Peng Yuyan’s birthday is not lonely, and he once asked Jolin Tsai to verify the authenticity of indecent photos


   Peng Yuyan (right) is creamed by Chiaki Ito (left), the heroine of Honey Lucky Grass.

    The day before yesterday (March 24) was Yu Yan’s 26th birthday. He spent time in the film factory shooting "Honey Lucky Grass". It was rumored that he had asked the other party about Jolin’s involvement in the indecent photo controversy: "Are those photos real?" He hesitated, saying: "Between friends, it’s normal to ask like this."

    Asked if Jolin had given him a gift? Yu Yan begged the reporter for mercy: "Even if you give me a birthday gift, don’t let me see her name in every report." Although Jolin is not around, he still has Zheng Yuanchang, Zhang Junning, and Japanese actress Chiaki Ito to celebrate his birthday at the video factory. Zheng Yuanchang gave him a white bag, Ito Chiaki gave a stone made of happy grass, and Zhang Junning, who did not prepare a gift, smiled: "Then I will pack it and give it to you."

    On his 26th birthday, Peng Yuyan lamented the passage of time: "I cherish what I have now, and I know how to enjoy life more and more." Indeed, no matter his career or relationship, he is in the best state, but his friends often hope that he will not be blind when he is in love, and it is better to be rational. (Li Li/Wen)

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

Patients with advanced cancer insist on driving online car-hailing just to save more money for their mothers

  "Goodbye, take your time." Wang Jun, the driver of the online taxi, stopped the car steadily and turned around to greet the passengers in the back seat politely. His face was slightly pale. After delivering a passenger, he stuffed a pill into his mouth and took it with boiling water in a thermos cup. Then he drove to the next destination according to the voice prompt of his mobile phone.

  This is a scene that took place last week. No one could have imagined that the driver was a terminal cancer patient.

  Wang Jun only wanted to drive for one more day when he was confident that his body could still support it. He didn’t dare to stop because his mother, who was dependent on him, had uremia and mild Alzheimer’s disease. The monthly treatment fee of several thousand yuan was a fixed expenditure, and he wanted to save a little more for his mother’s living expenses and medical expenses.

  Son with cholangiocarcinoma who still insists on using online car-hailing

  Wang Jun, a native of Yuzhong District, Chongqing, was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in early July.

  The scariest thing about the disease is the insidious nature of the disease. Patients often have no symptoms in the early stage, and once detected, they are advanced. Doctors say that patients with the disease can usually survive for six months to a year, and if treated well, it may last for two years. But so far, no case has been found in the world that has survived for five years.

  Wang Jun is only 37 years old. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to any family. But Wang Jun didn’t fall, he didn’t even stop getting out of the car. Because he knew there were more important things to do.

  It turned out that my mother had been diagnosed with uremia. Uremia usually doesn’t kill people all at once, but dialysis must be adhered to. Since then, dialysis three times a week has been unstoppable. Each dialysis costs 200 yuan, and the monthly dialysis fee is at least 2,400 yuan. Wang Jun’s mother, Xie Zaigui, has a pension of only 2,600 yuan.

  In order to take care of his mother and increase family income, in 2015, Wang Jun resigned from the bus company and started to drive an online car. The car was purchased with a loan and operated by an online car-hailing unit. Nearly 140,000 yuan for the car, a monthly payment of 3,200 yuan, and now there are still 3 years of loans, about 88,000 yuan that have not been paid off.

  After being diagnosed with cancer, Wang Jun felt that his physical strength could still support him. Under the condition of ensuring the safety of driving, he continued to drive every day. If he could earn a little more, he could earn a little more. He calculated the account and drove an online car, and he could earn three or four hundred yuan a day. For every extra day of running, he could save an extra one or two times to do dialysis for his mother.

  Wang Jun kept a lot of photos of his mother in his phone. When he was resting, he took them out to take a look. This is the source of support for him.

  A mother with uremia and fading memory

  Wang Jun’s mother and son have always had a very good relationship. Wang Jun’s father died of illness when he was 4, and it was his mother who raised him. His stepfather also died a few years ago. After Wang Jun divorced in 2016, he and his mother depended on each other for life.

  Since Wang Jun had to drive, most of the time Xie Zaigui went to the hospital for dialysis by himself. Last year, Wang Jun vaguely felt that something was wrong. One day, the dialysis was supposed to end at 11 am, but his mother didn’t come home until 1 pm. It turned out that she suddenly didn’t know where she was going and took the wrong car. Another time, eating at home, his mother suddenly looked up and said to him: "You and your father will go out later, and you need to come back early."

  He took his mother for a checkup, and it turned out that her mother had mild Alzheimer’s disease. Memory declines, and if left unchecked, severe cognitive impairment can occur.

  Mom now often sits at home watching TV or watching the neighbors play cards. She used to like to keep the house spotless, but now she doesn’t like to clean it, and sometimes she doesn’t even care about the rice in the pot.

  Wang Jun checked the Internet and found that becoming lazy and not moving were all symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. He had seen the movie "Eraser in My Memory" and knew that Alzheimer’s disease would erase his memory bit by bit like an eraser until he couldn’t remember anything.

  Seeing that his mother’s memory was fading day by day, Wang Jun was very anxious. He heard that practicing calligraphy can exercise his brain power, so he bought a copybook and asked his mother to write it, just like coaxing a child. After writing it, he gave her his favorite dessert. Wang Jun also coaxed his mother to cook, but the effect was minimal, and his mother remained the same.

  In order to take care of his mother, his son has not traveled far for many years

  Huang Lu, a friend who has played together since childhood, said that in the past, Wang Jun would actively participate in friends’ gatherings and outings. But after his mother fell ill, he never went out again. Wang Jun is very much looking forward to taking his mother for more walks. Because of dialysis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, he can’t go out for more than two days.

  This spring, he drove his mother and aunt to the Fuling Great Wood Flower Valley. Xie Zaigui was as happy as a child, wearing his favorite clothes, wearing a silk scarf, and taking many pictures in the sea of flowers. Seeing his mother so happy, Wang Jun decided to take her out as much as possible before her memory deteriorated. If you can’t go far away, you can go nearby. Let her memory leave the best look in this world.

  Earlier this year, in order to make it easier for their mother to receive dialysis treatment three times a week, the mother and son sold the old house they had lived in for decades and bought a second-hand house near the hospital. The new home is only one stop away from the hospital. Xie Zaigui can take the bus and walk back.

  The new home of only 50 square meters made the mother and son very satisfied. Wang Jun thought that this was a new beginning, and he wanted to drive well and let his mother live a good life. But he didn’t expect that fate would play such a joke on him again.

  The son was hospitalized, and his mother gave him a sick meal

  After learning that her son was sick, her mother was obviously more "obedient" than before. She may not be completely clear about the severity of Wang Jun’s condition. But her temper is not as stubborn as before, and she is much more obedient.

  After finding out his condition and driving for more than ten days, Wang Jun felt that his physical strength was gradually running out. He knew that driving while sick was also a safety hazard. Due to the blockage of the bile duct and the need for stent drainage surgery, Wang Jun reluctantly admitted to the hospital. He told his mother that the weather was hot, so he stayed at home and did not come to see him. But his mother still insisted on taking the car to the hospital, guarding Wang Jun’s bedside, holding his hand tightly, and did not want to leave. Wang Jun had to ask his classmates to help build a small bed next to him, and his mother accompanied him during the day and slept here at night. The mother and son took care of each other. He combed his mother’s hair, and her mother gave him a sick meal, and then accompanied him to the hospital downstairs in the evening.

  Xie Zaigui held her son in her thin, shriveled hands, just like when she was a child, holding hands to send him to school. Xie Zaigui would forget what she had done five minutes ago, but her son’s childhood was clearly remembered. She muttered silently, "I have been very obedient since I was a child, and I am not naughty. I am safe and orderly, and I have never fought…" (from "Chongqing Morning News")

Meituan VS, much more than takeout

Recently, on the 10th anniversary of,, which was put into Alibaba’s arms in April this year, has made full use of Alibaba’s funds and resources to launch a series of activities to accelerate business expansion and market capture. In fact, although the competition between Meituan and originated from food delivery, the war has already spread to a broader local service business. On the one hand, Meituan Dianping, which is fully fledged and is about to go public, and on the other hand,, which is connected with Alibaba’s system, who will be better?

Takeaway old things, Ali’s thoughts

According to the data of 17 years and the first half of 18 years, Meituan is a well-deserved leader in terms of transaction volume and user platform distribution. Even though acquired Baidu takeaway in August last year, it is still inferior to Meituan, which has more than half of the market share. However, the takeaway market, which originally thought that the pattern had been set, has made a comeback with’s defection to Ali Langyan. The takeaway business is the largest local life service entrance, which is not only Meituan’s main business but also the strategic support point for Ali’s layout of new retail. In fact, there has always been a shadow of Ali’s capital in Meituan’s initial financing, but Meituan was dissatisfied with Ali’s strength and control. Ali also lost patience with Meituan’s wavering between Tencent and Ali, and the two sides eventually parted ways. Now Alibaba is spearheading, investing 3 billion yuan this summer to achieve the short-term goal of raising’s market share to 50%. In the opinion of CEO Wang Lei, Alibaba’s battle of living locally is "impossible to lose", which also means that Alibaba will invest huge funds and resources in

The ecological closure of the largest unicorn

In the "2017 China Unicorn Enterprise Ranking", Meituan Dianping ranked first in the e-commerce industry with a valuation of 30 billion US dollars. After Meituan Dianping officially submitted the prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on June 25 this year, its valuation was as high as 60 billion US dollars. Meituan Dianping has built a one-stop comprehensive life service platform to connect merchants and consumers, creating a "merchant + service + consumer" ecological closed loop. Its business coverage is beyond the reach of other competitors. According to Meituan Dianping’s prospectus, food delivery, in-store catering, and hotel tourism are the company’s main businesses, contributing more than 90% of its revenue and gross profit. At the same time, Meituan Dianping has launched new businesses such as fresh food, online car-hailing, and merchant services this year, continuously improving the local service system and building ecological barriers.

From a financial point of view, Meituan comments on the one hand, the rapid expansion of revenue, benefiting from the number of users, transaction frequency, flow rate, as well as new business development, brand influence and other factors, in 2017 the company’s gross merchandise volume and operating income reached 357 billion yuan and 33.93 billion yuan, revenue growth rate of 161.2% exceeded the gross merchandise volume growth rate of 51.0%. On the other hand, Meituan losses continue to narrow. According to the prospectus, from 2015 – 5.91 billion yuan narrowed to 2016 – 5.35 billion yuan, 2017 further narrowed to – 2.85 billion yuan, loss halved within 3 years. It is worth mentioning here that, like companies such as Xiaomi and Meitu listed in Hong Kong before, Meituan also has "non-operating losses" due to the increase in the fair value of "convertible redeemable preference shares" issued to shareholders in past financing. Therefore, after excluding the special accounting treatment related to the above, the "adjusted net loss" is more valuable.

Close combat, local service will eventually die?

Ali has been punching frequently since its acquisition of, and it has accelerated its action after Meituan Dianping submitted its prospectus. Although Meituan Dianping stands behind the major shareholder Tencent, Tencent is more like an investor than a controller, and there is no deep cooperation or connection between the companies it invests in. Therefore, the current competition landscape is Meituan’s ecological closed-loop against the deep integration of Ali + The two sides have gone head-to-head in various fields, Meituan takeaway and in the field of catering takeaway, Dianping and word-of-mouth in life information, in-store catering, and baby elephant fresh and Hema Fresh in fresh new retail. Through the timeline of the expansion of the local service business of both parties, it is not difficult to see that many of the new businesses are still small in size, and many of the cooperation and opening up have just begun, and the market share will still change.

The author of this article: Liu Yihe (intern)

Drop! Drop! Drop! From July, your life will change because of these new laws and regulations.

  CCTV News:Since July, a number of new policies and regulations have been implemented. Let’s take a look.

  Central adjustment of endowment insurance fund


  On July 1st, China officially implemented the central adjustment system of endowment insurance funds. Prior to this, the basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees in China was coordinated at the provincial level, and the income and expenditure and balance of each coordinated area were very unbalanced. The implementation of the central adjustment system of endowment insurance funds can increase the overall anti-risk ability of the endowment insurance system and make the timely and full payment of pensions in various places more secure. 

  Import tariffs on daily necessities have been greatly reduced. 


  From July 1st, the import tariffs on consumer goods will be lowered to a large extent. The average import tariff rate of clothing, shoes, hats, kitchens and sports and fitness products decreased from 15.9% to 7.1%; The average import tariff rate of household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators was reduced from 20.5% to 8%; The average import tariff rate of processed foods such as aquaculture, fishing aquatic products and mineral water decreased from 15.2% to 6.9%; The average import tariff rate of washing products, cosmetics such as skin care and hairdressing, and some medical and health products decreased from 8.4% to 2.9%. The downward adjustment is basically above 50%.

  Import tariffs on automobiles have been considerably reduced. 


  From July 1st, China will reduce the import tariffs on automobiles considerably. Reduce the tariffs on automobiles with tax rates of 25% and 20% respectively to 15%; Reduce the tariffs on auto parts with tax rates of 8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% to 6%.

  The maximum discount for railway fare readjustment is 6.5%.

  Three months after the last map adjustment, the railway department will implement the train diagram adjustment in the second phase of this year from July 1, and at the same time, from July 5, optimize the published fares of some high-speed trains, with a maximum discount of 6.5 fold. Compared with the current situation, the adjusted executive fare has generally increased and decreased.

  Mobile phone traffic roaming will be cancelled.


  China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom announced that the roaming fee (excluding the traffic from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) will be cancelled from July 1st, and the traffic of mobile phone users in the province will be upgraded to domestic traffic, and the mobile phone traffic will no longer be divided into provincial, provincial/local and national. Since the "long-distance" call fee was completely abolished in September last year, there will be no difference in the main fees generated by the use of mobile phone numbers in all parts of the country (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) except the difference in attribution.

  Fees for higher education degree certification are cancelled.

  From July 1st, China will completely cancel the fees for domestic higher education degree certification services. In the next step, the Ministry of Education will vigorously promote the electronic inquiry authentication service to better meet the social needs such as data inquiry of domestic higher education degree certificates.

  The central bank will targeted cuts to required reserve ratios by 0.5 percentage points. 

  From July 5, the central bank will reduce the RMB deposit reserve ratio of large state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, postal savings banks, city commercial banks, non-county rural commercial banks and foreign banks by 0.5 percentage points, further promote the marketization and legalization of "debt-to-equity swaps" and increase support for small and micro enterprises.

  Foreign investment access list is smaller and more open.


  From July 28, a series of restrictions on foreign investment in banking, securities, automobile manufacturing, power grid construction, railway trunk road network construction and chain gas station construction will be lifted. The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce recently released the negative list of foreign investment access in 2018, and launched a new round of opening-up measures in 22 fields including finance, infrastructure, transportation and trade circulation. 

The "family" is amazing! You must have never seen the Wuxi version of Animal World …


For the first time, the activity trace of the Chinese gazelle, a national second-class key protected animal, was found in Zhuhai, Yixing. The fragile snake lizard, which requires extremely high living environment, has a stable breeding small population in Yixing. The bryophyte survey was carried out to fill in the gap and 11 new records were found in Wuxi …


Satellite map of Wuxi administrative region

The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning

Investigation on wildlife resources in our city

And the survey of wild plant resources achieved interim results.

Through a year’s field investigation and research analysis, it is shown that


There are 1409 species of higher plants in our city, and Wuxi is one of the areas with the most concentrated plant resources in Jiangsu. A total of 285 species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians were found in the city, accounting for 47.2% of the total number of Jiangsu Province, of which 235 species of birds were investigated, accounting for 52.5% of the total number of bird species in the province, and the biodiversity richness can be said to be in the forefront of the province.

Good habitat environment

Crispy snake lizard has a stable breeding small population.

Most wild animals are hidden in deep forests and rivers and springs wetlands, and some of them are not easy to be found by people, but they are important indicators of biodiversity. "The latest survey of terrestrial wildlife resources in Wuxi was conducted in 2011, and it has been more than ten years since then." Feng Yao, who is in charge of wildlife protection in the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning, said that this survey is particularly meaningful from the perspective of finding out the "family background" of wildlife resources.

Bird survey

It is particularly worth mentioning that the survey covers not only mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and terrestrial vertebrates, but also insects, with a wider coverage.

Insect investigation

"There are many kinds of insects in the world. Although it is small, it is the species that best reflects biodiversity. Bird migration season and breeding season need to prey and accumulate energy, and the existence of insects plays an important role in the integrity of the biological chain. " Feng Yao introduced that the insect specimens collected in this survey identified 185 species in 12 orders. Among them, a species endemic to China and a national second-class protected animal, Cynomorium songaricum, was found in Yixing Forest Farm, which was recorded for the first time in Wuxi.

The beetle (left) and the tiger-spotted butterfly (right) discovered by insect investigation

At the same time, 40 species of butterflies belonging to 5 families were recorded, among which 4 species were newly recorded in Wuxi.

"The reptiles have extremely high requirements on water quality and habitat environment. The discovery of the brittle snake lizard has excited us for a long time." According to the investigators, 8 species of amphibians in 1 order, 3 families and 16 species of reptiles in 2 orders and 7 families were recorded, including 4 species of national second-class protected animals, namely tiger frog, turtle, flat-breasted turtle and brittle snake lizard.

In particular, the brittle snake lizard is a rare species in the mountain forest area of East China, its behavior is hidden and rarely known to the public, and its distribution and population number are relatively rare in East China. This survey found that there are stable small populations near Zhuhai and surrounding Yixing Forest Farm in Yixing City, indicating that the protection of local habitats is effective.

Infrared camera monitoring photos of some mammal species investigated.

There are also many new discoveries in mammals, including 6 orders, 14 families and 26 species. Among these animals, raccoon, leopard cat and Chinese gazelle are the second-class national key protected animals. Field infrared camera monitoring results show that Apodemus chinensis, Mus musculus, South China rabbit, wild boar, pig badger and Yellow weasel are common mammals in Wuxi.

Surprisingly, through fecal DNA identification technology, the investigators confirmed the existence of Chinese gazelle in Zhuhai, Yixing. Chinese gazelle is a large herbivore of Artiodactyla and Bovidae. "The appearance of this species shows that the environmental quality in Yixing mountain area has improved obviously in recent years, and the protection should be further strengthened to provide favorable conditions for the rejuvenation of the medium-sized carnivore population in the later period." Investigators said.

There are a group of regular birdwatchers in Wuxi, where the sky is blue and the water is clear. What is the "bird situation" in Wuxi? It is reported that a total of 235 species of birds were recorded in last year’s survey, including 6 species of national first-class protected animals such as oriental stork and Chinese merganser duck, and 42 species of national second-class protected animals such as white pelican.

"From the perspective of bird residence type, there are 86 species of winter migratory birds, accounting for 36.6%, followed by resident birds, summer migratory birds and tourist birds, accounting for 32.8%, 26.4% and 4.3% respectively." Feng Yao said that over the past 10 years, birdwatchers in our city have recorded about 370 species of birds, and the specific data need to be further verified and supplemented in the next investigation, so as to "draw a clear picture" of birds as much as possible and build a good database.

Fill the gap in plant investigation

There are more than 220 species of moss alone.

A Newly Recorded Species, Lepidoptera spinosa, in Wuxi City

"Moss is a primitive higher plant group that is extremely sensitive to environmental changes. It is a large plant category in East China. It is the home for insects, microorganisms and so on, and it is of great significance to the study of biodiversity." Feng Yao introduced that in order to reflect the biodiversity of our city more comprehensively, a special survey was conducted on bryophytes, which also filled the gap in the field of wild plant survey in Wuxi.

According to the consulting data and field survey, there are 221 species of bryophytes belonging to 94 genera and 44 families in our city, among which 11 species of bryophytes such as deciduous feather moss, spiny leaf feather moss and dense leaf calyx moss were discovered for the first time in Wuxi.

In terms of vascular plants, gratifying achievements have been made in the protection of biodiversity. A total of 1188 species of vascular plants belonging to 567 genera in 155 families have been investigated, including 47 species of pteridophytes belonging to 28 genera in 19 families, 11 species of gymnosperms belonging to 10 genera in 6 families and 1130 species of angiosperms belonging to 529 genera in 130 families.

Specimens of wax leaves of some plants

"Through the analysis of the geographical elements of plants, it can be seen that the flora of Wuxi has certain antiquity, such as Lycopodium, Selaginella and Equisetum of ferns, Dictyophora of gymnosperms, Magnoliaceae and Hamamelidaceae of angiosperms." According to the researchers, 11 kinds of national protected plants (above Grade II) have been found in Wuxi, namely, Plum, Ginkgo biloba, Dictyophora bungeana, Pistacia crassipes, Zelkova schneideriana, Tenjikukatsura, wild soybean, wild water chestnut, fragrant fruit tree and buckwheat, and many of them are "longevity stars" in the plant kingdom.

The national protected plant Anemone spicata.

Wild soybean, a national protected plant.

For example, in addition to the plum, gingko and money pine that Wuxi people are familiar with, the fragrant fruit tree also has an "ancient" temperament. It is an ancient relict plant, a deciduous tree with a height of 25 meters and a DBH of 1 meter. It is mainly distributed in Xiaoheigou, Longchi Mountain and other places in Yixing in Wuxi. Investigators also found more than ten wild species of rare and endangered plant Cabernet Sauvignon in Xiangyang broad-leaved forest at an altitude of 300-600 meters in Yixing, which shows that the protection of the germplasm resources of Cabernet Sauvignon in our city has achieved initial results.

Torreya grandis, a national protected plant.

Finding out the "family background" is for more targeted protection. On the basis of a comprehensive investigation of the status quo of wildlife resources and habitats, experts put forward suggestions on biodiversity protection. For example, in the Zhuhai area of Yixing, some rare plants such as torreya grandis and Pinus bungeana grow in the Phyllostachys pubescens forest. Because of the extremely fast propagation speed of Phyllostachys pubescens, interspecific competition and interference pose some threats to the habitats of these rare trees. We can create forest gaps and protect the living environment of rare plants by means of appropriate logging.

Yixing National Forest Park is the mountain with the richest wildlife resources and the best natural forest protection in Wuxi at present. However, in the core area of the reserve, it is found that there are signs of collective mountaineering and hiking hanging by donkey friends. It is suggested that mountaineering and hiking activities should be eliminated in the core area to create a better environment for wildlife survival.

Evergreen broad-leaved forest (Xiaoheigou, Yixing)

It is reported that this year, the city will complete the survey of wildlife resources, and will establish a resource database based on the survey results, strengthen dynamic monitoring, and at the same time increase the supervision and protection of nature reserves, forest parks, wetland parks and other nature reserves to protect wildlife resources to the maximum extent.

Original title: "The family is amazing! You must have never seen the Wuxi version of "Animal World".

The picture of "sad grandpa with unsalable fruit" was abused, and the official accused it of inaccurate marketing.

  Recently, a statement issued by Linyi County Government of Shanxi Province on the improper marketing method of "Linyi Apple is unsalable" has aroused concern. According to the statement, a number of e-commerce companies released the marketing plan of "Linyi Apple is unsalable" and used the "sad card" to market Linyi Apple, which had a serious impact on the brand image of the local fruit industry, and the marketing content was exaggerated and inaccurate.

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter saw that in WeChat official account and e-commerce platforms, there are still merchants who sell apples by slow sales as a marketing propaganda method. In addition to Linyi apples, there are also many businesses selling goods on the grounds of "apples are unsalable", "fresh bamboo shoots are unsalable" and "pineapples are unsalable", all of which use photos of the same old man as propaganda maps. In this regard, e-commerce customer service said that merchants may be suspected of infringing portrait rights, and the platform will also supervise the sales behavior of merchants.


  "Linyi apples are unsalable"? Local claims exaggerate the facts.

  On May 7th, Linyi County Government of Yuncheng, Shanxi Province issued a statement on the improper marketing method of "Linyi Apple is unsalable". According to the statement, recently, several e-commerce platforms released the marketing plan of "Linyi Apple is unsalable", and used the "sad card" to market Linyi Apple, which had a serious impact on the overall brand image of Yuncheng Fruit Industry. After comprehensive and in-depth verification, there are many exaggerations and inaccuracies in this information.

  According to the investigation of Linyi county government, the videos and pictures selected for the report were all taken before 2016, and some of them also used the "posing" method to deliberately create a poor image of fruit farmers. In addition, in order to win the sympathy of consumers to the greatest extent, e-commerce deliberately creates the ugly characteristics of Linyi apples, and the apples presented are all inferior fruits with rust scars, pockmarks, black spots and cracks. These apples are the residual apples left after merchants screen and purchase high-quality apples, accounting for only a small proportion.

  Linyi county government also said in the statement that some platforms have obtained materials with official seals of local townships, villages and fruit industry departments by improper means, and the contents of the statement are seriously inconsistent with the facts; Most platforms deliberately exaggerate the severity of slow sales of fruits, resulting in unreasonable fluctuations in apple prices.

  According to the survey, the main sad brand is a common marketing method, and agricultural products such as pineapple in Xuwen, Guangdong Province and tangerine in Anhui Province have also been marketed in this way. The purpose is to attract people’s attention and gain consumers’ sympathy, which is convenient for fruit farmers to sell their fruits in a short-term and partial way, but it will damage the overall brand image and the overall interests of all fruit farmers in the long run.

  Yesterday, the reporter of Beiqing Daily searched on an e-commerce platform and found that there are still many businesses selling Linyi apples in the name of "caring for farmers" and "40 million kilograms of apples are unsalable in Shanxi". One of the merchants who claimed to sell unsalable apples in Linyi sold 8.5 kg of apples at a price of 28.7 yuan, while the place of delivery was Shenzhen, Guangdong. On its publicity page, an old man wiped his eyes with his arm, holding several banknotes from 10 yuan and 5 yuan in his hand. In other pictures, there are a lot of moldy or damaged apples piled on the ground, and some elderly farmers are standing in the village with apples in their hands. There are many words in the propaganda, such as "fruit farmers are in a hurry" and "want to cry without tears". Commodity reviews show that many buyers are buying for the promotion of helping farmers. The seller admitted to the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the store address was in Shenzhen, but claimed that the photo was taken by "friends who arranged for employees to go to the place of origin".


  Abused "slow-moving grandfather"

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that in addition to "Linyi apples are unsalable", there are many businesses selling goods by "promoting unsalable", including pineapple, fresh bamboo shoots and other foods, as well as blankets and other supplies. Surprisingly, many businesses use photos of the same old man, and this old man is also named "unsalable grandfather" on the Internet.

  In one of the shops selling apples, the publicity picture shows the old man on the left, a large number of apples on the right and the words "Apples for sale, love and help" in the lower right corner. The price of apples is 27.9 yuan for 10 Jin, and the freight is 20 yuan.

  Merchants said in the propaganda, "The local natural environment is only suitable for growing apples, and the economic income is very limited. The blocked traffic makes the fruit harvested every year rotten and can’t be sold. " Merchants are also equipped with photos of local fruit farmers, simple houses and a large number of apples.

  In the publicity, the merchant said that the unsalable apples were produced in Yucheng County, Shangqiu, Henan Province, and the delivery place was Dashahe Town, Fengxian County, Xuzhou.

  In this regard, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted the Yucheng county government. The government staff said that there are indeed many apples planted in the local area, but this year I have not heard of slow sales. "This is a marketing method, which exaggerates marketing." The staff of Dashahe Town Government said that there was unsalable agricultural products last year, but the inventory should have been processed by now. Even if there are still apples left, it is not recommended to buy them. At the same time, there is no traffic jam in Dashahe Town.

  Another store selling "wild bamboo shoots" also used photos of "slow-moving grandfathers". The image of the old man in the propaganda picture remains the same, except that the picture on the right side is replaced by bamboo shoots, which are also accompanied by the words "seeking help".

  The store told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that bamboo shoots came from Lingui District, Guilin, and he didn’t know the "slow-moving grandfather". He used this photo only because "he is good at pulling business", and many different businesses are also using the photos of the grandfather to attract customers. The store also said that because this kind of "wild bamboo shoots" only has a one-month listing period, it really helps the sales after using the photos of "slow-moving grandfather". "Fruits and rice noodles are used a lot, and we are not a family."

  Later, the reporter of Beiqing Daily called the Lingui District Government of Guilin City. A staff member said that it was past the bamboo shoot digging season and had never heard of unsalable agricultural products. "Bamboo shoots are generally dug around Qingming, and now they are very old, and the local planting bases are not so large. Most of them are wild and it is impossible to produce unsalable products."

  Through the image recognition search, after the reporter of Beiqing Daily entered the head photo of "slow-moving grandfather", he identified more than ten kinds of goods, and the types and origins of goods were different. In addition to apples and bamboo shoots, there were lemons, melons, loquats and other foods, even including rose seedlings, lamps and other commodities. The words "seek help" or "help us" were written on the lower right of the publicity map.


  The platform called "slow-moving grandfather" photos or suspected infringement.

  Yesterday, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted the customer service of the online e-commerce platform. For the merchants to sell goods in the name of "slow sales", the customer service said that users can make complaints if they find that the situation is inconsistent, and the staff will handle it.

  In addition, the company also has a large database, which will supervise the merchants. In addition, after seeing the photo of "slow-moving grandfather", the customer service staff said that many shops have used the photo of this grandfather as propaganda, which has been suspected of infringing on the right to portrait. "The shop owner has the right to protect his rights and interests if he finds it. The platform will definitely be responsible for him."


  Shops should bear corresponding administrative responsibilities for false propaganda.

  Lawyer Han Xiao of Beijing Kangda Law Firm said that the store sells Linyi apples and other commodities in the name of unsalable sales, and the statement is seriously inconsistent with the facts, deliberately exaggerating the severity of unsalable fruit, which has been suspected of false propaganda as stipulated in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Anti-Unfair Competition Law. According to relevant regulations, the operator may be fined more than 200,000 yuan and less than 1 million yuan; If the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 1 million yuan but not more than 2 million yuan may be imposed, and the business license may be revoked.

  Regarding the issue of consumer rights protection, Han Xiao introduced that the false propaganda behavior of online stores violated consumers’ right to know. Apple and other commodities do not belong to the category of "seven days without reason to return", but consumers and stores can ask for a refund after consultation.

  In addition, based on the intention of fraud, the store has carried out fraudulent acts of false propaganda, which has caused consumers to have a wrong understanding and bought their fruits based on the wrong understanding. If it has caused losses to consumers’ property (for example, consumers spend a high price to buy back inferior fruits with scars, pits and cracks), their actions are suspected of fraud.

  Text/reporter Guo Linlin Intern Zhang Yaolin

Pan Shiyi: Diwang will face financial risks and buy a house to resist inflation.

Topic: picture channel


  As a leading enterprise in China’s real estate industry, Wang Shi, chairman of Vanke Group, is still at the cusp of fierce controversy, and Pan Shiyi, president of SOHO China, recently declared that many real estate companies in China will have drastic changes within 100 days and enter an unprecedented financing difficult period.

  Once the viewpoint of "Hundred Days Drama Change" was thrown out, it immediately aroused unprecedented repercussions. What kind of tomorrow will China real estate industry face? Will housing prices fall in the "drastic changes" predicted by Pan Shiyi? How many housing enterprises will "die" in this cold?

  On March 25th, when Pan Shiyi attended the Sina Real Estate Innovation Summit, he accepted an exclusive interview with the reporter of China Times to explain in detail the "Hundred Days Drama Change" released by him.

  The sudden change of the situation leads to "a hundred-day drama change"

  China Times: Why do you put forward the view that the real estate industry will face a "hundred-day drama change" at this juncture?

  Pan Shiyi: At the end of November last year, the central government put forward a tight monetary policy, but the formulation at that time was still relatively general, and the international situation was still unclear at that time, and China’s monetary policy still had operational flexibility.

  But this year, especially since February, the CPI has increased by 8.7% year-on-year, and the inflationary pressure is enormous. When answering a reporter’s question, Premier Wen Jiabao said that the first thing for the government this year is to control the CPI index to around 4.8% and GDP growth to 8%. To control inflation, we must implement a tight monetary policy.

  The day after the Prime Minister made these remarks, the reserve ratio of the central bank was raised to 15.5%, which is already very high. At this time, the domestic situation has become clear, and the tight monetary policy is very clear.

  Let’s take a look at the international environment. In the past two months, there have been some events and current situations, such as the Bear Stearns incident and the stock market crash, including the stock crash of overseas listed real estate companies, the failure of real estate enterprises to issue bonds and shares. There are more than 40 real estate enterprises that want to list this year.

  However, led by Evergrande Real Estate, its IPO has been shelved. At this juncture, any IPO will go wrong. This is a landmark event, and the pipeline between the international capital market and China real estate is basically blocked.

  China Times: Last year, you were still refuting Wang Shi’s "inflection point theory", and now you are proposing "a hundred-day drama change". Is it inconsistent?

  Pan Shiyi: Up to now, my point of view has changed, because the situation changes every day, and I am constantly revising my point of view as the situation changes.

  Last year, when I talked to Wang Shi about the inflection point, I listed the data to refute him. At that time, I didn’t expect the American economy to be so bad. I didn’t expect Bear Stearns to have an accident. I didn’t expect the subprime mortgage crisis to be endless. I didn’t expect the CPI index to rise to 8.7%.

  Including the current point of view, I am not necessarily right. The real estate industry is 200 billion yuan a year. The domestic and international situation of such a big industry and market has changed too fast.

  Diwang developers will be greatly adjusted.

  China Times: Which real estate enterprises do you think will face the most severe challenges in this upcoming great change? Is it possible for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in China to be integrated?

  Pan Shiyi: The year before last, especially last year, many developers were irrational and bought many landlords. However, the real estate industry cannot do without the support of the financial industry and the capital market. If this support is disconnected or weakened, the real estate industry will face great adjustments. And the first to be adjusted are those real estate enterprises that expanded extremely last year and the year before, and they will face the biggest problem.

  Some people say that I want to merge small and medium-sized enterprises, which is a wrong misinterpretation of my point of view. Some small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in China have not expanded, and the capital chain has been well arranged. When the winter comes, they will naturally not encounter problems. On the contrary, it is the developers who have expanded extremely in previous years who are most prone to problems.

  China Times: Do you think that the real upheaval is those Diwang enterprises that emerged last year?

  Pan Shiyi: It is an indisputable fact that the financial situation at home and abroad is tense, which leads to the lack of money in the real estate industry. But even for Diwang enterprises, every situation is different. There are pains, only you know.

  Buying a house can resist inflation.

  China Times: Do you think the house price will drop because of the "100-day drama change"?

  Pan Shiyi: When it comes to "dramatic changes in a hundred days", this is a general concept, maybe two months, maybe four months. Speaking of this view, people are most concerned about the problem of housing prices, that is, the impact of drastic changes on housing prices-is it rising or falling? But we can’t look at the price for the sake of the price. Behind the price is the relationship between supply and demand.

  We need to see if it has an impact on demand, and the control of mortgage loans will definitely have an impact on demand; Whether it has an impact on supply, if you have land, you can’t build a house without money, and supply also has an impact; Whether house prices are rising or falling depends on which is more affected, demand and supply, and whether the state of supply and demand can still be in a balanced state.

  China Times: When developers encounter drastic changes, will they withdraw funds by reducing prices?

  Pan Shiyi: Price reduction is not only a problem in the land market, but also a problem in the real estate market. From the perspective of the real estate market, in January and February this year, because of the turning point, the cold weather and weak demand, the transaction volume was falling, but from the end of February to March, the sales volume increased greatly, which proved that the demand was still strong.

  Under this demand, developers will not reduce prices, but also see whether inflation can be controlled. If it can’t be controlled, I suggest that everyone should buy a house quickly. Only by buying a house can we resist inflation. This is a particularly simple truth. I think we should buy something valuable, and the house is the most valuable and valuable.

  It will only develop in Beijing’s Third Ring Road.

  China Times: How do you think real estate enterprises should cope with the coming challenges?

  Pan Shiyi: For some enterprises that are short of money, when winter comes, they will either find a hole to drill down like frogs or fly away like migratory birds. The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and China’s tight monetary policy are the signs of winter. At this time, we should adopt a strategy, transfer the land we have in hand, and exchange the projects in our hands for money to save our lives.

  China Times: In this drastic change, will SOHO China use its 15 billion yuan to make a series of acquisitions?

  Pan Shiyi: We still focus on acquiring land, not real estate companies. Because the management style and business model of other real estate companies are different from ours, it is difficult to integrate.

  China Times: Where will your 15 billion cash be spent? Qianmen project?

  Pan Shiyi: With the coming of winter, our cash of 15 billion yuan is not abundant, so we should do some projects with high profit rate, high return rate and good market foundation.

  In November and December last year and January this year, we talked about some land projects in seven or eight cities across the country. In February, when winter came, we all withdrew to Beijing.

  With 15 billion cash and 500 employees, according to our strategy, we should spend our limited resources on ideas. Where is the point? Just within the Third Ring Road in Beijing, Qianmen Project is one of them.


Editor: Zhang Toya

World Taekwondo Federation Team World Cup Finals, China mixed team team went straight to the Paris Olympics.

On December 19th, the finals of the 2023 World Taekwondo Team World Cup Championship officially started in Wuxi Economic Development Zone, with nine teams including China. After a day of fierce competition, China won the championship, Uzbekistan won the runner-up, and Brazil and Daejeon City Hall won the third place. As this competition is a straight-through qualification trial for the mixed team exhibition of the Paris Olympic Games, according to the pre-competition regulations, the champion China and the runner-up Uzbekistan took the lead in locking in the qualification for the mixed team exhibition of Taekwondo in the Paris Olympic Games. The two third-place teams were judged according to the total score advantage of the audience, and Brazil won the last place to go straight to Paris.
The World Taekwondo Team World Cup Championship is an event founded in Wuxi, and the World Taekwondo Federation will settle in Wuxi for the annual World Cup finals. The rules and competition system of mixed team events have also been explored and shaped in this event. At present, Taekwondo mixed team events have been an Olympic performance event for two consecutive years (Tokyo and Paris), and have become an official event in the Asian Games and Youth Olympic Games. At this year’s Hangzhou Asian Games, China won the championship of this event.
China team sent Jay Song, Zhou Zeqi, Xing Jiani, Cui Yang, Xiang Qizhang and Meng Mingkuan to participate in this tournament. According to the rules of mixed team competition, athletes can only be composed of two men and two women in each competition. Two women generals, Jay Song and Zhou Zeqi, and two men, Cui Yang and Meng Mingkuan, will form the final team against Uzbekistan. According to the principle of male before female, from light to heavy, the four athletes were numbered from 1 to 4 respectively.
The game is divided into three games. The first game lasts for 4 minutes, and the traditional team competition form is adopted. Athletes should compete with athletes of the same number from the other side in the order of light to heavy, and each pair of competitions lasts for 1 minute. The last two games are 3 minutes each. The competition is played in the form of free rotation confrontation. In the battle, the sexes of the athletes of both sides should match. There is no limit to the number of substitutions, but before proposing a replacement, one’s own player should play for at least 15 seconds.
In the first game, Jay Song, who took the lead in the game, scored points in a row, helping the China team to start at 9:0. However, Uzbekistan, with good strength, continued to chase after points, and once overtook at 14:10. Cui Yang scored a precious 3 points at the last moment of his game, followed by Meng Mingkuan, and China led at 16:14 in the first game. In the second game, the two teams played very closely, and the score was alternately ahead. The two games were tied to 20.
After the third game was tied at 24, the China team made a sudden effort, and several players performed extremely well, scoring 11 points in a row to lay the foundation for victory. In the end, China won the championship with 36:30. After the game, Zhou Zeqi said that the game could be won mainly by uniting with everyone and implementing the tactics arranged by the coach. Meng Mingkuan, who participated in the team competition for the first time, said that his task was not to let the other team score. "The performance was ok." Finally, according to the cumulative scores obtained by the two teams in the third game, the outcome was judged.
From December 13th, the 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Slam Championship Series, the 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Slam Series and the 2023 World Taekwondo Team World Cup Championship Finals were held one after another. The three important international competitions are all through cards for the Paris Olympic Games. Among them, the first two competitions produce eight through qualifications for individual taekwondo events and the latter one produces three through qualifications for mixed team events. A total of five competition days, in Wuxi Economic Development Zone, a blessed place, the China team got a full harvest, including the through cards for men’s 68kg class, women’s 57kg class, 67kg class and over 67kg class, and obtained a through Olympic quota for a mixed team Olympic exhibition.
Seize the opportunity, take the tournament as an opportunity, and rely on the World Taekwondo (Wuxi) Center, Wuxi will further improve the operation mode of the whole industry chain of Taekwondo, promote the further flourishing of Taekwondo in China, and actively contribute to the development of global Taekwondo.
Source: China Daily.