Ning Hao praised "Tropical Past" Peng Yuyan and Zhang Aijia as a hidden witness

1905 movie network news The official announcement of the film starring in,,, and starring in, has been raised to June 12, 2021 for the national public release, opening the summer season ahead of schedule with the trend of heat waves. At the same time, the film also exposed the "Hidden Witness" version of the character poster. The promotional word "6.12 is first to dry" to fill the heat value. The poster style conveys a retro summer atmosphere. All the main characters appear and go to a summer night mystery.


"Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" "Versailles" lineup debuted, Peng Yuyan, Zhang Aijia and Wang Yanhui joined hands to "peek at the truth"

After the movie "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" released the "High Temperature Warning" set poster and the "Exposing the True Killer" set trailer at the beginning of summer, the film became the top choice for audiences to watch in June, saying: "After waiting for a few years, it’s finally here"; "This lineup is too advanced"; "The trailer is so hot, the summer file is locked". Recently, "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" has revealed the character poster again, and the official announcement has been raised for a week. It will be released nationwide on June 12, 2021. Not only will it officially enter the Dragon Boat Festival file, but it will also start the heat of the summer file in advance. The character poster released by "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" this time, the starring actors will appear as "secret witnesses" for the first time.

Peng Yuyan’s Wang Xueming wears a dark blue hoodie with a gloomy expression that seems to have a heavy heart; Zhang Aijia’s Liang Ma has curled hair and a wistful expression, as if looking back at the past; Wang Yanhui’s Chen police officer, hidden in the hazy foreground in the dense green leaves, eyes looking forward to explore the truth; Zhang Yu’s singer, wearing sunglasses and holding a microphone, whose mysterious identity plays an unknown role in the plot; Jiang Pei Yao’s Xueming girlfriend, wearing a plain plaid blouse, with a refreshing ponytail that sets off her face more clearly. Where her relationship with Wang Xueming will go remains to be revealed.

The film "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" gathers together a group of outstanding actors, which can be called an annual "Versailles "-style cast, including both Chinese-language film actors and the best of the new generation of actors. In the poster of the upgraded characters, everyone shows the status of the characters in the way of" staring at the camera ", as if everyone is trying to peek into the truth of the summer night mystery. In addition, the poster is more full of strong retro atmosphere. The overall tone is reminiscent of the midsummer twilight in the old South, and the yellow-green tone of the film reflects a sense of nostalgia. It is worth mentioning that the English title of the film" Are You Lonesome Tonight? "is taken from the classic song of" Elvis Presley ". The nostalgic and tender style of the original song is closely in line with the tropical aesthetic that the director Wen Shipei wants to present.

It is reported that this song has also appeared in Chinese classic movies. The same summer lost, the same feelings of the past, "Tropical Past" pays tribute to the classic, what kind of story is about to present, it is worth the audience’s expectation.


Ning Haozan’s "Tropical Past" "Like Old Tea" is worth tasting, and director Wen Shipei pursues the creation of "a sense of flaw"

As early as 2017, "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics" was shortlisted for the venture capital project of the Shanghai International Film Festival and won the "Bad Monkey 72 Change Film Project Special Attention Project". After four years of polishing, the film will officially meet the audience this summer. Referring to the unique style and charm of the film, Ning Hao, the executive producer of "Once Upon a Time in the Tropics", said: "Director Wen Shipei controls a very modest aesthetic. He doesn’t mean that we tear something apart for you to see, but it has a kind of roundness and a kind of luster, which makes you feel that he has undergone some precipitation and is not ostentatious. You can’t see anything at a glance, this movie is very like some kind of old tea, you have to taste it in it."

Regarding the tropical texture that the film wants to capture, the director Wen Shipei said: "There is no way to recreate a past, but to find a breath in the process. The feeling of heat is an imagination, and we try to get closer and refine that feeling audiovisually. But contemporary video shooting tools have become very sharp, but they lose some sense of flaw, so we are instead pursuing a sense of destruction and flaw throughout the creative process."

Notice of the Office of the State Intellectual Property Office on Strengthening Patent Navigation

Guozhi Ban Shiyun Zi [2021] No. 30

All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Intellectual Property Offices, Sichuan Intellectual Property Service Promotion Center, Guangdong Intellectual Property Protection Center:

Strengthening patent navigation by industrial sector is an important part of the promotion of the application of intellectual property rights, and is of great significance for improving innovation efficiency, saving innovation costs, and strengthening patent protection. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech made by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader at the 25th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, study and implement differentiated industrial and regional intellectual property policies, and promote the decision-making mechanism of industrial patent navigation based on industrial data and patent data, so as to provide effective support for scientific and technological innovation, the relevant matters related to further strengthening patent navigation work are hereby notified as follows:

I. Background and significance

In April 2013, the State Intellectual Property Office issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the Patent Navigation Pilot Project", formally proposing for the first time that patent navigation is based on the utilization of patent information resources and patent analysis, embedding patent application into industrial technological innovation, product innovation, organizational innovation and business model innovation, and guiding and supporting the industry to achieve independent, controllable and scientific development. Subsequently, the national patent navigation pilot project was fully rolled out for enterprises, industries and regions, and the concept of patent navigation was extended to intellectual property analysis and evaluation, regional layout and other work, and achieved remarkable results. In 2018, in deepening the reform of party and state institutions, patent navigation was identified as the job responsibility of the State Intellectual Property Office after the reorganization, and the pilot project of patent navigation, the pilot work of intellectual property analysis and evaluation of major economic and technological activities, and the pilot work of intellectual property regional layout were fully integrated. In June 2021, the "Patent Navigation Guidelines" (GB/T39551-2020) series of national standards for guiding and standardizing patent navigation work were officially implemented.

Carrying out patent navigation work can promote the establishment of a working mechanism that deeply integrates patent information analysis and industrial operation decision-making, highly matches patent creation and industrial innovation capabilities, effectively guarantees the competitive position of the industry through patent layout, and effectively supports the efficiency of industrial operation through the realization of patent value. This will help to promote the optimal allocation of innovation resources, enhance the creation and reserve of independent intellectual property rights in key areas, and help to achieve high-level technological self-reliance and self-reliance, ensuring the stability and security of the industrial chain and supply chain.

II. Overall requirements and main objectives

(I) Overall requirements.We will closely adhere to the needs of industrial innovation and development, adhere to the problem-oriented, goal-oriented, and result-oriented, implement the series of national standards of the Patent Navigation Guide, strengthen the patent navigation work support system, promote the application of patent navigation results and services, and improve the quality and efficiency of the development of the patent navigation industry. We will further deepen the patent navigation work, help improve the intellectual property governance capacity and governance level, and effectively support the construction of an intellectual property power.

(2) Main objectives.By 2025, the planning and design of patent navigation projects, resource protection, and application of results will be further strengthened, financial investment in patent navigation project management systems and measures will be more perfect, and a number of relatively mature patent navigation service bases will be established in various regions. A unique, standardized, and effective patent navigation service system will be established, and the important role of patent navigation industry innovation and development will be effectively played.

III. Improve the efficiency of patent navigation organizations and help make breakthroughs in key core technologies

(1) Establish a docking mechanism for patent navigation in key industries.Focusing on the implementation of local economic and social development plans, we will connect with the innovative development needs of local governments, industrial agglomeration areas, and leading enterprises, sort out the bottlenecks and key core technologies restricting industrial development, and establish and improve the patent navigation work docking mechanism between the intellectual property department and the competent departments of economy and industry.

(2) Implementing patent navigation projects for key industries.In response to local key core technology research needs, formulate patent navigation work plans, organize the implementation of key industry patent navigation projects, strengthen the analysis of industrial development direction, industrial development positioning and industrial development path, and guide market players to adjust market layout, products and other business strategies according to the analysis results, so as to achieve an effective patent layout around key core technology research.

(III) Launching expert consultation activities in key industries.Based on the industrial promotion and application of patent navigation achievements, we will rationally introduce industrial expert resources in the work links of patent navigation project demand analysis, information fusion analysis, achievement application, and performance evaluation, explore and innovate various practical and effective service forms, and provide business guidance for patent navigation in key core technology areas.

IV. Build a solid foundation for patent navigation and strengthen the supply of resources

(1) Strengthen the construction of patent navigation service bases.All regions should, in light of local conditions, rely on enterprises, colleges and universities, service institutions and other units to build or improve patent navigation service bases that are urgently needed locally, and gradually form the normalization and marketization of patent navigation services. It is necessary to guide public welfare institutions such as patent agencies, intellectual property protection centers, and intellectual property information centers. The main responsibilities are to support government departments in organizing and implementing patent navigation special project policies, supporting government departments in planning and implementing patent navigation projects, and undertaking the daily work of the patent navigation business linkage mechanism of government departments.

(2) Promote the series of national standards of the Patent Navigation Guide.To publicize and popularize the concept of patent navigation in the whole society, promote the organization and implementation methods of regional planning and industrial planning patent navigation projects, and the application methods of results to relevant government departments, and guide enterprises and institutions to apply national standards in innovative activities such as business operation, R & D activities, and talent management. Guide various entities to expand the application scenarios of patent navigation and innovate patent navigation analysis methods.

(III) Strengthen the training of patent navigation personnel.In line with the actual economic development of the region and the needs of patent navigation work, formulate a patent navigation talent training plan, organize online and offline patent navigation work training, and meet the personalized skills training needs of various subjects, so as to promote the construction of a local patent navigation talent team.

(Iv) Provide patented navigation service products.Combined with the requirements of patent navigation application scenarios, integrate data, talents and other patent navigation work resources, guide institutions with public welfare attributes, develop public welfare patent navigation tool products, and innovate the working mode to promote the improvement of patent navigation service efficiency, so as to meet the work needs of patent navigation service customization, facilitation and effectiveness.

V. Enhance the efficiency of patent navigation services and strengthen the application of project results

(1) Establish a patent navigation achievement sharing mechanism.Make full use of the patent navigation comprehensive service platform, organize the warehousing, filing and evaluation of the results of the patent navigation project in the region, regularly submit the results of the patent navigation project including analysis and research reports and application materials to the State Intellectual Property Office, and promptly push the patent navigation results information to the relevant departments of the region’s economy and industry to support innovation decision-making.

(2) Establish a patent navigation achievement release mechanism.Excavate and summarize typical cases of patent navigation work in the region, build a patent navigation results release mechanism, and issue patent navigation reports to key industrial chain-related enterprises to promote the wide use of patent navigation results.

(III) Establish a patent navigation achievement application resource docking mechanism.In response to the application needs of patent navigation results such as patent layout, high-value patent cultivation, and intellectual property operation, the docking channels of various resources such as priority review, centralized review, fast committal hearing, fast rights protection, and patent rights transfer and transformation required for the smooth application of patent navigation results will accelerate the landing and application of patent navigation results.

VI. Organizational guarantee

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership.All provincial-level intellectual property management departments should fully understand the importance of strengthening patent navigation work, focus on local economic and social development planning and industrial innovation and development needs, improve the industrial patent navigation policy mechanism, organize the implementation of patent navigation special projects, guide the construction of patent navigation service bases, and improve the patent navigation work system.

(2) Increase investment in resources.The State Intellectual Property Office will strengthen the horizontal coordination and vertical connection of policy resources with various ministries and regions, and promote the deep integration of patent navigation with economy, industry and other related work. Provincial-level intellectual property management departments should strengthen communication and coordination with relevant functional areas of business in their respective regions, strive for supporting support from relevant policies and funds, and provide resource protection for patent navigation work.

(III) Strengthen tracking services and assessments.In order to facilitate the guidance of the development of patent navigation work, the intellectual property management departments at the provincial level shall recommend a patent navigation service base with good work as a working contact point. Each contact point shall submit a work summary to the Department of Application Promotion of our bureau before the end of each year, and hold contact point meetings as needed to exchange work experience, listen to work suggestions, and provide necessary support and guidance. The intellectual property management departments at the provincial level shall submit the results of patent navigation work in their respective regions every year, regularly submit the work results of patent navigation projects, and file the relevant situation of patent navigation service base construction in a timely manner. Our bureau will regard the tasks and results of patent navigation work as an important assessment and evaluation index for the pilot demonstration work of provincial, municipal, park and other intellectual property power construction, and as a must-do task to support the construction of key cities in the construction of the national intellectual property operation service system.

VII. Relevant requirements

(1) Intellectual property management departments at the provincial level should take the construction of patent navigation service bases as an important breakthrough point for strengthening local patent navigation work, and make layout plans. Please file the first batch of local patent navigation service bases with the Department of Application Promotion of our bureau before the end of 2021, and recommend a contact point.

(2) All provincial-level intellectual property management departments shall submit their provincial patent navigation work contacts (branch level) and contact information by the end of July 2021.

Hereby inform.

Office of the State Intellectual Property Office

July 6, 2021

(Contact and Tel: Application Promotion Department, Pang Zhipeng, Ji Xiang 010-62085371 62086705 Email:

Jackie Chan, China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador, talks about the star’s drug-related heart is very painful

Special Topic: June 26 International Day Against Drugs

International movie star Jackie Chan today became China’s anti-drug propaganda image ambassador, talking about the star’s drug-related heart is very painful

  On June 26, the International Anti-Drug Day, the National Narcotics Control Commission held a ceremony to hire international movie star Jackie Chan as China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador.

  Yang Fengrui, executive deputy director of the Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission and director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, presented Jackie Chan with a letter of appointment and wore a ribbon. He hoped that Jackie Chan would actively exert his strong influence as a social celebrity, continue to care for and support the cause of drug control, and guide the public, especially young people, to resist drug abuse. International movie star Jackie Chan said that he would do his best to make more contributions to anti-drug publicity and education.

  Jackie Chan became an ambassador for China’s anti-drug propaganda image. For the first time, he appeared in Studio 12 of CCTV’s Social and Law Channel. In a special program on the June 26 International Anti-Drug Day covered by the rule of law in China, he revealed his heart. The following is the program transcript:

  Jackie Chan, China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador: They are also patients

  Host: Jackie Chan came to our studio today because he just received an appointment letter from China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador in the morning. This appointment letter should be said to be quite precious. I think you have many ambassadorial titles. What is the difference between this ambassador and others?

  Jackie Chan, China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador: Although I have a lot of ambassadors on my back, in fact, you don’t give me any ambassadorship, and I do the same job. Now give me this title to see you alone, I can’t do things, I really can’t do things, I rely on some officials below, some police officers, and the public to do it together, to report drug traffickers and help those who take drugs, because they are also patients.

  Three years after the start of the People’s War on Drugs, the proportion of young people infected with drugs has been greatly reduced

  Host: Well said, patient, this is a change in perspective and concept for the overall social cognition. Director Yang Fengrui, you awarded the letter of appointment this morning. Why did you choose Jackie Chan as the anti-drug image publicity ambassador?

  Yang Fengrui, executive deputy director of the National Drug Control Commission and director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security: Now the drug problem is relatively harmful, and the country is deploying the whole country to launch a war on drugs, which requires the extensive participation of the whole society. So it is very necessary for public figures and some celebrities to come out to participate in the public welfare cause of drug control and offer a love, so our National Drug Control Commission has specially selected some celebrities to be image ambassadors for drug control publicity

  Host: Just now I noticed that Bureau Yang mentioned a term called people’s war, which can be said to be a very strict and demanding attitude of the Chinese government towards drug control. Do you have any specific goals and arrangements for the next step to continue to deepen this people’s war?

  Yang Fengrui, Executive Deputy Director of the National Drug Control Commission and Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security: The people’s war on drugs has been going on for three years. In 2004, General Secretary Hu Jintao instructed that we should attach great importance to the harm of drugs and organize a people’s war on drug control and AIDS prevention to solve the drug problem. In this way, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have made arrangements to launch a people’s war on drugs across the country. After three years of efforts, we have achieved remarkable results in terms of prevention and education, drug rehabilitation, combating drug crimes, management of drug-producing substances, and international drug control cooperation. Now we are facing the drug problem, which is still not optimistic. There are five aspects that are relatively prominent. First, the problem of overseas drug inflow is still a very prominent problem. Second, the problem of making and selling methamphetamine and ecstasy pills in some areas of China Third, it is difficult to consolidate the withdrawal of traditional drugs from heroin. Fourth, the spread and development of new drugs has brought us some new problems. Fifth, chemicals, the rationing of raw materials for drug production, are still very prominent in the illegal flow.

  Related links:

  • National Drug Control Commission appoints Jackie Chan as China’s anti-drug propaganda ambassador 2009-06-26
  • Seven small fortune 50 years together "premiere", Zhang Yishan and Jackie Chan play 2009-06-26
  • Zhou Xun and new boyfriend double night double flight? Once appeared at Jackie Chan’s birthday party together 2009-06-26