Live up to users’ ardent expectations, Avita’s sales broke records in January

I still remember that Avita achieved a new delivery record of 6,106 units in December 2023, breaking the previous delivery record. A month later, Avita ushered in a "good start" in 2024, with deliveries reaching 7,059 units in January, once again breaking the delivery result in December, which is amazing.

Specifically, in January 2024, Avita 11 delivered 2,038 units, Avita 12 delivered 5,021 units, and is in the process of continuous climbing. However, compared with the huge sales of Avita 12, the current delivery volume does not seem to meet the expectations of users. In response to this problem, Avita held a "meeting this moment" user meeting in celebration, saying that Avita 12 will deliver 8,000 units in March, with the fastest speed and the best quality, to repay the trust and love of users.

Avita’s approach of taking the initiative to explain the situation and expressing its position to users is really very popular. You know, Avita, as a future intelligent luxury brand born out of the industry-leading intelligent electric vehicle technology platform CHN, brings together the top advantages of Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Times three industry giants in their respective fields. Its Avita 11 and Avita 12 models have a good performance of intelligent strength. Judging from Avita’s attitude towards users, there is no lack of humanization and warmth, and it lives up to the love of users.

Looking at the entire smart car market, Avita’s overall strength can rank among the top. Specifically, Avita’s dual flagship models are fully equipped/iteratively upgraded with Hongmeng cockpit and Huawei’s high-end intelligent driving system HUAWEI ADS 2.0, bringing users a far-ahead intelligent experience. With the blessing of the three lidars standard in the whole series, Avita’s flagship models have the industry’s top-class accurate perception ability, and with Huawei’s high-end intelligent driving system ADS 2.0, the intelligent driving ability is excellent.

According to the official data of Avita’s smart driving, the accumulated mileage of Avita’s smart driving is 35 million kilometers, accounting for 23% of the total mileage, and the accumulated call of smart parking assistance is 3.70 million times. Such data shows that Avita’s smart driving function has been fully trusted by users and used frequently. Moreover, Avita’s efficient "evolution" ability has always been praised by users, which can bring users a "frequently used and new" car experience.

For example, on January 31st, Avita Technology officially announced that it will start pushing OTA upgrades to all Avita users from now on. Among them, Avita 12 ushered in the first major version of OTA upgrade, and Avita 11 was updated again with continuous OTA, with a total of 30 + feature updates. Through this OTA upgrade, we have reason to believe that Avita will continue to adhere to longevity, accelerate the delivery process, and continue to improve its own strength and intelligence.

The two sessions are coming to an end. How many of these most popular entrepreneur proposals will come true as soon as possible?


  Text/Ba Jiuling (WeChat WeChat official account: Wu Xiaobo Channel)

  This afternoon, the two sessions will be closed, and you have been worried about national affairs for a week. How do you feel?

  However, for the thousands of suggestions and more than 5,700 proposals put forward by delegates and CPPCC members this year, their "journey of the two sessions" has just begun.

  * The number of proposals is counted as of 8: 00 pm on May 22, 2020.

  "Suggestions of deputies to the National People’s Congress" refers to the comments, constructive opinions or criticisms made by deputies to the National People’s Congress on the work of relevant state organs.

  "Proposal" is a special term of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, which refers to the written opinions and suggestions put forward by the units or individual members participating in the CPPCC to the plenary session or the Standing Committee, which are examined and filed by the Proposal Committee and delivered to the relevant units for handling. The "proposal" has the function of democratic supervision and has no legal effect.

  Why do you say "it’s just beginning"? We can look at this news headline.

  <[ TEXT RECOGNITION IN PROGRESS / MORE INFO: (IDX:0:3-0:c&0:c&0:c&556&733:XDI) / ELAPSED 5.78SEC / DATE Tue, 26 May 2020 13:21:39 GMT / TEXT RECOGNITION IN PROGRESS ]>

  In fact, the word "suggestion" and "proposal" is as its name implies. During the two sessions of the National People’s Congress, only the action of "lifting" was completed. After the end of the two sessions, it will be passed on one after another-the department or organization will be responsible for reviewing and implementing the contents of the proposal or suggestion.

  Image source: CCTV News

  According to the statistics of Southern Reporter, since 2013, there have been about 7,200 NPC deputies’ suggestions led by the State Council Department alone, accounting for about 89% of the total number of suggestions; There are about 4,100 proposals submitted by Committee member Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, accounting for about 90% of the total proposals.

  Image source: Southern Metropolis Daily

  So although we have been screened by various suggestions and proposals in the past few days, we have to see them "come true", which may take several months as fast as it takes, and many years as slow. If you don’t believe me, look at the "early completion" time reported by some departments last year.

  China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission:

  Ministry of Finance:

  This also explains why some NPC deputies and CPPCC members have been making repeated suggestions and proposals on a kind of topic for many years.

  Based on the above "knowledge points", minibuses suggest that everyone should be more normal when looking at them.

  Among all kinds of proposals and suggestions, entrepreneurs’ proposals attract the most attention. As one of the groups who can feel the economic changes, their suggestions and proposals have always been basically around the national economy, industry development and company business.

  In the following pages, the minibus will select four key parts from thousands of proposals and suggestions from entrepreneurs. One year later, we will check again to see which ones have come true and which ones still need to be mentioned again.



  New Infrastructure/Digital Economy

  Representative entrepreneurs: Ma Huateng, Li Yanhong and Zhang Jindong.

  Lei Jun, Liu Wei, Yu Minhong and Xu Heyi.

  Zhou Hongyi, Yang Yuanqing, Sun Pishu, etc.

  "New infrastructure" is the hottest word in the two sessions in 2020, and there is no one.

  Brush the suggestions and proposals of representatives and Committee members, and the minibus can see them almost every ten seconds.

  Because the coverage of "new infrastructure" is extremely wide, and it has the property of "Internet of Everything", you can include your old business in it, whether you are doing internet, building cars, engaging in education, engaging in manufacturing, etc.

  Founder of Tencent: Ma Huateng

  Accelerate new infrastructure such as cloud computing and build a strategic cornerstone for the development of the digital economy; Focusing on the construction of "data in Taiwan", we will further promote the open sharing of data, innovate and promote the construction of smart cities and smart villages, and improve the level of digital governance; Continue to promote the open source collaborative innovation ecology, build a "friend circle" of the industrial Internet, improve the digitalization level of scientific research and innovation, and increase investment in industrial security to escort the high-quality development of the digital economy. -"Proposal on Accelerating the Formulation of National Strategy for Industrial Internet and Strengthening Digital Economy"

  By the way, just yesterday, Tencent announced that it would invest 500 billion yuan in new infrastructure construction in the future.

  360 Founder: Zhou Hongyi

  First, we should use holistic thinking to plan the top-level design of the new infrastructure network security protection system. Second, it is necessary to simultaneously build the safety infrastructure of new infrastructure and focus on the construction of safety protection capabilities of new infrastructure; The third is to strengthen the security of big data platform and realize secure big data collaborative computing; Fourth, it is necessary to carry out normalized cyber security attack and defense confrontation exercises, and continuously test and enhance the security capabilities of new infrastructure. -Proposal on Building a New Infrastructure Network Security Protection System as soon as possible

  Founder of Xiaomi: Lei Jun

  Satellite Internet is listed as an important development category of new infrastructure. It is suggested that satellite Internet should be included in China’s "Tenth Five-Year Plan" as a strategic emerging industry, and it is clear that satellite Internet-related commercial aerospace enterprises are an important part of the national aerospace industry. It is suggested to further reduce the threshold for private enterprises to enter the satellite Internet.

  * The first reaction when I saw this minibus was, is Xiaomi going to build a satellite soon? After careful investigation, it was discovered that Galaxy Aerospace, which was founded by General Lei and invested by Shunwei Capital, has sent 5G satellites to the sky this year.


  New Oriental Education Technology Group: Yu Minhong

  First, relevant departments strongly support the construction of 5G micro-base stations in rural school areas, realize 5G network coverage in rural schools at a lower cost, and narrow the digital gap between urban and rural areas in network infrastructure and services.

  Second, provide terminal equipment and tariff subsidies for rural schools.

  Third, further increase investment in education informatization, and provide policy inclination and financial subsidies to poor areas.

  Fourth, support private education enterprises to develop 5G and AI applications, further increase the proportion of pre-tax deduction of R&D funds, protect intellectual property rights, and stimulate the innovation power of private enterprises (310328). —— "Suggestions on Making Full Use of the Advantages of 5G to Further Promote the Balance of Urban and Rural Education in China"

  Founder of Baidu: Li Yanhong

  The state should speed up the construction of new artificial intelligence infrastructure with international leading level, strengthen the training of basic and applied talents of artificial intelligence, and promote the active application of independent and controllable open source deep learning platforms in various industries. At the same time, we should also vigorously promote the intelligent cloud Project and support the construction of an open platform, so as to accelerate industrial intelligence. -"Proposal on Building a New Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure and Drawing a Blueprint for the Development of Intelligent Economy"

  Inspur Group: Sun Pishu

  In the future, the intelligent computing center will carry the demand of AI computing. The intelligent computing center is like a power plant providing power services to the outside world, which can provide various computing services, data services and AI (artificial intelligence) services to the outside world, making artificial intelligence computing power easy to obtain and use. Therefore, the intelligent computing center should adopt an open mode, with the government guiding and even leading the construction, issuing construction guidelines and standards, making top-level design and overall planning, ensuring the standardization and order of the intelligent computing center, and ensuring the standardization and interconnection among the intelligent computing centers. —— "Suggestions on Promoting the New Infrastructure of Intelligent Computing Center and Accelerating the AI of Industry"

  Suning Group: Zhang Jindong

  On the one hand, smart community, as the most important part of smart city, is an indispensable construction link in new infrastructure. On the other hand, as a new strategy of urbanization development, smart community is also an innovative model of community management and service.

  The outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic has exposed the deficiency of current community construction in China, and the grass-roots management of communities has put forward higher requirements for the construction of smart communities. It is suggested that community management should be integrated into the social system, and the smart community should be developed into a new form of community with efficient government affairs, convenient service, wise management and intelligent life from the aspects of building a top-level design by government and enterprises, establishing a full-scene service management system and building a "one-hour life circle", so as to comprehensively improve the quality of life and happiness of community residents. -"Relying on" New Infrastructure "to Promote the Construction of Smart Communities"

  Lenovo Group: Yang Yuanqing

  From four aspects: strengthening new infrastructure, strengthening market policy guidance, accelerating the construction of application ecology and accelerating the cultivation of compound talents, we will enhance the integrated application ability of "5G+ Industrial Internet", thus promoting the sustainable innovation and development of manufacturing industry. The new infrastructure is not only advanced intelligent technology, but also the infrastructure to empower the smart economy. Vigorously developing new infrastructure is conducive to empowering intelligent changes in all walks of life and releasing efficiency dividends. —— "Proposal on" 5G+ Industrial internet plus Intelligentization "Empowering High-quality Development of Manufacturing Industry"

  BAIC Group: Xu Heyi

  It is necessary to integrate automobile, artificial intelligence and urban development, and make the automobile industry a new infrastructure of modern smart cities and an AI cell of smart cities. Specifically, it is suggested to innovate the top-level design ideas of automobile industry and increase support for new automobile industry; Joint high-tech enterprises and automobile enterprises to jointly build the urban brain; Supervise the development of smart shared cars while guiding; Guide cross-industry cooperation and standardize cross-industry data application. -"Promoting the Construction of Smart Cities with Automobiles as New Infrastructure"

  Jiadu Technology: Liu Wei

  In the face of numerous digital intelligent systems in all walks of life in new smart cities, especially the crisis of this epidemic, each city urgently needs a "unified control center and command and decision center" like the city brain. —— Proposal on Adjusting the Construction Direction of New Smart Cities in the Background of New Infrastructure Investment.



  New energy vehicles/automobile industry

  Representative entrepreneurs: Li Shufu, Zhu Huarong and Chen Hong.

  Ceng Qinghong, Zhang Xinghai, Wang Fengying, etc

  On May 11th, the data released by China Automobile Industry Association showed that the monthly growth rate of automobile production and sales nationwide in April was the first increase this year, among which the sales volume ended the 21-month continuous decline.

  However, the production and sales of new energy vehicles continued to be poor in April. Even though the decline was narrower than that of last month, including Tesla, the sales volume still decreased by 26.5% year-on-year.

  What’s more, from January to April, the market share of China brand passenger cars continued to decline, down 2.5 percentage points year-on-year.

  The anxiety of the industry recession is fully reflected in the proposals of relevant representatives and members of the automobile industry, and even caused a lot of controversy because of the obvious "bringing goods" in some proposals.

  Changan Automobile: Zhu Huarong

  There is a big gap between the brand power of China brand and joint venture brand, and the phenomenon of "cheap and low-end" negative value brand is still outstanding, which is difficult to fully meet the needs of consumption upgrading; There is a big gap between premium ability and profitability. In the current world economic environment, survival and development are facing difficulties, and it is urgent to quickly enhance the brand power of China brand cars. In this regard, three suggestions are put forward:

  1. Advocate leading cadres, public servants and public figures to give priority to the use and purchase of China brand cars;

  2. At the level of large-scale activities or national behaviors, more China automobile brand image will be displayed;

  3. Heavyweight media guidance to help China automobile brands go up; Perfecting the network management mechanism and shaping the public opinion environment of the industry. -"Suggestions on rapidly enhancing the brand power of China brand cars and stimulating China’s economy under the current world economic environment"

  At present, new energy vehicles are still a policy-oriented market, and there are problems such as the demand for private cars has not yet been stimulated. Suggestions are as follows:

  1. Examine the development strategy of new energy industry and optimize the top-level policy orientation;

  2. Improve the use environment of new energy and stimulate the power of consuming new energy vehicles;

  3. Continue to encourage the use of new energy vehicles. —— Proposal on Further Promoting the Sustainable and High-quality Development of New Energy Vehicles in China.

  Geely Automobile: Li Shufu

  The vehicle purchase tax will be changed from the central tax to the central and local sharing tax, with the sharing ratio of 50:50, and the adjusted local fiscal revenue of vehicle purchase tax will be used for the research and development of new technologies and the promotion of automobile consumption in an appropriate proportion. Increasing local fiscal revenue can stimulate local enthusiasm to boost automobile consumption. In addition, local governments can also increase the construction of urban roads, parking lots, charging piles and other infrastructure to promote the coordinated development of the automobile industry and urban construction. -"Changing the vehicle purchase tax from central tax to central and local shared tax" (submitted jointly with Great Wall Motor (601633, stock bar) Wang Fengying)

  Guangzhou Automobile Group: Ceng Qinghong

  Appropriately increase the license plate quota in the areas where cars are restricted, cancel the restrictions on car purchases, relax the conditions for car purchases and license plate restrictions, postpone the implementation time of the National Sixth National Congress, reduce road and bridge fees, and optimize the automobile consumption subsidy policy; Speed up the release of pickup trucks into the city; Increase the support for cars going to the countryside, and implement specific subsidies or preferential policies for rural people (603883, stock bar) to buy cars; Reduce the down payment ratio of new energy, second-hand cars and mortgage interest rates. -Suggestions on Promoting Automobile Consumption

  SAIC: Chen Hong

  With the popularity of private cars in recent years, the road congestion caused by the increase of car ownership and the continuous optimization of urban traffic management have become a pair of long-term accompanying themes. Judging from the current scientific and technological progress and the experience of foreign leading countries, making full use of domestic big data, cloud computing and 5G technology, the level of urban traffic management will have a greater room for improvement, and with market-oriented adjustment means, it will realize vehicle ownership management to use management, and gradually open up urban purchase restrictions. —— "Proposal on Improving Urban Traffic Management Level and Gradually Opening the Restrictions on Purchase and Restriction in Cities"

  Xiaokang Automobile: Zhang Xinghai

  Tax support: the policy of exemption from purchase tax and purchase subsidy for new energy vehicles will continue to be extended until 2025; Support in technology research and development: cultivate core technologies of electrification and intelligence; Support in the market: it is suggested that the state should issue a unified policy, requiring all localities to treat all new energy vehicles that meet China’s regulations equally in terms of restrictions on purchases, sharing and road rights; Support in the used car market: open up the circulation of new energy used cars. -"Suggestions on Continuing to Support the Development of New Energy Vehicles"



  Small and medium-sized enterprises bail out

  Representative entrepreneurs: Ma Huateng, Sun Pishu and Lei Jun.

  Zhang Jindong, Yao Jinbo, etc

  In May, Choice data announced the survival of 6,952 small and medium-sized enterprises listed on the New Third Board: the median revenue growth of the company was 6.45%, further down from 9.87% in 2018. It seems that growth has always been the bottleneck of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the bottleneck will face a new tightening in 2020: COVID-19 epidemic.

  According to the data released by Tsinghua Wudaokou Institute of Financial Technology in the first quarter of 2020, the income of small and medium-sized enterprises decreased by 69.5% on average in the first quarter.

  How to make small and medium-sized enterprises "survive" under the impact of the epidemic, delegates and CPPCC members wrote their own ideas in the proposal.

  Founder of Tencent: Ma Huateng

  Financial and tax support is an important means to help enterprises get out of trouble, and digital technologies represented by big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence can also help small and medium-sized enterprises.

  It is suggested that new modes such as "human resources go to the cloud" and "shared employment" should be adopted to alleviate the difficulties faced by small and medium-sized enterprises, increase their anti-risk ability and dredge the "capillaries" of the economic market; Strengthen the digital upgrade of financial services, improve the accuracy of financial services, and dredge the "last mile" to help small and medium-sized enterprises. In the medium and long term, strengthen the cloud platform, promote the comprehensive digital upgrade of traditional small and medium-sized enterprises, and enhance the overall strength of small and medium-sized enterprises. —— "Proposal on Using Digital Technology and Innovative Application Mode to Help Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Help Out"

  Founder of Xiaomi: Lei Jun

  The anti-risk ability of small and micro enterprises in different industries is quite different, which leads to different service costs. We should distinguish between financial institutions and small and micro enterprises, establish a symmetrical service relationship and market price, and improve the matching degree and financing efficiency of financing services.

  Accelerate the establishment of a credit big data service platform and a financial technology service platform covering finance, taxation, market supervision, social security, customs, justice, and market activities, and reduce the service costs of SMEs.

  Support small and medium-sized banks to focus on financing services for small and micro enterprises, and at the same time intensify the development of angel investment, venture capital, equity financing, supply chain finance and other financing methods to form a sufficient and diversified fund supply system. -"Suggestions on Improving Financing Services for Small and Micro Enterprises"

  Suning Group: Zhang Jindong

  It is difficult for small and micro enterprises to raise funds, and it is difficult to control risks; The difficulty of risk control lies in the acquisition of valuable information; It is difficult to obtain information and data, and it is difficult to disperse in the data portal, and it is difficult to eliminate the island effect.

  At present, different government agencies and departments manage and serve small and medium-sized enterprises in different industries and fields, such as the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and other departments mainly serve industrial enterprises, while the relevant departments of the Bureau of Commerce connect with service enterprises such as wholesale and retail, and there is no unified information collection and export channel. Even if the provincial government has set up an information sharing platform, there are still some problems, such as limited scope of use (most data are only open to government agencies), complicated application procedures and low information quality, which can not effectively help financial institutions to carry out large-scale business in inclusive finance. -"Solving the Financing Problem of Small and Micro Enterprises with Multiple Strategies"

  Inspur Group: Sun Pishu

  The local government will take the lead to sort out and aggregate the key elements such as funds, data and financial products needed for platform construction, integrate government data, Internet data resources and business data, and build an "aggregated" and "intelligent" financial service platform to help financial institutions provide loans to small and medium-sized enterprises without meeting, with pure credit and quick receipt.

  Encourage local governments to introduce market-oriented credit reporting companies with strong financial technology services as platform operators, provide risk control models for local financial institutions, build credit scoring systems, and jointly develop innovative financial products; At the same time, we will improve the credit evaluation system of regional small and medium-sized enterprises and support the inclusion of the credit evaluation system of regional small and medium-sized enterprises in the PBOC credit information system. —— "Proposal on Using Big Data to Solve Financing Problems of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises"

  Group 58: Yao Jinbo

  The biggest difficulty faced by the recovery of small and medium-sized enterprises under the epidemic situation lies in the high cost, especially the labor cost. Therefore, on the one hand, the deposit ratio of housing provident fund is appropriately lowered from the minimum payment of 5% to 3%; On the other hand, it is suggested to further reduce the proportion of social security contributions, and the proportion of corporate contributions nationwide should be uniformly adjusted to 12% or 13%.

  In addition to appropriately reducing the proportion of provident fund and social security contributions to reduce the cost of employment for enterprises, we should also promote new modes such as flexible employment.

  In addition, under the guidance of the government, financial institutions cooperate with internet platforms with big data resources to establish a credit evaluation system for SMEs, thus solving the financing needs of enterprises. -"further stabilizing employment and supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises"



  Public health system/epidemic situation

  Representative entrepreneurs: Shen Nanpeng, Yang Yuanqing, Ding Lei and Li Yanhong.

  Zhou Yunjie, Sun Piaoyang, Ding Liming, Xiao Wei, Ke Yunfeng, etc.

  Never waste a crisis.

  An epidemic in COVID-19 has exposed many "bugs" in China’s public health system. During the two sessions, both "programmers" entrepreneurs and the medical profession have made their prescriptions, and at the same time, they have given plans in advance for the coming post-epidemic era.

  Hengrui Group: Sun Piaoyang

  For some pathogens with large-scale epidemic and high risk, the state supports strengthening strategic reserve research, arranging in advance and tackling key problems in advance; Open national fund supports enterprises to carry out basic research in the field of infectious diseases, so as to ensure that they can know new viruses as soon as possible when the epidemic breaks out, so as to develop drugs in a targeted manner; The state supports the establishment of a technical platform for epidemic response and grasps key technologies; Make full use of the virus research technology platform established by the state, encourage and strengthen cooperation with enterprises to carry out technical research, and promote the transformation of results. —— "Proposal to strengthen the research and development of new drugs to prevent and control major epidemics"

  Beida Pharmaceutical: Ding Lieming

  Coordinate the establishment of a national emergency material support system, and screen a number of targeted anticancer drugs and other therapeutic drugs with definite curative effects and urgent needs of patients, and bring them into the national emergency material support system for procurement, storage and regional layout. In the event of a major public event, these anticancer drugs and disaster relief materials are uniformly deployed and supplied to ensure the normal and timely use of drugs by cancer patients. -Proposal on Promoting Public Health Emergency Response and National Cancer Prevention and Control Action as a Whole.

  Kangyuan Pharmaceutical: Xiao Wei

  Based on the "Wuhan Model", a comprehensive prevention and control system of Chinese medicine to deal with major public health incidents was established. Specifically, it includes speeding up the establishment and improvement of comprehensive protection for medical prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine; Establish a rapid emergency mechanism for Chinese medicine to deal with major infectious diseases; Establish an innovative collaborative platform for tackling key problems of traditional Chinese medicine in antiviral scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine; Establish a backup force for Chinese medicine pharmaceutical enterprises to actively participate; Build a "cloud computing, Internet of Things" big data platform system; Improve the support policies to support the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the service of benefiting the people; Comprehensively strengthen the popularization of traditional Chinese medicine and the guidance of public opinion. —— "It is suggested to build a comprehensive prevention and control system of Chinese medicine to deal with major public health incidents"

  Da Shen Lin: Ke Yunfeng

  Incorporate retail pharmacies into the public health system and the overall national health plan, and use large chain pharmacies as reserve units of epidemic prevention strategic materials. —— Suggestions on the Interim Measures for the Designated Management of Medical Security in Retail Drugstores (Draft for Comment)

  Sequoia Capital: Shen Nanpeng

  1. Promote the whole process of new drug research and development, clinical trials and market entry through policy reform, stimulate the vitality of drug innovation, increase the accessibility of innovative drugs, and effectively solve people’s medical drug demand.

  2. Promote the construction of a national personal health record system. Deepen the reform of medical device evaluation and accelerate the listing of artificial intelligence medical device products, including exploring the establishment of AI special channels. Pilot some charging items, develop medical AI product liability insurance, and promote clinical application and popularization.

  3. Change the passive situation of "the god of wealth follows the god of plague", reposition the infectious diseases department in the medical system with a strategic height, and improve the overall prevention and emergency response capabilities. -"Suggestions on the reform of innovative drug research and development and examination and approval system, medical informationization and intelligence, and the construction of various prevention and control mechanisms for infectious diseases"

  Founder of Netease: Ding Lei

  Make full use of digital technology to improve the ability of monitoring and analyzing serious epidemic diseases. Establish a unified "patient big data analysis center" at the national level, and use digital technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing to dynamically judge key information such as biochemical data and medical images, and establish a mechanism for early detection, early warning and early intervention of emerging problems.

  At the same time, relying on the large-scale high-quality e-commerce platform, on the one hand, through real-name authentication, frequency current limiting, anti-cheating and other technical means, we will ensure that the important national reserve materials are put in accurately to ensure the smooth and orderly supply and sales of people and people’s livelihood security necessities during major emergencies. On the other hand, collect big data of supply and demand to carry out dynamic analysis and forecast, guide manufacturing enterprises to carry out flexible production management, and realize accurate docking, efficient production and overall deployment of supply and demand of important materials. -"Give Full Play to the Supporting Role of Digital Technology and Optimize the Emergency System for Sudden Major Events"

  Founder of Baidu: Li Yanhong

  It is suggested that relevant departments should coordinate and do a good job in the management of personal information related to the epidemic and the disposal of information after the epidemic. The details are as follows: First, set up an exit mechanism for personal information collected during the COVID-19 epidemic. The second is to strengthen the standardized management of collected data and minimize the risk of data leakage and abuse. The third is to study and formulate standards and norms for the collection, storage and use of citizens’ personal information in a special period. -Proposal on Strengthening the Protection of Personal Information Related to Epidemic Prevention and Control

  Lenovo Group: Yang Yuanqing

  First of all, we should strengthen the top-level design and overall coordination of the new generation Internet medical and health platform, include the construction of the new generation Internet medical and health platform in the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" in the medical and health field, clarify the overall thinking, and focus on development and construction.

  Secondly, accelerate the construction of "digital family doctor" platform, build home medical Internet of Things (IoMT) solution, accelerate the establishment of community medical smart grid platform, and promote the deployment of graded diagnosis and treatment and emergency medical management.

  At the same time, we will further promote the organizational construction of the "New Generation Internet Hospital", improve the accessibility of standardized and high-quality medical resources, support the landing of graded diagnosis and treatment system, and establish a "National Medical Health Supercomputing Platform" to help China’s medical brain grow. -"Suggestions on Accelerating the Construction of a New Generation Internet Medical and Health Platform and Improving China’s Medical Level by Taking the COVID-19 Epidemic as an Opportunity"

  Haier Group: Zhou Yunjie

  The Internet of Things technology is applied to the whole process of vaccine transportation and vaccination to ensure that all information of vaccine can be displayed and traced, so that vaccinators will not make mistakes, and consumers will be more confident in the brand, quality and safety of vaccine.

  National Health Commission takes the lead in formulating policies to promote the construction standards of vaccination clinics in various regions and upgrade the decoration and design specifications of vaccination clinics; Require new vaccination clinics to apply vaccination and storage equipment based on Internet of Things technology, and upgrade existing vaccination clinics; Promote the application of mobile vaccination vehicles in areas with inconvenient transportation, and take various measures to further improve China’s vaccination safety and security capabilities. -"Suggestions on Applying Internet of Things Technology to Ensure Vaccination Safety"

  The author | John Joe | Duty Editor | Hemp Sauce

  Editor | He Mengfei | Editor | Zheng Yuanmei


This article first appeared on WeChat WeChat official account: Wu Xiaobo Channel. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent’s position. Investors should operate accordingly, at their own risk.

(Editor: Ji Liya HN003)

China brand sails overseas smartphone market.

  Recently, the latest report released by Canalys, an international market research organization, shows that in 2023, the global smartphone shipments were 1.14 billion units, and China’s Xiaomi, OPPO and Voice were among the top five brands. In terms of sub-regions, China’s mobile phone brands have a high market share in India, Southeast Asia and Africa. In Europe, China’s smartphone brands are also accelerating their layout. With the development and maturity of smart phone industry in China, more and more China brands have gone overseas and gained consumer recognition.

  Seek business growth in overseas markets

  "China mobile phone manufacturers are becoming more and more innovative." According to the website of the German newspaper Le Monde, at the recent Mobile World Congress, the glory Magic6 Pro mobile phone uses artificial intelligence technology, and some functions can be controlled by eyes. Previously, Glory launched Magic V2, a foldable smart phone, with a thickness of only 9.9 mm, which is equivalent to that of ordinary mobile phones, which is the first time in the field of foldable smart phones.

  In recent years, with the development and maturity of China’s smart phone industry, China has become the world’s largest producer and exporter of mobile phones with the help of the wave of the global mobile Internet era. According to the statistics of China General Administration of Customs, in 2023, China exported 13.92 trillion yuan of mechanical and electrical products, accounting for 58.6% of the total export value. In the first two months of 2024, China exported 2.22 trillion yuan of mechanical and electrical products, up 11.8% year-on-year, accounting for 59.1% of the total export value, including 123.745 million mobile phones.

  According to the statistics of many international market research institutions, by the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, global smartphone sales had been declining for several consecutive quarters, showing a recovery trend. The total smartphone shipments in China market also stopped falling and rebounded in the fourth quarter of 2023.

  "In the bustling shopping area of downtown Nairobi, billboards of China mobile phone brands such as TECNO, itel and Infinix can be seen everywhere, and blue, red and black and white storefront signs attract customers. These mobile phone brands are all produced by Voice. This Shenzhen-based company once sold mobile phones only in Africa, and then gradually expanded its business to other markets such as Latin America, India, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. " The South China Morning Post quoted Ali Sachu, a sub-Saharan geo-economic analyst, as saying: China mobile phone brands are "everywhere in the whole African continent".

  According to a report quoted by Sputnik, in 2023, China brand smartphones accounted for 79% of Russian imported smartphones, which was 4 percentage points higher than that in 2022 and 29 percentage points higher than that in 2021.

  Liu Yixuan, research manager of Canalys, analyzed that at present, overseas markets, especially emerging markets, are an important breakthrough for China smart phone brands to seek business growth, and different mobile phone brands also have their own development areas. Xiaomi has made full efforts in markets such as Middle East, Africa, Europe and Latin America. The overseas markets of OPPO and vivo are mainly in the Asia-Pacific region, and the overseas focus of glory is in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Seeking business growth in overseas markets is a strategic choice for many China mobile phone brands.

  From "Winning by Price" to "Excellent Quality and Price"

  Why do China smart phone brands sail in overseas markets? The technological innovation, industrial chain layout, product positioning and marketing strategy of China smart phone brand have attracted attention in the global mobile phone market. Alceni Thiam, an associate researcher at the European Institute for Outlook and Security, said that China’s products have been "winning by price" in the past to "excellent in quality and price" now, and they have advantages in research and development in smart phones, electric vehicles and other fields. China’s products are being favored by more and more countries.

  Bai Ming, a member of the Academic Degree Committee of the Ministry of Commerce, said in an interview with this reporter that at present, China’s smart phones have occupied an important position in the international market and have strong market competitiveness in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa. The advantages of smart phones in China are as follows: First, the cost performance is high, and the functional design meets the local needs of overseas markets; Second, China has infrastructure cooperation with many countries in the field of communication, which facilitates the matching of smart phones and communication technologies; Third, China’s domestic smart phone industry is mature, with many sub-categories, complete industrial chain and high product update frequency. After full competition in the domestic market, the products have strong "hard power" when participating in overseas market competition.

  Taking HONOR as an example, Canalys and Counterpoint data show that in the fourth quarter of 2023, it returned to overseas markets for less than two years, and its sales volume in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and other regions has ranked among the top five in the market, and a global sales service network covering more than 70 countries and regions has been established. Zhao Ming, CEO of Glory Terminal Co., Ltd., said in an interview with this reporter that Glory has maintained a rapid growth trend in the context of the global smartphone market decline, thanks to Glory’s insistence on high-quality development, targeting user needs, strengthening global industrial chain cooperation, and transforming technological innovation into products needed by the market. In addition, glory focuses on adapting to local conditions in different regional markets, providing product portfolios that match the needs of local users, and strengthening communication and cooperation with local partners to better enhance the user experience.

  Advance into the developed market with "hard power"

  According to the trend data of smartphone price segment share in China from 2019 to 2023 recently released by IDC, an international market research institute, the high-end market share of China brands above $600 has been growing continuously for five years, reaching 27.4% in 2023, an increase of 3.7 percentage points over 2022, and a full double of that in 2019.

  According to Canalys data, in the recent fourth quarter of 2023, Apple’s share in the European smartphone market reached 33%, surpassing Samsung for the first time in seven quarters. Among the mobile phone brands in China, Xiaomi’s market share in Europe dropped from 17% to 16%, and Glory’s market share increased from 1% to 3%. At present, entering the developed markets has become a strategic choice for some smart phone brands in China.

  "2023, as a year of vigorous development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, brings a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and also brings new opportunities and challenges to the global smart terminal market. The European mobile phone market is a representative mature market in the world, with a relatively high proportion of high-end users and large operators, and a high demand for innovative products and high-end brands. " Zhao Ming said that Glory regards Europe as the "second local market" and hopes to enter the European market with "hard power" such as innovative technology and high-end products. For example, glory has invested as much as 10 billion yuan in research and development in the AI field, obtained more than 2,000 AI-related patents, and used platform-level AI technology to promote the application of innovative technologies such as cross-device collaboration and next-generation intention recognition human-computer interaction in smart phones.

  According to a recent report on the German newspaper Le Monde, it was not easy to buy a non-Apple brand smartphone in Germany a few months ago because there were not many choices. Previously, due to patent disputes, many Android mobile phone brands disappeared from the shelves of European countries. At the beginning of this year, related companies shelved patent disputes. China mobile phone manufacturers, including OPPO, Yijia, vivo and Realme, may try new things in Germany soon. As these brands re-enter the German market, the mobile phone brands that can be selected in the future should be more diversified.

  "With the emergence of more and more application scenarios and requirements and the development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the iterative update of China smartphones in terms of functions and technologies is worth looking forward to." Bai Ming believes that at present, China is still facing a bottleneck in the field of high-end smart phone chips, and it is urgent to continue to promote technological breakthroughs. In addition, in the markets of developed countries in Europe and America, China’s smartphones still face certain development bottlenecks and policy risks, and it is still necessary to speed up localization, strengthen cooperation with local industries, and build a diversified supply chain system.

"Print+Music" Suzhou people’s nightlife has a new way to open.

  Zhongxin. com, Jiangsu News, December 30 (Zhou Jianlin) On the evening of the 29 th, Suzhou Art Museum was full of youthful atmosphere. When the lights gradually dim, musicians slowly step onto the stage and pluck the strings, and an encounter between printmaking and music opens a beautiful journey.

The concert scene. Zhang Jian photo
The concert scene. Zhang Jian photo

  Recently, the first China Youth Printmaking Biennale is on display in Suzhou Art Museum. More than 230 prints with different styles and different themes fully reflect the diversity and diversity of contemporary youth printmaking art and their enthusiasm and pursuit of artistic creation. In the night, printmaking has become a dazzling stage background for the concert.

  This "Parallel Universe-Classical Chamber Music and Jazz Cross-border Fusion Concert" was specially invited by composer and jazz guitarist Xu Zhihan, jazz pianist and composer, and percussion player Rong Chenchu played in the daytime. This is a young jazz group active on the world stage.

The concert scene. Zhang Jian photo
The concert scene. Zhang Jian photo

  A song "Into To Rivers" brings people peace and reverie. With the progress of the concert, songs such as "Last day All Day", "Journey of Blessing" and "Dust" are constantly touching everyone’s heartstrings.

  "China ancient prints have a long history and reached its peak in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Regardless of printmaking or music, art is often connected. With the changes of the times, art will change from one style to multiple elements, thus making cross-border creation. " Xu Zhihan said that the print works on the spot also added a lot of inspiration to their creation.

  Yuan Xin, who listened to the concert in the art museum for the second time, is a "post-90 s", and Suzhou Art Museum has become her new punching place. "Whether it’s music or painting, it’s all about expressing young people’s truest self-feelings in the present life. It can resonate and cause the greatest interaction. " Yuan Xinxiao said that musical resonance is a new standard for young people to choose a spouse.

  "Art has no boundaries. The Voice-over Series of Philharmonic is an attempt to cross-border and integrate art in Suzhou Art Museum this year. This year, different kinds of concerts such as folk music and western music have been planned one after another." Yang Yi, deputy director of Suzhou Public Cultural Center and deputy director of Suzhou Art Museum, said that it is expected that more and more visitors will enter the art museum to watch art exhibitions and experience concerts, and feel the beautiful life in Suzhou, which will become a new way for them to open up Suzhou nightlife. (End)