert cross-country user base of Great Wall Gun to boost the pickup truck culture in China.

Strong rejuvenation of cross-country duo sets a new benchmark for the value of off-road pickup trucks in China.

  As the leading product of the Great Wall Gun in the off-road market, the 2023 off-road gun and the 2023 gun are condensed.The king of pickup trucks and the wisdom of the world are smarter, more luxurious, safer and more off-road, leading the category of off-road pickup trucks to jump upwards.

  As the first all-terrain mass-produced off-road pickup truck in China, the off-road gun is widely trusted by off-road players, ranking first in the sales of off-road pickup trucks in China. With the three hard-core strengths of "off-road, off-road heart and off-road fun", the 2023 off-road gun has become a professional partner of off-road enthusiasts.

  The new car breaks consumers’ prejudice and understanding of traditional pickup trucks with its domineering and tough appearance and luxurious technology interior. The interior adopts 12.3-inch Zhilian touch screen +7-inch color LCD instrument double suspension design, laser carving process luminous decorative board, which is bursting with science and technology. There are also 50 watts of wireless fast charging, heated and ventilated leather seats, leather steering wheel, automatic headlights, electric sunroof, Bluetooth keys and other leapfrog equipment, bringing a new luxury experience of passenger car class.

  The 2023 off-road gun is equipped with a 2.0T+8AT gold power combination; The original factory is equipped with hard-core equipment such as front and rear axle electronically controlled differential lock, K-MAN nitrogen cross-country shock absorber, Bailuchi KO2 all-terrain tire, winch, wading throat, front and rear iron competitive bars, etc. The domestic pickup truck pioneered the creeping mode and tank turning, which greatly reduced the difficulty of off-road and improved driving safety; Brand-new upgrade off-road side pedal, new transparent chassis, upgraded high-performance cooling system, and unique off-road thermal management system, so that off-road can do whatever you want.

  The new car comes standard with ESP body stabilization system; Equipped with high-order intelligent driving assistance, the functions cover ACC adaptive cruise, AEB active braking, collision warning, smart dodge, intelligent lane assistance, etc., and use technology to ensure safety; The whole car is equipped with 6 airbags, high-strength body, the first original factory standard 3mm thick chassis metal armor, and all-round armor protection to ensure users’ driving safety and care for every wonderful moment.

  The 2023 off-road gun provides six driving modes: 2H, 4H, 4L, snow, mud and sand. It has a unique off-road expert mode at the same level, allowing experienced players to enjoy pure off-road fun. A number of modified harnesses and switches are reserved, and the original factory has its own towing qualification and trailer anti-swing function to expand the wonderful and fun outdoor life.

  As the first personalized off-road modified product of "Cannonball Project", since the birth of artillery, climbing Mount Everest, wearing Yunnan and Tibet, and protecting scientific research have demonstrated the off-road spirit without fear of challenges with flexible and powerful strength, creating a legend of the charm of single-row off-road pickup trucks. At this year’s Alashan Desert Heroes’ Meeting, double artillery successfully challenged Bilutu Peak, which is known as the "Desert Everest". Only 1 minute and 35 seconds, a mirror to the end, glory to the top, showing extraordinary off-road strength.

  The 2023 artillery is strong and rejuvenated, and with all-round product competitiveness, it has become the "king of the desert" preferred by cool play, cross-country and competitive people. The performance of the engine is further improved, with the maximum power reaching 160kW and the peak torque reaching 380N·m, without fear of rough journey; The wheelbase of the whole vehicle is 2745mm, the golden ratio, the single-row structure, the cooperation with the Borgwarner part-time 4wd system, the super passability and the off-road capability are leading at the same level; In addition, the artillery has a number of fever-level off-road equipment, which is fully equipped by the original factory, saving the trouble of modifying and injuring the car in the later stage, so that users can enjoy the hearty feeling of climbing mountains and mountains.

  It is worth mentioning that 2023 off-road guns and 2023 guns have the most convenient pickup truck sales service network in China, with over 2,000 outlets and an average service radius of less than 50km, so they can enjoy fast and convenient service even in remote places.

Insist on category innovation, product diversification, high-energy pickup lineup amazing audience.

  At this auto show, Great Wall Gun not only brought new and upgraded off-road pickup products, but also brought many innovative masterpieces such as passenger leisure, fashion business, personalized co-creation and modification on the same stage to stage a pickup feast.

  Great Wall Gun 6X6 co-creation model is based on China’s first 6X6 super off-road platform newly launched by Great Wall Gun and Chaojing. The platform has three black technologies of "all terrain, super power and unlimited expansion", creating a brand-new category, breaking the situation that foreign capital dominates 6X6, and leading China’s hard-core cross-country to an advanced level. Thanks to the innovative technology of the platform, the Great Wall Gun 6X6 co-created model has strong all-terrain and all-scene off-road capability, and meets all the aspirations of pickup truck players for 6X6′ s tough travel mode with the hard-core strength of "creating new species, creating new life and creating new benchmarks".

  The large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck Shanhai Gun has three extreme product strengths of "high performance, super luxury and super fun", which fills the blank of high-end luxury pickup trucks in China. With its unparalleled crossing ability, changeable refitting ability, outstanding towing ability and full-scene leisure adaptability, it has become the real king of outdoor.

  The 2023 passenger gun, positioned as "global intelligent luxury passenger pickup truck", is built on the world’s leading intelligent professional off-road tank platform, and has passed 76 kinds of global road and extreme environment tests such as "extremely cold, extremely hot and plateau", with the test mileage exceeding 6 million kilometers and leading the same level in technical performance. The new car strives to improve in terms of "intelligence, luxury, safety and comfort" and achieve a higher-value luxury experience.

  On the public day of the auto show, the 2023 commercial gun and King Kong gun AT models will also make a stunning appearance. The 2023 commercial guns positioned as "global intelligent luxury commercial pickups" have become the preferred business partners and intelligent assistants of business elites in the new era with five hard-core strengths of "super enjoyment of driving, super power, super safety, super load-bearing and super ingenuity".

  The "100,000-yuan automatic pickup truck" King Kong cannon is a new entrepreneurial equipment brought to the strugglers in the new era. It is deeply built from the dimensions of "hard core King Kong, King Kong quality, super King Kong and fashion King Kong" to help users have a good business and a better life.

Join hands with off-road players to create a user base to help China pickup culture jump.

  Great Wall Gun not only provides users with high-performance pickup products, but also deeply cultivates the ecological construction of users with the concept of comprehensive TO C service, plays with users, creates a life of sharing full-scene pickup trucks, and promotes the development of pickup culture in China.

  At this auto show, Great Wall Gun officially announced that it will join top desert cross-country players in China to set up three user bases in Wulanbuhe, Badain Jaran and Kumutage, enabling users to play desert cross-country and become a gathering place for desert cross-country enthusiasts all over the world.

  Five extreme desert cross-country players appeared at the Great Wall Gun booth as "Great Wall Gun Desert Cross-country-Shanhai Culture Co-creation Officer", sharing off-road stories, starting off-road journeys with users, and injecting the upward development of off-road pickup truck culture in China..

  As a pickup truck leader, the cumulative global sales of Great Wall pickup trucks exceeded 2 million, ranking first for 25 consecutive years. From January to May this year, the domestic terminal market share of Great Wall pickup trucks exceeded 50%. For every two pickup trucks sold in China, one is Great Wall. Great Wall Gun is the best-selling pickup truck brand in China, and it is the first high-end pickup truck brand to exceed 450,000 units. It has been listed in more than 50 countries on four continents.

  In the future, the Great Wall Gun will insist on category innovation and user co-creation, and ignite the pickup truck dream and off-road dream in everyone’s heart. It will also represent the pickup truck brand in China, make a decisive battle with the international mainstream brands in the global market, and make the China pickup truck popular all over the world.

  (Xinmin. com published this article for the purpose of transmitting automobile information, and does not represent the views of this website.)

Tell the story of China with a documentary to make the image of China brighter.

In recent years, under the vigorous promotion of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio and Television, documentaries reflecting the current progress in China have attracted increasing attention, and a multi-theme and three-dimensional documentary creation and dissemination pattern in China is taking shape.

Author: Zhang Yanli

Source: People’s Daily (abridged original)

Documentary creation and dissemination is an important part of strengthening international communication capacity building. For a long time, documentaries with authenticity as their essential features, because of their credibility, appeal and artistry, are easy to gain people’s understanding and recognition under different cultural backgrounds, and then become cultural and artistic carriers to tell the story of China well, spread the voice of China and show the true three-dimensional and comprehensive image of China.


In terms of subject matter, documentaries on natural science and technology, history and culture are favored in the international community. In recent years, under the vigorous promotion of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio and Television, documentaries reflecting the current progress of China have attracted increasing attention, such as the theme of building a century-old party, building a well-off society in an all-round way, tackling poverty and fighting the epidemic. A multi-theme, three-dimensional China documentary creation and dissemination pattern is taking shape.

Pay attention to international expression, co-production and cooperation into common forms.

The international dissemination of documentaries includes two ways: promoting domestic documentaries to "go global" and strengthening international cooperation in co-broadcasting.


Since 2021, Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio and Television have jointly implemented the China Documentary Promotion and Support Project, which supports and rewards outstanding domestic documentaries that have achieved good international communication effects every quarter, accelerates the "going out" of domestic documentaries, tells the story of China to the world, spreads Chinese culture well, and shows a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China.

At present, some excellent domestic documentaries have brought international communication into their field of vision from the beginning of their creation. Qinghai Our National Park, which is directed by the State Administration of Radio and Television and focuses on the protection and construction of the first batch of national parks, pays attention to international expression. The documentary is broadcast on the international mainstream media platform and won the prize in the international documentary festival.

A series of documentaries "Remember Homesickness" organized by CCTV Chinese International Channel of the Central Radio and Television General Station launched an international edition, which refined the elements of Chinese excellent traditional culture and launched a new exploration of perceiving Chinese culture.

With the continuous updating of the concept of documentary international communication, appropriate international expressions have been used more effectively, and co-production and cooperative communication between China and foreign countries have become a common form of documentary "going out". The number of works created by this way of cooperation is increasing, the themes are increasingly rich, and the partners are increasingly diverse.


Producer of the State Council Information Office, the documentary "On Rice, Oil and Salt" about realizing a well-off society in an all-round way is broadcast simultaneously by domestic and foreign mainstream media platforms and market-oriented new media organizations by adopting the co-production and cooperative communication mechanism.

The documentary "The Great Poet Du Fu" filmed by CCTV in cooperation with the British media tells the story of China’s Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu. The whole film is told by British historians in the process of pursuing Du Fu’s life footprint, and Du Fu is compared with Shakespeare and Dante, which are familiar to western audiences, so that foreign audiences can understand the story of Du Fu, a poet in China.

Through the cooperation between China and foreign countries, the story is told from the audience’s perspective, the contextual barriers are broken, and the common empathy points are found, which makes the story easier to understand and accept, and the works are easy to obtain better communication effects.

Pay attention to effect orientation, realize quality and efficiency improvement by internal and external linkage

After the normalization of co-production and cooperative communication between China and foreign countries, there are higher and higher requirements for further improving the ability level of cooperative communication, strengthening the effect orientation of cooperation, and continuously enhancing and optimizing the effectiveness of domestic and international communication of China documentaries.


The second season of the documentary "From Chang ‘an to Rome", which was planned by the Central Radio and Television General Station and co-produced by China and Italy, uses the parallel perspective of "A Tale of Two Cities" and short video to tell the story of past lives, two ancient capitals, blending and learning from different civilizations in a simple way, which is an example of cooperative communication of national TV media platforms. Directed by Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Foreign Promotion Bureau, the documentary "Return to the City of Thorn" takes the Oriental Travel Notes "The City of Light" written by Jacob D ‘Ancona as the lead, decoding the oriental color and influence of China’s marine civilization from a global perspective, and showing Quanzhou as a world cultural heritage to the world.

As the first English documentary showing the course of Wuhan’s fight against COVID-19 epidemic, China International Television, the general radio and television station of China Central, let netizens around the world know the real situation of China’s fight against COVID-19 epidemic in time.


Under the background of the rapid development of Internet industry and the deepening of media integration in China, documentaries have entered the "Internet Age". The network platform is not only a communication channel, but also an important emerging force to tell the story of China well with documentaries through highly market-oriented joint production, self-control and cooperation. Tencent video self-made series documentary "Flavor Origin" has won the favor of overseas streaming media platforms. The third part of this series, Flavor Origin Gansu, has been broadcast in more than 190 countries and regions around the world, providing a window for people all over the world to know and understand China culture.


"Borrowing the exhibition to the sea" is also an important channel for documentary international communication. By participating in international mainstream documentary festivals and exhibitions, we will take the opportunity of participating in the awards to attract potential partners. Excellent documentaries such as "Love in the Yangtze River" jointly produced by several provincial satellite TV stations along the Yangtze River under the guidance of the State Administration of Radio and Television and led by Shanghai Radio and Television Station have entered the international stage by participating in international mainstream documentary festivals and exhibitions.

Pay attention to humanistic care, and win the recognition of the people through emotional resonance.

Telling the story of a century-old party with a documentary has become a beautiful scenery for the documentary to spread abroad in 2021. The large-scale documentary feature film "Dare to Teach the Sun and Moon to Change the Sky" was carefully translated in a more acceptable way for the target audience. It was broadcast on six channels in five languages, namely English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian, and on various new media platforms at the Central Radio and Television General Station. While strengthening the global expression, the program paid attention to regional and differentiated expression, and achieved good external communication effects.

The "Vitality Code" produced by China International Television, the Central Radio and Television General Station, shows the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s unswerving spirit in an international narrative voice, and vividly depicts the historical leap of China’s development. The documentary Return to the Red Flag Canal, co-produced by China Education Television and other units in conjunction with France, explores the era significance of the Red Flag Canal through the eyes of two travelers, and presents the era glory of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people’s spiritual pedigree. The documentary "Journey of the Brave" focuses on the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s great party-building spirit, tells the real experience of revisiting Jiajin Mountains, Wujiang and Qiongya with the help of guests, and vividly explains the great party-building spirit.


On the basis of real records, documentaries bear the presentation and construction of human emotions and values, and shoulder the aesthetic pursuit and humanistic care that film and television art should have. Documentary creation should establish a sense of community of human destiny, focusing not only on China’s theme and China’s story, but also on the common concerns of human society, so as to open the channel of emotional resonance with genuine dialogue, thus realizing value recognition and promoting the common feelings of the people.


The documentary "The Frozen Kingdom of Snow Leopard", initiated by the Central Radio and Television General Station and co-produced by several international teams, tells the story from an anthropomorphic perspective and endows the work with strong feelings and humanistic care. After the program was broadcast on the opening day of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, it attracted the attention of the international community and showed the natural beauty and cultural charm of China in winter to overseas audiences. The China News Agency of China Foreign Languages Bureau interprets the documentary "Approaching Daliangshan" produced by China Studio and Japanese documentary director Takeuchi Ryo, and tells the story of getting rid of poverty in Daliangshan based on a Japanese director’s personal travel experience in Daliangshan. After the film was launched in mainstream media at home and abroad, it touched many Chinese and foreign netizens.


The story of China told by documentary makes the lovely and respectable image of China brighter. Documentary creation has a broader vision, is closer to the times, tells a more peaceful tone, and pays more attention to touching people’s hearts with human empathy.

Editor | Rao Wenyuan Xu Lei