"Anti-drug 3" released character posters, Gu Tianle Guo Fucheng Liu Qingyun went to war

1905 movie network news Recently, a set of "Full Fire" posters were exposed in the action crime film directed by,,, and starring. The film will be released nationwide on July 6.

The movie "Anti-Drug 3: People in the End of the World" tells the story of the drug lord Kang Sucha (Liu Qingyun, played) who has been engaged in drug dealing with his subordinate Zhang Jianxing (Guo Fucheng, played). The new member Ou Zhiyuan (Gu Tianle, played) also has a life-long friendship with the two due to an accident, and the three are brothers. After Kang Sucha’s drug trafficking business in Hong Kong was investigated by the police, he fled to the Golden Triangle with his team to develop, but accidentally discovered that there were undercover agents around him. At this moment, it is enemy or friend, and it is at a loss…

The undercover clues previously revealed in the movie "Anti-Drug 3: Man in the End of the World" have triggered a large number of viewers to speculate about the identity of the three people, and the new character poster seems to amplify this mystery again. The poster released this time is set against the background of artillery fire and flying white powder collisions. The three people stand in the smoke of gunpowder and attack wildly. Below is the hot action scene integrated into the film, adding to the already shocking picture.

Gu Tianle calmly aimed and was ready to go, Liu Qingyun fiercely and arrogantly shot, and Guo Fucheng’s smile had a profound meaning, continuing the charm of the characters presented in the previous materials. The positive and negative identities of the three were still difficult to distinguish in the smoke of gunpowder, and the characters full of suspense and tension and the hard-core style of the film at a glance made people look forward to experiencing a hot anti-drug war on the big screen.

It is reported that although two or two of the three powerful actors have collaborated on film and television works before, in the movie "Anti-Drug 3: Man in the End of the World", the three of them are on the same stage for the first time, which makes people wonder what kind of sparks will collide. Guo Fucheng said: "It is fate to have this opportunity for us to cooperate. We all go all out and hope to make a very good work, a good work for everyone to enjoy."

The movie "Dragon Horse Spirit" broke 100 million! 69-year-old Jackie Chan can still play

1905 movie network feature "If you didn’t say I’m sixty-nine, I forgot about me sixty-nine." On April 7th, he celebrated his 69th birthday. This day is also the release day of his new starring film.

"I always thought I was still young, but sometimes I really couldn’t do it," such as jumping from a high place and realizing that two injured knees would hurt. Jackie Chan said, "My habit is to keep forgetting my age."

This time, in order to shoot "The Spirit of Dragon Horse", he decided to postpone the knee surgery and perform nine injections to close it. Every action scene was really hard to beat. After half a year of pain relief, it was exhausted in 20 days.

Age doesn’t stop Jackie Chan from continuing to dare to fight. He doesn’t think that at this age, he can’t fight anymore. In this movie, he still brings a lot of thrills to the audience, such as the dangerous move of sliding down the stairs, and he still plays it himself. "I have a good foundation to do things that a normal 69-year-old can’t do."

Entering the industry at the age of 8, he has brought nearly 200 works to audiences in 60 years. Six days after its release, "The Spirit of Dragon Horse" has broken the billion-dollar box office. Jackie Chan’s action movies have spanned generations and continue to maintain their appeal and attractiveness. Going in both directions with the audience, Jackie Chan admitted that "action movies are my life".

PART.01 Jackie Chan and the Red Rabbit

In "Dragon Horse Spirit", Jackie Chan plays the Dragon Tiger martial artist Lao Luo, whose story of being close to his beloved horse, Red Rabbit, is warm and touching.

Lao Luo took care of the defective Red Rabbit and grew up, and the Red Rabbit also accompanied Lao Luo on the set to challenge various difficult action scenes. They had the same heart, but they were once forced to break up, separated through pain, and finally reunited, poking the audience in tears.

This is not the first time Jackie Chan has filmed with horses, he spent three months in Canada learning to ride horses. "You ride, he rides, and the horse doesn’t know who to listen to. Everyone rides differently. So I have to stand next to it every day, give it a smell of me, hold it, and talk to it."

Talking about getting along with the pony Red Rabbit, Jackie Chan revealed that he had a set of strategies for cultivating feelings. From the beginning of contact, he asked that only he could touch the Red Rabbit, "I can only feed it, only I can ride it." Jackie Chan knew very well that if they did not establish a close relationship in advance, "If you grab it suddenly, the Red Rabbit may pick you. Its nose is very hard, and if you pick it, you will have a nosebleed."

"The director picked a good horse for me." Jackie Chan praised the pony, Chi Rabbit, whose eyes were very smart, and he didn’t need to lead him when walking, so he would follow him naturally. Inside and outside the play, "one dragon and one horse" cooperated tacitly, and Chi Rabbit’s spiritual performance also brought great surprises to the audience.

PART.02 Jackie Chan and the action

"Do you regret making an action movie?" Looking back at the life of an action man forged with blood and sweat, Jackie Chan said frankly, "I regret it for a moment, but I forget it."

When shooting, his foot was injured in the morning, and he continued to shoot in the afternoon; when his hand was "broken", he continued to shoot on the spot. Whenever he didn’t want to shoot a thrilling action, he wanted to give up for a while, and when he heard that the movie was about to start, Jackie Chan still had his eyes shining and immediately took the initiative to go to the "battlefield".

"We’re used to it, this is how we do martial arts. Whether it’s me, or our Dragon Tiger martial artist, is there something wrong? It’s okay. One kick, it’s okay. Come again? OK. If you have something to go back and have something to do, there will be nothing at all at the scene. Go out happily, go home sad and hurt, this is martial arts, this is our fate."

Once Jackie Chan was injured while filming and had an operation on his head. "Seven days after the operation, I called home and told my family that I was in the hospital. What’s the matter? It’s alright, the operation is over. I’m still going to lie to my mother."

For so many years, Jackie Chan’s mother has not finished watching one of his movies in its entirety. "She feels uncomfortable when I hit someone, and she feels even more uncomfortable when someone hits me. She only watches it when she is in a literary drama."

"The Spirit of Dragon Horse" takes the audience back to the classic scenes of Jackie Chan fighting for his life again and again. Jackie Chan made the world appreciate the brilliance and brilliance of Chinese action movies, but at the same time, he also carried a series of injuries.

"I can live to this day and still be lively here. I don’t know when I will be in a wheelchair and pedal on crutches." Jackie Chan lamented that it was really not easy to rely on movements all the way. "The doctor said I can’t fight anymore, (I think) let’s hit it first, and hit it lightly. Rest, don’t shoot, it’s impossible, I’d rather not be able to shoot!"

In the dialogue between Lao Luo and his daughter in the film, Jackie Chan says that it is like what he said to his family: "Don’t ask me where I am going, go out to work, and come back after work. If I don’t come back, come to the hospital to see me."

"I’ve been making action movies all my life, but I also know that one day, I will definitely come down." Even if Jackie Chan will not accept the kung fu now, he knows that some changes need to be made. "Let the audience slowly accept that watching Jackie Chan’s play does not have to be a fight."

Jackie Chan also performed a lot of literary dramas in other films. His grasp of various emotional dramas in "Spirit of Dragon Horse", especially the delicate interpretation of the crying scene, is also commendable. Jackie Chan wants audiences to know that he is not only good at kung fu, but also a good actor in all aspects.

PART.03 Jackie Chan and his fans

"How far have you traveled to meet this time, and the vow of youth will be settled after decades." At the end of "Dragon Horse Spirit", Jackie Chan sang the song "Youth Story" affectionately, which is not only Lao Luo’s look back on his career as a martial artist, but also his portrayal of the story of 60 years of hard work in the film.

The song was sung during the fourth annual Jackie Chan International Action Film Week in 2018, and Jackie Chan dedicated it to the "family class" who worked together. Talking about the meaning behind the song, Jackie Chan felt a lot. "When I sang this song, they cried profusely. Everyone is a strong man, crying profusely."

"Plan A"… These classic screen masterpieces of Jackie Chan’s past are buried in "Dragon Horse Spirit" in the form of Lao Luo’s appearance, movements and other easter eggs. Jackie Chan’s screen youth story is also the youth memory of countless "dragon fans".

"Dragon Horse Spirit" embodies Jackie Chan’s "Never say No" spirit, and this film is also his gift to the stuntmen of Dragon Tiger martial artists around the world.

"I hope that when I can still fight, move, act and dance, I will make a movie every year for all audiences," Mr. Chan said.

The ride-hailing business went offline indefinitely, and the president of Didi apologized

  A former flight attendant passenger was killed, and then a Yueqing girl was victimized. Two murders occurred in just three months. Didi’s internal management was questioned, and it was interviewed and ordered to rectify by multiple regulatory departments in many places. Now, the regulatory storm that belongs to Didi has arrived. On the 28th, Didi Chuxing founder Cheng Wei and president Liu Qing issued an apology statement saying that the ride-hailing business model was reassessed and it would be offline indefinitely before the safety protection measures were not recognized by users.

  Online insults of murdered girls

  A man is under administrative detention

  On August 24, Zhao, a girl from Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, was raped and killed by her driver on her way to Yongjia in Didi Hitch. Three months ago, in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, a flight attendant passenger was killed by a Didi Hitch driver. The two cases are the same, the same Didi, the same Hitch, and the same female passenger died.

  After the incident, Didi claimed that "for all criminal cases that occur on the platform in the future, Didi will give compensation three times according to the standard of personal injury compensation stipulated by law". However, any compensation and accountability after the incident cannot restore the lost lives.

  On August 27, the People’s Procuratorate of Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province approved the arrest of the alleged offender Zhong Yuan on suspicion of robbery, rape, and intentional homicide. After accepting the case materials submitted by the Yueqing City Public Security Bureau for approval of the arrest of the alleged offender Zhong Yuan on August 27, the People’s Procuratorate of Yueqing City found that Zhong Yuan’s behavior was suspected of robbery, rape, and intentional homicide, and met the conditions for arrest. According to the provisions of the first and second paragraphs of Article 79 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, the decision to approve the arrest of Zhong Yuan was made according to law on August 27 and handed over to the public security organs for execution.

  Previously, the Didi platform said in an apology and statement: "The license plate was forged offline by Zhong at the time of the crime." The alleged offender confessed that he had been running Didi Hitch with the license plate at the time of the crime since May and June last year. According to the police report, at the time of the crime, Zhong Yuan was driving a car with the license plate of Sichuan A31J0Z. When the police applied to the Didi platform for owner information during the case, they also got the license plate of Sichuan A.

  The alleged offender, Zhong Yuan, also acknowledged that the Sichuan A31J0Z vehicle was the vehicle at the time of the crime. However, in an apology and statement issued by Didi’s platform, it mentioned that "the license plate at the time of the crime was forged offline by Zhong." In an interview with reporters, Didi did not explain.

  Shenzhen police issued a police report on the evening of the 27th, saying that a man was detained by the police according to law for making some remarks in the QQ group that seriously insulted the girl who was killed by Yueqing Riding Didi Hitch.

  According to reports, after the murder of the Yueqing girl on Didi Hitch, a QQ user nicknamed "Shenzhen-No Car" made insulting remarks about the murdered girl in the "Shenzhen Didi Exchange Group" QQ group of more than 1,000 people, which immediately aroused the indignation of netizens and has seriously caused adverse social impact. On August 27, the Shenzhen Internet police seized the suspect in an industrial park in Bao’an District based on a tip. After trial, Zhang Moujin (male, 22 years old) confessed to his illegal act of spreading insulting remarks online.

  The public security organ reminded that online platforms are illegal, and citizens should take responsibility for their online speech. Words and deeds that insult others and disrupt social order on the Internet will be punished by law.

  Hitch business offline indefinitely

  According to the official Weibo news of Didi Chuxing platform, on the 28th, Didi Chuxing founder Cheng Wei and president Liu Qing issued an apology statement saying that Didi no longer uses scale and growth as a measure of the company’s development, and the business model of Hitch is reassessed. Before the safety protection measures are not recognized by users, it will be offline indefinitely.

  The following is the full text of the apology statement:

  Solemnly apologize

  In the past few days, our hearts have once again fallen into incomparable pain and suffering. In just over three months, during the process of safety rectification of the platform, tragedy happened again. As the founder and president of the company, we are very sad and remorseful. Although all words are pale in the face of the lost lives, we still solemnly apologize to the victims, to the families of the victims, and to everyone. Sorry, we failed everyone.

  When we set out six years ago, we firmly believed that we could use the power of technology to make travel better, but the tragedy we experienced made us realize that we lacked awe. Because of our ignorance and arrogance, we caused irreparable damage. We knew that in the end, it was our competitive spirit that overshadowed our original intention. In just a few short years, we relied on aggressive business strategies and the power of capital to run all the way to prove ourselves. But today, in the face of lost lives, all this false name has lost its meaning. Many colleagues began to waver, wondering if they were really doing the right thing, and the whole company began to deeply examine and even question whether our values were correct. Everyone was caught in the emotions of self-examination, self-doubt, and self-denial.

  In this sad moment, the only thing we can do is to lead the team to face the pain, take responsibility, race against time and do our best to solve the problem, let the original intention return, and express our condolences in this way.

  In the past few days, the team has repeatedly sorted out every detail of the case, and deeply reflected on the reasons and management issues behind it, and will implement actions in the following areas:

  1. Didi no longer uses scale and growth as a measure of the company’s development, but takes safety as the core assessment indicator, and its organization and resources are fully tilted towards safety and customer service systems.

  2. The overall function of the safety product is upgraded to optimize functions such as emergency help and itinerary sharing. For customer service complaints about personal safety, we will take a three-way connection to dial 110 to ensure that the relevant information is given to the police as soon as possible;

  3. The Hitch business model is reassessed, and it will be offline indefinitely before the security protection measures are not recognized by users.

  4. Work with the public security department to build a user security protection mechanism, respond efficiently to the needs of local public security departments in accordance with the law, and start testing the developed police self-service inquiry system.

  Although safety work is never-ending, and although it is difficult for us to completely prevent people with ulterior motives from using the platform to do illegal things, we will do our best to protect passengers and drivers on the platform, so that the crime rate of the online ride-hailing industry continues to decrease, and cooperate with the police to bring all criminals to justice. I implore all sectors of society to supervise and criticize us, and always spur us on.

  In the face of the loss of life, we have no excuses and once again offer a solemn apology to everyone.

  Cheng Wei, Liu Qing

  August 28, 2018

  Order Didi to make a comprehensive rectification

  data access supervision platform

  On the afternoon of the 25th, after the Yueqing police arrested the alleged offender, the Zhejiang Provincial Transportation Management Bureau urgently interviewed the person in charge of the Zhejiang District of the Didi platform. In view of the major safety hazards of the Didi platform ride-hailing business, the Didi platform was required to rectify immediately, and its ride-hailing business in the Zhejiang area was suspended during the rectification period.

  On the afternoon of the 26th, the Ministry of Transport, together with the Ministry of Public Security and the Beijing and Tianjin transportation and public security departments, conducted a joint interview with Didi Company in response to the above incident, ordering it to immediately carry out comprehensive rectification of the ride-hailing business, accelerate the compliance process, strictly abide by the safety bottom line, effectively implement the main responsibility of the carrier’s safe and stable management, protect the safety and legitimate rights and interests of passengers, and promptly announce the relevant rectification to the society.

  On the 27th, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan and other relevant departments in Guangdong Province all conducted interviews with Didi. Among them, the Guangzhou side stressed that the Guangzhou traffic department will strengthen the law enforcement linkage with the public security, market supervision and other departments, and take a "zero tolerance" attitude to resolutely investigate and punish all kinds of illegal acts such as illegal operation of online car-hailing and illegal operation in the name of Hitch.

  Nearly 5,000 drivers in the city did not obtain relevant operating certificates, did not transmit data to government departments as required, and did not cooperate with the public security organs to check the driver’s background… Shenzhen multi-department ordered Didi platform to complete four comprehensive rectification work by the end of September, otherwise, it will take joint punishment, revoke the business license, and remove the APP from the shelves.

  In addition, the Hubei Wuhan Municipal Traffic Commission and the Municipal Public Security Bureau jointly interviewed 9 online car-hailing platforms such as Didi Chuxing on the basis of the Wuhan Customer Management Office, and ordered the city’s online car-hailing companies to speed up the compliance process.

  A few days ago, the Chongqing Municipal Transportation Management Bureau, the Municipal Traffic Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Security Corps Passenger Transport Detachment interviewed Didi Chongqing Branch and ordered it to obtain the legal business qualification for online car-hailing within a time limit in accordance with the requirements of the national and Chongqing road transportation laws and regulations. According to reports, since Didi entered the Chongqing market in 2014, it has not obtained the business qualification due to its failure to meet the relevant requirements of the national and Chongqing road transportation laws and regulations. In addition, according to the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Transport, the Chongqing Municipal Transportation Management Bureau has repeatedly asked Didi to connect its business data to the data platform of the management department for supervision, but Didi has not yet connected.

  In addition, the Chongqing Municipal Traffic Law Enforcement Department has seized multiple cases of Didi drivers engaging in cross-regional illegal operations in the name of Hitch, and has interviewed Didi many times to order them to standardize and rectify, but with little success.

  During the interview, the Chongqing transportation management department put forward a number of mandatory rectification requirements for Didi Chongqing Branch, requiring it to put the safety of people’s lives and property first, and obtain legal business qualifications within a time limit, including timely cleaning up of non-compliant vehicles and drivers on the platform, connecting vehicle and driver data within the scope of Didi Chongqing to the government supervision platform, establishing a passenger complaint platform and processing replies in a timely manner.

  Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News, China News Service

The 10th anniversary of the establishment of naval carrier aviation unit, Naval Aviation University became the cradle of air and sea eagles.

CCTV News:Carrier-based aircraft is the main combat equipment of aircraft carrier, and carrier-based aviation unit is the core of aircraft carrier combat effectiveness construction. Tomorrow (May 10th) is the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the naval carrier-based aviation unit. At the beginning of today’s program, please follow the reporter and go to the only military school in the whole army that is responsible for training carrier-based aviation personnel — — Take a look at the Naval Aviation University.

What you see now is the daily picture of this university. It is a training base for aviation and coastal defense personnel, and has trained tens of thousands of technical personnel such as flight, command and staff officers. It is one of the 13 key construction colleges of the whole army. Soaring in the sky and dreaming of deep blue, we followed the reporter’s lens into the Naval Aviation University.

This is a base of Naval Aviation University. Among the flight students who graduate every year, only a few students meet the strict requirements for flying carrier-based fighters. Not long ago, a new group of flight students successfully completed the J -15 solo mission, adding new strength to the carrier-based fighter team. Next, they will carry out the qualification certification on the aircraft carrier and fly to the farther deep blue.

As an institution for training naval aviation talents, air crews with special aircraft are also the key direction in the talent training system of the school.

CCTV reporter Zhang Yixiao:Here is an airport of Naval Aviation University. Behind me is the air police 200H early warning aircraft. It can be seen that the graduating air combat cadets are about to practice in the cabin. By being familiar with the equipment operation process, they can improve their operation skills and enhance their post-holding ability in the future.

Air combat personnel are an important part of air information combat forces, and they mainly complete various reconnaissance and early warning tasks through airborne detection equipment.

Practice in learning, learn in practice. In the teaching system of Naval Aviation University, a number of clubs have been set up, and students can learn more about flight and understand it by making model airplanes and crossing planes themselves.

CCTV reporter Zhang Yixiao:At this moment, the flight students beside me are going to use these model planes they made to carry out flight tests. Although we seem to be just flying, they have applied the knowledge of flight principle, aircraft structure and system they learned in class in the design and production of these model planes.

Yang Zijiang, faculty member of Aviation Foundation College of Naval Aviation University:By making an airplane (model airplane), students’ cognition of the whole airplane will be raised to a higher level, and by flying an airplane, students’ cognition of flying will also be raised to a higher level. Compared with our college, the average success rate of all flight students is 20% higher than the average level of those who have participated in model airplane training.

Teach for war and walk for war. In addition to consolidating theoretical teaching, there are courses such as flight simulator and pilot three-degree-of-freedom rotation training in the syllabus.

Flight students will bring what they can’t understand in the theoretical class to the simulated flight classroom for simulated flight training, and solve the problem through practical operation.

In order to speed up the completion of the transformation task and build a perfect talent ability model, Naval Aviation University has formulated a talent training program for carrier-based fighters, helicopter pilots, air combat personnel, etc., which has delivered tens of thousands of outstanding talents to the navy and become the cradle for sea and air eagles to dream of the blue sky.