Under the new cycle of 2023 cold year, how can the air-conditioning industry fight the "value upgrade war"?

On August 24, 2022, the "Windless Aerobic TAN Origin Traceability – 2022-2023 China Air Conditioning Industry Summit Forum" was held in Harbin under the guidance of China Household Appliances Association and sponsored by China Home Appliances Network.CC,Haier, Highly,Hisense, Kelon, Konka, Leader, Meibo,beautiful,Panasonic,TCLRepresentatives of mainstream household air-conditioning brands and core component manufacturers, as well as forumsexclusivechannel partnerJD.comHome appliances, data support agency GfK Zhongyikang, etc. gathered together to talk "double carbon"The innovative development and mission of the air-conditioning industry under the goal."

High temperature "heating" air conditioner market

Although autumn has begun, many places in China are still under high temperature during the "end" stage of the "dog days".How to cool the body and the heart? The air conditioner is obviouslymostA good choice. Therefore, in the "roasting" mode, refrigeration appliances represented by air conditioners ushered in a high-temperature "hot period" in July and August. According to GfK Zhongyikang monitoring data, the retail sales and retail sales of air conditioners in the online market in July increased by 41.6% and 44.6% year-on-year respectively. Entering August, the retail sales and retail sales of air conditioners in the online market in the past two weeks increased by 76.0% and 79.4% year-on-year respectively; the offline market volume and volume also achieved a year-on-year growth of over 20%. Such asbeautiful,HaierOaks,Hisense, Kelon,TCL,PanasonicMany air-conditioning companies, such as Meibo, Changhong, and Konka, have reported to China State Grid that during the peak air-conditioning season in the past two months, there are many high-temperature days and a wide range of coverage, and the sales of the company’s air-conditioning products have increased significantly compared with before. "The installation masters are running at full capacity," said the relevant person in charge of the air-conditioning company.

However, the staged bright performance of the air conditioner market is in sharp contrast to the cold industry in the first half of the year and even the entire 2022 cold year. According to GfK Zhongyikang data, in the first half of this year, the retail volume and retail sales of the household air conditioner market decreased by 20.1% and 14.1% respectively year-on-year; in the whole 2022 cold year, the retail volume and retail sales of the air conditioner market were 43.57 million units and 150.50 billion yuan, respectively, down 15.0% and 9.2% year-on-year. "The economic downturn and epidemic directly affect the income level of consumers, so the consumer confidence index decreased year-on-year." In the opinion of Peng Xiandong, general manager of GfK Zhongyikang’s large home appliance division, this directly affects consumers’ expectations for the home appliance market and the execution of purchasing power. The corresponding air conditioner is also affected and has declined significantly. In addition, air conditioners have further entered the existing market, with less new demand. Based on this, Peng Xiandong judged that the air conditioner industry will enter a low-speed era in the next two years, with incremental scarcity. The market core will shift from the pursuit of scale to the pursuit of quality.

Peng Xiandong, General Manager of GfK Zhongyikang Home Appliances Division

Wang Lei, secretary-general of the China Household Appliances Association, also believes that this is the result of multiple factors. Including the repeated regional epidemics across the country in the first half of the year, which put pressure on the industrial supply chain and had a negative impact on the demand for air conditioners; in addition, the real estate industry is also a factor strongly related to the demand for air conditioners; furthermore, the more important objective factor is that the popularity of household air conditioners has basically reached a high level. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of air conditioners owned by 100 households in China reached 117.7 units by the end of 2020, of which 149.6 were owned by 100 households in cities and towns. " At present, the social stock of air conditioners in the country has reached 540 million units, and the stock update has become the main body of current and future market consumption demand. This has a direct and long-term impact on the size of the air conditioner market. "

Wang Lei, Secretary General of China Household Appliances Association

Seeking "new" kinetic energy under the stock

When the industry enters a new development stage dominated by "stock replacement", in terms of the external operating environment, as analyzed by Wei Lai, Chief Research Officer of Zijin Tianfeng Futures, raw material prices, which account for more than 85% of the cost of air conditioners, are getting rid of the traditional cyclical framework and reshaping into a new cycle, corresponding to the reshaping of the cyclical characteristics of air conditioners at both ends of cost and consumption. Under the characteristics of the new cycle, the market prospect of air conditioners is still broad, but it needs to seek new growth momentum inward.

So, where is the new way to break the growth? Perhaps, as described by Wang Lei and various air-conditioning companies – intelligently empowered, more energy-saving, comfortable, healthy, and high-end air conditioners will bring more enthusiasm and demand from consumers, and will also bring impetus to the technological progress and product innovation of the air-conditioning industry and industry. Recent consumer street research by China Home Appliance Network also shows that price is no longer the main factor in determining consumers to buy air conditioners. When considering "replacing" air conditioners, most consumers focus on products with more energy-saving, intelligent, comfortable, healthy and other functional characteristics. Such as fresh air conditioners, global windless air conditioners, washing air conditioners, sterilization health, self-cleaning air conditioners, sleep air conditioners, etc. are all their favorite products.

The change in consumer demand is reflected in the retail end, according to GfK Zhongyikang data, 2022 cold year, the new level of energy efficiency air conditioning sales in the online channel accounted for about 67.9%, the proportion of offline reached 78.7%; fresh air air conditioning online penetration rate of about 2.3%, an increase of 283%, offline penetration rate of about 6.7%, an increase of 59.5%. JD.com platform data also shows that in the first half of the year, the turnover of JD.com platform fresh air conditioners was 5.5 times that of the same period last year, and fresh air conditioners also showed characteristics higher than the broader market by 32%; during the "618" period, the turnover of JD.com platform fresh air conditioners increased by 460% year-on-year; JD.com home appliances "815" anniversary peak period of 28 hours, the turnover of fresh air conditioners increased by more than 4 times year-on-year. " The JD.com platform always takes consumer demand as the first starting point. "Zhang Yiming, marketing director of JD.com’s home appliance air conditioner business department, said that through active market research, JD.com home appliances and various air conditioner brands work closely together, with the same perspective. They all believe that the new air conditioner in the new product may be the next growth point of the industry." Combined with the trend of purification and health, the increase in fresh air volume will be more suitable for the needs of life scenes. "

At the enterprise level, it can be seen that more air-conditioning companies are also launching products with corresponding functions or even complex functions through technological innovation to meet the diverse, personalized and quality consumer needs of consumers. Taking Casarte air conditioners as an example, at the meeting, Yan Bo, general manager of Casarte air conditioners, introduced that due to the different air pain points faced by different climates and seasons, Casarte innovatively launched the luxury version of Yunding air conditioners. "The positioning of this product is’original ecological air maintenance expert ‘, hoping to achieve the maintenance of people, the maintenance of the environment, and the maintenance of high-end lifestyles through air conditioning. Overall, what we want to do is to pass on the high-end, comfort and wisdom of Casarte air conditioners to consumers."

Midea air conditioners are also working to increase the average price of the entire industry through air conditioner products that highlight health, comfort, and intelligence. Oaks, Hisense, TCL, Konka, Panasonic and other related air conditioning brands are focusing on the fresh air track, such as Oaks launched a four-season fresh air air conditioner that can change fresh oxygen in the whole house for 1 hour, Hisense launched a high-end air environment from six dimensions such as temperature, humidity, wind feeling, purification, etc. Brilliant C200, TCL launched a small blue wing II with a large fresh air volume of 60 cubic meters per hour without secondary wall punching holes, Konka launched a smart fresh air conditioner with dual-drive hybrid fresh air system, Panasonic Anchor Health and Smart launched a series of alcohol air, etc. They all meet consumers’ needs for a healthier and more comfortable home life experience through differentiated fresh air conditioners. Kelon Air Conditioning customizes more convenient, comfortable and healthy sleep solutions for users by creating smart sleep air scenes. In addition to home split machines, Meibo Air Conditioning has found sub-sectors such as wearable air conditioners and vehicle air conditioners to seek differentiation. Changhong Air Conditioning has built a healthy living atmosphere for consumers through the creation of a fresh environment with years of accumulation of dust-free technology.

As a company specializing in thermal management and environmental control, Invik has accumulated rich technical experience in the field of precision environmental control. Wang Xiangdong, general manager of Shenzhen Invik Health and Environment Technology Co., Ltd., believes that at present, "health" should be the main breakthrough in air conditioning innovation. In this regard, EBC Yingbao advocates "safe and healthy comfort is the real comfort", and advocates fundamentally solving the comfort problem of the air environment under the premise of safety and health, and is a one-machine solution to the air environment problem. "Our air environment machine adjusts or removes the temperature, humidity, cleanliness, various pollutants, microorganisms and other indicators of the air environment dynamically, harmoniously and synchronously through multi-dimensional phase control technology, and is committed to providing customers with a safe, healthy and comfortable air environment."

It can be seen that the product evaluation dimension based on factors such as energy conservation, health, and comfort is becoming the core driving force for the reform and upgrading of China’s air-conditioning supply side. Therefore, the three major product trends in the air conditioning industry in 2023 proposed at the summit forum, namely the "energy-saving" product trend represented by Midea Xuanyao 2-horse hanging machine, Oxmos Fresh Air Pro air conditioner, Kelong Sleeping Small Ear LZ air conditioner, and Meibo Xinxinpai intelligent AI voice air conditioner; the "comfort" product trend represented by Casarte connoisseur air conditioner system, COLMO TURING household central air conditioner, Hisense Bright series fresh air conditioner, Konka smart fresh air conditioner, and Commander BIGGER air curtain air conditioner; and the "health" product trend represented by Haier washing air cabinet hanging air conditioner, EBC Yingbao pure air environment machine, Panasonic alcohol air conditioner, and Changhong guest restaurant shared air conditioner, which has been highly recognized and affirmed by the guests and industry colleagues They all anticipate that these three major product trends will become a new engine for the growth of the air conditioning industry in the upcoming 2023 new cold year.

"Double carbon" engine drives green and high-quality development

In fact, whether it is the driving effect of extreme weather on air-conditioning consumption, or the pursuit of new energy conservation, health, and comfort at the enterprise level under the leadership of stock replacement, it can be made clear that changes in the environment, market changes, and demand are forcing air-conditioning enterprises to step up innovation and development, transformation and upgrading, and also put forward new and higher requirements for the high-quality development of the air-conditioning industry, that is, the air-conditioning industry and enterprises should be socially responsible and consumer-responsible enterprises and products.

According to the IEA report, the global energy-related CO2 emissions in 2018 were about 34.20 billion tons, of which the global energy consumption of air conditioners and fans accounted for about 3.8% of CO2 emissions. It is expected that by 2050, the energy demand for space cooling will increase more than threefold. There is no doubt that the green and low-carbon transformation of the air conditioning industry is imperative.

But objectively speaking, the green and low-carbon development of the air-conditioning industry still faces no small challenges. "For the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry, under the background trend of’dual carbon ‘, the biggest challenge is that the reduction of HFCs conventional refrigerants may bring corresponding quota problems, which may directly affect the operation of an enterprise." Li Tingxun, an associate professor at Sun Yat-sen University, believes that the future control of HFCs consumption, production or quota management may directly impact the development of the air-conditioning industry. So, how can the air-conditioning industry achieve carbon emission reduction? In Li Tingxun’s opinion, on the one hand, it is necessary to improve energy efficiency. At present, the energy efficiency of air-conditioners has increased by 15%, and it may increase by another 15% in the future by 2030. On the other hand, based on the carbon emissions directly caused by refrigerants, it is necessary to choose and develop more environmentally friendly refrigerant alternatives. In this regard, the only sure opportunity is that low GWP refrigerants will have a large application in the future. In addition, materials, production, transportation, warehousing and other links will also directly or indirectly lead to carbon emissions, so air-conditioning related companies also pay attention to the carbon emission reduction of the whole life cycle of air-conditioning products.

"Compared with other manufacturing industries, I personally think the energy saving and carbon reduction of the home appliance industry has advantages." Xie Nanan, director of the environmental and dual-carbon business department of the General Technology Inspection and Testing Group, analyzed that the reason is that the home appliance industry has implemented the trade-in policy more fully, and the improvement of energy efficiency of home appliances is to reduce energy consumption from the source. In addition, the intelligence of home appliances is a systematic improvement, which is to consider the improvement of energy efficiency from an overall perspective. In addition, there is still more room for expansion in the green and low-carbon transformation of the home appliance industry, such as the control role of the supply chain, energy consumption in the production process, energy structure adjustment, and non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emission reduction of refrigerants such as HFCs, which are worthy of attention and active promotion by home appliance companies such as air conditioners.

As Li Tingxun and Xie Nanan said, energy efficiency is only one part of low carbon, and to maximize carbon reduction, it is necessary to go through the whole life cycle of air-conditioning products. In this regard, more and more air-conditioning companies, including Midea, Haier, Oaks, and Hisense, have begun to focus on promoting green and low-carbon transformation at the manufacturing level or within the whole life cycle of air-conditioning products. Take Midea as an example. In 2021, Midea Group officially released a green strategy, focusing on six pillars: green design, green procurement, green manufacturing, green logistics, green recycling, and green services, to build a whole-process green industrial chain. " Among them, green design is the leader and traction of the entire green strategy. "Li Jinbo, director of the development center of Midea’s Air Conditioning Innovation Research Institute, said that in recent years, Midea’s air conditioners have accumulated rich technical and product innovation practices in green design. In terms of green technology, it has continued to lay out in environmental protection refrigerant technology, global ultra-high energy efficiency technology, new generation refrigeration technology, and cold storage and heat storage technology." Midea’s air conditioners will continue to expand the supply of green products through technological innovation, product innovation, and standard guidance, to meet the growing needs of users for a better life, and to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the whole industry. "

Compressor companies, which are the core products of the upstream supply chain of air conditioners, are also actively promoting the green transformation of the industrial chain. For example, CMCC mentioned that building a green industrial chain and promoting the green design of parts and components, including miniaturization and low noise, are all future development directions of GMCC. Haili compressor also said that whether it is from environmentally friendly refrigerant substitution, energy efficiency improvement, including flattening and miniaturization, Haili compressor has always been serving the air conditioning industry and continues to move forward around the green and low-carbon development direction.

It is worth mentioning that at the meeting, Wang Lei and Lv Shenghua, editor-in-chief of China Home Appliances Network, led all the air-conditioning-related enterprises and industry guests to issue the "Green Energy-saving Air Conditioning Replacement Initiative" to the air-conditioning industry – actively responding to the national "double carbon" strategy and the 2022 National Home Appliance Consumption Season activities to promote the quality of green smart air conditioners, increase varieties, and create brands; industry organizations, upstream and downstream industries give full play to their respective advantages to promote a new round of "trade-in" and "home appliances to the countryside" work, promote the upgrade of air-conditioning consumption in an orderly manner, and continue to lead the trend of quality, greening, and intelligence of air-conditioning consumption. This move undoubtedly further sounded the clarion call for the green and low-carbon

The 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week opened on October 14

1905 movie network news Recently, the main poster of the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week was announced. The poster was designed by Lin Cunzhen, deputy dean of the School of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and director of image landscape art of the cultural activity department of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games Organizing Committee. It is composed of the number 6 representing the 6th session and the big gong being sounded.

Among them, the combination of the number 6 and the film shape highlights the theme of kung fu and technology in the form of technology and light sense; and as a classic musical instrument in traditional Chinese opera and action drama, the gong interprets the phonetic synesthesia of action movies. Whether the name of the "big gong" or the action of "playing the gong" is cleverly homophonic with the host city Datong, fully setting off the festive atmosphere of the film week.

It is reported that the activities of the sixth Jackie Chan International Action Film Week include "city entry ceremony" and "theme forum".The festival will be held from October 14 to 16 in Datong, Shanxi.

Andy Lau’s old lawsuit was awarded a million dollars, and China Star will apply for an appeal.


  Andy Lau’s scene of jumping out of a helicopter in Black Gold is stylish and powerful, but he didn’t expect to get into a lawsuit.


  Making a movie 11 years ago damaged the helicopter.

  After Andy Lau filmed Black Gold in Taiwan Province in 1997, he was accused of damaging the helicopter rented for filming. De ‘an Airlines, which rented the helicopter, went to court and sued Hua Zi, Yongsheng Entertainment Production Company (predecessor of China Star Group) and producer Wang Zhongzheng, demanding compensation of about 3 million Hong Kong dollars. The case was finally decided yesterday, and Hua Zi had to compensate about 1.3 million Hong Kong dollars for helicopter maintenance expenses. China.

  According to Hong Kong media reports, Andy Lau and China Star were sued by Taiwan Province’s De ‘an Airlines for damaging the rented helicopter, demanding compensation of NT$ 12 million (about HK$ 3 million). The case was opened in the Shilin District Court of Taiwan Province in March 2004, and the lawsuit lasted for four years. The helicopter involved in the incident crashed before Penghu. During this period, the representative lawyer of De ‘an Airlines asked to summon Hua Tsai to Taiwan Province to appear in court, but the judge thought that other evidence was sufficient, so Hua Tsai never appeared in court for this purpose.

  When the captain who was in charge of flying the helicopter testified in court, he said that he had told Hua Tsai not to touch the steering rod, but Hua Tsai still accidentally touched his ass during the filming, which led to the helicopter sinking and the rotor blades hit the curtain of the ground spotlight and were damaged.

  The judge thinks that it can be concluded from the captain’s testimony that it was Andy’s negligence that caused the damage to the helicopter, so he only ruled that Andy had to pay more than NT$ 5.1 million (about HK$ 1.3 million) for the maintenance of the helicopter. However, because the helicopter was rented from Dean Airlines by Yongsheng Entertainment Production Company and Wang Zhongzheng, the agent of Johnny Mak Production Company, they did not fulfill their custody responsibilities. If they are willing to pay compensation on behalf of Andy, it is acceptable.

  Miss Li, a spokeswoman for China Star, said on the phone: "The company is puzzled by this judgment. When shooting a scene that day, I hired a helicopter rental company to give guidance. I did everything on the helicopter and there is no reason to ask me to pay for it. This matter has nothing to do with the actors. I think the verdict is unreasonable and I will appeal. " Hua Tsai said through his assistant yesterday that he would not respond to the incident.

  In addition, the new play "See the Dragon in the Three Kingdoms" starring Hua Tsai has exceeded HK$ 10 million in the box office less than a week after its release in Hong Kong, while China Mainland, China Taiwan Province and South Korea all ranked among the top three in the box office in the first weekend after the painting was opened. Director Li Rengang specially gave a banquet to celebrate the success, and Hua Tsai, VanNess Wu and Tommy Tam all attended. Hua Zai said that he had suggested to the director that he should play a number of characters from the Three Kingdoms, first playing Zhao Zilong, then Liu Bei and Guan Gong, to see how many he could play.

Editor: Zhou Zhongxiao

Artificial intelligence or have one’s own will Hawking’s last book is full of worries about the future.

  Science and Technology Daily reporter Liu Xia

  On October 16th, the last book of the late famous physicist Stephen Hawking, A Brief Answer to Major Issues, was published, which involved his thinking on the biggest problems facing science and society, including "Will human beings survive on the earth all the time?" (Probably not) ""Is time travel possible? (still can’t rule out the possibility) ",etc.; There are also the final predictions on the most serious threats facing the earth, the "Superman" population, whether there is intelligent life in outer space and how to develop space colonies. These predictions are full of Hawking’s deep worries about the future of mankind.

  According to a report on the US Shi Ying Finance website on the 15th, Hawking said in his book that artificial intelligence may form its own will in the future — — The will that conflicts with us human beings; A "superman" population that uses genetic engineering to surpass its peers will dominate, which may destroy mankind.

  Human evolution has no boundaries.

  Shi Ying Finance website reported on the 16th that throughout the book, Hawking was pessimistic about the future of mankind on the earth. Political instability, climate change and the possibility of nuclear violence make the sustainability of human development on earth unsustainable.

  Hawking believes that the number one threat facing the earth is asteroid collision, similar to the collision that led to the extinction of dinosaurs. He wrote: "However, we can’t defend ourselves."

  The more immediate threat is climate change. "Rising ocean temperatures will melt the ice cap and release a lot of carbon dioxide. The double effect may cause our climate to be similar to Venus, and the temperature will reach 250 C. "

  Hawking believes that nuclear fusion power generation will give us clean energy, no pollution and no global warming.

  In the chapter "How do we shape the future", Hawking disagrees with the idea that human beings are at the peak of evolution. In his view, human evolution and efforts have no boundaries.

  He believes that human beings have two choices in the future: first, explore other alternative planets that can be inhabited by human beings. He advocates space colonization in more than one chapter, including colonizing the moon, Mars or interstellar planets; Secondly, actively use artificial intelligence to improve our world.

  Artificial intelligence will form its own will.

  Hawking also emphasized the importance of standardizing the management of artificial intelligence. He pointed out that "in the future, artificial intelligence may form its own will, which conflicts with our human will." The possible automatic arms race should be stopped. If there is a weapons crash like the flash crash in the stock market in 2010, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  He wrote in the book: "For human beings, the emergence of super-intelligent artificial intelligence is either a blessing or a curse, and the second must be one of them. The real danger of artificial intelligence lies not in malice, but in ability. Super intelligent artificial intelligence will eventually be extremely good at achieving goals. If these goals are not consistent with our goals, then we are in trouble. "

  He advocates that policy makers, the technology industry and the general public should seriously study the moral impact of artificial intelligence.

  The "Superman" population will dominate.

  According to the British "Sunday Times" reported on the 15th, Hawking’s biggest worry is that the rich will soon be able to edit their own and their children’s DNA to improve their memory and disease immunity.

  Shi Ying Finance website reported that Hawking believed that at some point in the next 1000 years, nuclear war or environmental disaster would "seriously destroy the earth". By then, "our talented race may have found a way to get rid of the shackles of the earth, so it can overcome the disaster." However, other species on earth may not be able to do it.

  These people who have successfully escaped from the earth are probably new "Superman". They use gene editing techniques such as CRISPR (commonly known as "gene scissors") to surpass others. Scientists can use such gene editing techniques to repair harmful genes and add other genes.

  Hawking also said that even if politicians try to ban this practice by law, these people will improve their memory, disease resistance and life expectancy regardless of the legal constraints prohibiting genetic engineering, which will pose a crisis to the rest of the world.

  In the selected section published in the Sunday Times on the 15th, Hawking said: "I am sure that people will find ways to modify their intelligence and talent within this century. Politicians may make laws prohibiting human genetic engineering, but there are certainly people who can’t resist improving human characteristics — — Such as memory, disease resistance and longevity. "

  He pointed out: "Once this kind of superman appears, those who fail to improve themselves through genetic modification will encounter major political problems. They are unable to compete, and may become dispensable or even extinct. However, in the future, there will be a self-designed human being who is accelerating and improving. If this human race can constantly try to redesign itself, it is likely to spread and colonize other planets and planets. "

  Hawking admits that there are various opinions about why intelligent life has not been discovered or intelligent life has not visited the earth. He is cautiously optimistic about this, but his preferred explanation is that human beings have "ignored" the form of intelligent life in outer space.

  (Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, October 17th)

The chill is getting heavier! The temperature drops the most in beginning of winter. See where to enter the winter on the national winter map.

China Weather Network News "The north wind is cold and cold, and the sparse wood is half green and yellow." Today (November 8th), China entered the beginning of winter solar term. beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means the beginning of cold winter. After beginning of winter, cold air activities became more frequent, and the winter process accelerated. China Weather Network launched the national winter map during beginning of winter all the year round to see where the cold wind is starting and winter is coming.

[National Winter Map] During the beginning of winter season, most of the north entered the winter.

At the beginning of the solar term in beginning of winter all the year round, many places in the north have entered winter, and the front of winter has reached the central part of North China, Qinling Mountains and western Sichuan Plateau. During the solar term in beginning of winter, the process of winter accelerated, and winter continued to cross south, and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, southern Shandong, most of Henan, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, and northwestern Hubei all entered the threshold of winter. Like Shijiazhuang (November 7), Xi ‘an (November 11), Jinan (November 10), Zhengzhou (November 13), Hefei (November 18), Nanjing (November 19) and other provincial capital cities, the average winter season is concentrated in beginning of winter season.

Most of the south is still in autumn at this time, and places like Hunan and Hubei are cool and full of autumn. In Hainan and the southern coastal areas of Guangdong, the summer heat still exists, and the summer is not over.

[Weather in beginning of winter] The temperature plummeted and the chill became heavier.

At the time of beginning of winter, everything was finally done. Beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means that life begins to close and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. Its climate has also changed from dry autumn to rainy and cold winter, with a sudden drop in temperature and a growing chill.

"One day in beginning of winter, water cooling is three points." Beginning of winter is the solar term with the fiercest cooling in the whole year, especially in the north. At this time, it has entered the cold season of "singing winter with the wind". China Weather Network took stock of the national temperature changes in the twenty-four solar terms, and found that the national average temperature began to decline since beginning of autumn, and beginning of winter had the largest decline, with the temperature in first frost dropping by 3.77℃ compared with the previous solar term.

The forms of precipitation after beginning of winter are more diverse, such as rain, snow, sleet and hail. The first snow often appears in North China, and it is already a scene of heavy snow in Northeast and Northwest China.

During the cold air intermission, the temperature difference between day and night in North China, Huanghuai and other places is large, and the humidity increases, which is prone to fog and haze weather, especially the visibility is low in the morning and evening, which will have a great impact on people’s life and travel.

Beginning of winter is not equal to winter. After beginning of winter, the cold air is stronger and the activities are more frequent. The front of winter begins to cross the Qinling Huaihe River, and most of the north has entered winter, while most of the south is still in autumn.

[beginning of winter Phenology] Water begins to freeze when it is frozen.

Beginning of winter is divided into three stages: the first stage is when the water begins to freeze, the second stage is when the ground begins to freeze, and the third stage is when the pheasant enters the flood. It is said that this solar term, water can already form ice; The land also began to freeze; After beginning of winter, big birds such as pheasants are rare, but giant clams with similar lines and colors can be seen on the seashore.

"beginning of winter is sunny and has a good harvest." In beginning of winter season, the land in Northeast China is frozen, and agricultural and forestry crops enter the wintering period; Jiangnan and South China should make full use of fine weather to harvest, sun and air late rice.

[beginning of winter custom] It is necessary to make up for the winter and avoid making up for the cold.

As the saying goes, "beginning of winter fills the winter and fills the mouth." In order to resist the cold, there is a folk custom of "beginning of winter food tonic". In the north, jiaozi is eaten, while in the south, radish stewed mutton, ginger duck, crucian bean curd soup and other tonic dishes are usually eaten. However, winter tonic should be moderate, and blind "big tonic" should be avoided.

The weather is getting colder after beginning of winter, so friends should prepare down jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and other cold-proof equipment in advance, and add clothes in time to prevent colds.

When the north wind rises, everything hides, and beginning of winter is brushing away the restlessness of the season with the most peaceful attitude, so that everything can be calm. We might as well enjoy the warm sunshine in winter and feel the good time on earth quietly after our daily busyness. (Text/Liu Wei Design/Liu Hongxin Data Support/Shi Yan Part of the Image Source/vision china)

(Source: China Weather Network)

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1. Baseball is a very interesting sport, which significantly improves physical fitness, IQ and EQ.

Hello, everyone, I am a vast ocean science, and welcome netizens to watch today’s headlines. < Baseball is a very interesting sport, which significantly improves physical fitness, IQ, EQ and cooperation spirit > Netizens, knowledge is a vast ocean. People are like a small fish in the ocean, and it is impossible to swim to every corner of the vast ocean. There are still many mysterious and unknown things around us waiting for us to examine, think and explore, so that we can realize that the world is so wonderful and knowledgeable. Without further ado, let’s start studying together!

Hey! Children, let’s learn how to play baseball together!

Baseball is a tense and interesting sport. It originated in the United States, and now it has spread in more than 60 countries on five continents. At the end of 19th century, this kind of movement was introduced to China by the United States and Japan.

Although baseball is small, it is changeable and wonderful to play, and unexpected things often happen. Whether you participate in the competition or watch it, it will be fascinating.

At present, baseball is not very popular in our country, and children must be very strange to this sport, but please don’t worry, I will tell you something about baseball now.

The baseball field is a right-angled fan, which is divided into infield and outfield. The infield is square, and there are three corners with bases, which are called first base, second base and third base. The last corner is the top of the court called home plate. There is no bag at home plate, only a pentagonal board is placed, which is called home plate.

Home plate is the starting point and the end point of the offensive players. The attacking team members hit the pitcher’s ball at home plate in turn, and then ran to the next base. When the next player plays ball, he can also take the opportunity to run to the next base. If an offensive player can run the first, second and third bases at one time and finally return to home plate, he will get 1 point.

The defender should wear gloves for catching the ball with one hand and try to catch the ball that the batter can hit. If he can catch the ball, the batter will be robbed and killed. If you can’t catch the ball, you should pick it up quickly, and then immediately pass it to the place where you need it, so that your partner can pass and kill the attacker who hasn’t had time to Jin Lei. If a total of three players on the attacking side are killed out, then the two sides will exchange offensive and defensive positions. The two teams attack and defend once each, making it a game. Adults have to play nine games, and children can play five games. In the end, which team scores more points will win.

Let’s share it with you today. Friends are welcome to leave me messages, comments and forward them to interact with me. Let’s come to today’s headlines to learn science, solve the problems of this ever-changing and colorful world, face many mysterious and unknown things, and face those strange and various natural phenomena. Pay attention to me, the next episode will be more exciting!