Changan Qiyuan E07 pre-sale, 249,900, positioning medium and large SUV

Open pre-sale, extended range version pre-sale 249,900 – 269,900, pure electric version pre-sale 319,900.

WeChat screenshot _20240922223214

WeChat screenshot _20240922223151

Look at the promotional page, book to give high-end intelligent driving, standard empty suspension + CDC, but the price is still… standard pure electric battery is good, a range extension to sell 249,900, quite confident.

WeChat screenshot _20240922223121

In fact, the biggest selling point of E07 is SUV positioning, pickup loading capacity, which has advantages over traditional pickup trucks in terms of policy, but then again, now the pickup policy is also being released one after another, so take a step by one, don’t worry, you can wait for BYD’s shark, recently photographed domestic road test spy photos, non-bearing body, plug-in layout, it is estimated that it can be near the 200,000.

Notice of the Office of the State Intellectual Property Office on Strengthening Patent Navigation

Guozhi Ban Shiyun Zi [2021] No. 30

All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Intellectual Property Offices, Sichuan Intellectual Property Service Promotion Center, Guangdong Intellectual Property Protection Center:

Strengthening patent navigation by industrial sector is an important part of the promotion of the application of intellectual property rights, and is of great significance for improving innovation efficiency, saving innovation costs, and strengthening patent protection. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech made by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader at the 25th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, study and implement differentiated industrial and regional intellectual property policies, and promote the decision-making mechanism of industrial patent navigation based on industrial data and patent data, so as to provide effective support for scientific and technological innovation, the relevant matters related to further strengthening patent navigation work are hereby notified as follows:

I. Background and significance

In April 2013, the State Intellectual Property Office issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the Patent Navigation Pilot Project", formally proposing for the first time that patent navigation is based on the utilization of patent information resources and patent analysis, embedding patent application into industrial technological innovation, product innovation, organizational innovation and business model innovation, and guiding and supporting the industry to achieve independent, controllable and scientific development. Subsequently, the national patent navigation pilot project was fully rolled out for enterprises, industries and regions, and the concept of patent navigation was extended to intellectual property analysis and evaluation, regional layout and other work, and achieved remarkable results. In 2018, in deepening the reform of party and state institutions, patent navigation was identified as the job responsibility of the State Intellectual Property Office after the reorganization, and the pilot project of patent navigation, the pilot work of intellectual property analysis and evaluation of major economic and technological activities, and the pilot work of intellectual property regional layout were fully integrated. In June 2021, the "Patent Navigation Guidelines" (GB/T39551-2020) series of national standards for guiding and standardizing patent navigation work were officially implemented.

Carrying out patent navigation work can promote the establishment of a working mechanism that deeply integrates patent information analysis and industrial operation decision-making, highly matches patent creation and industrial innovation capabilities, effectively guarantees the competitive position of the industry through patent layout, and effectively supports the efficiency of industrial operation through the realization of patent value. This will help to promote the optimal allocation of innovation resources, enhance the creation and reserve of independent intellectual property rights in key areas, and help to achieve high-level technological self-reliance and self-reliance, ensuring the stability and security of the industrial chain and supply chain.

II. Overall requirements and main objectives

(I) Overall requirements.We will closely adhere to the needs of industrial innovation and development, adhere to the problem-oriented, goal-oriented, and result-oriented, implement the series of national standards of the Patent Navigation Guide, strengthen the patent navigation work support system, promote the application of patent navigation results and services, and improve the quality and efficiency of the development of the patent navigation industry. We will further deepen the patent navigation work, help improve the intellectual property governance capacity and governance level, and effectively support the construction of an intellectual property power.

(2) Main objectives.By 2025, the planning and design of patent navigation projects, resource protection, and application of results will be further strengthened, financial investment in patent navigation project management systems and measures will be more perfect, and a number of relatively mature patent navigation service bases will be established in various regions. A unique, standardized, and effective patent navigation service system will be established, and the important role of patent navigation industry innovation and development will be effectively played.

III. Improve the efficiency of patent navigation organizations and help make breakthroughs in key core technologies

(1) Establish a docking mechanism for patent navigation in key industries.Focusing on the implementation of local economic and social development plans, we will connect with the innovative development needs of local governments, industrial agglomeration areas, and leading enterprises, sort out the bottlenecks and key core technologies restricting industrial development, and establish and improve the patent navigation work docking mechanism between the intellectual property department and the competent departments of economy and industry.

(2) Implementing patent navigation projects for key industries.In response to local key core technology research needs, formulate patent navigation work plans, organize the implementation of key industry patent navigation projects, strengthen the analysis of industrial development direction, industrial development positioning and industrial development path, and guide market players to adjust market layout, products and other business strategies according to the analysis results, so as to achieve an effective patent layout around key core technology research.

(III) Launching expert consultation activities in key industries.Based on the industrial promotion and application of patent navigation achievements, we will rationally introduce industrial expert resources in the work links of patent navigation project demand analysis, information fusion analysis, achievement application, and performance evaluation, explore and innovate various practical and effective service forms, and provide business guidance for patent navigation in key core technology areas.

IV. Build a solid foundation for patent navigation and strengthen the supply of resources

(1) Strengthen the construction of patent navigation service bases.All regions should, in light of local conditions, rely on enterprises, colleges and universities, service institutions and other units to build or improve patent navigation service bases that are urgently needed locally, and gradually form the normalization and marketization of patent navigation services. It is necessary to guide public welfare institutions such as patent agencies, intellectual property protection centers, and intellectual property information centers. The main responsibilities are to support government departments in organizing and implementing patent navigation special project policies, supporting government departments in planning and implementing patent navigation projects, and undertaking the daily work of the patent navigation business linkage mechanism of government departments.

(2) Promote the series of national standards of the Patent Navigation Guide.To publicize and popularize the concept of patent navigation in the whole society, promote the organization and implementation methods of regional planning and industrial planning patent navigation projects, and the application methods of results to relevant government departments, and guide enterprises and institutions to apply national standards in innovative activities such as business operation, R & D activities, and talent management. Guide various entities to expand the application scenarios of patent navigation and innovate patent navigation analysis methods.

(III) Strengthen the training of patent navigation personnel.In line with the actual economic development of the region and the needs of patent navigation work, formulate a patent navigation talent training plan, organize online and offline patent navigation work training, and meet the personalized skills training needs of various subjects, so as to promote the construction of a local patent navigation talent team.

(Iv) Provide patented navigation service products.Combined with the requirements of patent navigation application scenarios, integrate data, talents and other patent navigation work resources, guide institutions with public welfare attributes, develop public welfare patent navigation tool products, and innovate the working mode to promote the improvement of patent navigation service efficiency, so as to meet the work needs of patent navigation service customization, facilitation and effectiveness.

V. Enhance the efficiency of patent navigation services and strengthen the application of project results

(1) Establish a patent navigation achievement sharing mechanism.Make full use of the patent navigation comprehensive service platform, organize the warehousing, filing and evaluation of the results of the patent navigation project in the region, regularly submit the results of the patent navigation project including analysis and research reports and application materials to the State Intellectual Property Office, and promptly push the patent navigation results information to the relevant departments of the region’s economy and industry to support innovation decision-making.

(2) Establish a patent navigation achievement release mechanism.Excavate and summarize typical cases of patent navigation work in the region, build a patent navigation results release mechanism, and issue patent navigation reports to key industrial chain-related enterprises to promote the wide use of patent navigation results.

(III) Establish a patent navigation achievement application resource docking mechanism.In response to the application needs of patent navigation results such as patent layout, high-value patent cultivation, and intellectual property operation, the docking channels of various resources such as priority review, centralized review, fast committal hearing, fast rights protection, and patent rights transfer and transformation required for the smooth application of patent navigation results will accelerate the landing and application of patent navigation results.

VI. Organizational guarantee

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership.All provincial-level intellectual property management departments should fully understand the importance of strengthening patent navigation work, focus on local economic and social development planning and industrial innovation and development needs, improve the industrial patent navigation policy mechanism, organize the implementation of patent navigation special projects, guide the construction of patent navigation service bases, and improve the patent navigation work system.

(2) Increase investment in resources.The State Intellectual Property Office will strengthen the horizontal coordination and vertical connection of policy resources with various ministries and regions, and promote the deep integration of patent navigation with economy, industry and other related work. Provincial-level intellectual property management departments should strengthen communication and coordination with relevant functional areas of business in their respective regions, strive for supporting support from relevant policies and funds, and provide resource protection for patent navigation work.

(III) Strengthen tracking services and assessments.In order to facilitate the guidance of the development of patent navigation work, the intellectual property management departments at the provincial level shall recommend a patent navigation service base with good work as a working contact point. Each contact point shall submit a work summary to the Department of Application Promotion of our bureau before the end of each year, and hold contact point meetings as needed to exchange work experience, listen to work suggestions, and provide necessary support and guidance. The intellectual property management departments at the provincial level shall submit the results of patent navigation work in their respective regions every year, regularly submit the work results of patent navigation projects, and file the relevant situation of patent navigation service base construction in a timely manner. Our bureau will regard the tasks and results of patent navigation work as an important assessment and evaluation index for the pilot demonstration work of provincial, municipal, park and other intellectual property power construction, and as a must-do task to support the construction of key cities in the construction of the national intellectual property operation service system.

VII. Relevant requirements

(1) Intellectual property management departments at the provincial level should take the construction of patent navigation service bases as an important breakthrough point for strengthening local patent navigation work, and make layout plans. Please file the first batch of local patent navigation service bases with the Department of Application Promotion of our bureau before the end of 2021, and recommend a contact point.

(2) All provincial-level intellectual property management departments shall submit their provincial patent navigation work contacts (branch level) and contact information by the end of July 2021.

Hereby inform.

Office of the State Intellectual Property Office

July 6, 2021

(Contact and Tel: Application Promotion Department, Pang Zhipeng, Ji Xiang 010-62085371 62086705 Email:

Dragon set group gathers in Beijing "New King of Comedy" Zhou Xingchi laughs at fried cold rice

1905 movie network news Scheduled to be released nationwide on the first day of the new year 2019, director Stephen Chow’s "New King of Comedy" has now opened for national pre-sale. On January 22, the film held a "self-cultivation of actors" conference in Beijing. Director Chow Xingchi and 10 leading actors appeared together. The creators all wore orange ribbons on their wrists, which meant to recommend this "sincere (orange) work" to the national audience.

The scene exposed many film details, not only revealing the inside story of the "Dragon Set Troupe" for the first time, but also sharing the bitterness and laughter behind the transition from "Dragon Set Life" to "New Comedy King Life". Xing Ye bluntly said that it was their enthusiasm that moved him; Zhou Xingchi and Wang Baoqiang made an update on the scene to test the actors’ "self-cultivation". Faced with the question of "fried cold rice" on the Internet, Zhou Xingchi responded humorously on the spot: "I have fried Yangzhou fried rice, but I have never fried cold rice". Wang Baoqiang also responded modestly to the question of "selling stupid", admitting that "I will turn the doubt into a motivation for hard work".

There were many surprises at the press conference, and Zhou Xingchi’s early audition clips were broadcast. The line of "looking for a princess" that Xingye said that year was a hint that he was looking for "Snow White" Wang Baoqiang 30 or 40 years ago; Wang Baoqiang, as a "super star fan", sent Xingye a cartoon of his mental journey in the 20 years after watching "King of Comedy", in order to thank the director for his encouragement. "Liu Piao Piao Piao" Cecilia Cheung even sent refueling blessings to "Yin Tianchou" from space, ridiculing him that "he said that he would only raise me, but now he has raised so many people", and inspiring everyone to continue to work hard for their dreams!


The "Dragon Troupe" revealed the inside story of the casting selection, and E Jingwen was named the "most beaten" heroine

Since the official announcement, there has been a lot of curiosity about "The King of New Comedy", among which the most concerning is Xing Ye’s choice of actors. At this press conference, the lead actor made his first full lineup appearance, and the story behind the casting selection was exposed. The female lead, E Jingwen, played Rumeng, an elderly young woman who was a walk-on. She said that she had similar experiences both in and out of the play. She joked that she was selected by Xing Ye because she "carried the beating". It was revealed that she was determined to "hold on no matter what" before entering the group. Who knew that Rumeng was often bullied and beaten during the walk-on in the film, and the longest was even "beaten for two days in a row". She joked: "The beating has broadened the scene", which can be called the "most beating" female lead.

In the film, Zhang Quandan plays Rumeng’s boyfriend Charlie, who claims that he has the temperament of a "gentle trap", and that "extra gentle and special trap is mysterious" is even more appetizing to the audience.

Jing Ruyang, who plays Rumeng’s best friend Xiaomi, bluntly said that his legs were shaking when he first saw Xing Ye.

One of the screenwriters of the film, Huang Xiaopeng, was also selected by the director to play an important role. In the play, he silently guarded the dream, which can be said to be a double guarantee for the screenwriter. Cai Zerui, who played the director of the play, said that he was selected by the director because he was a "literary youth".

And Miao Yilun, who plays a well-known director, spoiled the scene with "forever is from now until the destruction of the universe, you will not succeed" and hit Rumeng hard, and apologized at the scene "I regret it", encouraging everyone "Don’t listen to what the self-righteous people say, dreams and the future must be fought back with your own hands".

When it was the turn of Zhou Yunshu, who played Wang Baoqiang’s assistant, to introduce her, she showed off her "repeater" characteristics on the spot, and touted Wang Baoqiang in the audience, showing professionalism and adding bursts of laughter to the warm scene.

Compared with the newcomers, veteran actors Zhang Qi and Yuan Xingzhe play the heroine’s parents in the film. The two praised the experience of working with Chow Xingchi: "He really wants everyone to be the best." "Working with Xingye has a kind of spiritual oxygenation." The relationship between the heroine Rumeng and her parents in the film is very touching, and the actor Zhang Qi also said: "I hope parents in the world can understand their children."

"I was very touched," Mr. Chow said of the real reasons for choosing the actors. "When I was filming, I could feel their enthusiasm. When I saw them after so long, I saw that they were still as enthusiastic, and I was very touched." He said: "Each of us is Yin Tianchou, and we are all working hard for our dreams, and I am also working hard for my dreams." He also hopes that "The King of New Comedy" will give more strength to the hard-working people in the new year, "I hope the audience will be more confident and work harder after watching the movie."


Zhou Xingchi’s early audition clips were exposed, and the live funny comments considered themselves "the best actor"

At the scene, Zhou Xingchi and Wang Baoqiang reacted to the other starring stars’ exam questions. In the burst of laughter, the starring stars explained what "actor’s self-cultivation" is. Demonstrate how to use the correct posture to watch "The King of New Comedy" on the first day of the new year; and in the test of the exam question "Meet Zhou Xingchi, he chooses you as the protagonist", Xing Ye personally played the role, and the starring stars restored the real joy and excitement when they were selected by Xing Ye at that time.

After starring in the "audition", Chow Xingchi’s precious audition footage from his early years was also broadcast live. In the video, the young Andy Lau and Tony Leung’s audition clips were also displayed together, instantly triggering a wave of "memory killing". Xing Ye watched the performance of the three people with a smile. When the host asked who was the best actor, he replied with a smile: "Me." Then he solemnly expressed his enthusiasm for acting from his former self and friends, and found that he still had a fire on his body. Speaking of the line of "looking for a princess" back then, Xing Ye laughed that this should be a hint that he was looking for Wang Baoqiang, so he searched for 30 or 40 years before finally finding Wang Baoqiang who played "Snow White".

"The New King of Comedy" is a movie full of "little people". In the Spring Festival when big stars and big productions gather, many people break a cold sweat for it. In this regard, Zhou Xingchi bluntly stated that the result is not important, what is important is to convey emotion and temperature: "My purpose is always to make the audience like it, and I hope that in this work, the audience can find themselves and find hope."


Zhou Xingchi Wang Baoqiang confronted the outside world and questioned "Liu Piaopiao" and blessed "Yin Tianchou" in the air. 

Since the official announcement, not all expectations have accompanied "The New King of Comedy", and some people have expressed doubts. At the press conference, Zhou Xingchi and Wang Baoqiang responded to two sharp doubts and faced them head-on. Facing Zhou Xingchi’s question of "what else can you do besides fried cold rice", Wang Baoqiang said: "Your guesses about Xingye’s movies are sometimes inaccurate, and you need to feel it yourself." Zhou Xingchi responded humorously: "I have fried Yangzhou fried rice, but I really have never fried cold rice."

Regarding Wang Baoqiang’s question of "what else can you do besides being stupid", Lord Xing smiled and said, "In fact, I also really want to know what else he can do, so I found Baoqiang, but I didn’t expect him to be able to play Snow White." Wang Baoqiang expressed his gratitude to netizens: "Thank you all for motivating me in various ways, which has strengthened my determination to continue to work hard."

The scene also prepared a special surprise for Xingye on the same day – Cecilia Cheung, who played "Liu Piao Piao Piao" in "King of Comedy" 20 years ago, sent blessings to "Yin Tianchou" through the VCR, and ridiculed him "back then that he said he would only raise me, but now he raises so many people". This scene of air dialogue caused bursts of exclamations on the scene.

As a "super star fan", Wang Baoqiang sent his carefully prepared paintings on the spot, restoring his 20-year journey of being deeply influenced and inspired by "King of Comedy", in order to thank "King of Comedy" Zhou Xingchi for his encouragement, "20 years ago," King of Comedy "inspired me, and 20 years later, this" King of New Comedy "will definitely inspire more people. I believe that after watching the movie, everyone will feel that Star Lord’s comedy has always made you laugh and cry, and will be inspired and deeply moved." 20 years ago, the time and space connection, the strong human touch touched the warm audience.

The film "The King of New Comedy" is directed by Stephen Chow, and co-starred by Wang Baoqiang, E Jingwen, Jing Ruyang, Zhang Quandan, Zhang Qi, Yuan Xingzhe, Huang Xiaopeng, Cai Zerui and Miao Yilun. The film is currently on pre-sale across the country. It will be released on the first day of the new year to cheer up the hard-working self and harvest positive energy in the new year!

Announcement of Listed Companies in Shenzhen (February 8)

  Several directors and senior executives of Changgao Group have reduced their holdings by 7,173,700 shares.

  () Announce that the actual controller, chairman Mr. Ma Xiaowu, directors Mr. Ma Xiao, Mr. Lin Lin, Ms. Liu Jiayu and chief financial officer Mr. Liu Yunqiang of the company plan to reduce some of the company’s shares by centralized bidding or block trading within 6 months (from November 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022) after 15 trading days from the date of the announcement of the reduction.

  As of the date of this announcement, the above-mentioned personnel have reduced their holdings by more than half, with a total of 7,173,700 shares of the company.

  Dongpeng Holdings has not implemented share repurchase yet.

  () Announcement, as of January 31, 2022, the company has not implemented share repurchase.

  Huang Qiang, an executive of Guibao Technology, reduced his holding of 9,000 shares of the company.

  () Announcement was issued. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Wang Youqiang and Mr. Li Song did not reduce their holdings of the company’s shares, and Mr. Huang Qiang reduced his holdings of 9,000 shares of the company during this period.

  Qiaqia Food has spent 30.008 million yuan to buy back 547,800 shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased 547,800 shares of the company by centralized bidding through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 0.108% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 59.56 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 520,775 yuan/share, and the total turnover was 30,008,000 yuan.

  Jingquanhua bought back 106,000 shares at a cost of 1,265,100 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 106,000 shares of the company by centralized bidding, accounting for about 0.059% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 12.11 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 11.80 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 1,265,100 yuan (excluding transaction costs). The repurchase of the above-mentioned companies meets the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and conforms to the established repurchase plan.

  Kelun Pharmaceutical has repurchased 2,216,600 shares at a cost of 40,005,100 yuan.

  () Announced that as of January 31st, 2022, the company used its own funds to implement this repurchase plan, and repurchased shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account for stock repurchase. The cumulative number of repurchased shares was 2,216,600 shares, accounting for 0.1555% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 18.25 yuan/share, the lowest was 17.85 yuan/share, and the transaction amount was 40,005,100 yuan (.

  Wanbangde repurchased 4,139,200 shares at a cost of 50,953,500 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased shares by centralized bidding, and the cumulative number of repurchased shares was 4,139,200 shares, accounting for 0.67% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 12.64 yuan/share, the lowest was 9.69 yuan/share, and the transaction amount was 50,953,500 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Zhang Shaoyao and Cheng Yanan, directors of Xingqi Ophthalmology, did not reduce their holdings of the company’s shares, and the period of reduction expired.

  () Announcement was issued. On February 7, 2022, the company received the Letter of Notice on the Expiration of the Share Reduction Plan issued by Mr. Zhang Shaoyao, Director, Deputy General Manager and Secretary of the Board of Directors, and Ms. Cheng Yanan, Director and Chief Financial Officer respectively. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the period of the reduction plan of Mr. Zhang Shaoyao and Ms. Cheng Yanan has expired. From July 21, 2021 to the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Zhang Shaoyao did not reduce his shares in the company in any way. From July 21, 2021 to the disclosure date of this announcement, Ms. Cheng Yanan did not reduce her shareholding in the company in any way.

  Yingke Medical: It plans to invest 300 million yuan to invest in Wuxi Shangxian Lake Boshang Investment Partnership.

  () On the evening of February 7th, it was announced that the company planned to sign a partnership agreement with Jiangsu Boshang, etc. to invest in Wuxi Shangxian Lake Boshang Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) with its own funds of 300 million yuan. The total subscribed capital of the partnership enterprise is 6 billion yuan, focusing on the target companies and asset portfolios in the fields of new generation information technology, advanced manufacturing, medical and health care, consumer technology and other scientific and technological innovations.

  The construction and restoration consortium won the bid for the project of 317 million yuan.

  On February 7th, () (SZ300958) issued an announcement, and the company received the Notice of Winning Bid from Tianjin Beichen District Land Consolidation Center and Tianjin Pan Asia Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., informing the consortium formed by the company and Zhongshui North Survey, Design and Research Co., Ltd. to win the bid for the dolphin rubber plot restoration and treatment project, with a bid amount of about 317 million yuan and a construction period of 18 months from the date of signing the contract. Since 2022, the construction engineering restoration has successively won the bid for Tianjin Dolphin Rubber Plot Restoration Project and Yancheng Lianfu Petrochemical Co., Ltd. West Plant Plot Restoration Project, with a total contract amount of about 346 million yuan, laying a good foundation for sprinting the business target in 2022.

  The actual controller of construction repair is Beijing State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), which landed on GEM in March 2021, and is the first concept stock in the A-share market that is mainly engaged in environmental repair business. As one of the earliest companies specializing in environmental restoration services in China, the construction engineering restoration after listing is accelerating the construction of comprehensive environmental restoration service layout.

  A few days ago, the 2021 Science and Technology Promotion Award of China Academy of Sciences was announced, and the scientific research team of "Key Technologies and Applications of Industrial Contaminated Site Restoration" participated in the construction project restoration successfully won the award. This is after winning the 2021 environmental technology progress award, the scientific and technological innovation strength of construction repair has once again been recognized by the authority. Supported by the scientific and technological service capabilities of leading industries, the company has a strong momentum to accelerate the value transformation of the environmental restoration industry chain.

  Relying on the high market share in the industry and the resource integration advantages of state-owned assets, the industrial chain layout of construction and restoration is stable and efficient. In 2021, the first batch of six "Environmental Hospital" service model pilot projects in Shandong Province were officially approved, and two projects, "Qingdao Environmental Hospital" and "Qilu Cloud Environmental Hospital", which were jointly declared for construction and restoration, were successfully selected, deepening model innovation in the field of remediation of contaminated sites with first-Mover advantages, and providing environmental policy consultation, diagnosis of environmental problems, system solutions, investment and financing of engineering construction, engineering design and construction, commissioning and operation for the government, enterprises and the public. At the same time, the company established an emergency disposal center for contaminated soil and groundwater in Yanziji New Town, Nanjing, explored the path of productization of contaminated soil, systematically solved the problem of regional pollution prevention and control, and opened up the market space for environmental restoration and operation.

  Focusing on the "14th Five-Year Plan" of the country and the goal of carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions, construction and restoration have frequently fallen into the business direction of ecological restoration. At the Global Coastal Forum, the company reached a strategic cooperation with Jiangsu Huanghai Wetland Research Institute to jointly build an experimental base for wetland purification and restoration, carry out research and development of key technologies and tackle key scientific problems, and make classified policies around different characteristics and governance needs of river and lake wetlands, coastal wetlands and urban wetlands, so as to scientifically promote the landing of wetland restoration projects. In Kunming, Yunnan Province, the project of comprehensive management of abandoned open-pit mines in the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Yunnan Province was undertaken for construction engineering restoration. Based on the achievements of material research and development, phosphogypsum was explored for soil improvement and pit filling, and ecological restoration and solid waste disposal were combined to realize the transformation of ecological benefits and economic benefits, and a model of "solid waste utilization+mine restoration" was created.

  Research reports issued by many institutions are optimistic about the prospects of soil remediation market. Huajin Securities once predicted that the total market space in the three major areas of industrial contaminated site remediation, soil remediation in mining areas and farmland remediation could reach several trillion yuan in the future. (Reporter/Xiang Yantao)

  Huada Gene: COVID-19 antigen self-test products have obtained EU CE access qualification.

  At noon on February 7th, () announced that the COVID-19 antigen self-test product of BGI Europe A/S (referred to as "European Medicine"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, had recently obtained the EU CE certificate.

  According to BGI, COVID-19 antigen self-test products need no testing equipment, and have the characteristics of easy operation and quick results, which is convenient for individuals and families to quickly test Covid-19, and can better meet the needs of home detection and prevention of epidemic situation in various countries. Immunoassay is a traditional and mature detection technology, but its production system construction and quality optimization work test the technical accumulation and operation ability of the enterprise. The company’s COVID-19 antigen self-test product obtained the EU CE certificate this time, which indicates that the performance of the company’s immunoassay product has been recognized by the official organization, which is an important progress for the company to build a high-medium-low-flux product system in the field of infection prevention and control, and is of great significance for promoting the multipolar development of the company’s infection prevention and control business products.

  Qi zhou, director of Fengxing Co., Ltd., has not reduced his shareholding, and the reduction period has expired.

  () It was announced that qi zhou, the director of the company, did not reduce his shareholding in the company during this reduction plan. As of the date of this announcement, the period of its reduction plan expires.

  Changyuan electric power subsidiary plans to expand the engineering chemical water system and the EPC project of zero wastewater discharge in the whole plant.

  () Announcement was issued. On January 29th, 2022, the company received the Notice of Winning Bid (Shenhua Engineering Zhong [2022] No.00197) issued by the tendering agency () International Engineering Co., Ltd., and determined that Guoneng Langxinming Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guoneng Langxinming) was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guoneng Changyuan Jingzhou Thermal Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jingzhou Company).

  The EPC general contracting project of the 2×350MW expansion project of Jingzhou Thermal Power Plant Phase II of Changyuan Electric Power Co., Ltd. can realize raw water treatment and meet the water demand of the unit after the unit is officially put into use, and at the same time realize the cascade utilization of water resources without desulfurization wastewater discharge, and finally achieve the goal of zero desulfurization wastewater discharge.

  Guanzhong Ecology: The consortium won the bid of 319 million yuan for gaoqing county urban and rural greenway network project.

  () Announced that the consortium formed by the company and Photosynthetic Garden is the first successful candidate for the urban and rural greenway network project in gaoqing county. On January 29th, the company received the Notice of Winning the Bid for Construction Project from the tenderee and the tendering agency, with a bid price of 319 million yuan and a construction period of 730 (calendar days).

  The winning project belongs to the company’s main business. If the company can sign a formal project contract and implement it smoothly, it will have a positive impact on the company’s operating performance and will not affect the company’s operating independence.

  New Beiyang bought back 2.703 million shares at a cost of 23.0809 million yuan.

  () Announced that as of January 31, 2022, the company had repurchased 2.703 million shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.4060% of the company’s total share capital as of September 30, 2021. The highest transaction price was 9.07 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 7.92 yuan/share, and the total amount paid was 23.0809 million yuan (excluding transactions)

  Shandong Mining Machinery bought back 10 million shares at a cost of 21,893,100 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased 10,000,800 shares of the company by centralized bidding through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 0.56% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 2.26 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 2.1 yuan/share, and the total amount paid was 21,893,100 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Cheng Zongyu, the controlling shareholder of Mingjiahui, reduced his holdings by 11,223,100 shares in a block trade.

  () It was announced that Mr. Cheng Zongyu, the controlling shareholder, did not reduce his shares by centralized bidding, and the implementation period of his block trading and centralized bidding plan for reducing his shares has expired, in which the block trading reduced his holdings by 11,223,100 shares, accounting for 1.71%.

  Tang Renshen has spent 62.967 million yuan to buy back 9.8937 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased 9,893,700 shares of the company by centralized bidding through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 0.82% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 7.33 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 5.65 yuan/share, and the turnover was 62.967 million yuan.

  Haisike: Application for registration of new indications of cyclophenol injection was accepted.

  () On the evening of February 7th, it was announced that the application for registration of new indications of innovative drug cyclophenol injection by Liaoning Haisike, a wholly-owned subsidiary, was accepted; Cyclophenol injection is a brand-new intravenous anesthetic developed by the company with independent intellectual property rights. In addition, the company’s innovative drug HSK31858 tablets were approved to carry out clinical trials for "lower respiratory diseases caused by bronchiectasis and acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome"; The innovative drug HSK31679 was approved to carry out the clinical trial of "intended to be used to treat adult primary hypercholesterolemia".

  Haisike obtained the Notice of Approval for Clinical Trials of innovative drug HSK31858 tablets.

  Haisike announced that the company had recently obtained the Notice of Approval for Clinical Trials of Drugs issued by National Medical Products Administration Drug Evaluation Center. After examination, HSK31858 tablets accepted in November 2021 met the relevant requirements for drug registration, and it was agreed that this product could be used for clinical trials of "lower respiratory diseases caused by bronchiectasis and acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome".

  It is reported that HSK31858 tablet is an oral, potent and highly selective small molecule inhibitor of 1(Dipeptidyl Peptidase1,DPP1) independently developed by the company, and it is intended to be used for treating bronchiectasis and lower respiratory diseases caused by acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome.

  Superstar Technology repurchased 6,673,800 shares at a cost of 203 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased 6,673,800 shares of the company by centralized bidding, accounting for 0.5837% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 3.270 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 2.483 yuan/share, and the total used funds were 203 million yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Chen Huashen, supervisor of Xuedilong, has not reduced his shareholding for more than half of the time.

  () Announcement was issued. As of February 7, 2022, Mr. Chen Huashen, the supervisor, had been in the middle of the reduction plan, and Mr. Chen Huashen did not reduce his shares in the company during the reduction plan period.

  Opening medical treatment: electronic lower digestive tract endoscope obtained medical device registration certificate.

  () On the evening of February 7th, it was announced that the company’s electronic lower digestive tract endoscope had been approved by Guangdong Drug Administration, and recently obtained the registration certificate of medical devices in People’s Republic of China (PRC).

  Yongxing Materials received a financial subsidy of 43.2608 million yuan.

  () Announcement. Recently, Huzhou Yongxing Materials Recycling Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, received a financial subsidy of 43.2608 million yuan from Huzhou Finance Bureau in the form of cash subsidy. As of the date of this announcement, all the subsidy funds have been received.

  Ocean Life spent 828,100 yuan to buy back 24,400 shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2021, the company has repurchased 24,400 shares of the company by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.0004% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price is 33.98 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price is 33.88 yuan/share, and the accumulated transaction amount is 828,100 yuan (excluding transaction costs). This repurchase is in line with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.

  Nanjing Julong: Ten shareholders including Wang Gang intend to reduce their holdings by no more than 795,300 shares.

  () Announcement: Recently, the company received the Notice of Share Reduction Plan issued by 10 shareholders, namely Wang Gang, Zhang Jincheng (senior manager of the company), Zhao Yong, Liu Zhaoning, yan wang, Liu Ming, Zhu Shujun, Wu Zhong, Liu Zhiwei and Zhang Yechun, respectively. The above shareholders plan to reduce their shares in the company by centralized bidding, with a total of no more than 795,300 shares, accounting for 0.5% of the company’s total share capital.

  Zuoli Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: The workshop of Chinese herbal pieces passed the GMP compliance inspection.

  () Announcement was issued. Recently, the company inquired about the "GMP compliance inspection results of Zhejiang Drug Administration No.0013" on the website of Zhejiang Drug Administration, and learned that the inspection results of the company’s Chinese herbal pieces workshop met the requirements.

  According to the announcement, the company’s Chinese herbal pieces workshop passed the GMP compliance inspection, indicating that the company’s production line meets GMP requirements, which is conducive to the company’s related products to meet market demand.

  Shenghui Technology has been re-recognized by high-tech enterprises.

  () Announcement: Recently, the company received the Certificate of High-tech Enterprise jointly issued by Shandong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Shandong Provincial Department of Finance and Shandong Provincial Taxation Bureau of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, with the certificate number GR202137006918, the issuing date is December 10, 2021, and the validity period is three years.

  Huisen Investment, a shareholder of Gaomeng New Materials, has not reduced its shareholding for more than half of the time.

  () Announcement. Today, the company received a Letter of Notice on the Progress of the Share Reduction Plan jointly issued by three concerted actions of shareholders Huisen Investment, Tang Xiaolin and Hu Yuyou. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the above-mentioned reduction plan has been over half, and no reduction has been made during the reduction plan period.

  Aoyang Group, the controlling shareholder of Aoyang Health, pledged 22.3 million shares each.

  () Announcement, the company recently received a notice from the controlling shareholder Aoyang Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Aoyang Group"), and learned that some shares held by Aoyang Group were released from pledge and some shares were pledged at the same time.

  This time, 22.3 million shares were released from pledge, accounting for 9.48% of its shares and 2.87% of the company’s total share capital.

  This time, 22.3 million shares were pledged, accounting for 9.48% of its shares and 2.87% of the company’s total share capital.

  Qianhai Life Insurance, the major shareholder of OCT A, has reduced its holdings of 47.7439 million shares for more than half of the reduction period.

  OCT A announced that by February 5, 2022, Qianhai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. ("Qianhai Life Insurance"), a shareholder holding more than 5% of the company’s shares, and Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. ("Jushenghua"), a concerted action, had reduced their holdings by more than half, and Qianhai Life Insurance had reduced its holdings by 47,743,900 shares, accounting for 0.58% of the total share capital.

  Baode Science and Technology Group, the controlling shareholder of Zhongqingbao, pledged 1.5 million shares of the company.

  () Announcement: Recently, the company received a letter from Baode Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company, and learned that some of its shares were pledged. The number of shares pledged this time was 1.5 million, accounting for 0.57% of the company’s total share capital.

  Blue Ocean Huateng repurchased 1,316,100 shares at a cost of 15,008,200 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 1,316,100 shares of the company through the special securities account for stock repurchase, with a total amount of 15,008,200 yuan. The cumulative number of shares repurchased accounted for 0.63% of the company’s total share capital, with the highest transaction price of 15.72 yuan/share and the lowest transaction price of 10.60 yuan/share.

  Sannuo Bio bought back 4,561,100 shares at a cost of 122 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 4,561,100 shares of the company through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 0.81% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 29.637 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 23.419 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 122 million yuan (excluding transaction fees).

  Sega Technology spent 12.159 million yuan to buy back 1.5 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company had repurchased 1.5 million shares, accounting for 0.5942% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price of repurchased shares was 8.46 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 7.66 yuan/share, with a total turnover of 12.159 million yuan (excluding related transaction costs).

  Tailong shares have not been repurchased as of January 31st.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company’s special securities repurchase account has not yet implemented the operations related to this share repurchase.

  Gaolan shares have spent 30.054 million yuan to buy back 3.3716 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased 3,371,600 shares of the company by centralized bidding, accounting for 1.20% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 13.93 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 7.68 yuan/share, and the total amount paid was 30.054 million yuan.

  Sun Jianxi, the actual controller of Dagang Holdings, released the pledge of 18 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. On February 6, 2022, the company received a notice from Ms. Chien Sun Xi, the controlling shareholder and actual controller, and learned that some of its shares pledged to Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. had been deregistered in China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. on January 28, 2022, and 18 million shares were released this time, accounting for 21.26% of its shares and 5.67% of its total share capital.

  Wang Yong, a shareholder of Kaifa Electric, has reduced his holdings of 650,000 shares for more than half of the time.

  () Announcement. Recently, the company received the Notice Letter on Share Reduction issued by shareholder Wang Yong. As of the disclosure date of the announcement, shareholder Wang Yong has reduced the company’s share holdings by 650,000 shares, and the planned reduction time has been more than half.

  Oriental Yuhong has spent 102 million yuan to buy back 2,530,600 shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company has repurchased 2,530,600 shares by centralized bidding through the special securities repurchase account, accounting for 0.10% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 4.890 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 3.724 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 102 million yuan.

  Junyuan Pharmaceutical, a subsidiary of Saisheng Pharmaceutical, passed the on-site compliance inspection of drug GMP.

  () Announcement: Recently, the company received the notice of the GMP compliance inspection result (No.:Liao 22010002) of Shenyang Junyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Junyuan Pharmaceutical"), and now the relevant information is announced as follows: Junyuan Pharmaceutical passed the GMP on-site compliance inspection, indicating that the three dosage forms production lines of Junyuan Pharmaceutical meet GMP requirements. It is conducive to improving the company’s product structure, improving production capacity and expanding market scale, and has a positive role in promoting the company’s stable development in the future.

  Mona Lisa has not yet implemented share repurchase.

  () Announcement, as of January 31, 2022, the company has not implemented share repurchase.

  Tan Fenfang, supervisor of Lier Chemical, reduced his holdings by 30,100 shares by more than half.

  () Announcement was issued. On February 7, 2022, the company received the Notice Letter on the Progress of Share Reduction Plan from Ms. Tan Fenfang, the supervisor. As of January 28, 2022, more than half of the shares were reduced as disclosed in the above pre-disclosure announcement, and the company reduced its shares by 30,100 shares, accounting for 0.0057% of the company’s total share capital.

  Open medical treatment: "electronic lower digestive tract endoscope" obtained medical device registration certificate.

  A medical announcement was issued. One of the company’s medical device products has been approved by Guangdong Drug Administration, and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Medical Device Registration Certificate has been obtained recently. The approval date of the certificate is January 27th, 2022, the effective date is January 27th, 2022, and the validity period is January 26th, 2027. The registration certificate number is Yue Xie Zhu Zhun 2022060099, and the product name is Dianxia.

  OCT A: Qianhai Life Insurance reduced its shareholding by 0.58%.

  OCT A announced on the evening of February 7 that the shareholder Qianhai Life Insurance and the concerted action person Qi Shenghua had reduced their holdings by more than half, and Qianhai Life Insurance reduced its holdings by 47.74 million shares, accounting for 0.58% of the total share capital.

  Li Rong, deputy general manager of World Bank, received a warning letter from the Securities Regulatory Bureau and a supervision letter from the Exchange.

  On February 6th, Shenzhen () Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "World Bank") announced that the senior management of the company had received the warning letter from Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau and the supervision letter from Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  According to the announcement, World Bank recently received the Decision of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau on Taking Measures to Issue a Warning Letter to Li Rong issued by Shenzhen Supervision Bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Warning Letter) and the Supervision Letter on Li Rong, Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen World Bank Group Co., Ltd. issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Supervision Letter).

  According to the Warning Letter, during his tenure, Yong-Jae Lee, deputy general manager of World Bank, reduced his holdings of about 110,000 shares of the company through centralized bidding on the exchange on September 1, 2021, with a reduction ratio of 0.0054%. As a senior manager of the company, Li Rong did not report to the stock exchange and disclose the reduction plan in advance 15 trading days before the reduction of the above shares, which violated the provisions of Article 8, paragraph 1, of Several Provisions on the Reduction of Shares by Shareholders and Directors of Listed Companies.

  According to the announcement, after receiving the Warning Letter and Supervision Letter, Li Rong attached great importance to the problems pointed out in it, and said that he would fully learn from the lessons, earnestly strengthen the study of relevant laws, regulations and normative documents such as the Securities Law, the Company Law, the Stock Listing Rules, further improve the awareness of standardized operation, strictly regulate the stock trading behavior, and prevent such incidents from happening again.

  Lear Chemical does not redeem "Lear Convertible Bonds" in advance.

  Lear Chemical announced that the company held the 19th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors on February 7th, 2022, and reviewed the Proposal on Whether to Exercise the Redemption Right of Lear Convertible Bonds. After full discussion and voting by all directors, considering that the conversion time of Lear Convertible Bonds is relatively short, and considering the current market situation, the directors attending the meeting unanimously voted not to exercise the redemption right, so the board of directors decided not to exercise the early redemption right of Lear Convertible Bonds this time.

  At the same time, according to the Measures for the Administration of Convertible Corporate Bonds of CSRC and the relevant requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, during the period from February 8, 2022 to May 7, 2022, if "Lier Convertible Bonds" triggers the redemption clause again, they will not exercise this right and will not redeem "Lier Convertible Bonds" in advance.

  Deyi Wenchuang has not yet implemented this share repurchase plan.

  () Announcement, as of the end of January 2022, the company has not implemented this share repurchase plan.

  Kangli Elevator has spent 30,048,600 yuan to repurchase 3,888,500 shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, in this repurchase scheme, the company repurchased 3,888,500 shares of the company by centralized auction trading through the repurchase special securities account, accounting for 0.49% of the company’s total share capital before the implementation of the share repurchase scheme. The highest transaction price was 8.10 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 7.38 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 30,048,600 yuan.

  Shenkai shares spent 62.5276 million yuan to buy back 10 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 10 million shares of the company through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 2.75% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 6.78 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 5.77 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 62.5276 million yuan (including transaction costs).

  Ningbo Huaxiang repurchased 496,600 shares at a cost of 9,997,100 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 496,600 shares of the company by centralized bidding through the special securities account for repurchasing shares, accounting for 0.061% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 20.22 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 19.99 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 9,997,100 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Huaxia Airlines has repurchased 4.63 million shares at a cost of 50.0458 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, the company repurchased 4.63 million shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.4568% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price of repurchased shares was 12.21 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 9.99 yuan/share, and the total paid amount was 50.0458 million yuan.

  The listing review of the initial public offering of Livzon Group’s shareholding companies was suspended.

  () Announcement, the company recently learned that Tianjin () Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianjin Tongren"), the company’s shareholding company, recently received the Notice of Tianjin Tongren _IPO_ Access Project Suspension issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Stock Exchange"). XinYong Zhonghe Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership), an accountant hired by Tianjin Tongren for initial public offering and listing on the Growth Enterprise Market, was put on file for investigation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. According to the relevant provisions of Article 64 of the Rules for the Examination of Stock Issuance and Listing on the Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange suspended the examination of Tianjin Tongren’s IPO and listing on January 26, 2022.

  Asia Pacific was selected as the supplier of ABS actuators for SUV models of a foreign customer.

  () Announced, the company recently received a notice from a domestic trading company that the company has been selected as the supplier of ABS actuators (including acceleration sensors) for an SUV model of a foreign customer. After receiving the notice, the company will immediately carry out the follow-up work and actively promote it according to the requirements of customers.

  Fu Hongbing, Vice President of Yanghe, retired.

  () Announcement. Recently, the board of directors of the company received the "Resignation Application" from Mr. Fu Hongbing, the vice president of the company. Mr. Fu Hongbing applied to resign as the vice president of the company because he reached the legal retirement age, and he no longer held any position in the company after his resignation.

  Asia-Pacific shares: qualified for supporting projects.

  Asia Pacific announced on the evening of February 7 that the company had recently received a notice from a domestic trading company that the company had been selected as the supplier of ABS actuators (including acceleration sensors) for an SUV model of a foreign customer.

  Bian Ruiqun, director of Yashi Optoelectronics, intends to reduce his holdings by no more than 1.881 million shares.

  () Announced that Ms. Bian Ruiqun, the company’s shareholder, director and senior manager, plans to reduce her holdings of the company’s shares by centralized bidding and block trading within 180 days after 15 trading days from the date of this announcement, accounting for no more than 1.881 million shares, accounting for no more than 1.1446% of the company’s total share capital.

  Ma Tianyuan, general manager of Honghui New Materials, intends to reduce his holdings by no more than 28,100 shares.

  () Announced, Mr. Ma Tianyuan, the general manager of the company, plans to reduce his holding of no more than 28,100 shares by centralized bidding within six months after 15 trading days from the disclosure date of this announcement, accounting for 0.03% of the company’s total share capital.

  Jinfei Kaida did not repurchase shares in January.

  () Announced that during the period from January 1, 2022 to January 31, 2022, the company did not repurchase shares.

  Guizhou Tire: 7.352 million restricted shares will be listed and circulated on February 11th.

  () Announced a suggestive announcement about the first release of restricted shares in the restricted stock incentive plan in 2019. This time, there were 443 incentive targets who met the conditions for the release of restricted shares, and the number of shares that could be released was 7.352 million, accounting for 0.77% of the company’s current total share capital. The listing and circulation date was February 11, 2022.

  Keming Food repurchased 1,231,500 shares at a cost of 13,260,300 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased 1,231,500 shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account for stock repurchase, accounting for 0.37% of the company’s total share capital at present. The average transaction price was 10.77 yuan/share, the lowest price was 10.15 yuan/share, the highest price was 11.18 yuan/share, and the total payment was 13,260,300 yuan.

  Yanjinpuzi: The controlling shareholder once again made an additional commitment to extend the lock-up period for 2 years.

  On the afternoon of February 7th, () announced the additional commitment of the controlling shareholder of the company. The announcement showed that Yanjinpuzi Food Co., Ltd. recently received the Letter of Commitment on Additional Share Lock-up Period issued by Hunan Yanjinpuzi Holding Co., Ltd. (holding 48,381,503 shares of the company, accounting for 37.40% of the company’s total share capital). Based on the recognition of the company’s long-term value and confidence in the company’s future development, Hunan Yanjin Puzi Holding Co., Ltd. voluntarily extended the lock-up period for 2 years to February 11, 2024 for the shares of the company that have been released from the lock-up period for 2 years.

  (Editor: Xu Yuting)

  Gao Jian, director of Hanjia Design, intends to reduce his holdings by no more than 1 million shares.

  () Announcement, Mr. Gao Rebuilding, the director of the company, plans to reduce the company’s shares by centralized bidding within 6 months after 15 trading days from the disclosure date of this announcement, with a total reduction of no more than 1 million shares (accounting for 0.44% of the company’s total share capital).

  Wanshun New Materials bought back 21,204,500 shares at a cost of 102.6 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 28th, 2022, the company has repurchased 21,204,500 shares of the company by centralized auction trading through the special stock repurchase account, accounting for 3.10% of the company’s total share capital on January 28th, 2022 (without deducting the shares in the special repurchase account). The highest repurchase price is 5.00 yuan/share, the lowest repurchase price is 4.53 yuan/share, and the total turnover is 1.

  Hexing Packaging has spent 71.09 million yuan to buy back 20.1 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the second phase of the company’s repurchase plan repurchased 20.1 million shares of the company by centralized auction trading through repurchase special securities accounts, accounting for 1.62% of the company’s current total share capital, of which the highest transaction price was 3.75 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 3.35 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 71.09 million yuan.

  Yashi Optoelectronics: The controlling shareholder promises not to reduce the company’s shares during a specific period.

  Yashi Optoelectronics announced on the evening of February 7 that Yashi Optoelectronics (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder, currently holds 60,223,500 shares of the company, accounting for 366,457% of the company’s total share capital, and the above shares are planned to be lifted on March 27. Yashi Optoelectronics (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. promises not to reduce its shares in listed companies in any way within 12 months from the date when the restrictions on the sale of its shares are lifted.

  Azure Lithium Core Company received a government subsidy of 105 million yuan.

  () Announced that Tianpeng Lithium Energy Technology (Huai ‘an) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianpeng Lithium Energy"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, recently received 91,361,800 yuan of industrial development support funds allocated by the financial payment center of Qingjiangpu District of Huai ‘an City, which is a government subsidy related to assets. Tianpeng Lithium Energy has actually received the funds and will be confirmed as deferred revenue.

  At the same time, Huai ‘an Aoyang Shunchang Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huai ‘an Optoelectronic"), a holding subsidiary, recently received a total of 13,767,600 yuan from the financial payment center of Qingjiangpu District of Huai ‘an City, which is a government subsidy related to income. Huai ‘an Optoelectronic has actually received the money and will confirm it as the current income.

  In 2022, the continuous winning bid for construction and repair exceeded 346 million.

  On the afternoon of February 7th, the first day of returning to work during the Spring Festival holiday, Construction Engineering Restoration (SZ300958) issued a bid-winning announcement. Recently, the company received the Notice of Winning Bid from Tianjin Beichen District Land Consolidation Center and Tianjin Pan Asia Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., informing the consortium formed by the company and Zhongshui North Survey, Design and Research Co., Ltd. to win the bid for the dolphin rubber plot restoration and treatment project, with a contract amount of over 316 million yuan.

  Earlier, the company also successfully won the bid for the plot restoration project of Yancheng Lianfu Petrochemical Co., Ltd. West Plant, with the winning bid amount of 30.7265 million. At the beginning of the new year in 2022, it won an important bid continuously, which showed the company’s strong marketing momentum and greatly boosted the market influence. After the formal contract is signed and implemented smoothly, it is expected to have a positive impact on the company’s performance.

  It is understood that Dolphin Rubber Plot is located in Beichen District, Tianjin, and it is another large-scale site restoration project undertaken and implemented in Tianjin after Tianjin pesticide plant Plot Restoration Project, Tianjin Heiniucheng Road Plot Restoration Project and Tianjin Reagent No.1 Factory Plot Restoration Project. There are petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soil and groundwater of this plot, which is a typical industrial pollution site remediation project. Based on the plane and three-dimensional analysis of the survey data, combined with the land use planning, the project plans to adopt the combined restoration mode of "multi-process combination and deep management and control" to restore by layers and pollution types. At the same time, the project will also build the first large-scale NAPLs (non-aqueous liquid) recovery project in China, which will comprehensively demonstrate the technical and engineering capabilities of engineering restoration and consortium in multi-technology collaboration, fine modeling and efficient NAPLs recovery of contaminated sites, and provide comprehensive solutions for the remediation and treatment of similar contaminated sites in China.

  The land parcel restoration project of Yancheng Lianfu Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is located in the core area of Yancheng North Development. The main pollutants in the land parcel soil are antimony, arsenic, thallium, vanadium and severe alkalization, and the pollutants in the groundwater are volatile phenol, xylene and petroleum hydrocarbons C6-C9. The restoration of construction works will implement "soil and water co-governance" for this plot. According to the future land use plan, after the land restoration is completed, it will meet the standards for residential land, commercial land and park green space specified in the Soil Environmental Quality Construction Land Soil Pollution Risk Control Standard (Trial) (GB36600-2018).

  The two winning bids in the new year of 2022 show the excellent marketing ability and technical engineering strength of Construction Engineering Restoration in the field of site restoration, which is an important achievement of the company’s continuous deepening of its main business and its efforts to build a leading integrated environmental restoration service provider. In the future, the company will persist in creating value by service, lead the industry by innovation, help more cities and regions to transform and upgrade, and achieve green and sustainable development.

  Central asia shares bought back 621,300 shares at a cost of 7,990,900 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 621,300 shares of the company through the stock repurchase special securities account, accounting for 0.23% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 14.73 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 12.32 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 7,990,900 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  There is no violation of fair disclosure of information in the stock price change of Hengli Industry.

  () Announced that the deviation of the closing price of the company’s shares for three consecutive trading days (January 27, January 28 and February 7, 2022) has reached more than 20%, which is an abnormal fluctuation of stock trading according to the relevant provisions of the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  After self-examination, the company did not violate the fair disclosure of information.

  * Liu Wei, shareholder of ST Schwab, reduced his holdings of 1.02 million shares by more than half.

  () Announcement was issued. Previously, due to a loan contract dispute between Mr. Liu Wei and Mr. Lu Fanhua, the court decided to dispose of some company shares held by Mr. Liu Wei by judicial means, and Huatai Securities Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huatai Securities") assisted in the implementation. Up to now, Mr. Liu Wei has reduced his shareholding by more than half, and he reduced his shareholding by 1.02 million shares, accounting for 0.11% of the company’s total share capital.

  The new open source repurchased 4,497,700 shares at a cost of 85,944,600.

  () Announced that by January 31st, 2021, the company had bought back 4,497,700 shares through centralized bidding, accounting for 1.3089% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price of the repurchased shares was 22.98 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 18.00 yuan/share, with a total transaction amount of 85,944,600 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Jilin Aodong Holding Company has obtained the listing record certificate of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules.

  () Announced, recently, Yanbian Pharmaceutical, a holding subsidiary of the company, received the Certificate of Listing and Filing of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Granules from eight national standards. As the core enterprise of the company, Yanbian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has certain advantages in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. As of the date of publication of the announcement, it has obtained 99 certificates for listing and filing of Chinese medicine formula granules, which is of great significance for the company to expand its business of Chinese medicine formula granules, creating favorable conditions for the company’s sustainable development and further enhancing its core competitiveness.

  Fenglong shares were re-recognized by high-tech enterprises.

  () Announcement, the company recently received the Certificate of High-tech Enterprise jointly issued by Zhejiang Science and Technology Department, Zhejiang Finance Department and Zhejiang Taxation Bureau of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China (certificate number: GR202133009277), which was issued on December 16, 2021 and was valid for three years. This time, the company’s original high-tech enterprise certificate was re-recognized upon expiration.

  Yanbian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aodong, Jilin Province, obtained the approval notice for the supplementary application of Shengmaiyin (Dangshen prescription)

  Jilin Aodong issued an announcement. Recently, Yanbian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the company, received the Notice of Approval for Drug Supplement Application for Shengmai Drink (Dangshen Fang) issued by National Medical Products Administration. After examination, it was approved that the holder of the marketing license for this product was changed from Luoyang Ningzhu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (address: industrial cluster area of Luoning County, Henan Province) to Jilin Aodong Yanbian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (address: No.2158, Aodong Street, Dunhua City, Jilin Province) The transferred drugs can be marketed if they meet the requirements of product release after passing the conformity inspection in good manufacturing practice. The production site, prescription, production process and quality standard of the transferred drug are consistent with the original drug and will not be changed.

  Yanbian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the company, obtained the Notice of Approval for Drug Supplement Application of Shengmai Drink (Dangshen Prescription), which increased the variety of products of the company and created favorable conditions for the further development of Yanbian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

  Chuanhua Zhilian bought back 23,929,900 shares at a cost of 200 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company had repurchased 23,929,900 shares, accounting for 0.78% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 9.224 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 7.940 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 200 million yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Baibang Technology repurchased 2.395 million shares at a cost of 29.8014 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased 2.395 million shares of the company by centralized bidding through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 1.84% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 13.48 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 11.16 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 29.8014 million yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Weitang Industry obtained patent authorization.

  () Announced that the company recently received a notice of granting utility model patents from China National Intellectual Property Administration, and seven utility model patents applied by the company to China National Intellectual Property Administration have been approved.

  Huasheng Baili, the major shareholder of Tongda Co., Ltd., has not reduced its holdings by more than half through block trading.

  () Announcement: As of February 4, 2022, Huasheng Baili Investment Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd. ("Huasheng Baili"), a shareholder holding 10.95% of the company’s shares, has spent more than half of its time in reducing its shareholding by block trading, and it has not reduced its shareholding.

  Soil remediation market "gets off to a good start", construction and restoration accelerate "value transformation"

  On February 7th, the announcement of construction project restoration said that the company received the Notice of Winning Bid from Tianjin Beichen District Land Consolidation Center and Tianjin Pan-Asia Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., informing the consortium formed by the company and Zhongshui North Survey, Design and Research Co., Ltd. to win the bid for the dolphin rubber plot restoration and treatment project, with a bid amount of about 317 million yuan and a construction period of 18 months from the date of signing the contract.

  It is reported that since 2022, construction engineering restoration has successively won the bid for Tianjin Dolphin Rubber Plot Restoration Project and Yancheng Lianfu Petrochemical Co., Ltd. West Plant Plot Restoration Project, with a total contract amount of about 346 million yuan, laying a good foundation for sprinting the business target in 2022.

  It is understood that the actual controller of construction repair is the Beijing State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, which landed on the Growth Enterprise Market in March 2021. It is the first concept stock mainly engaged in environmental repair business in the A-share market. As one of the earliest companies specializing in environmental restoration services in China, the construction engineering restoration after listing is accelerating the construction of comprehensive environmental restoration service layout.

  A few days ago, the 2021 Science and Technology Promotion Award of China Academy of Sciences was announced, and the scientific research team of "Key Technologies and Applications of Industrial Contaminated Site Restoration" participated in the construction project restoration successfully won the award. This is after winning the 2021 environmental technology progress award, the scientific and technological innovation strength of construction repair has once again been recognized by the authority. Supported by the scientific and technological service capabilities of leading industries, the company has a strong momentum to accelerate the value transformation of the environmental restoration industry chain.

  Gao Yanli, vice president of China Environmental Protection Industry Association and general manager of construction engineering restoration, said: "With the diversification of environmental restoration and governance needs, the industry’s head enterprises will turn to the regional environmental comprehensive management service model through the combination of capital, market and specialty, especially to improve their operational capabilities, which will help fully release industrial value."

  In 2021, the first batch of six "Environmental Hospital" service model pilot projects in Shandong Province were officially approved, and two projects, "Qingdao Environmental Hospital" and "Qilu Cloud Environmental Hospital", which were jointly declared for construction and restoration, were successfully selected, deepening model innovation in the field of remediation of contaminated sites with first-Mover advantages, and providing environmental policy consultation, diagnosis of environmental problems, system solutions, investment and financing of engineering construction, engineering design and construction, commissioning and operation for the government, enterprises and the public. At the same time, the company established an emergency disposal center for contaminated soil and groundwater in Yanziji New Town, Nanjing, explored the path of productization of contaminated soil, systematically solved the problem of regional pollution prevention and control, and opened up the market space for environmental restoration and operation.

  Focusing on the "14th Five-Year Plan" of the country and the goal of carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions, construction and restoration have frequently fallen into the business direction of ecological restoration. At the Global Coastal Forum, the company reached a strategic cooperation with Jiangsu Huanghai Wetland Research Institute to jointly build an experimental base for wetland purification and restoration, carry out research and development of key technologies and tackle key scientific problems, and make classified policies around different characteristics and governance needs of river and lake wetlands, coastal wetlands and urban wetlands, so as to scientifically promote the landing of wetland restoration projects. In Kunming, Yunnan Province, the project of comprehensive management of abandoned open-pit mines in the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Yunnan Province was undertaken for construction engineering restoration. Based on the achievements of material research and development, phosphogypsum was explored for soil improvement and pit filling, and ecological restoration and solid waste disposal were combined to realize the transformation of ecological benefits and economic benefits, and a model of "solid waste utilization+mine restoration" was created.

  Li Shupeng, Secretary-General of Soil and Groundwater Committee of China Environmental Protection Industry Association and Deputy General Manager of Construction and Rehabilitation, said that during the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, with the joint promotion of policy guidance, technological innovation and financial empowerment, the soil remediation industry will enter a new stage of orderly, centralized and standardized development, and the soil remediation industry is expected to usher in greater development space.

  The research reports issued by many institutions confirmed this judgment. Huajin Securities once predicted that the total market space in the three major areas of industrial contaminated site remediation, soil remediation in mining areas and cultivated land remediation could reach several trillion yuan in the future.

  Jiajia Food has spent 20.317 million yuan to buy back 3.2648 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 3,264,800 shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.28% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 6.29 yuan/share, the lowest price was 6.11 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 20.317 million yuan (including transaction costs).

  Wansheng Intelligent won the bid for the bidding project of related metering products of China Southern Power Grid, involving 44,231,100 yuan.

  () Announcement: On January 25th, 2022, China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. announced the results of the second batch of frame bidding projects of China Southern Power Grid Corporation’s metering products in 2021 on the unified service platform of China Southern Power Grid Supply Chain. The company is one of the successful bidders for the above projects. According to the pre-bid quantity and quotation, it is estimated that the total bid amount is about 44,231,100 yuan.

  Recently, the company received the Notice of Winning Bid from China Southern Power Grid Materials Co., Ltd., the tendering agency of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd.

  Aodong, Jilin Province: The subsidiary has obtained 8 certificates for listing and filing of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules.

  Jilin Aodong announced on the evening of February 7 that Yanbian Pharmaceutical, a holding subsidiary of the company, recently received the "Certificate of Listing and Filing of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Granules" from eight national standards. Up to now, Yanbian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has obtained a total of 99 Certificates for Listing and Filing of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Granules.

  Moen Electric applied for a working capital loan of 115 million yuan from the bank.

  () Announce, in order to promote the business development of the company, optimize the financial structure and meet the daily capital demand, the company plans to use the company’s workshops (Property Ownership CertificateNo.: Hu (2021) Zi Real Estate Ownership No.000443, with a construction area of 54454) located in the whole building of No.669 Cenglin Road, No.268 Feizhou Road and No.268 Tian Snowy Road.

  Yiwei Lithium Energy has spent 100 million yuan to buy back 1,372,400 shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company has repurchased 1,372,400 shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account for share repurchase, with the highest transaction price of 75.20 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price of 71.00 yuan/share and the total transaction amount of 100 million yuan.

  Xi’ an Tourism’s affiliated stores resumed operations in an orderly manner.

  () Announced that at present, the epidemic prevention and control work in Xi ‘an has achieved remarkable results. In accordance with the spirit of the document of the provincial and municipal governments on promoting the resumption of production and work in an orderly manner, the company actively responded to the call and continued to focus on epidemic prevention and control and production and operation. The hotel business and commercial business of the company have resumed normal business one after another; The travel agency business will continue to strictly implement the requirements of the Xi ‘an Municipal Government on epidemic prevention and control, and make preparations for the gradual resumption of business.

  Yiwei Lithium Energy plans to build Huizhou 100 billion-level new energy battery industry cluster.

  Yiwei Lithium Energy announced that on January 29, 2022, the company signed the Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with Huizhou Municipal People’s Government. The two sides will deepen strategic cooperation, thoroughly implement the national strategic plan of "peak carbon dioxide emissions, Carbon Neutralization", build a new energy battery industry cluster with a level of 100 billion in Huizhou, and support the company’s further development and growth.

  The Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement signed this time is only an intentional document for both parties to carry out strategic cooperation, and the specific cooperation content will be stipulated in a separate contract, which is still uncertain.

  Asia-Pacific shares have obtained supporting qualifications for the project.

  Asia Pacific shares announced that the company recently received a notice from a domestic trading company that the company has been selected as the supplier of ABS actuators (including acceleration sensors) for SUV models of a foreign customer. After receiving the notice, the company will immediately carry out the follow-up work and actively promote it according to the requirements of customers.

  The cumulative repurchase of 1,659,800 shares of national porcelain materials cost 67,207,800 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 1,659,800 shares of the company through the special securities account for stock repurchase, accounting for 0.1654% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 41.68 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 39.64 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 67,207,800 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  There are no major events that should be disclosed but not disclosed in the stock price change of Wan Liyang.

  () It was announced that the closing price of the company’s stock trading on January 27, January 28 and February 7, 2022 had fallen by more than 20%, which was an abnormal fluctuation of stock trading according to the relevant regulations of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  Upon inquiry to the management, controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company, there are no major matters about the company that should be disclosed but not disclosed, or major matters in the planning stage.

  24.295 million restricted shares of Shang Rong Medical were listed and circulated on February 11th.

  () Issue an announcement to lift the restricted shares from listing and circulation on February 11, 2022.

  The number of restricted shares of RMB ordinary shares (A shares) released this time is 24.295 million shares, accounting for 2.8762% of the company’s total shares at present, which is the restricted circulation shares issued by the company’s non-public offering of shares in 2020.

  Tapai Group spent 236 million yuan to buy back 21,849,100 shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 21,849,100 shares through the special securities account for share repurchase by centralized bidding, accounting for 1.83% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 11.39 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 9.88 yuan/share, and the total amount paid was 236 million yuan (including transaction fees).

  Hengyi Petrochemical repurchased 23.8394 million shares at a cost of 250 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased 23,839,400 shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.65% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price of the purchased shares was 10.69 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 10.13 yuan/share, and the total repurchase amount paid was 250 million yuan (excluding commission, transfer fees and other transaction fees).

  Sanlian Hongpu signed a daily operation contract of 70.276 million yuan.

  () Announced that the company recently signed a high-quality differential nylon 6-FDY spinning project contract with Sanning Chemical, with a contract amount of 70.276 million yuan, accounting for 8.03% of the company’s audited operating income in 2020. The successful implementation of the contract will have a positive impact on the company’s performance in the next 1-2 years.

  The strong cooperation between the two parties will help Sanning Chemical to further optimize the layout of caprolactam-integrated new material industrial chain cluster, enrich the product diversification structure, and have strong demonstration value for the high-quality green development of polyamide industry; At the same time, it will further consolidate the company’s competitive advantage in the field of nylon 6 spinning service and play a positive role for the company to gain greater market share in the future.

  Xie Limin, vice chairman of Yantang Dairy, intends to reduce the holding of no more than 98,100 shares of the company.

  () Announced that the company received the Letter of Notice on Share Reduction Plan issued by Mr. Xie Limin, the vice chairman of the company, on February 7, 2022. Mr. Xie Limin, the vice chairman who holds 392,400 shares of the company (accounting for 0.2494% of the company’s total share capital), plans to reduce the company’s shares by centralized bidding within 6 months after 15 trading days from the date of this announcement (accounting for 0.0623% of the company’s total share capital).

  Jitai shares spent 12.3218 million yuan to buy back 1.6886 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. By January 31st, 2022, the company had bought back 1,688,600 shares of the company by centralized bidding, accounting for 0.453% of the company’s total share capital at present. The highest transaction price was 7.39 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 7.12 yuan/share, and the transaction amount was 12,321,800 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Langxin Technology: The conditional redemption clause of "Langxin Convertible Bonds" may be triggered in the future.

  () Announced that from January 18, 2022 to February 7, 2022, the closing price of the company’s shares has exceeded 130% of the current conversion price (15.39 yuan/share) for 10 trading days. Subsequent conditional redemption clauses of "Langxin Convertible Bonds" may be triggered.

  Weikawei, the shareholder of Jingwei, Germany, has reduced its shareholding by 2% and intends to continue to reduce its shareholding in the company.

  () Announced that as of February 2, 2022, the period of the German Weikawei reduction plan expired. During the implementation of the reduction plan, Germany Weikawei reduced its holdings of 29,999,999 shares through centralized bidding, accounting for 2% of the company’s total share capital.

  In addition, Germany Weikawei plans to reduce its holdings by no more than 30 million shares within 180 days after 15 trading days from the disclosure date of the suggestive announcement, that is, no more than 2% of the company’s total share capital; The number of holdings reduced through block trading shall not exceed 60 million shares, that is, it shall not exceed 4% of the company’s total share capital.

  Yanghe shares: Fu Hongbing retired at age and resigned as vice president.

  On February 7, Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yanghe") announced that recently, the board of directors of the company received the "Resignation Application" from Fu Hongbing, the vice president of the company. Fu Hongbing applied to resign from the position of vice president of the company because he reached the legal retirement age, and he no longer held any position in the company after resigning. According to the relevant laws and regulations and the company system, Fu Hongbing’s resignation application takes effect when it is delivered to the company’s board of directors.

  According to the announcement, Fu Hongbing does not directly hold the company’s stock, but holds 0.3636% of the shares of Jiangsu Blue Alliance Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Blue Alliance Co., Ltd. currently holds 17.58% of the shares of Yanghe, making it the second largest shareholder of the company).

  As of the close of February 7, Yanghe’s share price was 162.9 yuan, up 4.19% on that day, with a total market value of 245.488 billion yuan.

  Editor Zheng Mingzhu proofreads Li Ming.

  Energy-saving man of iron signed the construction contract of comprehensive upgrading project around Dongguan Weiyuan Island Naval War Museum.

  () Announcement, the company recently received the Construction Contract of Comprehensive Improvement Project around Weiyuan Island Naval Battle Museum in marina bay New District, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, which was signed with Dongguan marina bay New District Engineering Construction Center (the "Employer") and man of iron Ecological Construction Co., Ltd. (the "man of iron Construction"). The contract price of the project is 108 million yuan, accounting for 2.57% of the company’s audited operating income of 4.211 billion yuan in 2020. The planned project duration is 482 calendar days.

  Tongyu Heavy Industry: Guangjin Meihao Tongyu Haisheng Private Equity Investment Fund’s increase plan has not yet been implemented.

  () Announce that 25 relevant personnel (hereinafter referred to as participants), including some directors, senior managers and other core managers of the company, plan to increase their shares in the company from November 2, 2021 to May 2, 2022 through the contractual private equity fund-"Guangjin Meitong Haiyu Haisheng Private Equity Investment Fund" (hereinafter referred to as "the fund" or "the main body of increase"). There is no price range for this increase plan.

  As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the period of the fund’s shareholding plan has been more than half, and its shareholding plan has not yet been implemented.

  Huanrui Century: The revenue from Bears Coming Back to Earth is about 7.5 million yuan.

  () It was announced on the evening of February 7th. According to incomplete statistics, as of 24: 00 on February 6th, Huanrui (Dongyang) Investment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, had participated in the joint production of the film "Bears Come Back to Earth", and its box office revenue (including service fee) had exceeded 562 million yuan. As of February 6th, the company’s operating income from the film (currently box office income) was about 7.5 million yuan.

  Energy-saving man of iron pre-won the bid for the renovation and upgrading of rainwater and sewage pipe network in Jinggangshan Scenic Area and the treatment project of Yicui Lake water system.

  Man of iron announced that the company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, man of iron Ecological Construction Co., Ltd. ("man of iron Construction" and "Consortium Leader") formed a bidding consortium, and recently participated in the public bidding of "EPC Project for Renovation and Upgrading of Rainwater and Sewage Pipe Network in Ciping Scenic Area, Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province". The tenderer of this project is Jinggangshan Scenic Area Administration. According to the information released by Jiangxi Public Resources Trading Network on January 28th, 2022, the bidding consortium composed of the company and man of iron Construction has been listed as the first successful candidate recommended by the bid evaluation committee.

  The announcement shows that the total investment of the project is 165.71 million yuan, and the planned construction period is 150 calendar days. The construction contents are: (1) the renovation and upgrading project of rainwater and sewage pipe network in Ciping Scenic Area of Jinggangshan; (2) The first phase of the water system improvement project of Yicuihu Lake in Ciping Scenic Area of Jinggangshan, including the landscape improvement of Yicuihu Park in Ciping Town.

  Zhongxin Tourism has reduced its holdings of 654,100 repurchased shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, the company has reduced the number of repurchased shares by centralized bidding to 654,100 shares, accounting for 0.0722% of the company’s total share capital. The total amount of funds obtained from the reduction is 4.14 million yuan (excluding transaction costs). The highest price of the reduction is 6.34 yuan/share, the lowest price is 6.30 yuan/share, and the average price of the reduction is 6.33 yuan/share.

  BOE A: It has spent 2.577 billion yuan to buy back 491 million shares of the company.

  BOE A announced on the evening of February 7 that as of January 31, the company had repurchased 491 million A shares, accounting for 1.3090% of the company’s A shares and 1.2771% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price of this repurchase was 5.96 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 4.83 yuan/share, and the total payment was 2.577 billion yuan.

  Sanlian Hongpu: signed a spinning project contract of 70.276 million yuan.

  Sanlian Hongpu announced on the evening of February 7 that the company recently signed a contract with Hubei Sanning Chemical Co., Ltd. for a high-quality differentiated nylon 6-FDY spinning project with a contract amount of 70.276 million yuan, accounting for 8.03% of the company’s audited operating income in 2020.

  Zheng Jun, shareholder of Jinxin Nuo, pledged 6.7 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued, and the company recently learned that some shares of shareholder Mr. Zheng Jun have been released from pledge.

  This time, 6.7 million shares were released from pledge, accounting for 16.31% of its shares and 1.16% of the company’s total share capital.

  Tianao Electronics’ related shareholders have reduced their holdings of 37,000 shares for more than half of the time.

  () Announced, as of January 31st, 2022, the implementation time of the reduction plan has been more than half, and the supervisors and senior managers of the company, Huang Hao, Ye Jing, Yin Xiangyan, Chen Jing and Liu Jieji, have been more than half. On February 7th, 2022, the company received the notification letter from the above-mentioned personnel, and reduced their holdings by a total of 37,000 shares.

  The plan to reduce the holding of 240 million shares by shareholders of Xugong Machinery, such as Taiyuan Investment, was completed.

  () Announcement: Recently, the company received the Notice Letter on the Completion of the Implementation of the Share Reduction Plan issued by shareholders Taiyuan Investment and Taixi Investment. Up to now, the above-mentioned reduction plan has been implemented, and the above-mentioned shareholders have reduced their holdings of 240 million shares of the company, accounting for 3.06% of the company’s total share capital.

  Huanrui Century bought back 10,116,700 shares at a cost of 33,995,600 yuan.

  Huanrui Century announced that as of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 10,116,700 shares of the company with its own funds through the company’s special securities account, accounting for 10,313% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 3.50 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 3.18 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 33,995,600 yuan (excluding transaction fees).

  Meichen Ecology: The subsidiary obtained the notice of designated development of the supplier’s project.

  () On the evening of February 7th, it was announced that Shandong Meichen Industrial Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary, recently received a notice from a customer that Shandong Meichen Industrial Group had become a batch supplier of thermal management circulation system pipelines for a brand-new platform project of a domestic new power brand OEM. The life cycle of this project is 5 years. According to preliminary calculation, the total life cycle is about 387 million yuan.

  Huanrui Century: The cumulative box office income of Bears Coming Back to Earth exceeded 562 million yuan.

  Huanrui Century announced that Huanrui (Dongyang) Investment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, participated in the joint production of the film "Bears Coming Back to Earth" (hereinafter referred to as "the film"), which has been released in Chinese mainland since February 1, 2022. According to incomplete statistics, as of 24: 00 on February 6th, 2022, the cumulative box office income (including service fee) of the film has exceeded RMB 562 million (there may be errors in the final settlement data), which exceeds 50% of the operating income of the company’s audited consolidated financial statements in the latest fiscal year.

  As of February 6, 2022, the company’s operating income (currently box office income) from the film was about RMB 7.5 million (the final settlement data may have errors). At present, the film is still being released, and the box office income of the film in Chinese mainland area is subject to the statement officially confirmed by the cinemas in Chinese mainland area; At the same time, the film’s copyright sales revenue in Chinese mainland has not been settled.

  Zhang Zulei, director of Jiejie Microelectronics, intends to reduce his holdings by no more than 5.2 million shares.

  () Announced that Mr. Zhang Zulei, the director of the company, plans to reduce the company’s shares by centralized bidding within 6 months (from August 2, 2021 to January 29, 2022) after 15 trading days from the date of the announcement of the reduction plan, accounting for 0.706% of the company’s total share capital.

  Meichen Eco-subsidiary has become a bulk supplier of a new brand in China, involving 387 million yuan.

  Meichen Ecology announced that Shandong Meichen Industrial Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Industrial Group"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, recently received a notice from a customer, and the industrial group became a batch supplier of thermal management circulation system pipelines for a new platform project of a domestic head new power brand OEM (limited to confidentiality agreement, whose name cannot be disclosed, hereinafter referred to as "customer"). The life cycle of this project is 5 years. According to preliminary calculation, the total life cycle is about 387 million yuan.

  Shanghai Lingyi, the controlling shareholder of Anzhong Co., Ltd., released the pledge of 12.569 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued, and the company learned that part of the shares of the company held by Shanghai Lingyi, the controlling shareholder, had been pledged, and 12,569,000 shares were pledged this time, accounting for 5.44% of the company’s total share capital.

  Changying Precision plans to spend 50 million to 100 million yuan to buy back shares, and the repurchase price does not exceed 20 yuan/share.

  () Announcement, the company intends to buy back shares for the implementation of employee stock ownership plan or equity incentive plan. The amount of this repurchase is not less than RMB 50 million (inclusive) and not more than RMB 100 million (inclusive), and the price of repurchased shares is not more than RMB 20 yuan/share (inclusive).

  Jingsheng electromechanical and its subsidiaries have passed the certification of high-tech enterprises.

  () Announcement, the company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Zhejiang Jingrui Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jingrui Electronics") and its holding subsidiary Hangzhou Huixiang Electro-hydraulic Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huixiang Electro-hydraulic") recently received the High-tech Enterprise Certificate jointly issued by Zhejiang Science and Technology Department, Zhejiang Finance Bureau and State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Zhejiang Taxation Bureau. The company and its subsidiaries, Jingrui Electronics and Huixiang Electro-hydraulic, passed the re-examination of high-tech enterprises and obtained high-tech enterprise certificates. The certificate numbers are GR202133007256, GR202133008992 and GR202133008342, respectively. The issuing date is December 16, 2021, and the validity period is three years.

  According to the Administrative Measures for the Identification of High-tech Enterprises, the Enterprise Income Tax Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and other relevant regulations, the company and its subsidiaries Jingrui Electronics and Huixiang Electro-hydraulic can enjoy the relevant preferential policies of the state on high-tech enterprises within three years (2021-2023) after they have obtained the certification of high-tech enterprises, and pay enterprise income tax at the rate of 15%.

  () The subsidiary company received the Decision on Tax Administrative Punishment.

  Idyll announced that Jiangsu Millennium Jewelry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Millennium Jewelry"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, recently received the Decision on Tax Administrative Punishment issued by the Third Inspection Bureau of Nanjing Taxation Bureau in State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China. The details are announced as follows:

  Decision on Tax Administrative Punishment issued by the Third Inspection Bureau of the Bureau. The details are announced as follows: Millennium Jewelry issued a total invoice of 194 million yuan to two new energy companies in Jiangxi Province in violation of the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Invoices in People’s Republic of China (PRC), with a tax amount of 25,225,300 yuan and an illegal profit of 262,800 yuan. The above illegal income of 262,800 yuan was confiscated by the Third Inspection Bureau of Nanjing Taxation Bureau of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and a fine of 500,000 yuan was imposed.

  Changying Precision: It is planned to buy back shares from 50 million yuan to 100 million yuan.

  Changying Precision announced on the evening of February 7 that the company intends to repurchase some public shares for the implementation of employee stock ownership plan or equity incentive plan. The price of the shares to be repurchased this time is no more than 20 yuan/share, and the total amount of repurchase funds is no more than 100 million yuan and no less than 50 million yuan.

  Boteng shares: Liangjiang Industrial Group completed the reduction of 1.21% of its shares.

  () Announcement: As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the implementation period of this reduction plan of Liangjiang Industry Group has expired, and the reduction plan has been implemented. Liangjiang Industry Group has reduced its holdings of 6,570,146 shares of the company, accounting for 1.21% of the company’s total share capital.

  83,401,400 shares of Jinpu Group, the controlling shareholder of Jinpu Titanium Industry, were frozen by the judiciary.

  () Announcement. Recently, the company inquired through the system of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. and learned that some shares of the company held by the company’s controlling shareholder Jinpu Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jinpu Group") were frozen by the judiciary. The total number of shares frozen by Jinpu Group this time was 83,401,400, accounting for 8.45% of the company’s total share capital.

  Brilliant Technology has bought back 24,858,800 shares at a cost of 172 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased a total of 24,858,800 shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 6.38% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 7.95 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 636 yuan/share, and the transaction amount was 172 million yuan (excluding handling fees).

  Zhang Zulei, director of Jiejie Microelectronics, reduced his shareholding by 0.18%, which expired.

  Jiejie Microelectronics announced that the company recently received the Letter of Notice from Mr. Zhang Zulei, the director, about the completion of the shareholding reduction plan. This time, it reduced its holdings by 1,349,950 shares, with a reduction ratio of 0.18%.

  Bing Wang, the joint independent director of China Agriculture, resigned at the expiration of his term.

  () Announced that the board of directors of the company recently received a written resignation report from Mr. Bing Wang, an independent director of the company. Mr. Bing Wang has served as an independent director of the company for 6 years, and applied to resign as an independent director of the third board of directors of the company and the relevant special committees of the board of directors. As of the disclosure date of the announcement, Mr. Bing Wang did not hold shares in the company.

  Guanzhong Ecology: The consortium’s bid of 319 million yuan for urban and rural greenway network project will have a positive impact on the company’s performance.

  Released on February 7th-Guanzhong Ecological Announcement said that on January 29th, the company received the Notice of Winning the Bid for Construction Project from the tenderee and tendering agency, and the consortium formed by the company and () Photosynthesis Garden Co., Ltd. won the bid for the urban and rural greenway network project in gaoqing county, with the winning bid price of 319,480,000.00 yuan. If the company can sign a formal project contract and implement it smoothly, it will have a positive impact on the company’s operating performance.

  Keming Food repurchased 1,231,500 shares, accounting for 0.37% of the total share capital.

  On the afternoon of February 7th, Keming Food announced the progress of share repurchase. By January 31st, 2022, the company had bought back 1,231,500 shares by centralized bidding through the special stock repurchase account, accounting for 0.37% of the company’s current total share capital of 337 million shares. The average transaction price was 10.77 yuan/share, the lowest price was 10.15 yuan/share, the highest price was 11.18 yuan/share, and the total payment was 13.2603 million yuan (excluding

  (Editor: Xu Yuting)

  ST Shenji subsidiary was ruled by the court to accept bankruptcy liquidation and appoint an administrator.

  () Announcement, the company recently learned that Heath Shenyang Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, received the Civil Ruling (2022) Liao 0106 Po Shen No.2 from Tiexi District People’s Court of Shenyang. The civil ruling shows that the court ruled to accept the bankruptcy liquidation application filed by Shenyang Zhongsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. on the grounds that Heath Shenyang Company was unable to repay the debts due and its assets were insufficient to pay off all the debts.

  According to the Decision of Tiexi District People’s Court of Shenyang (2022) No.2-1, Liao0106. Randomly selected by the Litigation Evidence Appraisal Center of Shenyang Intermediate People’s Court, Liaoning Chenggong Jinmeng Law Firm was appointed as the manager of Heath Machine Tool (Shenyang) Co., Ltd., with Cui Zengping as the person in charge, in accordance with Articles 13, 22, paragraph 1, and 24, paragraph 1 of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the People’s Republic of China and Articles 20 and 27 of the Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Appointing Managers for Trial of Enterprise Bankruptcy Cases.

  After Heath Shenyang Company enters the bankruptcy liquidation procedure, the company will lose control over it and will no longer be included in the scope of the company’s consolidated statements. This announcement may have a certain impact on the company’s current profits, and the final impact will be determined according to the results of bankruptcy liquidation.

  Pingzhi Information: Shenzhen Zhaoneng won the bid for the centralized purchase project of China Telecom broadband convergence terminal.

  () Announcement: Recently, () The external portal of Sunshine Procurement Network released the announcement of the winning bidders for the Emergency Centralized Procurement Project of China Telecom Broadband Convergence Terminal (2021), and Shenzhen Zhaoneng Communication Technology Co., Ltd. ("Shenzhen Zhaoneng"), a subsidiary of the company, was one of the winning bidders for the above projects. The content of this procurement is broadband convergence terminal, and Shenzhen Zhaoneng ranks first and is the first candidate for winning the bid. The upper limit of this bid is about 107.32 million yuan (including tax).

  Jingwei shares: the shareholder Germany Weikawei intends to continue to reduce its shareholding by no more than 6% after the expiration of the reduction plan.

  Jingwei announced on the evening of February 7 that as of February 2, the period of shareholder Germany Weikawei’s reduction plan expired. During the implementation of the reduction plan, Germany Weikawei reduced its shareholding by 2%. Germany Weikawei plans to reduce its holdings by no more than 30 million shares within 180 days after 15 trading days from the date of announcement, that is, no more than 2% of the company’s total share capital; The number of holdings reduced through block trading shall not exceed 60 million shares, that is, it shall not exceed 4% of the company’s total share capital.

  Harbin Institute of Technology bought back 173,400 shares at a cost of 999,500 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company has repurchased 173,400 shares, accounting for 0.023% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price of the purchased shares is 5.82 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price is 5.71 yuan/share, and the total amount paid is about 999,500 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Taiji shares granted 2.304 million restricted shares at a price of 14.38 yuan/share.

  () Announcement: On February 7, 2022, the board of directors and the board of supervisors of the company deliberated and passed the Proposal on Granting Restricted Stock to Incentive Objects for the First time. The board of directors agreed to grant 640,000 first-class restricted shares to seven incentive objects and 1,664,000 second-class restricted shares to 74 incentive objects at a grant price of 14.38 yuan per share. The first grant date of this incentive plan is February 7, 2022.

  Tomcat’s major shareholder Shangyu Suzaku pledged 7.48 million shares.

  () Announcement: Shaoxing Shangyu Suzaku Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) ("Shangyu Suzaku"), a shareholder holding 9.99% of the company’s shares, was released from pledge on January 28th, 2022, accounting for 2.13% of its shares and 0.21% of the company’s total share capital.

  Shenzhen Juemeng, a shareholder of Zhongqian, intends to reduce its shareholding by no more than 3%.

  () Announced that Shenzhen Juemeng Management Consulting Co., Ltd., a shareholder holding 65,184,760 shares of the company (accounting for 31.91% of the company’s total share capital), plans to reduce its holdings of 6,127,500 shares of the company (accounting for 3% of the company’s total share capital) by centralized bidding or block trading within 6 months after 15 trading days from the date of announcement (no reduction during the window period).

  Hengtai Aipu: Jiang Yuxin resigned as a non-independent director.

  () Announced that the board of directors of the company recently received a written resignation report from Mr. Jiang Yuxin, a non-independent director, and Mr. Jiang Yuxin applied to resign as a non-independent director of the company for personal reasons. The original term of office of Mr. Jiang Yuxin was from December 27, 2021 to the expiration of the fifth board of directors. After resigning from the above position, Mr. Jiang Yuxin will continue to work in the company’s subsidiary.

  Datong Gas: On February 8th, the short name of the securities was changed to "Delong Huineng".

  () Announcement: Upon the application of the company and the approval of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the short name of the company’s securities was changed from "Datong Gas" to "Delong Huineng" on February 8, 2022, and the English short name was changed from "BAOGUANG PHARM." to "DELONG CO-ENERGY", and the company’s securities code remained unchanged, still being "000593".

  Del shares: the subsidiary received the fixed-point notice from the customer.

  () On the evening of February 7th, it was announced that Carcoustics, a holding subsidiary, recently received a letter of designation from a well-known German vehicle manufacturer on the fire protection products of electric vehicle batteries, with an estimated total sales amount of about 165 million euros during its life cycle.

  Dawei shares: the shareholding company obtained the qualification of special purpose vehicle production.

  () It was announced on the evening of February 7th. According to the recent announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Dawei Hongde, a company that is a shareholder of the company, officially obtained the qualification of a civil modified car manufacturer. After Dawei Hongde obtained this qualification, it will carry out the preparation for the declaration of the access of products related to civil modified cars as planned, and carry out relevant certification or inspection work with other relevant departments.

  Some directors and senior executives of Guokewei did not reduce their holdings at the expiration of the reduction plan.

  () Announced that as of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Zhou Bingbing, Mr. Xu Zebing, Ms. Gong Jing and Mr. Huang Ran have not reduced their shares in the company. The time limit for this reduction plan expires.

  Energy-saving man of iron: EPC project of pre-winning water system regulation project

  Energy-saving man of iron announced on the evening of February 7th that the bidding consortium composed of the company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, man of iron Ecological Construction Co., Ltd., had won the bid in advance for the EPC project of the renovation and upgrading of rainwater and sewage pipe network and the treatment of Yicui Lake water system in Ciping Scenic Area, Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province, with a total investment of 166 million yuan and a planned construction period of 150 calendar days.

  There is no information that should be disclosed but not disclosed in the stock price change of Yalian Development.

  () It is announced that the daily closing price of the company’s stock trading price has fallen by more than 20% in three consecutive trading days (January 27th, January 28th and February 7th, 2022), which is an abnormal fluctuation of stock trading according to the relevant provisions of the Trading Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  Upon confirmation, there are no matters that should be disclosed but not disclosed.

  Chunhui Zhikong: 49,506,400 restricted shares will be listed and circulated on February 10th.

  () Announcement, the restricted shares listed and circulated this time are part of the shares issued before the initial public offering and the strategic allotment shares issued for the initial public offering. The total number of shareholders applying for lifting the restricted shares is 153, and the number of shares lifted is 49,506,400, accounting for 36.4339% of the company’s total share capital. The restricted shares will be listed and circulated on February 10, 2022.

  Xi ‘an Tourism: Hotel business and business have resumed normal business.

  Xi’ an Tourism announced on the evening of February 7 that at present, the epidemic prevention and control work in Xi’ an has achieved remarkable results. The hotel business and commercial business of the company have resumed normal business one after another; The travel agency business will continue to strictly implement the requirements of the Xi ‘an Municipal Government on epidemic prevention and control, and make preparations for the gradual resumption of business.

  Zhongqian shares: shareholders intend to reduce their holdings by no more than 3%.

  Zhongqian announced on the evening of February 7th that the shareholder Shenzhen Juemeng Management Consulting Co., Ltd. plans to reduce its holding of 6,127,500 shares (accounting for 3% of the company’s total share capital) by centralized bidding or block trading within 6 months after 15 trading days from the date of announcement.

  Changying Precision plans to spend 50 million yuan to 100 million yuan to buy back shares.

  Changying Precision announced that the company intends to buy back some public shares, which will be used to implement the employee stock ownership plan or equity incentive plan. The amount of this repurchase is not less than 50 million yuan and not more than 100 million yuan, and the price of repurchased shares is not more than 20 yuan/share.

  There are no undisclosed matters in the stock price change of ST Jinzheng.

  () It was announced that the cumulative deviation of the closing price of the company’s shares for three consecutive trading days (January 27, 2022, January 28, 2022 and February 7, 2022) was 15.32%. According to the relevant provisions of the Trading Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, it belongs to the abnormal fluctuation of stock trading. After verification, the company’s operating conditions and internal and external operating environment have not changed significantly recently. The board of directors of the company confirmed that the company has nothing that should be disclosed but not disclosed according to the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  Yongxing material: Huzhou Yongxing, a subsidiary, received a financial subsidy of 43.2608 million yuan for recycling renewable resources.

  Released on February 7-Yongxing Materials Announcement, recently, Huzhou Yongxing Materials Recycling Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, received a financial subsidy of 43,260,810.00 yuan from Huzhou Finance Bureau in the form of cash subsidy. As of the date of this announcement, all the subsidy funds have been received. The government subsidy obtained this time belongs to the financial subsidy for recycling renewable resources, which is related to the daily business activities of the company and has sustainability.

  Yanghe shares: Fu Hongbing, vice president of the company, retired at age.

  Yanghe shares announced on the evening of February 7 that recently, the board of directors of the company received the "Resignation Application" from Fu Hongbing, the vice president of the company. Fu Hongbing applied to resign as the vice president of the company because he reached the statutory retirement age, and he no longer held any position in the company after his resignation.

  There is no information that should be disclosed but not disclosed in the stock price change of Royal Bank.

  () Announced that the closing price of the company’s stock trading price has fallen by more than 20% in two consecutive trading days (January 28th and February 7th), which is an abnormal fluctuation of stock trading according to the relevant regulations of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  The board of directors of the company confirmed that the company has no undisclosed matters or plans, discussions, intentions, agreements, etc. related to such matters according to the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange; The board of directors has not been informed that the company has information that should be disclosed according to the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other relevant regulations, which has a great impact on the trading price of the company’s shares and its derivatives; There is no need to correct or supplement the information disclosed by the company in the early stage.

  Xin Chen, director and general manager of Xuerong Bio, plans to increase the holding of 1-2 million shares of the company.

  () Announcement, Ms. Xin Chen, the director and general manager of the company, plans to increase the company’s shares within 6 months from the date of this announcement (except during the period when the laws, regulations and business rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange are not allowed to increase the shares). There is no price premise for this increase, and the plan will be implemented at an appropriate time according to the secondary market situation. The number of shares increased this time is not less than 1 million shares and not more than 2 million shares.

  Baicheng Medicine: The clinical trial of BIOS-0618 tablet, a new target drug for the treatment of neuropathic pain, was approved.

  () Announcement, the company recently learned that the innovative drug BIOS-0618 tablet independently developed by the company was approved by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) for clinical trials. Indications of BIOS-0618 tablet: It is intended to be used for the treatment of neuropathic pain in clinic.

  It is reported that BIOS-0618 tablet is a new target drug for the treatment of neuropathic pain independently developed by the company with completely independent intellectual property rights, which can regulate a variety of neurobehavioral functions of the central nervous system and has the potential to treat a variety of central and peripheral nerve diseases. The compound has good PK (pharmacokinetics) parameters and bioavailability at an effective dose, and there is no drug with the same target and indication on the market at present. BIOS-0618 tablets belong to "innovative drugs that have not been listed at home and abroad", and its registration classification is Class 1 chemical drugs.

  Jufei Optoelectronics has spent 93.98 million yuan to buy back 17.4381 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased 17,438,100 shares through the special securities account for share repurchase, accounting for 1.2988% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 6.19 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 468 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 93.98 million yuan.

  Baicheng medicine: innovative drug BIOS-0618 tablets approved for clinical trial

 Baicheng Pharmaceutical announced on the evening of February 7th that the company recently learned that the innovative drug BIOS-0618 tablet independently developed by the company has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) for clinical trials. The drug is intended to be used for the treatment of neuropathic pain in clinic.

  Hua Lu Bai Na: The cumulative box office revenue of the movie Sniper is about 263 million yuan.

  () It was announced on the evening of February 7th that as of 24: 00 on February 6th, the cumulative box office revenue (including service fee) of the film Sniper, which was invested by Beijing, a holding subsidiary, was about RMB 263 million. According to the film investment contract, the net box office income should be distributed by the investor in proportion after the issuer recovers the distribution agency fee and the announcement fee. As of February 6, the film box office has not contributed operating income to the company.

  Xi ‘an Tourism: The hotel business and commercial business of the company have resumed normal business.

  Xi’ an tourism announcement, the company’s hotel business, trade business has resumed normal business; The travel agency business will continue to strictly implement the requirements of the Xi ‘an Municipal Government on epidemic prevention and control, and make preparations for the gradual resumption of business.

  AVIC Electric Test spent 60.8131 million yuan to buy back 4.691 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of February 7, 2022, the company has repurchased 4.691 million shares of the company by centralized bidding through the special securities account for stock repurchase, accounting for about 0.79% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 13.19 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 12.30 yuan/share, with a total transaction amount of 60.8131 million yuan (excluding transaction costs). As of February 7, 2022, the company’s share repurchase period has expired and the implementation of the repurchase plan has been completed.

  Dawei Hongde, a shareholding company of Dawei, obtained the qualification of special purpose vehicle production.

  Dawei Co., Ltd. issued an announcement, and the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Industry and Information Technology") issued the Announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (No.4, 2022) on January 29, 2022, and announced the Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (No.352nd Batch).

  Since the announcement issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Shenzhen Dawei Hongde Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Dawei Hongde"), the company’s shareholding company, has officially obtained the qualification of a civil modified car manufacturer. After Dawei Hongde obtained this qualification, it will carry out the preparation for the application for the access of civil modified car-related products as planned, and carry out relevant certification or inspection work with other relevant departments.

  The cumulative box office income of Hualu Baina’s participation in the film Sniper is about 263 million yuan.

  Hualu Baina announced that the film Sniper, which was invested by Beijing Wonderful Time Culture Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Wonderful"), has been released in Chinese mainland since February 1, 2022. According to the data of the National Film Fund Office, as of 24: 00 on February 6, 2022, the film had been shown in Chinese mainland for six days, and the accumulated box office income (including service fees) was about RMB 263 million (there may be errors in the final settlement data), which exceeded 50% of the company’s operating income in the audited consolidated financial statements in the latest fiscal year.

  According to the film investment contract, the net box office income should be distributed by the investor in proportion after the issuer recovers the distribution agency fee and the announcement fee. As of February 6, 2022, the film box office has not contributed operating income to the company.

  Jingwei shares: Germany Weikawei intends to continue to reduce its shareholding by no more than 6%.

  On the evening of February 7th, Jingwei announced that on February 7th, 2022, the company received the Notification Letter of Time Interval Expiration of Share Reduction Plan from the German Weikawei Co., Ltd. ("Weikawei Germany"), a shareholder holding more than 5% of the shares. As of February 2, 2022, the period of the German Weikawei reduction plan expired. During the implementation of the reduction plan, Germany Weikawei reduced its holdings of 29,999,999 shares by centralized bidding, accounting for 2% of the company’s total share capital. After this reduction, Germany Weikawei held 273,000,087 shares of the company, accounting for 18.20% of the company’s total share capital, and remained a shareholder holding more than 5% of the company’s shares.

  On February 7th, 2022, the company received the Notice of Share Reduction from Wikaway Germany, and its shareholder Wikaway Germany holds 273,000,087 shares (accounting for 18.20% of the company’s total share capital). It is planned to reduce its holdings by centralized bidding within 180 days after 15 trading days from the disclosure date of the suggestive announcement, that is, it will not exceed 2% of the company’s total share capital. The number of shares reduced by block trading shall not exceed 60 million shares, that is, it shall not exceed 4% of the company’s total share capital (in any continuous 90 days, the number of shares reduced by centralized bidding shall not exceed 15 million shares, that is, it shall not exceed 1% of the company’s total share capital; The number of shares to be reduced through block trading shall not exceed 30 million shares, that is, it shall not exceed 2% of the total share capital of the company. If the company has dividend distribution, share delivery, capitalization of capital reserve, rights issue and other ex-dividend matters during the planned reduction period, the number of shares to be reduced and the equity ratio will be adjusted accordingly).

  Del shares received a fixed-point letter from a well-known German vehicle manufacturer, and the estimated total sales amount was 165 million euros.

  Del shares announced that Carcoustics International GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "Carcoustics" or "subsidiary"), a holding subsidiary of the company, recently received a letter of appointment from a well-known German vehicle manufacturer (limited to confidentiality agreement, whose name cannot be disclosed, hereinafter referred to as "customer") for the fire protection products of electric vehicle batteries, and the estimated total sales amount during the life cycle is about 165 million euros.

  Dagang Holdings: Sun Jianxi, the actual controller, released 18 million shares.

  On February 7th, Dagang Holdings announced that on February 6th, 2022, the company received a notice from Sun Jianxi, the controlling shareholder and actual controller, and learned that some of its shares pledged to Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. had gone through the formalities of deregistration in China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. on January 28th, 2022, and 18 million shares were released from pledge.

  The recent average cost of Dagang Holdings is 9.17 yuan, and the stock price runs above the cost. In the short market, the current rebound trend has slowed down, and investors can pay due attention to it. In the past five days, there has been no overall inflow or outflow of funds in this unit. According to statistics, the main force did not control the disk in the past 10 days. The company’s operating conditions are acceptable, and it has not been significantly recognized by most institutions for the time being, so it can continue to pay attention to it in the future.

  Beijing Kerui spent 39,993,800 yuan to buy back 4,906,700 shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31, 2022, in this repurchase scheme, the company repurchased 4,906,700 shares through the repurchase of special securities accounts, accounting for 0.9047% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price was 8.46 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 7.86 yuan/share, with a total turnover of 39,993,800 yuan (excluding transaction fees).

  Tianhua Chaojing announced the 2021 annual equity distribution plan to send 10 5 yuan.

  () The announcement was made on February 8th, and the contents of the company’s annual equity distribution plan for 2021 are as follows: based on the total share capital of 582,880,500 shares, a cash dividend of RMB5.00 will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, and a total cash dividend of RMB291 million will be distributed, accounting for 32% of the net profit attributable to the mother in the same period. No bonus shares will be distributed, and no capital reserve will be converted into share capital.

  According to the 2021 annual performance report released by Tianhua Chaojing, the company’s operating income was 3.398 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 158.73%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 911 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 218.44%; The basic earnings per share was 1.59 yuan, compared with 0.52 yuan in the same period last year.

  Suzhou Tianhua Ultra-clean Technology Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in anti-static ultra-clean technology products, medical devices and lithium battery materials. The main products include: self-destruction syringes, safety syringes, high-pressure syringes, lithium hydroxide, lithium carbonate, anti-static ultra-clean technology products, epidemic protection products and so on. During the reporting period, the company’s project "GB/T 35266-2017 Determination of Fiber Opening Rate of Composite Microfiber in Textiles and Fabrics" won the second prize of 2019 China Textile Industry Federation Science and Technology Progress Award; The company’s clean room dustless wiping cloth, static electricity and micro-pollution elimination and monitoring system products were awarded the honor of "2021 China Brand Day" by China Electronic Information Industry Federation.

  (Source: () iFinD)

  Zhezhong Shares: It is planned to reorganize the equity of Guojing Semiconductor with relevant parties.

  On February 7th, () announced that, according to the national requirements on related industry integration and resource sharing, in order to promote resource integration, achieve the goal of energy saving and consumption reduction, reduce competition in the same industry, and optimize configuration, and in view of the establishment of the company’s subsidiary Guojing (Jiaxing) Semiconductor Co., Ltd. ("Guojing Semiconductor") in December 2018, the automatic production line for 300mm silicon wafers has been put into mass production, in order to concentrate on making the industry of 300mm single crystal silicon wafers bigger and stronger. The Nanhu District Development and Reform Bureau of Jiaxing issued the Letter: under the guidance of the development and reform departments at all levels and with the consent of the government, the equity of Guojing (Jiaxing) Semiconductor Co., Ltd. was reorganized to promote the industrial scale effect and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness.

  According to the above requirements, in line with the principles of concentrating resources to enlarge and strengthen the 300mm single crystal silicon wafer industry, strong alliance, complementary advantages, mutual benefit and equal cooperation, the company signed the "About Guojing" with Shanghai Kang Feng Investment Management Co., Ltd., Jin Ruihong Microelectronics (Quzhou) Co., Ltd. ("Jin Ruihong Microelectronics") and Jiaxing Kangjing Semiconductor Industry Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) ("Kangjing Investment")

  The shareholding structure after the reorganization: Jin Ruihong Microelectronics acquired 58.69% equity of Guojing Semiconductor, Kangjing Investment Co., Ltd. held 41.31% equity of Guojing Semiconductor, and Zhezhong shares, government industrial support funds and other shareholders indirectly held equity of Guojing Semiconductor through Kangjing Investment Co., Ltd.

  The recent average cost of Zhezhong shares is 18.14 yuan, and the stock price runs below the cost. In the short market, the current rebound trend has slowed down, and investors can pay due attention to it. In the past five days, the stock funds have generally been in an outflow state. According to statistics, in the past 10 days, the main force has concentrated a certain amount of chips, showing a moderate control state. The company’s operating conditions are acceptable, and it has not been significantly recognized by most institutions for the time being, so it can continue to pay attention to it in the future.

  Yao Cheng, supervisor of Yayi Technology, resigned.

  () Announcement, the company recently received a written resignation application submitted by Mr. Yao Cheng, the supervisor of the company. Mr. Yao Cheng applied to resign as a supervisor of the third board of supervisors of the company for personal reasons. After resigning, he will not hold other positions in the company.

  Shen Dong, Vice President of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, was approved for the post.

  On February 7th, Shanghai Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau issued an announcement to approve the qualification of Shen Dong, vice president of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank.

  It is understood that in September 2021, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank issued a resolution announcement of the ninth meeting of the fourth board of directors, agreeing to hire Shen Dong as the vice president of the bank. According to the resume, Shen Dong, male, born in May 1980, holds a postgraduate degree and a master’s degree in engineering. He used to be the general manager of the Financial Technology Department of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, the deputy general manager of the Risk Management Department of Bank of Ningbo, the general manager of the Science and Technology Department of Bank of Ningbo and the general manager of the Financial Technology Department of Bank of Ningbo.

  The total shareholding of Pengling shareholders Eurasia Group, Qinghe Xinou and Jiedongtai decreased to 5.38%.

  () Announcement was issued. On February 7, 2022, the company received the Simplified Equity Change Report issued by the shareholders and their concerted actions, Hebei Xinhua Ouya Automobile Parts Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "()"), Qinghe County Xinou Enterprise Management Service Center (limited partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Qinghe Xinou") and Mr. Xie Dongtai.

  On January 28th, 2022, the company completed the repurchase and cancellation of performance commitment in Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., and Eurasian Group, Qinghe Xinou and Jiedongtai were repurchased and cancelled 46,328,800 shares of the company, with the total number of shares reduced from 82,080 to 35,751,800, the shareholding ratio changed from 11.54% to 5.38%, and the shareholding ratio decreased by 6.16%.

  Pingzhi Information: Shenzhen Zhaoneng won the bid for China Mobile’s smart home gateway project without WIFI and voice.

  Pingzhi Information Announcement: Recently, () Procurement and Bidding Network released the announcement of the successful candidates of "China Mobile Hebei Company’s Smart Home Gateway Project without WIFI and Voice in 2022". Shenzhen Zhaoneng Communication Technology Co., Ltd. ("Shenzhen Zhaoneng"), a subsidiary of the company, is one of the successful candidates of the above projects, and the winning amount of Shenzhen Zhaoneng is expected to be about 37.5 million yuan (including tax).

  Fosun Hi-Tech, shareholder of Zhongyan Dadi, reduced its holdings by 739,800 shares.

  () Announcement was issued. On January 27th, 2022, the company received the Report on Simple Equity Change of Beijing Zhongyan Dadi Technology Co., Ltd. issued by Fosun Hi-Tech. On January 27th, 2022, Fosun Hi-Tech reduced its shareholding by 739,800 shares through block trading, accounting for 0.5801% of the company’s total share capital. After this equity change, the company is no longer a shareholder holding more than 5% of the shares.

  Jinke shares plan to pay and delist "18 Jinke 01" at a rate of 7% on February 9.

  On February 7th, () the announcement of the public offering of corporate bonds to qualified investors in 2018 (Phase I) (Variety I) the repayment of principal and interest and delisting in 2022 was disclosed. The announcement shows that Jinke shares intend to pay and delist "18 Jinke 01" on February 9.

  According to the announcement, the current bond of Jinke Co., Ltd. is referred to as "18 Jinke 01" with the code of 112650.SZ, and the issuance scale is RMB 1.97 billion. As of the date of this announcement, the balance of this bond is RMB 350 million. The maturity of the bonds is 4 years, with the issuer adjusting the coupon rate option and the bondholder’s option to sell back at the end of the second year. The current coupon rate of the bonds is 7%.

  ST Omar shareholder Zhu Xin Rui Kang pledged 10 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. On February 7, 2022, the company received the Securities Pledge Registration Certificate from the shareholder Wuhan Zhuxin Ruikang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhuxin Ruikang"). On January 28, 2022, Zhuxin Ruikang went through the pledge registration procedures for some of its shares, and pledged 10 million shares this time, accounting for 0.92% of the company’s total share capital.

  () and () signed the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement.

  Zhongli Group announced that this time, the company and Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd. signed the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement. The two sides intend to focus on photovoltaic power generation industry investment and energy science and technology innovation, carry out multi-level and all-round in-depth cooperation, and plan to strive to complete no less than 1GW of photovoltaic power station project cooperation during the 14 th Five-Year Plan period.

  Long Qiang Investment, the shareholder of Shilong Industry, reduced its holdings by 2,399,900 shares, and the reduction period expired.

  () Announcement was issued. On February 3, 2022, the company received the Notice Letter on the Expiration of the Company’s Share Reduction Plan and the Reduction of the Company’s Shares from the shareholder leping city Longqiang Investment Center (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Longqiang Investment"). As of the date of this announcement, the implementation period of this share reduction plan of Longqiang Investment has expired, and it has reduced the company’s shares by 2,399,900 shares.

  There is no information that should be disclosed but not disclosed in the stock price change of Deshi shares.

  () It was announced that the closing price of the company’s shares deviated by more than 30% for three consecutive trading days (January 27th, January 28th and February 7th, 2022), and by 39.00% for two consecutive trading days (January 28th and February 7th, 2022). According to the relevant provisions of the Special Provisions on Growth Enterprise Market Trading of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, it belongs to abnormal stock trading.

  Upon confirmation, there are no matters that should be disclosed but not disclosed.

  Wang Zhonglei, one of the actual controllers of Huayi Brothers, has reduced its holdings of 27.5826 million shares for more than half of the time.

  () Announcement. As of the date of this announcement, Wang Zhonglei, one of the actual controllers of the company, has been in the middle of this share reduction plan, and Wang Zhonglei has reduced his holdings by 27,582,600 shares during the reduction plan period, accounting for 0.9936% of the company’s total share capital.

  Kelu Electronics plans to list and transfer 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics, a wholly-owned subsidiary.

  () Announcement, the company intends to transfer 65% equity of Shenzhen Xinlong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ("Xinlong Electronics"), a wholly-owned subsidiary. Based on the appraisal report and audit report issued by asset appraisal institutions and professional audit institutions as the pricing reference, the reserve price of 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics in the property rights trading institutions is RMB 51.35 million, and the specific transaction price will be determined according to the results of public listing bidding.

  It is reported that Xinlong Electronics is a high-tech enterprise that produces carrier chips. In order to better lay out the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, the company acquired 100% equity of Xinlong Electronics in 2015. Due to the technical upgrading of communication module products, broadband communication technology was gradually adopted. State Grid Corporation of China also adjusted relevant policies after the product technical upgrading, which led to drastic changes in the market competition pattern of carrier products and intensified industry competition. Moreover, the founding team members of Xinlong Electronics have also left their posts one after another, resulting in a sharp decline in the market share of Xinlong Electronics and a sharp decrease in operating income compared with that before the acquisition. At present, its operating conditions have been unable to realize the strategic significance of the company’s original industrial chain layout. The company’s listing and transfer of 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics aims to introduce powerful new shareholders to empower the development of Xinlong Electronics.

  Penghui Energy does not redeem "Penghui Convertible Bonds" in advance.

  () Announced that during the period from January 1, 2022 to February 7, 2022, the closing price of the company’s shares has been not less than 130% (including 130%) of the current conversion price of the company’s "Penghui Convertible Bonds" (that is, 26.10 yuan/share) in 20 consecutive trading days. According to the provisions in the prospectus, "Penghui Convertible Bonds" has been triggered.

  The 21st meeting of the 4th Board of Directors was held on February 7th, 2022, and the Proposal on Not Redeeming Penghui Convertible Bonds in advance was reviewed and passed. Based on the current market situation and the company’s own situation, the board of directors of the company decided not to exercise the right of early redemption of Penghui Convertible Bonds from February 7th, 2022 to March 31st, 2022, and not to redeem Penghui Convertible Bonds in advance.

  Chengfa Environment received the financial aid returned by Enlightenment Environment.

  () Announcement was issued. On January 22, 2021, the company held the 31st meeting of the 6th Board of Directors and the 28th meeting of the 6th Board of Supervisors, respectively, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Chengfa Environment Co., Ltd. Providing Financial Support to () Technology Development Co., Ltd., It is agreed to provide financial assistance of no more than 290 million yuan to Enlighten Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Enlighten Environment") through entrusted loans and other ways that comply with laws and regulations. The interest rate level is determined with reference to Enlighten Environment’s financing rate for the same period, and it is not lower than the loan market quotation rate (LPR) published by the National Interbank Funding Center for the same period, and the term will not exceed one year, which is specially used to repay Enlighten Environment’s financial debts due. In order to effectively protect the safety of the company’s funds, Qidi Environment provided a pledge guarantee for this financial assistance with its 13% equity of Qidi Digital Sanitation (Hefei) Group Co., Ltd.

  Recently, the borrower enlightened the environment to return the principal and interest of the above financial aid, and has completed the repayment procedures. At this point, Enlightenment Environment has returned all the principal and interest of this financial aid, and this financial aid has not been overdue.

  Chengfa Environment received the financial aid returned by Enlightenment Environment.

  Chengfa Environment issued an announcement. On January 22, 2021, the company held the 31st meeting of the 6th Board of Directors and the 28th meeting of the 6th Board of Supervisors respectively, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Chengfa Environment Co., Ltd. Providing Financial Support to Qidi Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd., It is agreed to provide financial assistance of no more than 290 million yuan to Enlighten Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Enlighten Environment") through entrusted loans and other ways that comply with laws and regulations. The interest rate level is determined with reference to Enlighten Environment’s financing rate for the same period, and it is not lower than the loan market quotation rate (LPR) published by the National Interbank Funding Center for the same period, and the term will not exceed one year, which is specially used to repay Enlighten Environment’s financial debts due. In order to effectively protect the safety of the company’s funds, Qidi Environment provided a pledge guarantee for this financial assistance with its 13% equity of Qidi Digital Sanitation (Hefei) Group Co., Ltd.

  Recently, the borrower enlightened the environment to return the principal and interest of the above financial aid, and has completed the repayment procedures. At this point, Enlightenment Environment has returned all the principal and interest of this financial aid, and this financial aid has not been overdue.

  Nastar’s overseas holding subsidiary plans to increase the capital of its subsidiary Lexmark International by US$ 290 million.

  () Announced that in order to further promote Lexmark International’s development and enhance Lexmark International’s profitability, Nastar and its controlling shareholder Zhuhai Saina Printing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Saina Technology") intend to provide a total loan of 367 million US dollars to the Cayman Joint Venture, and Nastar will provide 167 million US dollars to the Cayman Joint Venture, and Saina Technology will provide 200 million US dollars to the Cayman Joint Venture. In order to optimize the asset-liability structure of Lexmark International, the Cayman Joint Venture intends to use the $290 million in this loan to increase the capital of Lexmark International.

  It is reported that in November 2016, Ninestar Holdings Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as Cayman Joint Venture), which was jointly established with PAG Asia Capital Lexmark Holding Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Taimeng Investment") and Shanghai Shuoda Investment Center (Limited Partnership), acquired 100% of Lexmark International,Inc (hereinafter referred to as "Lexmark International").

  The purpose of this foreign investment is to integrate and optimize Lexmark International’s asset-liability structure, enhance Lexmark International’s sustainable profitability and increase the company’s profitability. There is no harm to the interests of the company and shareholders in this foreign investment.

  Huangting International intends to list and transfer not less than 51% equity of Rongfa Investment and Chongqing Huangting respectively.

  () Announce that the company intends to pre-list on Shenzhen United Assets and Equity Exchange to transfer not less than 51% of the shares of Shenzhen Rongfa Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Rongfa Investment) and Chongqing Huangting Jewelry Plaza Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chongqing Huangting) held by the company, and require the delisted party to pay off all debts of Rongfa Investment and Chongqing Huangting to Huangting International and related parties.

  Control or change Huatong Thermal Power has been suspended since the market opened on February 7.

  () Announcement on February 7, the company received a notice from Zhao Yibo, the controlling shareholder and actual controller, on January 28, and learned that it was planning major issues involving the company: Zhao Yibo planned to transfer some shares and entrust voting rights to Beijing Energy Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jingneng Group"), and the company planned the non-public offering of shares by Xiang Jing Energy Group. The final plan was subject to the relevant agreements signed by all parties. If the above matters are finally reached, the company’s control rights will be changed.

  It is reported that Jingneng Group belongs to energy project investment and other industries. Its controlling shareholder is Beijing State-owned Capital Operation Management Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Beijing Municipal People’s Government (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing SASAC"). Matters related to this transaction still need prior approval from the competent department.

  Huatong Thermal Power said that the transfer of shares, the entrustment of voting rights and the non-public offering of shares by Xiang Jing Energy Group still need to obtain the approval of the Beijing State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, fulfill the centralized declaration of operators and obtain the decision or consent document issued by the anti-monopoly authorities that the centralized anti-monopoly examination of operators will not be further examined or prohibited, and it also needs to be audited by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the share transfer registration formalities should be handled at China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. There is still uncertainty about whether the matter can be finally implemented and the implementation result.

  In view of the uncertainties in the above matters, in order to ensure fair information disclosure, safeguard the interests of investors and avoid abnormal fluctuations in the company’s share price, the company applied to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to suspend trading from the opening of the market on Monday, February 7, 2022, and it is estimated that the suspension time will not exceed 2 trading days.

  During the period of stock suspension, the company will fulfill its information disclosure obligations in strict accordance with the provisions and requirements of relevant laws and regulations according to the progress of the matter. After the above matters are confirmed, the company will promptly disclose relevant announcements and apply for the resumption of trading of the company’s shares.

  Zhongqian shares: shareholders intend to reduce their holdings by no more than 3%.

  On the evening of February 7th, Zhongqian Company announced that Shenzhen Juemeng Management Consulting Co., Ltd., a shareholder holding 65.1848 million shares (accounting for 31.91% of the company’s total share capital), plans to reduce its holding of 6.1275 million shares by centralized bidding or block trading within six months after 15 trading days from the announcement date, accounting for 3% of the company’s total share capital.

  Jufei Optoelectronics: 1.2988% of the shares have been repurchased, and the total transaction amount is about 93.9805 million yuan.

  On February 7, 2022, Jufei Optoelectronics announced that as of January 31, 2022, the company had repurchased 17,438,096 shares with its own funds by centralized bidding (of which 40,000 shares were placed by the repurchase staff half an hour before the closing, and the transaction amount was 190,400.00 yuan), accounting for 1.29800 yuan of the company’s total share capital.

  There is no information that should be disclosed but not disclosed in the stock price change of Infineon.

  () Announced that the closing price of the company’s stock trading price has fallen by more than 20% in three consecutive trading days (January 27, 2022, January 28, 2022 and February 7, 2022), which is an abnormal fluctuation of stock trading according to the relevant provisions of the Trading Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  Upon confirmation, there are no matters that should be disclosed but not disclosed.

  Zeng Shaobin, the controlling shareholder of Hanyu Pharmaceutical, released the pledge of 3 million shares.

  () Announcement. Recently, Hanyu Pharmaceutical received a notice from Mr. Zeng Shaobin, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company acting in concert, and Mr. Zeng Shaobin handled some stock pledge business.

  This time, 3 million shares were released from pledge, accounting for 10.36% of its shares and 0.33% of the company’s total share capital.

  Chen Yafen, supervisor of Dixon Co., Ltd., has not reduced his holdings for more than half of the planned time.

  () Announcement. Recently, the company received the Notice Letter on the Progress of the Share Reduction Plan issued by Ms. Chen Yafen, the supervisor. The reduction time of this reduction plan has been more than half, and it has not reduced its shares.

  Zhongli Group: Signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Shanghai Electric Power.

  On the evening of February 7th, Zhongli Group announced that it had signed the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Shanghai Electric Power Company. The two parties intend to focus on photovoltaic power industry investment and energy science and technology innovation, and carry out multi-level and all-round in-depth cooperation. It is planned to strive to complete no less than 1GW of photovoltaic power station project cooperation during the Tenth Five-Year Plan period. In addition, the company recently signed an Equity Transfer Agreement with () and Changfei Zhongli, which stipulated that the company would transfer 49% equity of Changfei Zhongli to Changfei Optical Fiber at a price of 183 million yuan. After the transaction is completed, the company no longer holds equity of Changfei Zhongli.

  BOE A: By the end of January, it had repurchased 2.577 billion yuan of A shares.

  BOE A announced on the evening of February 7 that as of January 31, 2022, the company repurchased the company’s shares by centralized bidding through repurchasing special securities accounts, and the cumulative number of A shares repurchased was 491 million, accounting for about 1.3090% of the company’s A shares, accounting for about 1.2771% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price of this repurchase was 5.96 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 4.83 yuan/share.

  As early as September 1, 2021, the company announced that BOE A will repurchase RMB common shares (A shares) issued by some companies with its own funds through centralized bidding in the next year to implement the company’s equity incentive plan. The total amount of funds to be repurchased shall not exceed RMB 3 billion, and the repurchase price shall not be higher than RMB 8.5 yuan per share. This repurchase plan will be completed before August 27, 2022.

  On January 20, 2022, BOE A released the 2021 annual performance forecast, and its operating performance increased in advance, exceeding market expectations. The company expects to achieve revenue of 215 billion yuan to 220 billion yuan in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 59%-62%; The net profit of returning to the mother was 25.7 billion yuan to 26 billion yuan, up 410% to 416% year-on-year. The central value of the net profit of returning to the mother was 25.85 billion yuan, exceeding the market consensus of 24.17 billion yuan by 6.95%.

  BOE A said that in 2021, the semiconductor display industry continued the longest boom cycle in history in the first half of the year. Since the third quarter, with the adjustment of the demand side, the price of industrial products has undergone a structural correction. In terms of LCD products, the company actively adjusted its product mix based on good product and customer structure, and still maintained a good profit level. The shipment of flexible OLED has increased rapidly, and the monthly shipment in December 2021 exceeded 10 million for the first time.

  The shareholders of Zhongqian intend to reduce their holdings by no more than 3%.

  Zhongqian shares announced that Shenzhen Juemeng Management Consulting Co., Ltd., a shareholder holding 65,184,760 shares of the company (accounting for 31.91% of the company’s total share capital), plans to reduce its holdings of no more than 6,127,468 shares by centralized bidding or block trading within 6 months after 15 trading days from the announcement date, accounting for 3% of the company’s total share capital.

  Tianjian Group intends to acquire 70% equity of Shenzhen Xingchen Company to acquire high-quality land in Shenzhen.

  () Announced that Shenzhen Tianjian Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tianjian Real Estate Group), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, plans to acquire 70% equity of Shenzhen Shenxingchen Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shenxingchen Company) held by Shenzhen Special Zone Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Construction Engineering Group") for RMB 10,000 yuan and RMB 202 million yuan.

  The main asset of Shenxingchen Company is parcel A641-0025 under its name. If 70% equity of Shenxingchen Company is successfully acquired, Tianjian Real Estate Group will hold the development right of the parcel, which is located in the east area of Guangming High-tech Industrial Park in Shenzhen.

  According to the announcement, this transaction is to purchase assets from the controlling shareholder of the company and obtain high-quality land in Shenzhen. The subsequent development and sales will further provide resources for the company’s comprehensive development business and have a positive impact on the company’s future development.

  Eston repurchased 2,336,200 shares at a cost of 56,044,300 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account. The number of repurchased shares was 2,336,200 shares, accounting for 0.27% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 25.80 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 21.37 yuan/share. The total used funds were 56,044,300 yuan (excluding transaction costs)

  Huang Sishi, a shareholder of Jinke, reduced his holdings by 45,649,400 shares.

  Jinke Co., Ltd. issued an announcement. Today, the company received a notice from Ms. Huang Sishi, a shareholder, and learned that it had reduced its holdings of 45,649,400 shares through centralized bidding and block trading in the secondary market.

  Tianbang Co., Ltd. appointed Wang Xueyan as the representative of securities affairs.

  () Announced, the company held the 50th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors on February 7th, 2022, deliberated and passed the Proposal on Changing the Representative of Securities Affairs, and decided to hire Ms. Wang Xueyan as the representative of the company’s securities affairs to assist the Secretary of the Board of Directors in performing her duties. Ms. Wang Xueyan’s term of office will be from the date of deliberation and approval by this Board of Directors to the expiration date of the current term of the Board of Directors.

  Tianjian Group won the bid of 75,605,700 yuan for the cleaning service project of municipal roads and villages in cities.

  Tianjian Group issued an announcement. Recently, Shenzhen Tianjian City Service Co., Ltd. (referred to as Tianjian City Service Company), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, received the Notice of Winning Bid for Online Government Procurement in Nanshan District, Shenzhen from Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Center, and determined Tianjian City Service Company as the winning bidder for the project of "Cleaning and Cleaning Services for Municipal Roads and Villages in Taoyuan Sub-district Office, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (one year)". The bid price is 75,605,700 yuan.

  Zhongyuan Jinkong, the major shareholder of Xinning Logistics, has not reduced its holdings for more than half of the period.

  () Announcement: From the announcement date of this reduction plan to February 4, 2022, Henan Zhongyuan Jinkong Co., Ltd., a 7.43% shareholder of the company, has reduced its holdings for more than half of the time, and it has not reduced its shares.

  The first employee stock ownership plan of Fuan Pharmaceutical will expire on August 1st.

  () Announcement, the first employee stock ownership plan of the company will expire on August 1, 2022. As of the date of this announcement, the first employee stock ownership plan holds 21,774,700 shares of the company, accounting for 1.83% of the company’s total share capital.

  Del shares: The subsidiary has received a letter from a well-known German vehicle manufacturer, and the estimated total sales amount is about 165 million euros.

  On the evening of February 7th, Del announced that Carcoustics International GmbH, a holding subsidiary of the company, recently received a letter from a well-known German vehicle manufacturer (whose name cannot be disclosed due to confidentiality agreement, referred to as "customer") about the fire protection products of electric vehicle batteries, and the estimated total sales amount during the life cycle is about 165 million euros.

  Del shares said that the company and its subsidiaries have laid out noise reduction, heat insulation and lightweight products for many years, and have the advantages of core technologies and processes in acoustics and thermodynamics, and tailor-made solutions for acoustics, thermodynamics and lightweight systems for customers. The products involve sound insulation and electromagnetic compatibility shielding.

  While supporting traditional vehicles, Del shares continue to innovate and develop, vigorously promote the business of new energy vehicles, and actively expand the application of products in new energy vehicles. At present, in the field of battery shielding, the company has developed products such as battery protection cover, battery electromagnetic shielding cover, motor coating and air conditioning compressor coating for new energy vehicles. The battery fire protection products developed for customers this time can better improve the safety performance of electric vehicles.

  Del shares said that the battery fire protection product was designated by the customer, which is another such product designation after the company obtained the letter of designation for the battery protection cover of Volkswagen AG, which is conducive to the company’s product development and upgrading in this application field of new energy vehicles and the development of new customers, strengthening the company’s global position in developing product solutions suitable for electric vehicles, and reflecting the company’s comprehensive strength in customer development and new market development of electric vehicles.

  Del shares said that this matter will not have a great impact on the company’s performance this year, but it will help improve the company’s business income and benefits in the future, promote long-term business development, and continuously expand the market space for high-end products.

  Mu Yuan’s 6 billion yuan fixed-income project received the first feedback from the CSRC.

  Our reporter Zhang Wenjuan.

  On February 7th, () announced that on January 29th, 2022, the company received the Notice of Feedback on the Review of Administrative Licensing Projects of China Securities Regulatory Commission issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. The company will organize relevant materials to be submitted to the CSRC within 30 days according to the requirements of the notice. According to the announcement, this non-public offering of A-shares still needs further review by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and there is uncertainty whether it can be approved.

  Wang Kuixing, a practicing lawyer of Haoyunduo Law Firm, told the Securities Daily reporter: "According to the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Non-public Offering of Listed Companies (revised in 2020) and referring to the IPO review process, the CSRC will enter the’ pre-trial stage’ after accepting the application materials for non-public offering of listed companies. After the preliminary examination of the application documents, the pre-examiner of the issuance department will give written feedback (at least once) to the issuer and the lead underwriter, and the issuer and the intermediary agency must give a written reply within 30 working days. However, due to the time-consuming reply process, many listed companies choose to apply for an extension of reply. Judging from past statistics, it may take about three months to wait until the meeting is passed after the general declaration. "

  According to the plan for non-public offering of A shares in 2021 disclosed by Mu Yuan, the company plans to issue no more than 149 million shares and raise no more than 6 billion yuan, all of which will be used to supplement the working capital after deducting the issuance expenses. According to the issuance plan, this fixed issuance price is 40.21 yuan/share. The non-public offering of shares is subscribed by Mu Yuan Group.

  For this fixed increase, Mu Yuan Co., Ltd. stated in the above plan that with the continuous investment in capacity expansion and the gradual growth of business scale, the company’s asset-liability ratio has shown a certain upward trend since 2019. The funds raised through this non-public offering will be used to supplement the working capital, which will effectively improve the company’s asset-liability structure, enhance financial stability and prevent financial risks. At the same time, the company’s net assets will be greatly improved, and its asset structure will be more stable, which is conducive to enhancing the company’s ability to resist risks, improving the company’s solvency and subsequent financing capabilities, and ensuring the company’s sustained, stable and healthy development.

  Qi Yan, bulk meat trader of Tibet Jinxiu Commodity Exchange, said: "Feed is the basis for the sustainable development of aquaculture. With the expansion of business scale and high feed cost, Mu Yuan shares need a lot of liquidity to ensure important daily production and operation activities such as biological assets and feed procurement, in addition to fixed assets investment such as aquaculture project construction."

  Cao Yanyan, a partner of Gong Jin Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., said: "Under the background of the trend of large-scale pig breeding and the deep adjustment of pig prices, the increase of Mu Yuan’s shares is becoming more and more important and urgent. On the one hand, this fixed increase will help Mu Yuan to enhance its ability to resist operational risks; On the other hand, sufficient liquidity also provides Mu Yuan with valuable time and resources to make up for the shortcomings, so as to better avoid the impact of the pig cycle, which will help improve the company’s comprehensive operating strength and enhance the company’s market competitiveness in the long run. "

  (Editor Bai Baoyu)

  Tianjin Jinfeng Culture Communication, the shareholder of Xueda Education, pledged 2,877,400 shares.

  () Announced, the company received the Notice Letter on Share Pledge sent by shareholders, and learned that some shares of the company held by Tianjin Jinfeng Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Yu ‘an Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) were pledged, and the above shareholders pledged a total of 2,877,400 shares this time.

  The subsidiary of Del Co., Ltd. received the fixed-point notice from the customer

  Del shares announced that Carcoustics International GmbH, a holding subsidiary of the company, recently received a letter of designation from a well-known German vehicle manufacturer (limited to confidentiality agreement, whose name cannot be disclosed) on the fire protection products of electric vehicle batteries, and the estimated total sales amount during the life cycle is about 165 million euros.

  Meichen Ecology: The subsidiary’s obtaining the notice of designated development of the supplier’s project is conducive to improving the company’s product market share and brand awareness.

  Released on February 7-Meichen Ecological Announcement said that Shandong Meichen Industrial Group Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, recently received a notice from customers that Shandong Meichen Industrial Group Co., Ltd. has become a batch supplier of thermal management circulation system pipelines for a new platform project of a domestic head brand OEM (limited to confidentiality agreement, whose name cannot be disclosed). The life cycle of this project is 5 years. According to preliminary calculation, the total life cycle is about 387 million yuan. Obtaining the notice of designated project development this time is conducive to improving the company’s independent innovation ability and management level, and improving the company’s product market share and brand awareness.

  Meichen Ecological’s wholly-owned subsidiary was notified of the designated development of the supplier’s project.

  Meichen Ecological Announcement: Shandong Meichen Industrial Group Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, recently received a notice from a customer that Shandong Meichen Industrial Group Co., Ltd. has become a batch supplier of a new platform project thermal management circulation system pipeline of a domestic head new force brand OEM (limited to confidentiality agreement, its name cannot be disclosed). The life cycle of this project is 5 years. According to preliminary calculation, the total life cycle is about 387 million yuan.

  Maiquer Group, the controlling shareholder of Maiquer, was judicially enforced with 1.24 million shares.

  () Announcement was issued. As of this announcement, the controlling shareholder of Maiquer Group has accumulated 1.24 million shares (accounting for about 0.71% of the company’s total share capital).

  The 33.04 million shares held by Yang Zhenhua, the controlling shareholder of Feilixin, will be auctioned by the judiciary.

  () It is announced that 33.04 million shares (accounting for 2.30% of the company’s total share capital) held by Yang Zhenhua, the controlling shareholder holding 86.8512 million shares (accounting for 6.05% of the company’s total share capital), will be subject to judicial auction. At present, the auction items are still in the publicity stage, and the auction results are uncertain.

  As of the date of this announcement, all shares of Yang Zhenhua are currently in a state of judicial freezing. If this judicial auction is successful, Yang Zhenhua will hold 53,811,200 shares of the company, accounting for 3.75% of the company’s total share capital. The four controlling shareholders and their concerted actions hold a total of 145 million shares of the company, accounting for 10.12% of the company’s total share capital. They are still the controlling shareholders of the company, and the controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the company will not change.

  Hai Yin shares plan to sell a property in Panyu, Guangzhou for 90.33 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. On February 7, 2022, Guangzhou Panyu Hai Yin Sports Leisure Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Panyu Sports Leisure"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, and Guangzhou Xingxun Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xingxun Industry") signed the Guangzhou Commodity House Sales Contract. Panyu Sports Leisure, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, sold the property located at Room 2401, No.8 Zhenhai Shunlu, Nancun, Panyu District to Xingxun Industry with a contract amount of 90.33 million yuan.

  Tellus A shareholders have reduced their holdings of 4,168,100 shares in Fuhai for more than half of the time.

  Tellus A issued an announcement. On February 7, 2022, the company received the Notice Letter on the Progress of Reducing Tellus A Shares from shareholder Yuan Zhifai. As of the date of this announcement, the reduction plan of Yuanda Fuhai is more than half of the time, and it reduces the company’s shares by 4,168,100 shares, accounting for 0.97% of the company’s total share capital.

  Gu ‘ao Technology awarded 14.5 million second-class restricted shares to 100 incentive targets.

  () It was announced that the conditions for granting restricted shares for the first time stipulated in the company’s restricted stock incentive plan in 2022 have been achieved, and it was agreed to grant 14.5 million second-class restricted shares to 100 eligible incentive targets at the grant price of 19.31 yuan/share on February 7, 2022.

  Zhezhong Co., Ltd. plans to restructure the equity of Guojing Semiconductor to enlarge and strengthen the 300mm monocrystalline silicon wafer industry.

  Zhezhong Co., Ltd. announced that in order to concentrate on making the 300mm monocrystalline silicon wafer industry bigger and stronger, the company signed the Framework Agreement on the Reorganization of Guojing (Jiaxing) Semiconductor Co., Ltd. with Shanghai Kang Feng Investment Management Co., Ltd., Jin Ruihong Microelectronics (Quzhou) Co., Ltd. ("Jin Ruihong Microelectronics") and Jiaxing Kangjing Semiconductor Industry Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) ("Kangjing Investment").

  After the completion of this reorganization, Jin Ruihong Microelectronics holds 58.69% equity of Guojing Semiconductor, and Kangjing Investment holds 41.31% equity of Guojing Semiconductor. Zhezhong shares, government industrial support funds and other shareholders indirectly hold the equity of Guojing Semiconductor through Kangjing Investment, and the company no longer controls Guojing Semiconductor.

  Kelu Electronics: It is planned to transfer 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics by listing.

  Kelu Electronics announced on the evening of February 7 that the company intends to transfer 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics, with a reserve price of 51.35 million yuan. After the completion of this equity transfer, Xinlong Electronics will no longer be included in the scope of the company’s consolidated statements.

  Tianjian Group: The subsidiary acquired 70% equity of Shenzhen Xingchen Company from the controlling shareholder of the company.

  Tianjian Group announced on the evening of February 7 that Tianjian Real Estate Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, acquired 70% equity of Shenxingchen Company held by SEZ Construction Engineering Group, the controlling shareholder of the company, for 202 million yuan. The transaction is to purchase assets from the controlling shareholder of the company and obtain high-quality land in Shenzhen. Subsequent development and sales will further provide resources for the company’s comprehensive development business and have a positive impact on the company’s future development.

  Gujing Distillery: Recently, I used idle raised funds of 1 billion yuan to buy bank wealth management products.

  On February 7th, Anhui () Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Gujing Distillery") announced that it had recently used idle raised funds of 1 billion yuan to purchase large deposit certificates of wealth management products from banks. The value date was January 28th, 2022, and the maturity date was January 28th, 2023. The source of funds was raised funds, and the expected annualized rate of return was 2%.

  On August 27th, 2021, Gujing Distillery passed the Proposal on Using Idle Raised Funds to Buy Wealth Management Products, which agreed that the company could use idle raised funds with an amount not exceeding RMB 4.5 billion to buy wealth management products with high security and good liquidity without affecting the progress of fundraising projects.

  Screenshot of Gujing Distillery Announcement.

  In the 12 months before this announcement, Gujing Distillery used temporarily idle raised funds to purchase 16 wealth management products, of which 2 were due and 14 were not, with a total amount of 3.92 billion yuan.

  The financial report of Gujing Distillery in the third quarter of 2021 shows that the company’s total operating income in the first three quarters was 10.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.19%, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 1.969 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.05%.

  As of the close of February 7, the share price of Gujing Distillery was 221.55 yuan, up 5.75% on that day, with a total market value of 117.1 billion yuan.

  Beijing News reporter Wang Zhenzhen editor Zheng Mingzhu

  Proofread the screenshot of Li Ming’s picture company announcement

  Nastar terminated the Industrial Fund and cancelled Zhuhai Zhongke Jinqiao Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Partnership.

  Nastar announced that Zhuhai Zhongke Jinqiao Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as the "Industry Fund") has not carried out substantive operations since its establishment due to changes in the market environment and the actual development of the company’s business. Now, all parties have reached an agreement through consultation and intend to terminate the industry fund and cancel Zhuhai Zhongke Jinqiao Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership).

  Xuerong Bio: General Manager Xin Chen plans to increase his holdings by no less than 1 million shares and no more than 2 million shares.

  Released on February 7-Xuerong Bio announced that Ms. Xin Chen, the company’s director and general manager, plans to increase the company’s shares within six months from the disclosure date of this announcement. There is no price premise for this increase, and the increase plan will be implemented according to the secondary market situation. The number of shares increased this time is not less than 1 million shares and not more than 2 million shares.

  Aikang Technology repurchased 5,556,800 shares at a cost of 29,990,500 yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased a total of 5,556,800 shares of the company by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.1240% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 5.93 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 5.10 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 29,990,500 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Digital China has repurchased 2,009,500 shares at a cost of 30.34 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, the company repurchased 2,009,500 shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.3041% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price of the purchased shares was 15.50 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 14.85 yuan/share, and the total amount paid was 30.34 million yuan.

  Tianrongxin repurchased 5,962,200 shares at a cost of 101 million yuan.

  () Announcement was issued. As of January 31st, 2022, the company repurchased a total of 5,962,200 shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.50% of the company’s current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 17.33 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price was 16.72 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 101 million yuan (excluding transaction fees).

  Zhezhong shares have repurchased 2,257,800 shares by the end of January, costing about 46 million yuan.

  Zhezhong shares announced that as of January 31, 2022, the company had repurchased 2,257,800 shares, accounting for 0.51% of the company’s total share capital, with the highest transaction price of 21.67 yuan/share and the lowest transaction price of 17.61 yuan/share, with a total transaction amount of 45,995,900 yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Qianyuan Hailisheng, a subsidiary of Qianyuan Pharmaceutical, was re-recognized by high-tech enterprises.

  () Announcement: Zhejiang Qianyuanhai () Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Qianyuanhai Lisheng"), a holding subsidiary of the company, recently received the Certificate of High-tech Enterprise jointly issued by Zhejiang Science and Technology Department, Zhejiang Finance Department and Zhejiang Taxation Bureau of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, with the certificate number GR202133000177, the issuing date: December 16, 2021, and the validity period: three years. Wuyuan Hailisheng was previously recognized as a high-tech enterprise in 2012, 2015 and 2018, with a validity period of three years.

  Kelu Electronics: It is planned to transfer 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics to introduce powerful new shareholders to empower its development.

  Released on February 7-Kelu Electronics announced that the company intends to transfer its 65% equity in Xinlong Electronics by listing. Based on the appraisal report and audit report issued by asset appraisal institutions and professional audit institutions as the pricing reference, the reserve price of 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics in the property rights trading institutions is RMB 51.35 million, and the specific transaction price will be determined according to the results of public listing bidding. The company’s listing and transfer of 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics aims to introduce powerful new shareholders to empower the development of Xinlong Electronics, promote the operation of Xinlong Electronics to embark on a benign development track as soon as possible, re-realize the coordinated development of Xinlong Electronics and the company’s business, improve the efficiency of the company’s asset operation and maximize the overall interests of the company.

  China Tanya joined hands with EV Company to fully enter the "zero carbon" field.

  Our reporter Xie Lan

  On the evening of February 6th, () announced that its holding subsidiary had signed a Technology License Agreement with Energy Vault, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "EV Company"), authorizing China Tanya to exclusively use the licensed technology to build and operate gravity energy storage system facilities in Chinese mainland.

  It is understood that the gravity energy storage technology introduced by China Tanya is "a kind of land pumped storage power station", which is a technological revolution of pumped storage power station. In the process of promoting the realization of the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality" in China, the market application prospect is broad. Relevant data show that 90% of the world’s energy storage facilities are pumped storage power stations, which are safe, stable and store a lot of energy, but there are some shortcomings such as high geographical requirements and high cost. The scale of renewable energy to be added in China’s double-carbon strategy is huge, but it has some problems such as unstable power generation frequency and poor regulation of peak-valley power generation, and it needs energy storage technology and facilities with large capacity, good safety, strong adaptability and low cost.

  The introduction of gravity energy storage technology into China Tanjung and its application in China will facilitate its application in all parts of the country, and reduce the construction and operation costs by leaps and bounds, which will greatly promote the development of energy storage market in China and have a very broad application prospect.

  At the same time, the gravity energy storage technology introduced by China Tanya will be deeply integrated with the company’s business, which can effectively realize the resource utilization of garbage disposal. China Catalpa Bunge’s business covers intelligent environmental services, waste incineration and power generation, investment, construction and operation of circular economy industry, reduction, recycling and harmless disposal of kitchen waste, hazardous waste and construction waste, etc., and has opened up the whole industrial chain from environmental cleaning, waste sorting and sanitation collection to terminal disposal. Using the advantages of China Tanjung in the whole industrial chain of environmental protection, the future gravity energy storage system can effectively use construction waste, slag, waste glass fiber and other wastes to make composite gravity blocks, so as to realize the reduction and recycling of waste and recycled materials to the greatest extent, and contribute to the recycling of waste resources in China.

  Analysts in the industry believe that the introduction of gravity energy storage technology into China Tanya will help to further broaden the industry technology and contribute to the coordinated development of energy storage industry towards "zero carbon green" and "economy". In 2017, the Guiding Opinions on Promoting Energy Storage Technology and Industrial Development jointly issued by five ministries and commissions pointed out that the energy storage industry has transitioned from R&D demonstration to initial commercialization. By 2021, the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage proposes that China will continue to strengthen technological innovation in the energy storage industry, overcome key technologies, and promote cost reduction and large-scale development with technological progress, improve policy support and market environment, and cultivate mature business models.

  Compared with other energy storage methods, gravity energy storage has the characteristics of high efficiency, long service life, safety and environmental protection. This cooperation with EV Company to introduce gravity energy storage technology in China is not only an important starting point for China Tanya to enter the strategy of "environmental protection+new energy", but also a major measure to further promote the cost reduction and scale development of China’s energy storage industry and cultivate a more mature energy storage business model.

  It is understood that introducing gravity energy storage technology and striving to land in Rudong is an important step for China Tanya to take a "new energy" strategy, and gravity energy storage will be popularized throughout the country in the future. Previously, China Tianying signed a cooperation agreement with Rudong County Government to jointly build a regional zero-carbon energy demonstration center, including the construction of an energy storage center. Rudong area is rich in water resources and tidal flat resources, and has the development foundation of green energy industries such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy and biomass energy. As early as 2011, Rudong County built the largest offshore wind farm in China. Combined with the local resource endowment and industrial base, China Tanya has made the first gravity energy storage project in China a pilot project and built it into a benchmark project, which will be popularized in the whole country in the future, providing a new generation of solutions for energy storage construction on the power generation side of new energy.

  China Tianying said that as a large-scale international environmental protection and new energy listed company that insists on promoting enterprise development through scientific and technological innovation, it has formed a strategic layout of "environmental protection and new energy" through efforts in recent years. The gravity energy storage technology that the company will introduce and popularize, using its innovative storage mode and energy management platform, will not only improve the power generation and use quality of the company’s renewable energy, realize the high-quality utilization of renewable energy, and create a new business growth pole in the direction of new energy, but also promote the self-revolution of regional energy structure and industrial structure transformation under the strategic background of "peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality" in China, so as to build a new pattern of renewable energy development in China.

  (Editor Li Bo)

  Haowu Co., Ltd. appointed Zhao Jijie as Secretary of the Board of Directors.

  () Announced that the company held the first meeting of the ninth board of directors on February 7, 2022, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Appointment of General Manager and Secretary of the Board of Directors. The board of directors of the company agreed to appoint Ms. Zhao Jijie as the secretary of the board of directors of the company, and her term of office will be from the date of review and approval at this board meeting to the date of expiration of the ninth board of directors of the company.

  ST Shenji: The subsidiary was ruled by the court to accept bankruptcy liquidation and appointed an administrator.

  ST Shenji announced on the evening of February 7 that Heath Machine Tool (Shenyang) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, received the Civil Ruling from Tiexi District People’s Court of Shenyang. According to the civil ruling, the court ruled to accept the bankruptcy liquidation application filed by Shenyang Zhongsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. on the grounds that Heath Machine Tool (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. was unable to repay the debts due and its assets were insufficient to pay off all the debts.

  In addition, randomly selected by the Litigation Evidence Appraisal Center of Shenyang Intermediate People’s Court, according to relevant regulations, Liaoning Chenggong Jinmeng Law Firm was appointed as the manager of Heath Machine Tool (Shenyang) Co., Ltd., with Cui Zengping as the person in charge.

  ST Shenji said that after Heath Machine Tool (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. entered the bankruptcy liquidation procedure, the company would lose control over it and would no longer be included in the scope of the company’s consolidated statements. This matter may have a certain impact on the company’s current profits, and the final impact will be determined according to the results of bankruptcy liquidation.

  Zhong Yurong, a shareholder of ST Huifeng, reduced his shareholding by more than 1%.

  () It was announced that Zhong Yurong, a shareholder of the company, reduced his holdings by 16.2 million shares through block transactions from January 26th to February 7th, 2022, with a reduction ratio of 1.07%.

  There are no undisclosed matters in the stock price change of Jianyi Group.

  () Announced that the deviation of the closing price of the company’s shares on January 27, 2022, January 28, 2022 and February 7, 2022 for three consecutive trading days has exceeded -20%, which is an abnormal stock fluctuation according to the relevant regulations of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  The company, the controlling shareholder and the actual controller do not have any major matters that should be disclosed but not disclosed about the company, and there are no major matters in the planning stage.

  Hai Shun New Materials: 1,379,300 restricted shares will be listed and circulated on February 10th.

  () Announcement: The number of restricted shares that can be released during the third restricted period of the restricted stock incentive plan in 2018 is 1,379,300 shares, accounting for 0.71% of the company’s current total share capital, and will be listed and circulated on February 10, 2022.

  Hekeda plans to change the control right and suspend trading on February 8.

  () Announcement: Today, the company received a notice from Yiyang Ruihecheng Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ruihecheng"), the controlling shareholder of the company, that Ruihecheng intends to transfer 20 million shares (accounting for 20% of the company’s total share capital) in its Kodak share agreement. If the above matters are finally reached, it will lead to changes in the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company.

  In view of the fact that the above matters may involve the change of the company’s control right, and there are still uncertainties in the negotiation stage, in order to ensure fair information disclosure, avoid abnormal fluctuations in the company’s share price and safeguard the interests of investors, the company applied to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the suspension of the company’s shares from the morning of February 8, 2022 (Tuesday), and it is estimated that the suspension time will not exceed 2 trading days. The industry of the counterparty of this share transfer is: digital technology promotion and application service industry, which needs to be approved by the competent department in advance.

  Jiang Xinyu, vice president of Zhiguang Electric, reduced his holdings of 361,200 shares for more than half of the time.

  () Announcement. Recently, the company received the Letter of Notice on the Implementation Progress of Zhiguang Electric’s Share Reduction Plan issued by Mr. Rui Dongyang, Vice Chairman, and Mr. Jiang Xinyu, Vice President. As of the date of this announcement, according to the disclosed reduction plan, the implementation time of this reduction plan has been more than half, and Mr. Rui Dongyang has not reduced his shareholding in the company, and his shareholding has not changed; Mr. Jiang Xinyu reduced his holdings by 361,200 shares.

  Hanchuan Intelligent and GCL Energy Co., Ltd. reached a cooperation to change the power map to the next city.

  Our reporter Chen Hong.

  On February 7, 2022, Hanchuan Intelligent announced that the company and GCL Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "()") reached a strategic cooperation on January 28, 2022, and will increase the layout of power exchange business.

  According to the announcement, Hanchuan Intelligent and GCL Energy Co., Ltd. have carried out in-depth cooperation for five years on the whole station production, core module production, core component production, R&D cooperation of power exchange technology, power exchange station sales and other aspects of commercial vehicles and passenger cars. The two parties aim to give full play to their respective advantages in power exchange station business, supporting equipment, products and other fields through strong alliance, provide first-class solutions for new energy market applications, and help realize the goal of "double carbon".

  For this transaction, Song Qinghui, founder of qinghui think tank, said in an interview with Securities Daily: "The cooperation between the two parties is of great significance to Luanchuan Intelligent. On the one hand, it will help to further enhance the brand influence and core competitiveness of the company and provide more innovative solutions for the new energy market; On the other hand, it is conducive to thickening the company’s performance level, thereby promoting the company’s long-term steady development. "

  "Securities Daily" reporter learned that Hanchuan Intelligent is a leader in industrial automation and digitalization technology in China. It is an intelligent manufacturing overall solution provider integrating automation equipment and industrial software, focusing on core technologies such as industrial automation and digitalization, and focusing on automotive electrification and intelligent main track.

  According to the 2021 annual performance forecast recently released by Hanchuan Intelligent, it is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2021 will be 75.5 million yuan to 92 million yuan, which will increase by 31.3516 million yuan to 47.8516 million yuan compared with the same period of last year, with a year-on-year increase of 71.01% to 108.39%.

  GCL Energy is a leading mobile energy technology service provider in China, which is committed to providing integrated energy solutions for electric travel, sharing and exchanging electricity with technology, realizing efficient energy utilization and accelerating the low-carbon process of cities. In the plan of non-public offering of A-shares released in June last year, GCL said that it would invest 3.38 billion yuan in the construction project of new energy vehicle power station, which has been approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. It is reported that it plans to build more than 5,000 power exchange stations nationwide by 2025, and the power exchange service network covers more than 500,000 new energy vehicles.

  For this transaction, some insiders believe: "This cooperation is a milestone event of Hanchuan Intelligent in the field of new energy charging and replacing equipment, which indicates that its leading technology and batch delivery capability of charging and replacing equipment are highly recognized by customers, and it has established Hanchuan Intelligent’s position as the leading enterprise in the field of charging and replacing equipment. At the same time, this signing will provide a solid guarantee for the equipment supply of the new energy vehicle power station construction project of GCL-Nenko, and also lay the foundation for GCL-Nenko to realize the expected investment income in this project. The two sides will jointly give full play to their respective commercial advantages and achieve a comprehensive win-win situation. "

  Talking about the development prospect of the new energy power exchange market, Song Qinghui told the Securities Daily reporter: "The phenomenon of’ charging for one hour and queuing for four hours’ has been puzzling many consumers of new energy vehicles. Compared with charging piles, because the power exchange business has many characteristics such as instant change, high efficiency, stability and safety, it can effectively solve the problem of car owners’ power exchange, lay the foundation for uninterrupted operation of vehicles, and its future market development prospects are very broad."

  Zhang Xiaorong, president of the Institute of Deep Science and Technology, told the Securities Daily reporter: "The rapid development of new energy vehicles in China has put forward higher requirements for energy replenishment. The power exchange mode has obvious advantages in reducing the cost of car purchase and eliminating mileage anxiety, and is of great significance to promoting the development of new energy vehicles. At the end of last year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a document, put forward the expected development goal of the power exchange model, and announced the promotion of the new energy vehicle power exchange model in 11 cities. Related businesses are actively planning and developing. "

  "Considering the current technical level, the battery life of new energy vehicles is limited, and the charging time is long, this kind of power exchange business that does not require on-site charging is indeed an eye-catching innovation field." An Guangyong, an expert member of the Credit Management Committee of the All-China M&A Association, told the Securities Daily reporter.

  "But from a long-term perspective, this field may not be an industry that only rises and does not fall. There are also many problems in the main power exchange mode, such as that the power exchange can only be realized between cars of the same model, but considering the emergence of a large number of new energy automobile brands at present and in the future, the customer groups that can benefit from it will be very limited; Frequent battery replacement may cause various problems such as poor contact due to its wear and tear; Like charging piles, power exchange also requires a large number of power exchange infrastructure. Secondly, we should take into account the future development of technology, such as its charging time will become shorter and shorter, and its endurance will become farther and farther. Therefore, from a short-term perspective, the demand for power exchange mode exists, but from a long-term perspective, the advantages of power exchange mode will gradually become smaller. But even so, the power exchange mode will not disappear, and there will still be corresponding demand in some special fields (such as public vehicles, taxis, etc.). " An Guangyong added.

  (Editor Bai Baoyu)

  Saimicroelectronics subsidiary received 48.4 million yuan from the government.

  (Announcement) On January 28th, 2022, Beijing Haichuang Chipscreen Technology Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the company, received a subsidy of 26 million yuan from the Development and Reform Commission of Huairou District, Beijing for the "Advanced MEMS Process Design and Service Innovation Capacity Building Project of Beijing Engineering Research Center", and a semiconductor holding subsidiary of the company received a project subsidy of 22.4 million yuan on January 30th, 2022, with a total amount of 48.4 million yuan accounting for the latest audited net assets of the company (end of 2020).

  Hekeda: the controlling shareholder plans to change the control right, and the stock will be suspended from tomorrow.

  And Kodak announced on the evening of February 7 that the controlling shareholder Rui Hecheng intends to transfer 20 million shares (accounting for 20% of the company’s total share capital). If the above matters are finally reached, it will lead to changes in the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company. The company’s stock will be suspended from the market opening on the morning of February 8, and it is expected that the suspension time will not exceed 2 trading days.

  Anke biotechnology: It is planned to buy back shares for 40 million yuan to 60 million yuan.

  () On the evening of February 7th, it was announced that the company intends to use its own funds to buy back some shares of the company in a centralized bidding transaction, and all the repurchased shares will be used to implement equity incentives or employee stock ownership plans. The repurchase amount is not less than 40 million yuan and not more than 60 million yuan, and the repurchase price is not more than 12 yuan/share.

  Anke biotechnology plans to spend 40 million to 60 million yuan to buy back shares, and the repurchase price does not exceed 12 yuan/share.

  Anke biotechnology announced that all the shares to be repurchased by the company will be used to implement equity incentive or employee stock ownership plan. The repurchase amount is not less than RMB 40 million and not more than RMB 60 million, and the repurchase price is not more than RMB 12 yuan per share.

  Huayin Investment, the major shareholder of Zhongyin Fashion, reduced its holdings by 3.01%, and the reduction period was more than half.

  () Announcement: As of January 31, 2022, the shareholders of Shihezi Haojia Venture Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) ("Haojia Venture") and their concerted actors Xiamen Haojia Wealth Investment Management Co., Ltd. ("Haojia Fortune") and Shihezi Haojia Industry Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) ("Haojia Industry") held more than 5% of the shares in Wenzhou Huayin Equity Investment Partnership.

  Xinning Logistics added 20 million yuan of overdue bank loans.

  Xinning Logistics announced that recently, the company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Kunshan Xinning Logistics Co., Ltd. added some banks, loans overdue, with overdue principal of 20 million yuan, accounting for 9.35% of the company’s latest audited net assets.

  As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the company has repaid the overdue bank loan principal of RMB 5,054,600, and the accumulated overdue bank loan amount of the company and its subsidiaries is RMB 70,945,400, accounting for 33.17% of the company’s latest audited net assets.

  Jinlang Technology: "Jinlang Convertible Bonds" will be subscribed on February 10th.

  () Announcement, the company will issue 897 million yuan of convertible corporate bonds ("convertible bonds"). The convertible bonds issued this time are referred to as "Jinlang Convertible Bonds" and the bond code is "123137". The priority placing date of the original shareholders of this convertible bond issue is the same as the online subscription date on February 10, 2022 (T-day), and the online subscription time is from 9:15 to 11:30 and from 13:00 to 15:00 on T-day.

  Lin Jing, director of Infineon, and his spouse’s short-term transaction

  () Announcement. Recently, the company received the Statement on Short-term Trading and Apology Statement issued by Ms. Lin Jing, the director of the company. It was learned that Ms. Lin Jing’s spouse, Mr. Dai Shangzhuo, had sold the company’s shares within six months before the restricted stock granted to the equity incentive plan was registered, which led to Ms. Lin Jing’s short-term trading.

  Because the spouse of the director Ms. Lin Jing has sold the company’s shares within 6 months before the grant of registration, Ms. Lin Jing does not meet the grant conditions of the restricted stock incentive plan in 2021, and the company will buy back and cancel its 84,000 shares of restricted stock incentive granted at the grant price. As the company will repurchase and cancel the 84,000 shares of restricted shares granted to Ms. Lin Jing, Ms. Lin Jing will not generate any income from this short-term transaction, so there is no situation of handing over the income to the company.

  Anke biotechnology plans to spend 40 million to 60 million yuan to buy back shares.

  Anke biotechnology announced that the company intends to use its own funds to buy back some shares of the company by centralized bidding, and all of them will be used to implement equity incentive or employee stock ownership plan. The repurchase amount is not less than 40 million yuan and not more than 60 million yuan, and the repurchase price is not more than 12 yuan/share.

  Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank: Vice President Shen Dong’s qualification was approved by the regulatory authorities.

  () On the evening of February 7th, it was announced that the company had recently received the Reply of Shanghai Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau on Approving Shen Dong’s Qualification of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, and the Shanghai Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau had approved Shen Dong’s qualification as the vice president of the company. According to the announcement, Shen Dong used to be the deputy general manager of Bank of Ningbo Risk Management Department, the general manager of Bank of Ningbo Science and Technology Department, the general manager of Bank of Ningbo Financial Technology Department and the general manager of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank Financial Technology Department.

  Mingdiao shares: It has fallen by more than 20% in the past three trading days, and there is no matter that should be disclosed but not disclosed.

  On the evening of February 7th, () announced that the company’s stock trading price fell more than 20% from the closing price in three consecutive trading days. According to relevant regulations, this situation belongs to the abnormal fluctuation of stock trading. The company said that it has been confirmed that there are no matters that should be disclosed but not disclosed, or plans, discussions, intentions, agreements, etc. related to this matter; The board of directors has not been informed that the company has information that should be disclosed but not disclosed, which has a great impact on the company’s stock trading price; There is no need to correct or supplement the information disclosed by the company in the early stage.

  Baoxin Technology’s application for non-public offering of shares was approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission.

  () Announced that the issuance review committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission reviewed the company’s application for non-public offering of shares on February 7, 2022. According to the results of the meeting, the company’s application for non-public offering of shares was approved.

  Yongxing materials: the wholly-owned subsidiary received a financial subsidy of 43.2608 million yuan.

  Yongxing Materials announced on the evening of February 7 that Huzhou Yongxing Materials Recycling Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yongxing Materials, recently received a financial subsidy of 43.2608 million yuan from Huzhou Finance Bureau in the form of cash subsidy. As of the date of this announcement, all the subsidy funds have been received. The government subsidy obtained this time belongs to the financial subsidy for recycling renewable resources, which is related to the daily business activities of the company and has sustainability.

  Tianjian Group: The subsidiary intends to acquire 70% equity of Shenzhen Xingchen Company from the controlling shareholder of the company.

  Tianjian Group announced that the board meeting of the company deliberated and passed the proposal, and agreed that Tianjian Real Estate Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, would acquire 70% equity of Shenzhen Shenxingchen Technology Development Co., Ltd. held by Shenzhen Special Zone Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company, for RMB 201,611,270. This transaction is to purchase assets from the controlling shareholder of the company and obtain high-quality land in Shenzhen. Subsequent development and sales will further provide resources for the company’s comprehensive development business.

  Huang Sishi intends to provide a total loan of 120 million yuan to Jinke Enterprise Management by reducing all shares of Jinke.

  On February 7th, Jinke Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on shareholders’ reduction of shares in the company and an announcement on related natural persons providing funds to the company to support the company’s development and related transactions.

  According to the announcement, Huang Sishi has reduced the company’s shares by 45,649,400 shares through centralized bidding and block trading in the secondary market, accounting for 0.85491%, with an average price of 4.38 yuan per share. No longer hold shares after this reduction.

  Previously, it was disclosed that Huang Sishi, a related natural person of the company, recently reduced his shareholding in the company through centralized bidding in order to repay the due financing needs of financial institutions, and plans to continue to support the development of listed companies according to his own cash flow arrangement and company needs in the coming year.

  In view of this, in order to further support the company’s development, Huang Sishi plans to sign a Loan Contract with Chongqing Jinke Enterprise Management Group Co., Ltd. ("Jinke Enterprise Management"), a holding subsidiary of the company, and provide Jinke Enterprise Management with a total loan of RMB 120 million, with a loan term of one year. Within the above loan amount and term, it can be borrowed at the same time, and the annual interest rate of this loan is 10%.

  Huang Sishi is a direct relative of Huang Hongyun, the actual controller of the company, and a related party of the company, so this transaction constitutes a connected transaction.

  In addition, Jinke Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on delaying the reply to the letter of concern of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. At present, the company has fully communicated with the intermediary agencies on some issues involved in the letter of concern, and it still needs to issue verification opinions after the intermediary agencies complete the internal audit procedures before it can be disclosed. Therefore, the company has not announced the contents of the reply to the public. The company has applied to Shenzhen Stock Exchange for an extension of reply, and will actively promote relevant work, complete the reply to the letter of concern as soon as possible and fulfill the obligation of information disclosure in time.

  According to the announcement, the above-mentioned loan provided by the company’s affiliated natural persons aims to support the company’s development, meet the company’s business development and supplement the company’s working capital.

  Jinke shares applied for delayed reply to the letter of concern of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  On February 7, Jinke announced that it had applied to Shenzhen Stock Exchange for an extension of reply to the letter of concern on January 22.

  At present, the company has fully communicated with the intermediary on some issues involved in the Letter of Concern, and it still needs to issue verification opinions after the intermediary completes the internal audit procedures before it can be disclosed, so the company has not announced the contents of the reply to the outside world.

  It is reported that on January 22, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a letter of concern to Jinke. The letter of concern pointed out that Tao Hongxia and Huang Sishi, shareholders of the company, dissolved the relationship of concerted action with Huang Hongyun, the actual controller of the company. At the same time, Huang Hongyun signed a Concerted Action Agreement with the company’s shareholders Hongxing Furniture Group Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Hongmin Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., and Huang Hongyun’s shareholding ratio decreased from 29.99% to 29.36%. After this equity change, Huang Hongyun remains the actual controller of Jinke.

  The Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires that the shareholding structure of Hongxing Furniture Group and Guangdong Hongmin be additionally disclosed, and whether there is any relationship between them and Jinke, the controlling shareholder, the actual controller and Dong Jiangao, whether there are other undisclosed potential agreements and arrangements, whether it may have an impact on the stability of the company’s control rights, and make special risk warnings.

  On the same day, Jinke Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. announced that by the end of January, the company had bought back 42,697,900 shares by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.80% of the total share capital, with the highest transaction price of 5.16 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price of 4.03 yuan/share and the total transaction amount of 190 million yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  It is understood that Jinke shares reviewed and passed the proposal on July 12, 2021. The total amount of funds planned to be used is not less than 500 million yuan (including 500 million yuan) and not more than 1 billion yuan (including 1 billion yuan) to repurchase some shares. The implementation period of repurchase is within 12 months from the date when the board of directors reviewed and approved the share repurchase plan.

  Kelu Electronics plans to list and transfer 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics.

  On the evening of February 7th, Kelu Electronics announced that the company planned to transfer 65% equity of Shenzhen Xinlong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xinlong Electronics") by listing, with a reserve price of 51.35 million yuan.

  It is understood that Xinlong Electronics is a high-tech enterprise that produces carrier chips. Lu Electronics acquired 100% equity of Xinlong Electronics in 2015.

  Regarding the reason for the transfer of 65% equity of Xinlong Electronics, Kelu Electronics said that due to the technical upgrading of communication module products, broadband communication technology was gradually adopted, and State Grid Corporation of China also adjusted relevant policies after the technical upgrading of products, which led to drastic changes in the market competition pattern of carrier products and intensified industry competition. Moreover, the founding team members of Xinlong Electronics have also left their jobs one after another, resulting in a sharp decline in the market share of Xinlong Electronics and a sharp decrease in operating income compared with that before the acquisition. At present, its operating conditions have been unable to realize the original industrial chain layout of the company.

  Beijing business today reporter noted that when it was acquired in 2015, 100% equity of Xinlong Electronics was valued at 531 million yuan.

  Due to the repayment of the due financing, Huang Sishi, the daughter of Huang Hongyun, the real controller of Jinke, emptied her shares.

  On February 7, Jinke Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jinke Shares") announced that it had received a notice from its shareholder Huang Sishi that it had reduced its holdings of about 45,649,400 shares through centralized bidding and block trading in the secondary market, with a reduction ratio of 0.85491%. After this reduction, the number of shares held by Huang Sishi in Jinke is 0.

  On the same day, another announcement issued by Jinke Co., Ltd. showed that Huang Sishi’s reduction of Jinke Co., Ltd. was to repay the due financing needs of financial institutions, and he planned to continue to support the development of listed companies according to his own cash flow arrangements and the company’s needs in the coming year. In view of this, Huang Sishi intends to sign a Loan Contract with Chongqing Jinke Enterprise Management Group Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Jinke Co., Ltd., and provide it with a total loan of 120 million yuan. The loan period is one year. Within the above-mentioned loan amount and term, it can be borrowed at the same time, and the annual interest rate of this loan is 10%.

  According to the announcement, Huang Sishi is the daughter of Huang Hongyun, the actual controller of Jinke, and is a related party of the company, so this transaction constitutes a connected transaction.

  Beijing News reporter Xu Qian

  Editor Yang Juanjuan proofreads Li Ming.

  Dier Laser: "Dier Convertible Bonds" can be converted into shares at a price of 192.24 yuan/share from February 11th.

  () Announcement, the company’s 840 million yuan convertible corporate bonds (referred to as "Dier Convertible Bonds", bond code "123121") can be converted from February 11, 2022, and the conversion price is RMB 192.24 per share, and the conversion period is from February 11, 2022 to August 4, 2027.

  Yanghe shares: Fu Hongbing, vice president, retired at age.

  Yanghe Co., Ltd. (stock code: 002304) announced today that the board of directors of the company recently received an application for resignation from Fu Hongbing, vice president of the company. Fu Hongbing applied to resign as vice president of the company because he reached the statutory retirement age, and he no longer held any position in the company after his resignation.

  Yanghe Co., Ltd. said that according to the relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the company system, Fu Hongbing’s resignation application will take effect when it is delivered to the company’s board of directors.

  (Editor: Han Yijia)

  [Company] opened a medical electronic lower digestive tract endoscope to obtain a medical device registration certificate.

  According to the medical evening announcement, the company’s electronic lower digestive tract endoscope has been approved by Guangdong Drug Administration, and recently obtained the registration certificate of medical devices in People’s Republic of China (PRC).

  The announcement shows that the product is used in conjunction with the medical endoscope image processor produced by the company to provide images for observation, diagnosis and treatment of lower digestive tract (including anus, rectum, colon and ileocecum) through video display. Compared with the outside diameter of 12.5mm for ordinary colonoscopy, the outside diameter of this product is only 9.5 mm. The success rate of cecal insertion and the completion rate of total colon examination are the same for patients undergoing ultra-fine colonoscopy, but the uncomfortable reactions such as abdominal pain and abdominal distension are greatly reduced. The company said that it is impossible to predict the impact of the above products on the company’s future performance. (Panorama Network)

  Sunshine City: Bonds such as "20 Yangcheng 01" were only traded in the form of agreed block trading after the suspension and resumption of trading on February 8.

  On February 7, Sunshine City Group Co., Ltd. issued a bond announcement saying that Oriental Jincheng downgraded the company’s main credit rating from AA to BBB, and the rating outlook was negative. According to relevant regulations, upon the application of the company, "20 Yangcheng 01", "20 Yangcheng 02", "20 Yangcheng 03", "20 Yangcheng 04", "21 Yangcheng 01" and "21 Yangcheng 02" were suspended for one trading day from the opening of the market on February 8, 2022, and resumed trading on February 9, 2022.

  Senyuan shares: 80,736,190 shares pledged by the controlling shareholder were extended.

  On February 7th, () announced that the company had recently received a notice from Guo Songsen, the controlling shareholder of the company, and learned that it had extended the pledge of some shares of the company, involving a total of 80,736,190 shares. After the extension, the pledge expiration date was January 27th, 2023.

  Guo Songsen, the controlling shareholder of the company, has pledged a total of 118,916,190 shares of the company, accounting for more than 80% of the shares held by him. Please pay attention to the relevant risks.

  The recent average cost of Senyuan shares is 3.60 yuan, and the stock price runs above the cost. In the short market, the current rebound trend has slowed down, and investors can pay due attention to it. In the past five days, the stock funds have generally been in an outflow state. According to statistics, the main force did not control the disk in the past 10 days. The company’s operating conditions are acceptable, and it has not been significantly recognized by most institutions for the time being, so it can continue to pay attention to it in the future.

  Zhongqingbao: The controlling shareholder pledged 1.5 million shares.

  On February 7th, Zhongqingbao announced that the company had recently received a letter from Baode Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company, and learned that some of its shares were pledged, with 1.5 million shares pledged this time.

  The recent average cost of Zhongqingbao is 23.38 yuan, and the stock price runs above the cost. In the short market, the current rebound trend has slowed down, and investors can pay due attention to it. In the past five days, the stock funds have generally flowed in. According to statistics, the main force did not control the disk in the past 10 days. The company is operating well, and most institutions think that the long-term investment value of the stock is average.

  Adil’s subsidiary illegally invoiced 194 million yuan for illegal profits and was punished by the tax authorities.

  Every reporter Zhao Linan, every editor Wei Guanhong

  On February 7th, Adele (002740, SZ) announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary Jiangsu Millennium Jewelry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Millennium Jewelry) recently received the Decision on Tax Administrative Punishment issued by the Third Inspection Bureau of Nanjing Taxation Bureau in State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China.

  The reporter of national business daily noticed that Millennium Jewelry issued invoices totaling about 194 million yuan to two new energy companies in Jiangxi Province in violation of the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Invoices in People’s Republic of China (PRC), and made an illegal profit of about 260,000 yuan.

  Prior to this, Eddie released the "2021 Annual Performance Forecast", and it is estimated that the net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2021 will be about 600 million yuan to 785 million yuan, mainly due to the impairment loss on the corresponding assets. Subsequently, the Exchange issued a Letter of Concern to Adil.

  Invoice 194 million yuan to two new energy companies.

  According to Eddie’s announcement, Millennium Jewelry violated the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Invoices in People’s Republic of China (PRC), and issued an invoice of 194 million yuan to two new energy companies in Jiangxi Province, with a tax of about 25.23 million yuan and an illegal profit of about 260,000 yuan.

  Therefore, the Millennium Jewelry was confiscated by the Third Inspection Bureau of Nanjing Taxation Bureau in State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and its illegal income was more than 260,000 yuan, and a fine of 500,000 yuan was imposed.

  The reporter of national business daily noticed that as early as May 2020, Millennium Jewelry received the Notice of Tax Matters issued by the Third Inspection Bureau of Nanjing Taxation Bureau, requesting to check its tax-related situation.

  On April 30th last year, in reply to the Letter of Concern of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Adele said: "Millennium Jewelry, as an upstream supplier of alloy business, has real business in all links and complete procedures, and provided relevant information to the tax bureau in time, and made a detailed explanation and reply on the relevant situation."

  Also in the reply announcement, Wang Binkang, then the independent director of Adil, gave another statement on the issue of the Millennium jewelry invoice.

  Wang Binkang believes that his exercise of the functions and powers of independent directors has been hindered. Wang Binkang said that I directly asked Comrade Li Yong in my live speech why he didn’t report the relevant materials about a false VAT invoice involved in Jiangsu Millennium Jewelry to Eddie Company. Comrade Li Yong asked me on the spot: "To whom?" I immediately replied, "Show it to me." Independent directors have the right to know the important information of the company when they perform their duties normally. Up to now, Comrade Li Yong has not submitted any materials involved to the independent directors.

  Li Yong referred to by Wang Binkang is Li Yong, the chairman of Adil. Before Adil acquired Millennium Jewelry, Li Yong was the actual controller of Millennium Jewelry.

  "Therefore, I can’t guarantee the authenticity of the company’s 2020 Annual Report and 2020 Annual Report Summary, and I can’t guarantee the authenticity of the company’s first quarter report in 2021. Due to my recent business trip in Beijing, my signature confirmation opinions on the 2020 Annual Report, the 2020 Annual Report Summary and the company’s first quarter report in 2021 are misoperation. " Wang Binkang said.

  There are constant internal problems in the company

  In September last year, Adil issued an "Announcement on Receiving the Application of Shareholders of the Company for Convening an Extraordinary General Meeting". The extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of Adil was proposed by Su Riming, more than 10% of its shareholders, and the relevant proposals were full of gunpowder.

  Su Riming said in the Letter of Request that the Third Inspection Bureau of Nanjing Taxation Bureau has basically found out that Millennium Jewelry is suspected of falsely issuing VAT invoices, and the tax inspection organ has transferred the case to the public security organ, and is investigating Millennium Jewelry and its legal representative, Chairman Li Yong, in accordance with criminal procedures.

  "Li Yong has other suspected crimes such as infringing on the interests of the company and the interests of shareholders, and there are many situations in which he is not suitable to serve as a director, chairman, president and legal representative of the company." The announcement of Adil quoted Su Riming’s "Request Letter" as showing.

  According to Eddie’s announcement, at that time, Eddie’s board of directors thought that Su Riming’s statement that "the tax inspection organ has transferred the case to the public security organ and is investigating Millennium Jewelry and its legal representative, Chairman Li Yong, in accordance with criminal procedures" lacked official authoritative evidence, and the basis for drawing Li Yong’s dismissal was not sufficient.

  In the end, the board of directors of Adil did not agree to convene this extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, and Li Yong is still the chairman of Adil.

  In September last year, Adele was also sued by Wang Junxia, one of the original shareholders of Millennium Jewelry. According to the previous announcement of Adil, Li Yong and Wang Junxia are husband and wife. The main content of Wang Junxia’s lawsuit against Adele is to demand that the cumulative promised net profit of Millennium Jewelry from 2017 to 2020 in the Profit Compensation Agreement signed with Li Yong at that time be reduced by 35 million yuan.

  In the announcement, Adil said that the accumulated net profit promised by Millennium Jewelry from 2017 to 2020 was not less than 297 million yuan, and the actual completion was about 264 million yuan, and the performance commitment was not completed.

  According to Adele’s announcement, Wang Junxia’s lawsuit reason is that "after the completion of the equity transfer of Millennium Jewelry, some equity transfer funds have not been paid, and Adele has caused a large number of lawsuits due to its own debt crisis, which has seriously affected the financing ability and brand image of Millennium Jewelry. In addition, the continuous superposition of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 has caused the 2020 annual performance of Millennium Jewelry to fail to meet expectations."

  According to the previous 2021 performance forecast of Adil, one of the reasons for its pre-loss is the full impairment of the goodwill of Millennium jewelry. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange also issued a Letter of Concern, asking Adil to explain the specific reasons leading to the large loss in 2021 and the calculation of the amount affected, itemizing the scope of assets to be depreciated, the reasons for impairment and the estimated amount of impairment, whether the accounting policy and determination basis for the provision for impairment of assets have changed significantly compared with the same period of last year, and whether the impairment of related assets conforms to the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

  Yiwei Lithium can join hands with Huizhou Municipal Government to build a 100 billion-level new energy battery industry cluster.

  Yiwei Lithium Energy announced that the company and Huizhou Municipal People’s Government signed the Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement on January 29, 2022, and the two sides will deepen strategic cooperation, build Huizhou’s 100 billion-level new energy battery industry cluster, and support the company’s further development and growth. The main contents of the agreement include Huizhou Municipal People’s Government’s legal support to ensure the construction needs of the company’s new projects, and providing necessary industrial support to the project investors in accordance with laws and regulations; When the land supply and energy supply meet the landing conditions of the project, the total output value of the company and holding companies will reach 100 billion yuan by 2025, which will help Huizhou’s new energy battery industry develop and grow.

  [Company Report]

  The net profit of Yiwei Lithium Energy in 2021 is expected to increase by 65%-85%.

  Yiwei lithium can disclose performance forecast. The company expects a profit of 2,725,856,800-3,056,263,700 yuan in 2021, an increase of 65.00%-85.00% over the same period of last year. During the reporting period, the company’s sales expanded and its operating income increased by more than 100%. Among them, the business of consumer batteries and power storage batteries has increased substantially, and their profits have increased. The sales scale and profit of Simor International Holdings Co., Ltd., the company’s indirect shareholding company, increased substantially, which brought about a substantial increase in the company’s investment income.

  Yiwei Lithium Energy: It will directly hold 49% equity of Xinghua Lithium Salt.

  Yiwei Lithium Energy announced that recently, the company received the Notice of Bidding Results and signed the Property Right Transaction Contract with Qinghai Chaidamu Development and Construction Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chai Jiantou"), which successfully won 35.2857% of the equity of Qinghai Chaidamu Xinghua Lithium Salt Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xinghua Lithium Salt") held by Chai Jiantou, and the final transaction price was 144,123,900 yuan (excluding the bidding service fee). The Company signed the Equity Transfer Agreement with Zhai Yanhong, the shareholder of Xinghua Lithium Salt, and received 13.7143% equity of Xinghua Lithium Salt held by Zhai Yanhong for RMB 56,015,848 with reference to the above-mentioned auction transaction amount of the Company. After signing the Property Right Transaction Contract and the Equity Transfer Agreement, the company will handle the property right handover procedures of the above-mentioned Xinghua lithium salt equity according to relevant regulations. After the above transaction is completed, the company will directly hold 49% of the equity of Xinghua Lithium Salt, which will help the company to further focus on the main business of lithium batteries and has positive significance for the company to explore the upstream industrial chain and optimize the industrial layout.

  Huanrui Century’s participation in the movie box office is gratifying.

  Huanrui Century announced on the evening of February 7th that the film "Bears Come Back to Earth" co-produced by Huanrui Dongyang, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, was released in Chinese mainland on February 6th at 24: 00. According to incomplete statistics, the cumulative box office revenue (including service fee) has exceeded 562 million yuan, exceeding 50% of the operating income of the company’s audited consolidated financial statements in the latest fiscal year. The company’s operating income from the film (currently box office income) is about 7.5 million yuan.

  The company also suggested that the film is still being released at present, and its box office income in Chinese mainland area is subject to the statement officially confirmed by the cinemas in Chinese mainland area; At the same time, the film’s copyright sales revenue in Chinese mainland has not been settled. There may be differences between the box office income and the actual business income of the company (including but not limited to the income calculated according to the confirmed box office income and the corresponding accounting method after the film is released in the cinema, the film copyright sales income and other income).

  According to reports, "Bears Coming Back to Earth" is the eighth film in the series of "Bears Coming Back", which has become an essential family movie for the Spring Festival. Focusing on the theme of heroes, the film hopes to convey that "all Xiong Haizi can be heroes as long as they are kind and brave". Its imaginative scenes, joyful viewing atmosphere and excellent production level have aroused wide acclaim and heated discussion among the audience.

  In addition, the company’s participation in the co-production of Watergate Bridge of Changjin Lake has also achieved gratifying box office, and another participating film, A Ten-year Taste is as Warm as a Word, will be released on Valentine’s Day on February 14th.

  Huanrui Century also disclosed the progress of share repurchase. As of January 31st, the company had repurchased 10,116,700 shares by centralized bidding, accounting for 1.0313% of the total share capital. The highest transaction price was 3.50 yuan/share, and the lowest transaction price was 3.18 yuan/share, with a total turnover of about 33,995,600 (excluding transaction costs). According to the plan, the company will use its own funds of 30 million yuan (inclusive) to 50 million yuan (inclusive) to buy back some public shares at a price not exceeding 4.2 yuan/share (inclusive), and the repurchased shares are intended to be used to implement the equity incentive plan or employee stock ownership plan.

  Qianhai Life Insurance reduced its holdings of OCT by over 47.74 million shares and cashed in about 373 million yuan.

  On the evening of February 7, Shenzhen OCT Co., Ltd. (referred to as "OCT") announced the progress of shareholders holding more than 5% shares and concerted parties in reducing their shares, saying that Qianhai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Qianhai Life Insurance") recently reduced its holdings of OCT by about 47.7439 million shares.

  According to the announcement, OCT received the Letter of Notice from Qianhai Life Insurance and Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jushenghua") on February 5. According to the contents of the notification letter, Qianhai Life Insurance reduced its holdings of OCT by about 47,743,900 shares. The reduction was conducted by centralized bidding. The reduction time was from December 30, 2021 to January 24, 2022, with an average reduction of 7.82 yuan/share, accounting for 0.58% of the total share capital of OCT, and the total cash amount was about 373 million yuan.

  After this reduction, Qianhai Life Insurance and Qi Shenghua, a concerted action person, held 607 million shares, accounting for 7.4% of the total share capital.

  Beijing News reporter Xu Qian

  Editor Yang Juanjuan proofreads Jia Ning.

  The controlling shareholder intends to transfer 20% equity and Keda or change owners.

  Hekeda announced on the evening of February 7 that Yiyang Ruihecheng Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ruihecheng"), the controlling shareholder, plans to transfer 20 million shares of the company, accounting for 20% of the company’s total share capital. If the above matters are finally reached, it will lead to changes in the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company. The company’s stock will be suspended from the market opening on the morning of February 8, 2022, and the suspension time is expected to be no more than 2 trading days.

  According to public information, Ruihecheng holds a total of 29.99 million shares of Hekeda, with a shareholding ratio of 29.99%. According to the announcement, the above matters are in the negotiation stage and there are still uncertainties. The counterparty of this share transfer belongs to the digital technology promotion and application service industry, and the transaction needs to be approved by the competent department in advance.

  He Keda said that during the suspension period, the parties to the agreement will negotiate the terms of the transaction agreement, and the company will fulfill its information disclosure obligations in a timely manner in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations according to the progress of related matters. After the above matters are confirmed, the company will issue relevant announcements in time and apply for the resumption of trading of the company’s shares.

  Founded in Shenzhen in 1994, Hekeda is a national high-tech enterprise mainly engaged in the research, development, design, manufacture and sales of liquid crystal electronic (flat-plate) glass cleaning equipment, industrial ultrasonic cleaning equipment, surface treatment (electroplating) equipment and industrial pure water equipment, and is also one of the earliest enterprises engaged in the production of precision cleaning equipment in China.

  In the 2021 annual performance forecast released on January 20, Hekeda said that it is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will reach 16 million yuan to 22 million yuan in 2021, turning losses year-on-year. The change in performance is mainly due to the increase in operating income, the decrease in impairment losses and the investment income from the sale of 100% equity of Suzhou and Keda Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd., a subsidiary. The investment income generated by the sale of subsidiaries belongs to non-recurring gains and losses, and it is estimated that the impact on the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2021 will be about 50 million yuan to 60 million yuan.

  On January 21st, Hekeda received a letter of concern from Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and was asked to explain whether the provision for impairment losses in previous years was sufficient.

Mobile phone pre-installed software is difficult to uninstall: some apps are restored after the system upgrade.

  BEIJING, Beijing, August 18 (Wu Tao) Since July 1 this year, pre-installed software for non-basic functions in mobile phones should be uninstalled. Although this regulation has been implemented for more than a month, the reporter of Zhongxin. com found that there are still many pre-installed softwares that are difficult to uninstall, and some pre-installed softwares will automatically "come back" as soon as the system is updated and upgraded.

  Data Map: Users use mobile APP to watch videos. Zhongxin. com Cheng Chunyu photo

  Some pre-installed software is still difficult to uninstall.

  On July 1st, the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Preset and Distribution of Application Software for Mobile Intelligent Terminals (hereinafter referred to as the Provisions) was formally implemented. As required by the Regulations,Manufacturers and Internet information service providers should ensure that mobile intelligent terminal application software can be uninstalled except basic function software. The manufacturer shall ensure that the uninstalled preset software is not forcibly restored when the operating system of the mobile intelligent terminal is upgraded..

  At the beginning of July, the reporter of Zhongxin. com tried to upgrade a Xiaomi MAX to the latest version of MIUI system (stable version, and found that some software that had been uninstalled was "back", including Xiaomi live broadcast.

  In August, the reporter once again upgraded the above Xiaomi mobile phone system to the latest version of MIUI system (stable version, and found that some apps such as Xiaomi video and games still cannot be uninstalled.

  This situation is not rare. For example, in Huawei P9, software such as membership services and wallets cannot be uninstalled. After the implementation of the Regulations, there areMany users commented on Weibo that many pre-installed software is still difficult to delete..

  Wang Yanhui, secretary general of China Mobile Alliance, said in an interview with,After the implementation of the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, there are fewer cases where pre-installed software cannot be uninstalled, but there are still many mobile phone systems that will be installed after they are updated or restored. "This situation may continue to exist for some time in the future."

  Data map. The "camera" function in the mobile phone is the basic function. China News Service reporter Ren Dongshe

  Controversial "Basic Function" Pre-installed Software

  Of course, for some pre-installed software that cannot be uninstalled, manufacturers may think that these are basic functional software. Therefore, this involves the definition of basic functional software.

  So,Which software belongs to the basic function application software?In this regard, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is clear.Basic function software refers to the mobile intelligent terminal application software that ensures the normal operation of the hardware and operating system of the mobile intelligent terminal., mainly including four categories: First, the basic components of the operating system, such asSystem kernel application, virtual machine application, web browsing engine.Wait; The second is to ensure the normal operation of intelligent terminal hardware applications, such asApplication of Bluetooth, GPS and Fingerprint SensorWait; Third, basic communication applications, such asSMS, Dialing, ContactsWait; The fourth is the application software download channel, such asApplication storeWait.

  Xiang Ligang, an expert in the communication industry, analyzed in an interview with, "It is very clear now, not ‘ Basic functions ’ It is illegal to uninstall the pre-installed software. butSpecific to whether an APP belongs to ‘ Basic functions ’ Software is controversial at present, and many enterprises are playing on it ‘ Edge ball ’. "

  "For example, in a mobile phone, ‘ Camera ’ The software can’t be uninstalled, because it can’t take pictures after uninstalling, which affects the normal use of the mobile phone. But now there are more powerful third-party camera software pre-installed. Is this basic function software? Is it the same function? Which can be uninstalled and which can’t be uninstalled? " Xiang Ligang said.

  According to the "Regulations", at most one basic function software preset in the terminal to realize the same function can be set as non-uninstallable.

  Data Map: Different apps on smart phones have different functions.

  Follow-up: Why do manufacturers have to pre-install software?

  Why are there a lot of software in the newly bought mobile phone that can’t even be uninstalled? Xiang Ligang analysis, if the brand mobile phone is installed with third-party software, it is obviously linked with interests.

  The reporter noticed that this phenomenon has existed for many years. As early as 2015, some media reported that "the magic China mobile phone: the cost has been recovered before it is sold", which means that mobile phone manufacturers make money by pre-installed software.

  Wang Yanhui analysis, first of all, the market has this demand,In the era of mobile Internet, APP vendors or Internet companies have realized that pre-installation is a channel for distribution and promotion; In addition, pre-installed software has become a part of the income of mobile phone manufacturers, and mobile phone manufacturers will not easily let go of this field..

  “Huawei, OPPO, and vivo have a revenue scale of several billion yuan every year in terms of APP distribution, and Xiaomi is more."Wang Yanhui revealed.

  According to media reports, there are two channels for mobile phone pre-installed software, except for mobile phone manufacturers. One is to cooperate with telecom operators to customize, and operators are responsible for pre-installation; There is also cooperation with sales channels, and channel merchants pre-install software in the later stage.

  The reporter noted that in this regard,The "Regulations" clearly require that production enterprises should restrict sales channels and not install application software in mobile intelligent terminals without the consent of users.And prompt the possibility, risks and countermeasures of user terminals being loaded into application software in sales channels and other links. (End)

Recalling the Year | Wang Shuixiong: The "Year Taste" I experienced in those years

[Editor’s note]

North and south of the great river, inside and outside the Great Wall, the customs of different regions are very different. What is displayed behind the Year is an epic of the life of China people. The Paper, please speak column launched a special topic of "Remembering the Year", telling about those years, that city, that village, and those people and things related to the Year.

The Paper Gongwei Cartography

First, the "taste of the year" and the year

When this article is published, my daughter will be three years old. Yes, she was born in January 2016.

My daughter is now attending a nursery near her home and can sing "Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year to everyone".

Come to think of it, during the New Year, except for the one in its infancy, the other two Spring Festivals she spent were not at home, so she could not feel the "flavor of the year" of family reunion in a larger family; In fact, I have done the same in recent years, because I am more than forty years older than her, and I have failed to feel the "flavor of the year" more times than her.

I failed to feel the "flavor of the year". On the one hand, I failed to return to my hometown and was in a different place. On the other hand, as far as personal experience is concerned, the "taste of the year" in the Spring Festival itself has also faded.

Second, Nian is a monster.

As a male, in the childhood concept, celebrating the New Year in the countryside has a series of benefits, the first of which is to set off firecrackers in a big way. Unlike girls, they seem to pay too much attention to new clothes and wear red and green.

Adults set off firecrackers in the hall house (the house of the older generation in our village is usually shared by two households, and later it gradually became an independent hall house for each household), and the little boys in the neighborhood will step on it. At that time, firecrackers were not as violent as they are now, and many urchins stepped on them together. After a hanging firecracker was trampled out, they could pick up a lot of unfinished firecrackers. Take them apart and set them off one by one, so they can play for a longer time.

Such behavior, of course, is dangerous, and it is not pleasing-the incomplete setting off of firecrackers is not always auspicious; But firecrackers are scarce, and boys are eager for them, so adults can’t stop them, and they are not likely to stop them. The reason should not be that adults are ashamed of their own pockets; More likely, during the Chinese New Year, especially on the first day of New Year’s Day, adults are afraid of children’s crying. In this way, the only thing they can do for such "urchins" is to warn them in advance.

When I was very young, I seemed to cry once on New Year’s Day because I didn’t get the firecrackers I wanted, and my demands were soon satisfied. This surprised me. At that time, I thought, maybe adults are afraid that the monster "Nian" will be attracted by my crying.

I saw the power of this monster on New Year’s Eve. On the morning of New Year’s Eve, my mother had an important job. She filled a sea bowl (a big bowl) with almost stewed pork and chicken, walked to the shrine with incense sticks in the hall, faced it, and held the sea bowl high above her forehead, mumbling something. After reading in front of the shrine, I went to the gate of the hall house (the gate of the hall house is usually opened when I get up and lasts until I go to bed) and repeated it in the middle. After that, pour the meat from the sea bowl back into the pot.

At that time, I thought it was probably to use the aroma of meat to feed the monster Nian. Later, I learned that my mother was "worshipping God" and praying for the blessings of our ancestors. Before "respecting God", people can’t touch the meat in the pot, not even taste the salty soup. The priority of commanding his ancestors at this time made me misunderstand the power of the monster "Nian" when I was young, so that I could control my desires with fear even though my mouth was full of saliva.

At that time, many people in the village still had the standard portraits of Chairman Mao and Chairman Hua above the shrines of their halls! Later, it was worn out, leaving only white traces that were not cleaned. I don’t know whether the mother’s "mumbling" content, in addition to the blessing of the ancestors, will bring the protection of the two chairmen.

After the portraits of the two chairmen, the position above the shrine has been vacant for so many years, but people’s lives are getting better day by day.

Third, New Year’s Eve "Group annual lunch"

Hot air fills the air, red candles are flourishing, and after setting off firecrackers, every household has lunch on New Year’s Eve.

Unlike many places where we eat "New Year’s Eve", the lunch at noon on New Year’s Eve in my hometown is a grand family reunion dinner (the dinner at night is a simple meal for small families themselves). This lunch is cooked by the brother who is the best cook in the family, and the women help. The cooked dishes can be served all over the table. Brothers (whether separated or not), sisters (unmarried), sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law, including grandchildren, all come to the appointed place for dinner, usually the "living room" of their parents’ house (let’s use this name). After the death of their father, the place for the reunion dinner is often chosen at the brother’s house who cooks the reunion dinner.

The so-called "living room" is directly connected with the living room, which has the functions of kitchen, dining room and small living room at the same time (large banquet guests are usually in the living room). In the corner near the window, there are often large benches that are basically fixed against the wall on both sides, and the center of the square they enclose is a kitchen stove. Ground stoves can be used to keep warm at ordinary times; When cooking, you can go to the iron pot; When eating, put the table on one side directly above the kitchen stove, with a wide bench on the edge and parallel to it, and then put a smaller bench on the remaining two sides of the table, so that the family can sit down and eat around the table.

When eating this meal, my father and brothers go to the table together, sit on the first wide bench against the wall, and drink some wine; Women and grandchildren, on the other hand, have to squeeze into the next narrow bench. When there are many people, they can’t even sit in a fixed seat. They can only stand by and eat, and sometimes they have to help their uncles who have finished drinking on the big bench.

This "Group annual lunch" will set off firecrackers when it is eaten. Apart from being serious, it may have a special function now: it is to prevent others from visiting at this time-visitors only need to look at the firecrackers set off in the hall to know that the family is eating "Group annual lunch".

The reason why it is a "group annual lunch" is that after lunch, you have to work until you fall asleep at night. After cleaning the front and back of the house, we should also clean the inside of the house. After that, the family has to take turns to take a shower, so they are often busy until eleven or twelve at night.

The cleaning in front of and behind the house needs the cooperation of the neighbors, and it is often started the day before New Year’s Eve. The focus is on road cleaning and dredging of ditch silt; After cleaning, you need to rinse it with water. Everyone swept, picked, rushed, and worked hard.

Fourth, killing pigs and smashing.

Similarly, uncles, brothers and sisters-in-law need to work together, as well as the preparation of Chinese New Year food and important food that can still be eaten for a long time after the spring of next year; This started as early as the off-year period.

What is particularly lively in my impression is killing pigs and smashing rice cakes.

These two characteristics of adults’ collective labor are: high labor intensity; High technical requirements; It involves a wide range-in addition to uncles, brothers and sisters-in-law in the extended family, it also involves children.

Before killing pigs, the pigs should be driven from the pigsty to the front of the main house. This matter needs the cooperation of a number of able-bodied laborers. In addition to the surgeon controlling the pig’s head, two or three people are needed to control the pig’s front legs, waist and hind legs, lift the pig and move it to the bench placed in advance in the hall. The pig will bark extremely bitterly at this time; After the surgeon tied its mouth with hemp rope, its cry became muffled.

When the housewife or her children are signaled, they have to set off firecrackers in the hall (which may be intended to cross the soul of the pig), and the butcher leans over and takes out the pig-killing knife from the basin with clear water placed under the bench in advance, aiming at the pig’s throat, and the white knife enters and the red knife exits. Blood spurts out and falls into the basin under the control of the surgeon.

The pig’s muffled sound will slowly sink and gradually become quiet. The surgeon loosens the rope at the right time and shakes the pig’s front leg. Occasionally, a sound or two can be made in the pig’s throat, and the residual blood flows out with the shaking of the front leg, which tends to be sporadic. The housewife stepped forward again and opened the basin of steaming blood. When the men released their hands, the pig fell over the bench. On one side is pig blood spilled out of the basin.

Then, the dead pig was moved to the gate of the hall. At first, it was scalded with boiling water (the saying "dead mouse feels no cold" may have originated from a wise man’s personal observation of this real life), and then it was shaved. After that, the pig’s two hind feet were hooked up with a shelf, hung upside down, cut open, and finally split in half.

Its meat is first "divided" among several uncles and brothers at preferential prices, and when it is spare, it is sold in the market. After each family is given the meat, it will be divided into several portions according to seven or eight pounds, and sent to the relatives’ homes such as their grandfathers, uncles and uncles. These families will either transfer the meat they received (sometimes the same piece of meat will even return to the original transferor after several transfers) or cook directly for guests. Or cut into pieces the size of a fist, fry them thoroughly, put them in an urn, sprinkle salt layer by layer, cover them and put them in a cool place, so that they can be stored for months at room temperature without deterioration.

In the case of killing pigs years ago, my father was often the mastermind of the big family. One year, when he was helping one of my cousins to kill pigs, he bit one end of hemp rope with his mouth in order to tie the pig’s screaming mouth. As a result, the pig’s head swung and brought out a few of his teeth. However, he still insisted on killing the pigs. As a result, while he made the pig bleed, the pig also made him bleed a lot.

Afterwards, although my cousin apologized deeply, my father didn’t ask this cousin for any compensation for medical expenses.

Killing pigs is a potential safety hazard, and the dazzling pig-killing knife makes me a little psychologically stressed as a bystander.

It’s much better to pound Ciba-while watching the collective work, you can also taste glutinous rice and soft Ciba with the smell of glutinous rice steaming. At this time, it’s really delicious to put some sugar in my mouth.

When making Ciba, a large amount of glutinous rice must be washed with clear water in advance, soaked for at least one night, taken out and drained, and then steamed in a large steamer to make glutinous rice; Then put it in a stone trough and pound it into mud; Then press it into a round cake with the size of palm open; Finally, several small red flowers are printed on it, dried and put away.

Among them, steaming glutinous rice in a big pot and mashing it into mud are all men’s jobs; After that, the women are in charge.

When ramming Zanba, it is necessary to place the washed stone trough in the center of the hall. The stone trough is very heavy, and the outside is round-the inside is a hemispherical groove, which often needs two lean men to hold it with hemp rope before it can be carried into the hall.

Steaming glutinous rice was put into the stone trough, and four lean men each took tamping tools and began to work around the stone trough. These four tamping tools are all made of wood, two straight and two curved. "Straight" is thick at both ends and small in the middle (easy for two hands to hold), like an elongated and enlarged circular seal; The "bent" person, like an enlarged mallet, has a thick and deep head. After hitting the glutinous rice in the stone trough, the handle can still be a lot higher than the edge of the stone trough.

When operating, stand on the four sides of the stone trough and strike the head of the tamping tool against the glutinous rice in the stone trough in turn in a counterclockwise direction. At the moment of hitting the glutinous rice, the hitter also shouted "Hey!" At this time, the sound of pounding and shouting came one after another, which merged into a busy scene of harvest.

The glutinous rice was pounded more and more sticky, so that when it was taken out by the pounder again and again, the beating work could almost stop. At this time, the people holding the "curved" tamping tools retreated to one side, and the people holding the "straight" tamping tools stepped forward and put the top of their respective tamping tools into the stone trough. While the people turned counterclockwise around the stone trough, the tamping tools were constantly twisted in their hands.

In this way, the quickly rammed and sticky "Ciba" was "scooped" out of the stone trough by two rammers and placed on a plastic cloth sprinkled with oil on the table against the wall. At this time, the women hurried forward and took the "Ciba" from the tamping tool with their oiled hands and piled it into a ball.

After that, the hall was filled with the laughter of women and children. Women will knead the rice cake into the shape of a round cake and dot some "flowers" on it with red ink. In this process, some scraps will be picked up for the children. Children usually can’t wait to eat some, and when they have a bottom, they will pinch out various shapes to play with, and then eat them after playing to a certain extent.

Ciba is dried, stacked together and placed in a vat. It needs to be soaked in water before beginning of spring, covered (it is said that it will not crack), placed in a cool place, and then covered. When the water smells a little, change it again. Ciba preserved in this way can be eaten until almost the Dragon Boat Festival!

Five, that year’s "booming"

On New Year’s Eve, there is another activity called "Sticking Red" (writing and pasting Spring Festival couplets). Compared with killing pigs and smashing rice cakes, the neighborhood involved is limited to the cousin’s house in the same room.

At first, my cousin was in charge of writing and pasting. My cousin was the headmaster of the primary school in our village at that time, and he wrote well in calligraphy. This work is not too tiring, because there are not many Spring Festival couplets to be posted: two doors running through the hall, two doors directly facing the outside of the two "living rooms", plus the door facing the outside of the hall and the shrine; A total of five pairs of small couplets, one pair of big couplets, plus one horizontal batch each, will be done.

Probably after I went to high school, I took on the task of writing and posting Spring Festival couplets for my extended family. At that time, my eldest brother, second brother and third brother were all married and moved out to live in a newly built house. The new house is connected together and divided into three buildings, one for each person, with its own hall, living room, bedroom connecting the hall, and so on. The number of doors that need to be pasted with Spring Festival couplets will also increase greatly.

Therefore, "writing and posting Spring Festival couplets" is enough for me to be busy all day on New Year’s Eve.

"Sticking red" means that the new year is booming, and the memory is also booming, as well as the fire of the kitchen stove in the "living room" on New Year’s Day.

Although I go to bed the latest on New Year’s Eve, my father always gets up the earliest on New Year’s Day. All the vents of the stove are opened, and the coal inside will be burned very brightly, reflecting my father’s bright smile. It is rare to waste coal like this at other times.

The year before my college entrance examination, my father got up early and got greedy for the dark even harder, regardless of his nose cancer. After he married his daughter (my sister) with great prosperity, he was busy planning the tuition fees for me and my little brother (who took the college entrance examination with me that year because he was repeating his studies).

Later, according to the second brother, my father picked a load of cabbage in the early morning of autumn and winter, took a dirt road of five or six miles, and waited for the bus by the asphalt road; Later, I got on the stopped dump truck with the young people and went to the market twenty or thirty miles away. There was no shelter in the car, and when the cold wind blew, his sweat became ice. I caught a cold when I came back from selling vegetables, and my nose cancer turned into liver cancer.

In the early morning of the New Year’s Day in the year of the college entrance examination, I heard firecrackers ringing in my own hall for two or three times, thinking that it was difficult for my father to get up. It is estimated that the firecrackers were set by my little brother except my cousin.

When I opened the door, I still saw my father sitting by the fire. Although the smile on his thin face was no longer bright, his eyes were full of warmth.

"I wish my father a happy new year and good health!"

"good! I wish Xiongxiong a high promotion! "

After a simple conversation, my father took out a hanging 1000 rings and asked me to set them off in the hall.

Stop! Recalling "Nian" was an easy topic. How can I write more and more heavily? At this point, my eyes are full of tears.

I remember that Mr. Jiang Xueliang, the head teacher who had some knowledge of my father’s situation that spring, also asked me during an evening inspection of the dormitory: "Shuixiong, is there any news about your father’s health at home?"

"No news!" I went on to say, "No news is the best news!"

However, about two months before the college entrance examination, the situation of "no news" was broken, and the news from home was brought to school by my second brother.

The second brother said that the reason why he didn’t keep secrets from my little brother and me and risked affecting our college entrance examination was to tell us the "news from home" and take us home for fear that we would blame them for not giving us a chance to give our father a ride in the future.

As for whether this "news from home" has affected my college entrance examination, I think it still has some influence.

After I finished the first course, Chinese, I knew I didn’t do well. Because after writing the composition and checking the answer sheet repeatedly, it was not until 3 minutes before the end of the exam that I found that there were two whole pages, and about 30 points of reading comprehension questions were blank, and I didn’t do them … Finally, I could only fill them out at random while holding my urine!

The inner remorse can be imagined! Sitting in an empty classroom before lunch, my mood fell into a trough. After the silence, there was a strong heat flow in my heart: my father died, and I didn’t have the opportunity to repeat my studies like my little brother. This college entrance examination is my only opportunity, and it may also be the only opportunity to leave my hometown to study. At present, the only thing I can do is to do well in every course behind.

Such an idea may help me seize the only opportunity. In fact, this college entrance examination has indeed become the only college entrance examination in my life-because I was admitted to Jilin University.

According to the second brother, "at that time, some people in the village said sarcastically:’ I passed the exam, but I still can’t afford it!’" It means: after I die, my brother and sister-in-law may not pay for you to study, so wait and see a joke. I told my family at the time that we must fight for this tone. "

As a result, my three brothers and sisters, my mother and my sister’s brother-in-law, each went out of 400 yuan, totaling 2,000 yuan, which was enough for my school year’s expenses (including tuition and fees in 800 yuan each year). My little brother went to a local teachers’ college that year (later upgraded to a university) and spent a lot of money.

This is 1994.

Six, Nian and "Nian Wei Er"

Originally, it was an article recalling "Year", but Lala was miscellaneous, and actually wrote a lot of "heaviness" under the name of "lively" and "prosperous". I hope I won’t leave you with the impression of "sadness and sorrow".

To sort out my thoughts, in fact, I think what I want to express is that in my heart, and possibly in the hearts of people my age, the "taste of the year" is precipitated in the communication between people. It is not only a "human taste", but also a "human touch" for people to communicate and communicate with each other.

This kind of "human touch" of neighborhood cooperation and family reunion embodies and strengthens a small social trust and support system in the form of "reciprocity" to a certain extent, which constitutes a kind of social capital in the countryside-a social relationship that can be used as a resource by people, thus bringing benefits to people.

Of course, "reciprocity" doesn’t mean that there is no "friction", no "war", no "haggle over every ounce" and no "clear accounts with brothers"; Moreover, this "human touch" will change with the general trend of society.

When there is more and more money, people’s lives are getting better and better, when fresh pork can be bought in the village at any time, and when the machine can easily mash glutinous rice into glutinous rice, the lively collective labor at the end of the year has turned into a noisy individual market at ordinary times, and the small social exchange system of "neighborhood watching each other" in rural areas has been replaced by a larger market trading system.

No wonder the old people in the countryside say that nowadays, every day is like Chinese New Year!

Today’s small families, in order to make "Year" look different from usual, will take advantage of annual leave to go out, travel and relax.

Society is becoming more and more modern, communication is becoming more and more transactional, support is becoming more and more systematic (non-interpersonal), family is becoming smaller and smaller, life is becoming more and more personalized, and Chinese New Year is becoming more and more tourist. Even in today’s rural hometown, it is rare to see big guys killing pigs and smashing rice cakes together.

"It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes"; Generally speaking, a year without "flavor of the year" means that people as social individuals have more space and greater freedom.

However, I think that the "flavor of the year" in my memory has its own value, especially when "it is necessary to hold a group to keep warm when the winter comes". After all, a systematic (non-interpersonal) social support system may not hold up one day or become a monster to bite itself.

Seven, "Happy New Year to everyone!"

My daughter is three years old. She was born in January 2016 and can already sing "Happy New Year to everyone".

Since she went to Sanya, Hainan for the Spring Festival when she was just one year old, I guess, in her mind, "Year" may mean the sea, beaches and waves.

But when I was her age, all I could think about was: "Nian" must be a "monster" that only adults were afraid of. If I was a little careless, the whole family would be punished by Nian.

I have to say that our days are getting better, although our memories are getting "old".

I wish that "the sea, the beach and the waves" will always accompany the memory of the new generation about "Year".

When Wang Shuixiong’s daughter just turned one year old, the whole family spent the New Year in Sanya.

(The author is a researcher at the National Development and Strategy Institute of Renmin University of China)

China’s complete historical dynasties, pioneers and years of existence, remember to collect them for your children after reading them.

We all know that China has a history of 5,000 years, but it is estimated that few people know which dynasties, founders and years have existed in these 5,000 years.

Xia Shang, Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou were divided into two halves; Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period unified Qin and Han Dynasties; Three-point Wei Shuwu, extended before and after the Jin Dynasty; The Northern and Southern Dynasties stood side by side, and the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties passed;

After the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the dynasty ended.

We should all recite this historical dynasty song, but it is a main framework and not comprehensive. Let’s take a look at the specific content together.

1. Xia Dynasty

The Xia Dynasty was founded by Yu, formed by his son Xia Qi, survived for 470 years by seventeen emperors, and finally died in Xia Jie.

2. Shang Dynasty

Shang Tang established the Shang Dynasty in about 1600 BC, and died in Shang Zhouwang in about 1046 BC, surviving for 554 years.

3. Western Zhou Dynasty

Zhou Wuwang Ji Fa was founded in about 1046 BC and died in 771 BC, totaling 275 years.

4. Eastern Zhou Dynasty

Ji Yijiu, Zhou Pingwang, was founded in 770 BC and died in 221 BC, surviving for 514 years, including the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

5. Qin Dynasty

Ying Zheng, the first Qin Emperor, unified the six countries and established the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC. He died in Hu Hai, Qin Ershi in 207 BC and lived for 15 years.

6. Western Chu Dynasty

The overlord Xiang Yu was founded in 207 BC, which nominally unified most of the territory in the late Qin Dynasty and lived together for four years.

7. Western Han Dynasty

Liu Bang, the emperor gaozu of Han Dynasty, defeated Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and established the Western Han Dynasty in 202 BC. In 8 AD, he was usurped by his consort Wang Mang and survived for 210 years.

8. Wang Mang’s new dynasty

Wang Mang, the consort of the Western Han Dynasty, was founded in 8 AD and was overthrown by greenwood hero in 23 AD, with a total of 1 emperor and survived for 16 years.

9. Xuan Han

In 23 AD, Liu Xuan proclaimed himself emperor and restored the Han Dynasty, nominally restoring the rule of the Han Dynasty and recovering most of the territory in the late Western Han Dynasty. Xuanhan belonged to make a new start regime and only existed for two years.

10. Eastern Han Dynasty

Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, was founded in 25 AD and died in 220 AD, surviving for 195 years.

11. Three Kingdoms Period

Wei, Shu and Wu were the three kingdoms, represented by Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan, for a total of 60 years.

12. Western Jin Dynasty

Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty, established the Western Jin Dynasty in 265 AD, which ended the tripartite confrontation between the three countries and realized the unification of the country. A total of four emperors lived for 51 years.

13. Eastern Jin Dynasty

Si Marui, Emperor of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, was founded in 317 AD and died in 420 AD, surviving for 103 years.

14. Sixteen Kingdoms Period

Sixteen countries are not one of the most chaotic periods in our history. For a total of 135 years, the sixteen countries were: Qianliang, Chenghan, Qianzhao, Houzhao, Beiliang, Xiliang, Houliang, Nanliang, Qianyan, Houyan, Southern Yan, Beiyan, Xia, Qianqin, Xiqin and Houqin.

15. Southern Dynasties

From 420 AD to 589 AD, the Southern Dynasties lasted for 169 years. There were four dynasties: Song Dynasty, Qi Dynasty, Liang Dynasty and Chen Dynasty.

16. Northern Dynasties

From 439 to 581 AD, there were five dynasties, namely Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi and Northern Zhou, which survived for 142 years.

17. Sui Dynasty

Emperor Wen of Sui, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, ended the division of the country and achieved reunification. The Sui Dynasty was established in 581 AD, with two emperors. Emperor Yangdi Yang Guang died in 618 AD.

18. Tang Dynasty

In 618 AD, Li Yuan proclaimed himself emperor and founded the Tang Dynasty, and he lived for 289 years.

19. Wu Zhou

Wu Zhou was a dynasty established by Wu Zetian and the only feminist dynasty in China. It existed from 690 to 705 A.D. for 15 years, with only one emperor.

20, Five Dynasties

From 907 to 960, there were three dynasties, namely, Houliang, Houtang, Houjin, Houhan and HouFriday, which survived for 53 years.

21. Ten countries

The ten countries are: Qianshu, Yangwu, wuyue, Machu, Min, Nanhan, Nanping, Houshu, Nantang, Beihan, etc., with a total survival of 88 years.

22. Northern Song Dynasty

Zhao Kuangyin, Song Taizu established the Song Dynasty and reunified the country. It survived for 167 years and died in 1127.

23. Southern Song Dynasty

The founder, Zhao Gou, Song Gaozong, existed from 1127 to 1279, with a total of 152 years.

24. Liao Dynasty

The founder, Yelu Abaoji, lived for 218 years from 907 to 1125.

25. Xixia

Li Yuanhao, the Emperor Jingzong of Xia Dynasty, was founded in 1038, experienced 189 years and died in 1227.

26, rulers

Akuta was founded in 1115-1234, with a total of 119 years.

27. Yuan Dynasty

The founder, Kublai Khan of Yuan Taizu, lived for 97 years from 1271 to 1368.

28. Ming Dynasty

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, was a real self-made emperor in the history of China. The Ming Dynasty existed for 276 years, was founded in 1368 and was destroyed in 1644.

29. Qing Dynasty

The founding emperor of the Qing Dynasty was Nurhachi. According to historical records, the real Qing Dynasty should be counted from the entry of Huang Taiji, and the former was called the later Jin Dynasty. From 1636 to 1912, it existed for 276 years and was the last feudal dynasty in China.

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